Author's Notes: Heyo!!! This is the last installment of this story! Thank you to all who have supported this fic in a good way lolol! Please keep supporting me and my other fanfictions I'll be uploading! This is a Thanksgiving treat so hope you all enjoy it! As well, please don't forget to read my notes at the end of this epilogue!



After those two months of vacation that Oak gave to his beloved dex holders, they were back to work. Well, you could say "work" if you were Crystal or Green but the rest just had their schedules full. Red was back on the road getting better by training with Bruno or even times helping out Green at the gym. Green was busy with so much gym challenges even if he could just leave the gym and play his hologram for incoming trainers. As for Yellow and Red, ever since that kiss, it has become even more awkward for them to be near each other.

Then we move to Blue who was back at the Sevii Islands with her parents and at times challenging other trainers for her own experience. Gold was back home at Johto with his mom though now he was busier than ever with the piled up chores his mom left him to do. Silver was busy condoning for his father's crimes as the boss of Team Rocket. Ruby and Sapphire went back to Hoenn to help out Professor Birch and train under Wallace and Winona while Emerald became extra help for Crystal when she needed it.

So, all's well that ends well right? No? Oh yes, we shouldn't forget what ever happened during those two months of vacation especially when Professor Samuel Oak got tired of Green and Blue's bickering he had to lock them in a room together. In the process of it, they learned how to get along really, really well.

At the end of their vacation months, Green and Blue's relationship ended up in an open relationship. Many reasons would follow why they chose it that way because for one, they barely had time to see each other because of their schedules. Another is that they don't want to break up seeing that the two do really like each other but they both felt the need to see other people just for the time being.

Of course it didn't mean that they wouldn't feel envy whenever they saw their significant other with another significant other. They would usually try to make the other jealous or try a very elaborate but bound to fail plan to get them to break up with that significant other. In the process of this plan they would somehow drag in the other dex trainers to make it much more complicated than it has to be. By the end though, they would break up with that other person and make out for twenty to thirty minutes, disgusting the poor dex holders.


"Blue…" Green took a hold of Blue's wrist, "We… we need to talk." He spoke in a very serious tone while his gaze stayed fixated on her.

Blue immediately recognized that tone in his voice. She recognized that tone anywhere. It meant… a break-up would happen. All she did was go on a simple date with Falkner of Violet City. He was a pretty decent guy right? The brunette looked around then gave out a smile, "Alright then. Let's talk now." She nodded.

"I meant in privacy." Green pointed out with a sigh added in. It wasn't long until they reached his room in his house of Pallet. Once he closed the door behind him, he led Blue to sit on his bed while he leaned against the wall and stared at her in silence.

A few minutes of awkward silence passed before Blue broke it, "Why so silent? This is driving me insane!" She exclaimed, "What is it that you need to talk to me about that is so serious?" She knew the answer, though she didn't want to believe it.

"Our relationship." Green simply answered her.


"I'd like to take you out tonight if you don't mind."

"What?" Blue asked, expecting him to say something more serious than just an invitation to go out with her boyfriend.

"Didn't you hear me?" Green questioned her.

"Yeah, yeah I did but…" Blue paused, "I thought you were going to talk about something more…"

"Serious?" Green looked to see the reaction on her face. Blue looked a bit surprised though expecting, "Yes… it is serious too." He answered.

Blue wore a confused look, "If it's something serious about our relationship then why did you start out with a question like asking me out for tonight?" She asked him.

Green drew in a breath then released it, "I'm asking you out now because… I really miss you. When we decided to make our relationship an open one, it gave me a chance to see if there was another girl that could be as good as you. I shouldn't have done that." He explained.

"So you miss me? How flattering." Blue grinned up at him before she started off with her explanation, "Same here though none of the guys I've gone out with are as good enough as you are. At least you are an experienced kisser than they are." She giggled at Green's flustered look.

"I don't know what I see in you sometimes…" Green muttered, making Blue pout, "Though I have to say this to you: Blue, I don't want to keep our relationship in an open status. I want to make it exclusive. There are many reasons as to why I'd like it between us." He explained.

"Because our jealousy has driven us to madness on several occasions and the fact that we use our friends in our plans to break one of us up?" Blue grinned cockily.

"Right." Green chuckled then sat next to her, "Shall we keep it closed off?" He asked her as his arm slid around her waist, bringing her body close to his.

Blue giggled, "Yes." She brought her forehead to his, "It may sound selfish but I'd love to keep you all to myself." She gave a quick peck on his lips.

"Pesky girl…" Green muttered though it had always been a pet name to Blue when he first coined the nickname to her. The two walked out of the room, making sure that it wasn't locked as to not re-experience that time that brought the two young teenagers together in the first place.

Author's Notes:

I'd seriously love to thank all those reviewers who have been supportive and loyal in my story of this fanfic! Thank you for all my reviewers I'm sorry that I can't list all of you because it'll be a VERY long list and yeah...

Anyways, keep looking out for my other story which I hope will come out soon which is called Welcome To the Academy featuring the Dex holders in an alternative universe where they go to school as regular people and such, going through what teenagers call "high school drama" and what teachers call "humor" or parents call "a phase."

Remember to keep reviewing of my other stories and thank you for reviewing Trapped With a Pesky Girl!

~ Laterz :3 333333

Miumigirl Out!