Hello!! This is my first fan fiction ever!!

I know its short, but if people like it then I will write more.

Please Review, positive or negative.

Albus and Rose made their way to an empty compartment, and sat down. They were silent for a few minutes until suddenly James came running down the isle. A few seconds later his friends: Peter, Jonah, and Richard came running after him. This was James' third year at Hogwarts, and Rose's second. "Are you excited about starting at Hogwarts Al?" Rose asked in a sincere, kind, not like James way. "Yeah. But I'm kinda nervous." Albus said looking at his feet. "Oh don't be. Hogwarts is a great place! It makes me feel like in on a vacation."

Albus and Rose were best friends. Almost the same age, they were always together and could talk about anything. For two hours they sat and talked about the upcoming year. Rose talked about watching the Quiddich games, about the feasts, the ghosts, and the first year teachers. Albus asked some questions, and soon the trolley came. They got some sweets and continued their laughter.

After a while longer James came back up the isle and stopped when he saw Albus. He opened the sliding door and said, "Albus!! What are you still doing in Muggle clothes? We're arriving in about 20 minutes!! HURRY UP!!" then as quickly as he came he was gone. Albus got up and quickly changed into his robes. He wanted to look out the window to see if he could see the castle he had heard so much about, but he needed to get out of the bathroom first. As he was rushing back to his compartment he ran into another little boy. "Oiy!! Watch it YOU!!" The boy said shoving Albus out of the way. Great I haven't even gotten to school yet and I already have an enemy. Albus thought as he carefully made his way to his seat.he looked out of his window, and in the distance was a massive castle. Eleven years he's waited, now he was here.