Ohaiyo Everyone! Was that right? This is my first Naruto Fanfic! Yippeeee!! This story is about...well, you'll see! Please read! It get's better as the chapters go on! I promise! an please Review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto sadly..but I do own Kameko!



Kameko Arakawa

Kameko was walking home from the ninja academy. Today was the day she was tested to become a shinobi. She passed with flying colors. Making a clone of yourself wasn't exactly rocket science. She thought that they made the test too easy, anyone can pass. She sighed and looked up at the sky.

The moon was sparkling like a diamond, it was breathtakingly beautiful. The stars shimmered in the background, casing Kameko to smile. There was no noise either, other than a few crickets chirping. Kameko loved the night. Not only was it a pretty sight but it was also peaceful and quiet.

A light breeze blew by and her long, black, blue streaked hair gently flew back. Her bangs that covered her eyes revealed her beautiful onyx eyes. Kameko was a very pretty girl. In Konoha's ninja school she had quite a fan club. Just as big her arch-rival Uchiha's.

Oh how she despised him. They were enemies.The two were alike in many ways and also very different. Some even said that she could be a girl version of him. She was disgusted at that comment. If she hadn't been raised to be a well mannered lady, then she would have beaten them to a pulp.

Her clothes blended very well into the night. In fact, you could barely see her. Her shirt, which is black, was hugging her a little tightly so that when she jumped, her shirt wouldn't go up. On the back of her shirt was her clan's symbol. It sort of looked a like a wave in a circle. Her capris were dark blue and she had a small back on her left leg to hold some weapons. She also had a glove on her right hand which was black. Kameko was not emo. She just liked the colors black and blue. In fact, if you got to know her, you would see that she could be very friendly. But only if you were on her good side.

Kameko was finally home. She let out a sigh of relief. To anyone of the village, her home wasn't huge, but it wasn't very small either. It was the basic size for a family, but to Kameko, it was too big. She lived all alone.

Kameko walked in and took of her shoes.She walked to her room. It was simple, a bed, a dresser and a closet. She changed into her usual nightwear, a shirt and a pair of loose shorts. She like being comfortable and night. Then she sat on her bed and picked up a picture frame from her dresser.

"Mom, Dad, Guess what? I'm a ninja now, like you guys were." She said proudly while touching her shiny, new headband. "The test was so eay. I passed with flying colors! I bet you guys are so proud! Well, I have to sleep now. Love you guys and tell brother I said hi!" She kissed the picture of her parents ting it back down. And she then drifted to sleep.

"Mother!!" A young girl screamed. Reaching her hand to touch her mother.

"Run! And don't look back!"

The young girl wouldn't budge. She had already seen her father butchered because he was trying to protect her brother, but her brother was killed by the same man. She just couldn't lose her mother too. "No! I am not leaving you!"
A shadow appeared and charged towards the little girl. "Ahhhhhhh!" She crouched down trying to protect herself.

"No!" Her mother dashed to her. The young girl opened her eyes to see her mother hovering over her. She then felt a thick liquid dripping onto her. She stared at the thick, scarlet liquid that was now on her clothes, tracing it to her mother's wound.She looked at her mother in horror. She was stabbed, trying to save her. "Mother!!" She started to cry. Her mother having little life in her looked at her daughter and smiled. She raised her hand and lightly brushed her daughters hair.

"Be strong little one. You are meant to live. Now go hide. I will fight him and find you."

She then left obeying her mother's wishes. But she knew that she will never see her mother again. She took off. Looking back only once. Seeing her mother fighting the unknown man. Then she continued to run. Everywhere she looked homes were on fire. She also heared screams ad cries everywhere. Why? she thought. Why her parents? Why her brother? Why her clan?

The little girl kept running until she ran into a young man. It was him. The one who killed her family. She looked at him closely, she had seen him before...but where? The man was about to attack her when someone pushed her out of the way and yelledat her to run. She did, she ran away again, but this time with more haste.The little girl knew who saved her. It was her father's friend. No...not him too. She thought.

She kept running untill she collapsed. She was in front of the small gates that led to her clan's section of the village . She was facing the lake where right across was the Uchiha Compound. Then it hit her. The man...she thought. He was an Uchiha! She crawled into a bush and hid. Her discovery made her hate the Uchiha clan. Then she fell asleep. The pain and exaustion was too much for the little girl.

The next morning came and the young girl woke up in the bush. She quickly crawled out and ran to where she last saw her mother. She stopped and saw her mother's body. She kneeled down next to her mother and starte to cry. She couldn't help it. She quickly looked around to see that everyone was gone. Her whole clan was dead.

As she was sobbing a hand suddenly apeared on her shoulder. She didn't care if it was the killer, everyone she knew was gone. Why live? The stranger took her and dissapeared. They both then appeared in the Konoha hospital. She looked at the guy's face. It was a teacher at the ninja academy. Iruka.

A nurse came up to them and took them to a room. Iruka put her onto the bed. She closed her eyes, and turned around. She didn't want to see anyone. She just wanted to crawl into a ball and die.

Then another ninja appeared. Iruka looked over to the bed where she lay and thought she was asleep. He spoke to the other ninja to gain information on what happened.

"Is she the only one?"

"Yes. Is he the only one?" Who is he? She wondered as she was listening to their conversation.

"Yes. It's sad. Both clans were destroyed and only one of each clan survived. They are so young. Too young to experience something like this."

" Who is powerful enough to not only destroy the Uchiha clan but the other clan as well? Also why?"

"The young survivor boy, Sasuke is his name, he spoke rather quickly but he told me who and why...It was his brother Itachi. He said...that he did it to...test his stregth."

Iruka was shocked. To kill your own clan...to test your strength? That was terrible. The little girl moved and got up. She sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Iruka heard her move and walked towards her.

"Are you okay?" he asked noticing the blood that was on her clothes. "What's your name?" Although she went to the academy, Iruka wasn't her teacher.

The little girl nodded. Signifying that she was okay, at least physically. The little girl opened her mouth to state her name. "I'm...Kameko...Kameko Arakawa."

Kameko woke up sweaty. She had that dream of her past again. Why? Why did it keep haunting her? She got up and went to take a shower. She needed to calm down. After her shower she changed into her clothes, put on her Konoha headband and headed out the door.

Today all genin would be sorted into teams.She wondered who would be on her team. She hoped that Hinata-chan would be on her team. They were friends after all. She also liked that Hinata was always nice. But Kameko didn't really care who's team she was on. She got along with everyone great. She was always energetic but not over the top like Naruto. She had the keenest mind too. She was also the top student at the academy. Actually she was tied with Uchiha. Ugh. Forget about not caring who's team she was on. She didn't care who, as long as it wasn't him.


Okay! So what do you think? Sorry it was short! I promise I'll try to make it longer! And it gets better cause this is only the intro! If you want to see what Kameko looks like go to my page and there will be a link to see. It's really good! Please leave a Review! Flamies okay as long as it's about my grammar and spelling! If you review...I'll update faster!