Ok guys so before the story I would like to thank all my reviewers. I have a feeling this story will be a hit! And I am putting links that I think you guys would like to see for this this story and I'm putting them on my profile page. I own nothing. So I know its taking a while but atleast its up. Review more plz! Oh and all of you who are wondering when they will know its each other it will happen in due time. So I hope u enjoy the story. Oh and I had no idea how they spend the next month so I am skipping to tucker and jazz's wedding. Hope you guys like it!
In the past month danny and sam have gotten closer. He saved her and she wants to repay him. They became really close friends and they have put together a little surprise for jazz and tucker.
"so you got the stuff?" sam asked danny.
"you got it. So right after me and jazzes brother sister dance right?" danny replied.
"right. This is going to be good. I think she'll like it."
"I know me to."
"come on we need to get to the church."
"yea I need to wait for my boyfriend. You know danny you remind me of someone. An old friend."
"yea I need to go pick up my girlfriend. And you also remind me of an old friend." then danny's cell phone rang.
'hey babe. Do you mind if I meet you at the wedding?'
"no I don't mind val."
'great I'll see you there. Love you tons.'
"you to bye."
"who was that." sam asked.
"my girlfriend val. She'll meet me at the wedding"
"oh ok. Well heres elliot. I'll see you there."
At the church
"jazz are you ok?" sam asked her best friend who was looking at her with a knowing grin on her face.
"you love my brother don't you." sams jaw dropped and jazz grinned even bigger.
"your joking right? I don't love him. I'm dating elliot."
"what ever you say. Smanson."
"how did you know my pin name?" sam asked with a suspicious eye.
"oh so it is your pin name. well how's dfenton?" sams jaw dropped more.
"how do you know about him! Are you reading my e-mail?"
"no I'm reading my brother's."
"wait what? Your telling me danny fenton is dfenton?" she thought for a second. "oh my god how did I not realize it!"
"well your just as clueless as him. Which doesn't surprise me." jazz said with a chuckle.
"wow I got to talk to danny."
"well he is your escort." jazz said slyly.
"oh fudge! Your kidding right? Damn." then the two girls hear a ding. "well that's our pre-que. Lets get on out dresses."
After they got on their dresses they walked out and saw the danny standing there along with the bridesmaids, flower girl, and ring boy. When danny saw sam his jaw dropped. She was wearing burgundy full length strapless dress with a shirred midriff that tied at the back. He walked over to her and held out his hand.
"you look beautiful." he told her. She blushed and put her hand in his.
"thanks. You clean up pretty good yourself." danny smiled he kissed her hand. Then they all heard something from behind them.
"you ready jazzy pants?"
"yes daddy. I'm ready. And I'm excited."
"that's wonderful. So lets start this party!" he gave the thumbs to the do and the music start. It was playing dangerously in love but right before they were about to start to go down the isle valerie showed up and started walking down. But the bad this is the dress she was wearing. The music skid to a stop and everyone gasped. She was wearing a black dress that was halter and the cut was down to her belly button with a hoop in the center and her skirt on the left side went to her knee but went up to her high thigh on the right side. Along with it she wore knee high black boots. Danny's jaw dropped and sam got pissed. Before sam had a chance to do anything danny ran out into the isle and grabbed Valerie's arm and dragging her off.
"what the hell are you doing here wearing that!" danny yelled at her.
"well I came to see a wedding."
"how dare you come to my sisters wedding in that slut outfit!"
"fine you don't want me here! I'll leave but hear this daniel fenton you'll never hear from me again!"
"thank god." he said and turned away to sam and jazz.
"you girls ready to continue?" he asked them. They both nodded and went to their spots. He put a thumb up and the music started again. First down was the flower girl, followed by the ring bearer, then danny and sam and the rest of the brides maids. Finally jazz and her father walked down the isle. Tucker was in aw. Jazz was wearing a simple strapless white gown that had a chapel length train. Her hair was a bit wavy with small silk white roses scattered around. Jazz got to the front of the church and gave sam her flowers.
"who gives this young woman away?" the preist asked.
"her mother and I do." jack said and handed jazz off to tucker.
"now before I begin the ceremony tucker foley has written a poem or jasmine." the priest said.
"Romance is...Young, tender love grown fine, aged and oldThrough paper and cotton to silver and gold...Romance is...Staying together 'til death it doth partA safe lifelong home for mind, spirit, heart...Romance is...Diapers and bottles, birthdays and teensGrandparents together and same ol' routines...Romance is...Picturesque beauty now feeble and weakCaring and comforting words that bespeak...Romance is...A warm, helping hand to have and to hold'Til springtime of youth sees maturity unfold…" after tucker finished jazz was in tears.
"now to continue. Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of tucker Eugene foley and jasmine janet fenton in holy matrimony. If anyone objects to this union please speak now or forever hold your piece." no one spoke. "then I shall continue. Tucker eugene foley do you take jasmine janet fenton to love or to hold, in sickness and in health, through the good time and the bad till death do you part."
