Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Star Ocean, their Square Enix's problems.

A/N: Hey peoples, uhh this is my first ever fan fic so be harsh..please. So without further ado, I present to you...

Prologue: Aftermath

About a week after Luther, the Creator's destruction…Oct. 5th, SD 772

….On board the Diplo; the huge Quark Flagship. It was currently cruising through the Klaus System. The low hum of the sublight engines carried it delicately through space.

In the Captain's quarters, on the Diplo, two blue-haired youths about 19 years old sat in silence on board the ship. The cool metallic walls were still and there was no noise in the cabin except one of the teens as the female hastily worked.

The female had silky cerulean-blue hair. It lay at her shoulders, as her Azure eyes examined the screen. She had a beautiful face with smooth skin with no wrinkles; she had an almost flawless face. She wore a Quark suit with high collars and long sleeves. The suit was armored at the abdominals. She had a small waist where a half skirt hung delicately.

The blue-haired male who wore a simple vest and blue leg armors examined her friend with his green eyes. He watched as she worked intently and he let out a short sigh. "She's overdoing it again..." he thought, as he scratched his head.

"Maria…" the boy said.

"Yes Fayt?" she asked without even turning to glance at him. She plowed on through her precious work.

Fayt was silent for a moment. Then he replied, "You're overdoing it again!" he exclaimed impatiently. "Besides they expect you on the bridge and…" he stopped right there. He wanted to say that he really worried about her sometimes, but he considered it. "...and Mirage said there was something important she needed to tell you!" he finished.

Maria shut off the computer screen and stood up. "Fine, you win," she said.

Fayt suddenly had a big grin on his face, "Race 'ya?" he asked. Before he finished his sentence he was already out the door.

"Grrr, Fayt come back here!!" she yelled, bolting out the door. "I'm gonna kill you!!" she teased playfully.

"You gotta catch me to kill me!!" Fayt yelled back. He reached the bridge door and watched as Maria stormed down the hall. "Haha I win," he teased and gave her a big smile.

"Fayt's smile is so warm…" she thought. "Jerk!" she yelled as she playfully punched him on the arm.

"Oww!! Oh now it's on!!" he yelled as they began playfully fighting. Maria laughed and giggled as Fayt tickled her.

"Hey you two get a room!" a booming voice said from behind them.

The two stopped immediately and looked up to see a big muscular blonde man. He was twice as broad as any Earthling. His athletic physique was accentuated by his black combat vest, hugging his muscles.

"Aww sh-shut up Cliff!!" Fayt yelled as he quickly let go of Maria

Maria just grew red in the face and quickly stood up.

"No point in getting defensive, I was just kidding!!" Cliff jeered as he scratched his head.

The three regained composure and opened the bridge door. The door slid open with a cool hiss.

"Captain on the bridge!" Maria exclaimed. She looked around at the crew who saluted her. "Mirage, location report?" she commanded. She didn't turn around to look at her and situated herself in the Captain's chair. "Maybe Cliff was right…this chair needs some major comfort adjustment," she thought.

"We are currently cruising through the Klaus system at 10 AUs on our sublight engines. We are en-route to Federation Station #5 aka Moonbase. ETA 18:00 hours Earth Time," the Klausian female replied.

"Any information regarding the Federation in the aftermath of the Proclaimer attack?" Maria asked examining some data that Mirage just gave her.

"It seems the Luther incident has left the Aldians, Vendeeni, and Pangalactic Federation in shambles," Mirage said.

"I hope our meeting with the New Federation President will clear things up," Maria said, worried.

"Are you sure you want to walk into the Federation's hands?" Cliff asked.

"No, but seeing as Quark will soon cease to exist, they have no reason to shoot us-on sight," she replied unconvincingly.

Cliff shrugged and pondered over Quark's disbandment. He thought it made sense though. Worlds loyal to Quark would only be influenced in their decisions due to their loyalties to Quark. Like Maria said, everyone will follow their own path now.

"Mirage you have the bridge, I'm just gonna get some food. Marietta increase our speed to 1600 AUs and power up the Gravitic Warp Engine. I want us 50,000 km from the Moonbase, just in case it is a trap," she commanded, nonchalantly.

"Yes m'am!" Marietta replied.

"Maria, can I join you?" Fayt asked.

"Of course," Maria replied smiling.

Fayt couldn't help smiling back.

Cliff watched the two as they walked off the bridge. "Huh they'd look good together as a couple, ahh whatever," he thought. "Maybe I'll go bug Mirage…hehehe," he smiled with a mischievous grin and walked toward his female Klausian counterpart.

Maria examined the sandwich she got as she ate it. She sighed, "Ughh I hate bologna," she said.

"Why'd you get it then?" Fayt asked.

"Well I don't like turkey more," she replied.

"Oh.." he said as he sipped his soda looking out of the mess hall's window port. He gazed out into deep space.

Maria glanced at her companion and immediately knew what he was thinking.

After they dropped the Elicoorians off at Elicoor II, they dropped off Peppita and Sophia at the Moonbase. It was a place for refugees to be reunited with their families. Peppita quickly found the Rosetti Troupe ad said her goodbyes. When Sophia and Fayt were re-united with their respective mothers and fathers, Sophia had a fit.

About 4 days ago…..

Maria, Cliff and Mirage were about to say goodbye to Fayt and Sophia, when Fayt asked if he could stay with them a little longer.

