A/N: Everyone alive? Good! This'll be the last chapter for about two weeks. I'm just tying up loose ends here. Oh my gosh! 96 reviews, 20,212 hits, 38 C2s, 68 Favs, and 152 Alerts! My baby story is... is... popular! :bursts into tears: My story feels loved.
Brownie points to FoxySpirit, Hiroshima Namikaze, RasalynnLynx, Chite, Inumaru 12, rose-of-alabaster, yuroshima, Firehedgehog, ginny75, kitluv87, panther-73110 for leaving a review. Cookies to FoxySpirit and kitluv87 for guessing Mark's House!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Naruto, and it makes my heart bleed. Look. Blood.
Yamato stepped up to the teller.
"Excuse me, we were recommended to see Seal Master Argon by Mr. Ollivander."
The goblin looked up and glared at him for a long moment.
"One moment."
As he left, Kiba muttered, "Nice creature. Oi, Naruto! Snap out of it!"
"Gomen. It's a lot to take in."
Ten minutes of people watching later, the goblin returned with a friend.
"Follow me," Argon said.
The eight of them trekked through the winding corridors of Gringotts to a large chamber. Argon turned to the ninja group.
"Whose magic has been bound?"
Naruto stepped up.
"Do you know why or by whom?"
"Iie… That is, no."
Argon grunted and began casting diagnostic spells. No intelligence blocks… No Light Magic… No Dark Magic… No Blood Magic… Oh, not again!
/Alert Griphook. Redraw the seal from Mr. Potter's ceremony!/
Goblins scurried around, and everybody except Naruto watched in fascination. Argon guided him to the center.
"This will hurt," he warned, as the blond took his place at the center of the room.
/Son of Magic, Son of Chakra,
Prophesied child of Destiny,
Marked by the God of Death,
Break the bonds placed upon you,
Reveal you true self!/
Naruto threw back his head and screamed. Dear Kami, it hurt. He'd never felt pain like this before, not with Orochimaru's seal, not when Sasuke had shoved a Chidori through his chest, not even when he was working with the Rasenshuriken. It was as if every part of him was on fire, burning and scorching until there was nothing left.
The shinobi tried to move, but found themselves frozen in place. Cagnor, who had helped create the seal again, warned them, "It's too dangerous for you to move now."
"What the Hell are you doing to him, shitstain!" Anko snarled.
They listened to the blond's tortured screams until a pulse of energy emanated from him, destroying the seal. Just as before, the boy in the center was on his knees, panting, his robes in tatters. Suddenly, every goblin found a black dagger at their throats. Anko had Argon by the throat.
"Ne, Anko-chan, minna, leave the goblins alone. I'm okay."
Naruto looked barely conscious, silver, blue, and red mist wafting off his body. He looked down at his clothes.
"Aww man! Now I need new clothes!"
"Naruto-baka! How can you think of clothes right now!"
"Che. Dobe, you were screaming in agony for Kami knows how long, and now you're worried about clothes?" Kiba scowled.
"Well, you would be, too, if you – hey, why isn't the seal disappearing?"
"A side effect," Argon rasped after Anko dropped him.
"Jeesh… So how much is this gonna cost?"
"40 galleons, or 4000 ryo."
Naruto refused to allow the others to pitch in, and paid it out of the money he would have used for emergency food and weapons. The goblins, all to eager to be rid of them, ushered them out of the room, barely giving him time to put on a new set of pants. He was just pulling his T-shirt over his head when he walked into the foyer – and right into someone else.
"Sorry!" both people said at the same time, and then they burst out laughing.
"Hey, Harry."
"Hey, Naruto."
They set about gathering Harry and Mark's supplies, exchanging pleasantries. Subconsciously, they were avoiding skin contact.
"I see you wore the T-shirt. It's a good fit."
"Yeah? Thanks! You here to make a withdrawal?"
"Nah, just some family business. Mark! Grab the cat food! I'll see you later, yeah?"
