Halloween Camp

HI THERE!! I'm happy to present you my fourth Sasuhina! I had this story as a dream but it was not about Hinata or Sasuke but I forgot what it was about so I decided to make it a Sasuhina….. This story might be slight Narusaku but I'm still not sure….

Hope you ENJOY this story….



Hinata Hyuga, the shyest girl in the school. She has eyes bright as snow and has medium long raven hair. She finally is a senior but this is her first year in this school. She doesn't know what they do in this school when it comes to seniors but she heard that seniors rule the school.

Even though she's new at this school, she was born in this town. Since she was born, her parents have traveled a lot to different places. So she never really made a best friend or friends.

For every senior, she's was an outcast. They never talked to her and they never even looked at her. Since she was shy, she never really tried to make friends but one day two girls; one blond and one pink haired, went up to her and ask her to play with them. Since then, Hinata made friend with Sakura; the pink haired that can be nice but it seems that she has an inner self, Ino; the blond and the prettier but always seems to be fighting with Sakura, Tenten; a tom boy with brown hair in two buns, Naruto; Hinata's secret crush and a hyper blond guy that has a split-personality, Kiba; a blown shaggy haired guy that can smell like a dog and even carries a dog in his head or sometimes in his chest, and Shino; a raven haired guy with glasses that is really obsess over bugs and he always seems to be collecting new bugs everyday.

But things went wrong for Hinata…. she has to leave soon. She really doesn't want to because it's her first month in high school and she doesn't want to loose all of the friends she made…. especially Naruto.

"Hinata…. October is coming up…. Are you going to go to the upcoming field trip!?" Sakura and Ino ask super excited. Hinata really didn't know about the upcoming field trip but she has to tell them her news soon.

"I-I can't…" She responded and looked at the floor, "I'm about to leave soon…." She later added.

"WHAT!?" both of the girls responded, "What do you mean?"

"My parents are going to travel soon and I have to go with them…." She wanted to let a tear escape but she couldn't.

"But you're about to be eighteen…. Tell them you want to stay…." Both of the girls definitely didn't want Hinata to leave since she had become one of their great friends like Tenten.

"I have to go with them…. I have to do something important…."

"Please…. Don't go Hinata!" Sakura said and grab Hinata by the shoulders.

"Yeah… don't go…" Ino later said and grab Sakura's left shoulder but looked at Hinata sad.

Hinata didn't know what to do. She really doesn't want to loose her friends but she has to go. She has to leave with her mom and dad and stay with them. She knows that if she separates from them she might not have much time with them because sooner or later she might loose them. Nobody is immortal.

"Why do you have to leave anyways!?" Ino suddenly ask as she interrupted Hinata's thoughts.

"I have to see my cousin… since I haven't seen him for years…" She suddenly responded. Hinata did have a cousin whose name is Neji. He has the same eyes white as snow like Hinata. Hinata really is going to go see him but she didn't want to say that she wanted to stay with her parents until they die.

"Cousin? Guy or girl?" Sakura then ask. She kind of didn't believe that that was the reason but she didn't say anything.

"He's a guy… his name is Neji…" Hinata then responded with a small smile, she was trying to hide her sadness.

"Nice name… I'll like to meet him…" Ino instantly said and then sigh as she looked down and turn to Sakura.

"I feel bad though… I'm really going to miss Hinata…"

"Yeah me too…" Sakura then respond and went to hug Hinata.

Hinata wanted to cry but she holds it because she really doesn't want to get sentimental. She wanted to leave right away because she hates sentimental goodbyes.

Then Ino went to hug Hinata and Hinata let out a tear that she couldn't hold in and that's when she let go off Ino and left then running.

Sakura and Ino just look at Hinata confuse. What's wrong with her!? Sakura thought.

What a wrong chick!? Ino thought and turn to Sakura.

"Let's go with the others and let's tell them the news!" Ino told Sakura.

"Okay…" Sakura responded and then they went the opposite way from were Hinata left them running.

Author's Note

Okay… so this is the first chap…. I had a lot of problems writing this story because I felt forced but not anymore…. I'm really enjoying writing this story… so I hope you too enjoyed this….

Please Review and JA NE!! And look forward to the next chapter of Halloween Camp titled 'Goodbye'!!