"Well kid I guess this is it, take care of him for me will 'ya Sophia?" Cliff asked.

"I will," she replied in her tiny voice which dwarfed in comparison to Cliff's deep voice.

"Well Fayt, Sophia, keep safe," Mirage said in her usual emotion-less tone.

"Sophia, it's been wonderful meeting you," Maria said hugging her friend.

"You too Maria, keep in touch all right?" she replied hugging Maria tighter.

Fayt was only silent not saying a word or anything to acknowledge their sincere goodbyes.

"So Fayt…I..er…we…being the crew, Mirage, and Cliff…I- we're gonna miss you," Maria stammered. She was blushing and was at a loss why she was acting so flustered. Cliff merely chuckled next to her.

"I've never seen her as distraught as this around a person ever since she was 12," Cliff thought.

"Umm thanks everyone, I'll miss you too, but why would I miss people…that I'll be spending the next endless hours in space with?" Fayt grinned.

"W-what? Fayt what about seeing your mother and m…me…." Sophia mumbled.

Fayt merely ignored her," So Maria? Guys? Can I?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course you can kid, Captain?" Cliff asked.

"Uh..yeah…your er…prescence will be uhh most welcome," Maria stammered. "I wasn't expecting this…" she thought

"Great!" he said as he picked up the bags he just placed on the floor.

"Fayt…what about me…us?" Sophia asked.

"What are you talking about? We'll always be friends.ALWAYS," he said smiling at her, as he moved to hug her she pulled away.

"Friends? Is that all I am to you? Because Fayt Leingod…y-you're EVERYTHING to me…I...I love you!!" she cried and kissed him. Fayt got caught up in the moment and didn't pull away, but pushed her away.

Maria looked on and felt an animal roar inside her, she tightened her fist and looked at Sophia savagely.

"Get away from Fayt you harpy!!" it roared at Sophia. A tidal wave of emotions raged on in her heart as she watched what would happen. She held her breath as she listened to Fayt's next words.

"Sophia I...I…" Fayt stammered, confused and puzzled. His face was contorted in confusion and panic.

"This is better than cable," Cliff whispered to Mirage.

"Fayt…do you love me back?" Sophia asked, timidly. Her face was emotionless, but then contorted into rage and pain as she heard Fayt's next words.

"I…I…I d-," Sophia cut him off.

"Forget it, you obviously don't know what you want, see you around," she spun around and turned to run.

Maria on the other hand exhaled. The monster within her purred with content. " W-what came over me…was I being jealous over…no of course not, I was just worried about him…" she thought.

Sophia's words cut Fayt deep, and he was deep in a sea of confusion.

"Sophia, you're being irrational," Maria cut in. "WHY THE HELL DID I SAY THAT!!" Maria thought, embarrassed.

Sophia turned around, her face twisted in anger. "Maria…what the hell do you know? You have never been in love, you don't feel either, just because you lost your parents doesn't mean you have the right to be an emotionless freak!!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Sophia!" Fayt yelled. As he did she was already running, just another person within the Moonbase. Fayt looked at Maria who looked like she just got slapped. He saw

A tear escape her but she wiped it away. She said that the Diplo was ready for launch.

So that's it, then Fayt shut himself in his cabin in the Diplo for 2 days. He didn't let anyone in and everyone respected him.

Finally, Maria pleaded with him to let her in. He did, and Maria saw him crying. He quickly wiped his face dry to face her.

…Back in the Diplo's Mess Hall.

"Fayt you okay?" Maria asked concerned.

"Hmm? Yeah fine," he relpied. He slowly rose his head and gave her a big grin.

She only smiled and couldn't help but to blush. "She loved his smile..so warm and comforting and…wait…am I…NO don't be silly. He is still confused about Sophia and he really isn't my…ughhh…now I'm the one confused," She thought.

….Back on the Diplo's Bridge

"Psst…hey Mirage!" Cliff whispered playfully.

"What is it Cliff?" she asked impatiently. She furiously typed away at her computer monitor. Truth be told it looked like some very complicated data. Just a bunch of 0s and 1s to Cliff.

"Have you noticed Maria and Fayt getting along…like REALLY well as of late?" Cliff asked with a very mischievous grin on his face.

Mirage was only silent for a moment. She closed her eyes to think then said, "What are you thinking 'ya big lummox?" Mirage asked, opening her eyes and continuing her work.

"I think you know exactly what I'm thinking," Cliff.

Mirage considered it for a moment, then her eyes widened in realization. "The Federation Negotiations?" she asked.

"Yep, let's flip a coin, heads we go with them, but if it lands on tails we don't…" Cliff replied.

"I'm not sure, it's not safe…" Mirage replied, concerned.

"Come on, they'll be safe with the 'Feddies' and I have a hunch it'll all work out correctly," he said boldly.

"Great a hunch, but ok I'm interested in what will happen," Mirage replied indifferently.

Cliff searched the dashboard for a coin and found one. It was an old rusty copper coin, but it would do. He flipped it and watched as the coin slowly moved in the air. When it landed there was a resounding 'ding' as it hit the floor.

Cliff looked at it and merely chuckled, "This is gonna be fun…." he said.

"Oh dear…." Mirage said, sighing.

Final Notes: So umm yeah thats the beginning of it. I honestly wrote this because there need to be more Maria and Fayt stories out there. I'm like setting out on a journey or something. lol.