A/N: Well the last chapter was supposed to be the last, but thanks to Insert twilighty name here, here is one last chapter!! This one is really the last one, although I MAY be writing a sequel, if I can get a really good idea in my head! Anyway ENJOY! once again, thanks for all the reviews. Also, just pretend there is a lake near where Mitchie lives. Ok, ENJOY once again!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Camp Rock.

"Hey Mitch." Shane called quietly, snapping Mitchie out of her daze.

"What?" She asked, looking at him questioningly.

"Do you realize you've been sitting here for the last two hours, repeating 'Nate is evil' over and over again?" Mitchie blushed.

"I'm sorry. I just can't seem to get that out of my head. I'm sorry, I'll stop now." She repeated, and Shane smiled.

"You know, you're cute when you keep repeating yourself."

"Stop it Shane." Mitchie replied, narrowing her eyes at him.

"You're so cute when you're annoyed with me."

"Ok, Shane, now you're getting on my nerves. If you don't stop –"

"So cute when you're threatening me –" He was cut off as Mitchie punched him. Hard. So hard, in fact, it knocked the breath right out of him. "Fine!" He wheezed after a second, coughing. Mitchie smirked.

"You know, you're so cute when you can't breathe." She whispered in his ear teasingly. Shane gave her a look of disbelief.

"You are pure evil!" He yelled, and Mitchie jumped up, taking off.

"I'll race you to the lake!" Mitchie replied, bolting off. Shane groaned and lunged up, following her as best as he could.

"I so beat you!" Mitchie was yelling when he rounded the bend, completely out of breath. He glared at her, and she couldn't help laughing at the sight of him.

"Come here, Mitch." Shane said, coming towards her. Mitchie backed away.

"Oh no, I'm not falling for that." She replied.

"Naw, come here." Shane repeated. Mitchie was so focused on just getting away from him, she didn't notice he was slowly pushing her farther onto the docks. When she went to step back again, and almost tumbled into the water, she finally realized what he was planning.

"No way! Don't you dare, Shane! No!" She screamed as he picked her up. "Don't even think about it! Put me down this instant, Shane Gray!"

"Whatever you say." Shane replied innocently, and then threw her headfirst into the lake. She came up spluttering and soaked.

"You're in for it now." She said, putting out her hand for him to help her back out of the lake. When he took it, she pulled with all her might, and he fell into the water, shouting.

"Now I guess we're even." Mitchie smirked, splashing him. Shane quickly scooped up a handful of water, tossing it back at her.

"We probably should get out and go get into dry clothes." Mitchie sighed eventually, and the two pulled themselves up on the dock.

"You're cute when you're soaked." Shane beamed, and Mitchie rolled her eyes.

"Please not that again." She begged. "Because, if you don't stop that, you're going to be very cute when you're choking." Mitchie smiled widely, staring up at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

"You are pretty though." Shane whispered, and Mitchie couldn't resist a smile creeping onto her face. "But you are evil - so evil - sometimes I wonder if you're eviler than Caitlyn!"

"Never! No one can compete with her! But you take that back!" Mitchie smacked his arm playfully.

"No. But you are the best girlfriend I've ever had." Shane murmured, hugging Mitchie.

"Unfortunately, you are the best I could find." Mitchie teased, but she returned the hug all the same. "No, seriously, you are the best." She replied.

"I know." Shane answered, and Mitchie gasped.

"That's it! You're in for it!" And with that, the two chased each other back to Mitchie's house, still soaked to the bone but completely, utterly happy.