A/N: SO SO SO SO SORRY! I haven't updated this story for a long time, well because this chapter was really hard to write. I don't know why. But once again, I wrote this kinda late at night, but my biffle Lily proofread it this time, so there shouldn't be as many stupid mistakes. I might not post for a long time again, because school is starting up soon and I still have like...a lot of summer reading to do, and I have marching band camp (puhFAIL) for the next two weeks, so I'm going to be really busy. If you read my profile, you'd know that this is not a priority for me.


Shane was tired of looking at colors. For the last three hours, all he heard about was "Emerald" or "Forest" or even "Chartreuse".

"Shane, what do you think of this shade of green?" Mitchie asked holding up yet another fabric sample that looked identical to the one that she held up five minutes prior.

"Mitch, that looks exactly the same as all the other ones you picked. Can't we just go with gray ties and gray vests? I mean, you're becoming a Grey after all, it's sort of symbolic." Shane said, pointing at his only choice that he picked three hours ago.

"Shane, I told you already, the brides maids dresses are green, and it would just match if the grooms men wore green also." Mitchie said looking up at him with her brown eyes. "Please, babe?"

Shane groaned and rubbed his temples as he sat down in a chair. "Shane, I thought green was your favorite color." Mitchie said in defense of her choice.

Shane rubbed his temples in frustration. "Yeah, because green is cool. It used to calm me; it's a calming color, until now. If I see another green fabric I might be turning the nearest item puke green." Mitchie politely excused her fiancé's reaction to the sales clerk, and went over to sit next to Shane. "I can't see why you won't just pick gray, honestly." Mitchie stood up and offered her hand to him.

"Let's go get coffee. You need a break."


"If it means that much to you, you can wear the gray tie and vests. I mean, it goes okay with green." Mitchie said stirring her cappuccino with a spoon.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me that you would do that for me." Shane looked up at Mitchie, who was smiling, but not as brightly as she did when she was truly happy. "You're not smiling your big cheese smile. What's going on?" Mitchie looked down and sighed.

"I just really wanted everything to be perfect. I just wanted everything to be perfect without us arguing."

"Mitchie, we're human. We argue, but then we get over it. I love you too much to not marry you over some silly little thing like a tuxedo." Shane said holding her left hand on the table. She grinned brightly.

"Thank you, Shane."

"I still don't understand what you have against gray." Mitchie's smile faded. As she was about to retort her argument to Shane, four giggly teenage girls came up.

"Hi Shane. We're like totally HUGE fans of you, ohmagawd you have NO idea." One girl said.

"My room is like totally COVERED with your picture and it's just like OHMAGAWD I'M TALKING TO YOU IN REAL LIFE." Another said.

"Will you marry me?" A third one said. At this point Mitchie was fed up with the fan girls, ruining an important conversation that she was having with her fiancé.

"No, sorry. That's my job." Mitchie said standing up and storming out of the coffee shop. Shane, making no attempt to follow her. Shane stayed behind, only half listening to the girls babbling on and on about how they waited "forever" to see them live at a free event. One of the girls noticed Shane's guilty expression for letting his fiancé to get this angry, when she interrupted one of her friends.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grey, but did we interrupt something?" The short, brunette girl asked.

"Yeah, kind of. My fiancé is all ready mad at me for not picking the color that she wanted for the tuxedo's and she's just kind of upset that our argument got interrupted." He said sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"Well, why don't you do something nice for her? Like maybe, pick the tuxedo's she wanted?" The quiet girl asked. Her friends glared at her for trying to rekindle Shane's marriage, but the small girl was confident.

Shane stared at the small girl, who was at least 12 or 13. She had long brown hair with straight across bangs. "You remind me of someone." He said to her, clearly reminded of Mitchie, by her kind personality and gentle nature. "What's your name?" He asked her.

The little girl looked up, with her straight hair swishing slightly and smiled a full watt smile.

"I'm Mitchella.. But my friends call me Mitchie."


"Caitlyn, it was so idiotic. He kept saying he wanted gray and I told him that I wanted green, because of the olive green accents on all of the brides maids dresses, and my own, but no! I don't understand. Ugh. And then we went to the coffee shop to get some drinks, you know, clear off. But then these fan girls came up and just…UGHH! He infuriates me sometimes." Mitchie said throwing the keys on the counter of Caitlyn and Nate's kitchen counter top. Caitlyn was on the other side, eating her ice cream and listening to her best friend sympathetically.

"If he's so infuriating, why don't you call off the wedding?" Caitlyn said scooping a bit of her Americone Dream ice cream into her mouth. Mitchie snatched the ice cream from her best friend and continued her ranting.

"That would be such a dumb reason to end it! I've been with him for like what…" Mitchie thought for a second.

"Nine ye-"

"Nine years?" Mitchie said interrupting Caitlyn. "All over some fan girls and arguing over green or gray? Honestly, I have more reason to break up this marriage. I'm just a little upset with him right now."

Caitlyn grabbed her ice cream back from Mitchie. "According to you, like, two seconds ago, he INFURIATES you."

"Caitlyn, you wouldn't get it. You're married with a kid and another one on the way."

Caitlyn scoffed. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say Mitchie. I HAVE been through this before, if you don't remember being at my wedding," she said, then in a lower voice, "which might be possible seeing as you got so smashed after the ceremony…but that doesn't matter, these little things are what make you guys, well…you. You have to get passed all the stupid little arguments, because you have for nine years, you'll get over this stupid one too. Now, can you PLEASE stop taking my ice cream? I have to eat it all before Sammy and Nate get home." Mitchie knew better than to keep a pregnant woman from having her craving and Caitlyn said with her mouth full, "Mitchie, get out of my house and go have hot make up sex with your fiancé. You need to get laid or something. You're so uptight."

"Gee, thanks Caity." Mitchie walked to her car just exhausted, and was considering running the idea of eloping by Shane.

But she could wait. Two more weeks.

A little bit longer, and she'd be fine.


"Today. It's today." Shane said, buttoning the emerald green vest and bow tie on. Nate peeked his head in the door.

"Hey man, ready for your big day?" Nate said, peering in with his gray vest tightly askew.

"DUDE. FIX YOUR TUX YOU LOOK TERRIBLE." Shane said straightening out Nate's tie and vest.

"Hey, chill. It's going to be fine." Shane looked in the mirror again, staring at his reflection. If you told the 17 year old Shane pre-Camp Rock, that approximately 10 years from then that he would be getting married to an average girl with amazing talents, he would have laughed and then "accidentally" spilled coffee all over your shirt. But that was then.

"Hey Shane, you ready to get down there?" Jason said, peeking his head into the little room.

"Let's do this." Shane said, walking out the door.


Mitchie stood there staring at herself in the mirror.

She was downright gorgeous.

Her hair was naturally wavy, half of it was up in a bun and the other half down. But that wasn't what was tripping Mitchie up today.

If anyone told her ten years ago that should was going to be married to Shane Grey of Connect 3, she would have laughed, and continued on her jolly old ways of her normal life.

But no, that's not what happened.

As the bridesmaids went down the aisle, one by one, it was like it was a clock, ticking for her turn.

"You ready, princess?" Mitchie looked up at her father, and she nodded.

"I've been ready."

Nothing could prepare Mitchie for the gorgeousness that was the wedding chapel. Everyone was standing up looking at her walking down that aisle, going towards Shane. Everyone was staring at her, and only her.

But she was staring at that emerald green vest and bowtie that Shane, and only Shane was wearing.

Just. For. Her.