Harry shook his head as the watched the blond dart through the crowds. He approached the teller.
"May I please speak to Griphook?"
The goblin blinked. Oh, right. The was the young Potter and his unnerving politeness. Nice to know there was a wizard out there who knew how to respect others. Acting magnanimous like Dumbledore didn't count.
"One moment, please. Griphook! You client is here!"
Griphook appeared from behind several stacks of parchment.
"Ah! Lo – Harry! How may I be of service?"
"I'd like to claim guardianship of Mark here."
"I see. Follow me, please."
The three of them moved to a small office. Griphook pulled out several papers.
"You'll need to fill these out. Sign here, here, and here."
While they were filling out the required information – "Hey, Mark, your middle name's Daniel, right?" – the goblin pulled out a grey tablet with several glowing runes etched into it. When Harry and Mark finished signing, he motioned for them to put their hands on the tablet.
"This tablet will make the guardianship official by tying a bit of your magic. Don't worry; it won't affect your core in any way."
There was a flash of light, and Harry Potter was officially the guardian of Mark Evans.
"That's it? Seriously?"
"Well, I might have bypassed several steps on inspecting your finances and stability thanks to some loopholes in the CMAC. By the way, have you considered naming an Heir?"
"Come again?"
"An Heir. Someone to leave you money to in the event of your death. You could even name an Heir Presumptive until you have a child."
"Er… Hey, Mark! You want ridiculous amounts of money and political power if I die?"
"I'm considering naming you my Heir until I have kids."
"Wha – but – I – you – know – huh?"
Harry bit his lip to keep from laughing. The poor kid was so flustered.
"Um… yes?"
"Lovely! Merlin, I sound like Lockhart. Ugh, bad thoughts. So, what do we have to do, Griphook?"
The goblin raised an amused eyebrow. If he thought Harry's actions were impulsive, he didn't say anything.
"Tap your wand and say that you name him Heir Presumptive."
Taking out his birch wand, Harry said, "I, Harry James Potter-Black, name Mark Daniel Evans Heir Presumptive."
There was another flash of light.
"Was that it?"
"Yeah, Griphook, did you find more loopholes?"
Griphhok was looking through his papers very intently.
"Oh, before I forget! Is there any way to check for dormant magical blood in Mark?"
"Yes, actually. If you could place a few drops of blood on the tablet…"
Harry pricked Mark's finger with the dagger that Griphook handed him, and they waited. After a good deal of buzzing and humming, a name appeared on the tablet: Sheridan.
"Ah, the Sheridan family. They died out quite some time ago, I believe. There's not much to their name save some money you can access upon your majority. It's not a lot, but you should be able to live comfortably for a year after you finish school."
"That's good," Harry replied, since Mark had gone into shock again.
Patting his ward on the shoulder, Harry bowed to Griphook. Mark copied him absently.
"Thank you, Griphook. Come on, kid. We've got to pick up our robes and get my trunk."
"Ah, welcome back! I trust the goblins were accommodating?"
"Er… yes."
"Well, let's get you measured, then."
Ollivander hummed as Naruto watched the tape measure flit across his body. He had a feeling it was just a distraction while the wandmaker searched through his shop. A few minutes later, Ollivander handed him a wand.
"This should do it. Alder, ten-and-a-half inches with a phoenix feather taken at burning day."
Naruto felt warm and tingly as he waved his wand. There was a soft glow and his hair fluttered. A feeling passed over them, like killing intent, except… happy. The wandmaker looked positively ecstatic.
"Wonderful! That is a strong wand, good for both offensive and defensive magic. That will be 7 galleons."
The shinobi paid and left, but not before catching the old man's parting words.
"A good wand for a good leader."
A/N: Wow, that was long shopping trip. Just as a note, the Sheridan family will probably never be mentioned again. I just put it in as a safety net for Mark. Brownie points for a review! Cookie if you can explain Naruto's wand to me.