Chapter 15


2 weeks later

Tifa's Seventh Heaven

"Marlene! How many times do I have to tell you to watch the cookies?! I can smell they're burning!" As Tifa turned around, she bumped against their bed. She froze. Cloud was still snoring softly, laying sprawled on their bed in his flannel bottoms.

She had forgotten he was sleeping. She was about to tip-toe out of their room when she accidentally stepped in Cloud's pants. Her shoes got stuck and she had to shuffle rather quickly for a few steps until she could stop herself without tripping.

Cursing Cloud's habit to leave his clothes wherever he took them off, she freed herself from his pants and picked up his clothes. As she was about to go to dump the clothes in the laundry room, she felt something in his pocket. A piece of paper?

She reached into his pocket and grabbed the piece of paper. She swung his clothes over her arm and curiously looked at the paper. Her smile faded. Then it returned with tears. She looked at Cloud, still sleeping sweetly, then back at the paper.

It was the picture she had been looking for what seemed so long ago. Denzel and Marlene were standing in front of them, grinning from ear to ear and sneaking a look at Cloud and Tifa. Tifa was happily kissing Cloud on the cheek. Cloud looked a bit strange, between happy and embarrassed.

Cloud had carried it with him all this time.



I would like to thank you very much for reading my first FanFic to the very end. Please give me all your thoughts and comments so I can become a better writer.

Also, please look at my new fiction "Then There Was Light." I'm trying first person –gasp!- and I like the way I'm shaping my characters, which are completely my own.

Special thanks to…

-Kannachi (Love you like a sister, Kaylee!)

-Marisa (Thank you so much for all your reviews and feedback X3)

-my friends Monica and Kelsey

-and you, who read my fanfic and gave me all that wonderful stuff to smile about X3

Thank you all so much!

Until next time!

Sanne (aka The Damned Teenager Who Makes A Grown Woman Cry)