"I do forever."
"and jasmine janet fenton do you take tucker eugene foley to have and to hold, in sichness and in health, through the good times and the bad till death do you part."
"I do."
"then let me have the honor of introducing the first tucker and jasmine foley. You may now kiss the bride." tucker kissed jazz as if his life depended on it. Then they turned to the crowed which was cheering for them. Tucker and jazz started to move down the isle with the crowed forming behind them.
In the reception hall
"ok everyone." jazz said from on stage. "my best friend sam manson will be performing the next song for us so everyone get on the dance floor." then sam came up to the mic.
"I don't think so jazz. Everyone it is now time for the first dance for the new husband and wife. Jazz get down to you tech guy." jazz smiled and went to her new husband. "this is for jazz and tucker. My extended family that I actually like." everyone laughed but then the music started.
You are my knight in armorThe hero of my heartWhen you smile at me, I seeA true world go upThe river is getting deep, believe itYou're all these arms of mine wanna holdAll wrapped up with a riverBaby, I'm giving you this heart of gold
So listen up--it's you I trustI feel magic ev'ry time that we touchI pledge allegiance to the heavens aboveTonight to you, babyI make my declaration of loveJust like JulietBelonged to RomeoYou can stay prepared thatI won't be letting you goIn the heat of the night, so rightYou taste my sweetness on your lipsI'll make it better than you ever dreamedAnd the rest of your life will be just like this, baby
So listen up--it's you I trustI feel magic ev'ry time that we touchI pledge allegiance to the heavens aboveTonight to you, babyI make my declaration of love
So listen up--it's you I trustI feel magic ev'ry time that we touchI pledge allegiance to the heavens aboveTonight to you, babyI make my declaration of love
Declaration of love, declaration of love...In the heat of the night, so rightYou taste my sweetness on your lipsI'll make it better than you ever dreamedAnd the rest of your life will be just like this, baby
After the song everyone clapped. Then sam spoke in the mic again.
"ok everyone now make way for the brother sister dance. Danny jazz get on this dance floor."
After jazz and danny gave the performance of the history of dance, sam and danny got on stage.
"alright everyone me and danny hear have an anouncment. Jazz tucker here is our wedding present to you."
"yea guys I hope you like it. Sis, I hope you and my best friend have a great life and get what you guys want." danny said then went over to a computer that was to the side. All the light went off except one that was on sam.
Yea yea yea yea
Since the day they got married
He'd been prayin for a little baby
On the wall behind sam there was a picture from jack and maddies wedding.
Some one he could take fishing
Throw the football and be his
Pride and jooooyyy.
He could already see him
Holding that trophy
Taking his team to state
But when the nurse came in
with that little pink blanket
All those big dreams changed.
Next picture up was one from one of jazz when she was a baby and wrapped in a pink blanket in jacks arms.
Now she's wrapped around his finger
She's the center of his whole world
There was a picture of jazz age 8 and her dad laughing.
And his heart belongs to that
Sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful perfect
All american giiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrlllll.
Sixteen short years later she was
falling for the freshman techno boyyyy
Then there was a picture of jazz and tucker together.
Before you knew it he was droppin cd
Skippin computers just to spend more time with herrrrr.
The teacher said hey son whats your problem.
Tell me Have you gone lost your mind.
Daddy said you'll lose
your free ride to college
Boy you better tell her
Now she's wrapped around his finger
She's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that
Sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful perfect
All american giiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrlllll.
Then there was a picture up of jazz and tucker in college. The day he proposed.
And when they got married
and decided to have one of their own
She said 'be honest, tell me what you want.'
And he said 'honey you oughta know'
Next picture up was one taken on their first kiss of husband and wife. Don't ask how they got it but they did.
A sweet little beautiful,
One just like you
A beautiful, wonderful, perfect all-american
The final picture up was one danny got from the future. It had jazz tucker and two small children standing outside a large house.
Now she's wrapped around her finger
she's the center of his whole world
And his heart belongs to that
Sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful perfect
All american giiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrlllll.
All american giiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrlllll.
The song ended and the crowed went into applause. Jazz ran up on stage crying once again and hugged sam. Danny walked over and jazz switched from sam to him.
"thank you both so much. It was beautiful."
"of course jazz how could we not do it for you." jazz had a teary smile on her face.
"hey sam I think you should tell him now." jazz told her.
"tell who what?" the clueless boy answered.
"come on dan I'll tell you. Lets head outside"
And I'm ending it here. Haha. What you guys think. Sorry it took so long. By the way the first song sung by sam was decleration of love and the second was all-american girl. The links for the dresses, jazzes hair, and the evolution of dance will be on my profile. Oh and review! Plzzzzzzzzz I feed off reviews!