A/N: Hello everyone! This story takes place in Konoha, only the villagers are not ninja. Speaking is in the "…" and thinking is in the '…' I don't know his parent's names, but if anyone does know please tell me. I think you guys will really like this one, so I'll stop rambling and let you read on!

Konoha's Love Story

Chapter 1

"Sasuke, get down here right now!" A man's voice snapped from somewhere below.

"….Coming…" A young boy answered. This young boy was Sasuke Uchiha. He had raven black hair that spiked in the back. His eyes were like two pieces of onyx. Several noble families ruled Konoha, the village where Sasuke lived. The Uchiha was the largest, the richest, and the one with the most power. Sasuke was the youngest of the Uchiha's. And yet, noble life didn't seem to fit him. He was always curious about the villagers and their ways of life. With a sigh Sasuke wished to himself,

'I wish the Uchiha's weren't so noble…' As Sasuke stood up from his bed and sat his book down, the man's voice snapped even louder

"SASUKE!" This time Sasuke knew he was in big trouble. Whenever something wrong happened, his father assumed it was him. Sasuke ran down the stairs and sure enough, there stood his father.

"Where is Itachi's bride list?" His father asked, glaring at his six-year-old son. It took Sasuke a minute before he understood what his father was asking. Itachi was Sasuke's older brother. He turned 18 last month, and now it was time for him to marry a princess. Their father made a list of all the potential brides.

"I don't know father, why don't you try asking Itachi?" Sasuke stared at the floor as his father started yelling.

"You know how important this list is! Without it Itachi might have to marry some flyspeck of a clan with no power whatsoever. Do you want that to happen?" Without waiting for an answer Sasuke's father marched off.

'This is so stupid. Who cares if Itachi has to get married, it won't make a difference in our power.' Sasuke thought glumly. Everyone was making a big deal about Itachi and his bride to be. Whoever that was going to be. Sasuke sat down on the stairs, wishing he could roam the village streets.

"Why so glum Sasuke?" Itachi came walking down the stairs and sat next to his younger brother.

"Has father been harassing you to find my bride list?" Sasuke nodded.

Itachi pulled out a folded piece of paper. With a sigh he opened the paper up and handed it to Sasuke. Sasuke looked at the paper. It was a list of woman's names. And he was surprised to see every name was crossed off.

"Big brother, what is this?" Sasuke asked. Itachi replied,

"I don't want to marry these woman. Father will try to make me though."

"Big brother….Is there a lot of pressure?" Sasuke felt shy about asking.

"What, getting married? You shouldn't have to worry about that kind of thing right now. Wait until your 18 and father forces you to marry people you don't even know." Itachi watched as Sasuke smiled.

"Yeah, if you say so." Sasuke stood up and almost ran into their father.

"Move Sasuke. Ah, Itachi! I see you have your list. Why don't we sit down and talk about it?" Itachi rolled his eyes and together Itachi and his father walked off.

"Oh, and Sasuke, we have a new servant. Go and greet him." Their father looked over his shoulder. Sasuke walked to their front door, where a small boy was standing. He looked to be about 6, and he had bright blonde hair. His blue eyes were nervous, but he had a goofy looking smile on his face.

"Hello. Who are you?" Sasuke asked.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the new servant around here." Naruto greeted.

"I've seen you around the village!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"You probably have. Lot's of us orphans run around." The two boys looked at each other. Sasuke cleared his throat and showed Naruto around the house.

"Sasuke, why don't you and Naruto go out and play?" Sasuke's mom said as she tried to wash dishes. Sasuke was trying to show Naruto their kitchen.

"Ok, come on Naruto…" Sasuke mumbled. The two boys started walking off but Sasuke's father stopped them.

"Boy, go clean the bathroom. NOW!" He barked. Naruto scurried off and Sasuke's father aimed a kick at the blonde boy. Naruto squealed in pain but continued up the stairs.

"Father, please, stop!" Sasuke begged. The said man glared at his son.

"Go study." Was all he said. Sasuke ran upstairs and heard Naruto sobbing. This kind of treatment continued throughout the next few days. Naruto was constantly wincing in pain. Sasuke found this treatment very unfair, but was too afraid to say anything. Later that night, Sasuke packed a bag with some clothes, a picture of him, Naruto, and the rest of the family, and some food. He was going to run away. Naruto was asleep on the floor; Sasuke's father refused to give Naruto his own bed.

"Hey, Naruto!" Sasuke whispered, poking his friend.

"Wha…?" Naruto mumbled sleepily.

"I'm leaving." At this Naruto sat up and stared at Sasuke.

"You're leaving?" Naruto couldn't believe his ears.

"Yeah. I talked with Itachi, and my family cares more about its power then it's clan members. I'm sick of it. You coming?" Naruto stared at Sasuke. After a long period of silence he slowly started nodding.

"Here." Sasuke grabbed another bag and Naruto shoved his few possessions in it. The two boys tiptoed down the stairs and into the night. They were scared but determined. When the Uchiha family awoke the next morning they all nearly had a heart attack. Many shouts of

"Where is Sasuke?" and

"Sasuke, come on, stop hiding!" could be heard. Nobody even cared about Naruto. And that was the last anyone heard of the young Uchiha and his blonde companion for a long time. In fact it was 9 years before anyone could even say they saw them.

Yes, 9 years later Sasuke and Naruto returned to Konoha. The young teens nervously walked up to Sasuke's house.

"Something seems…different." Naruto muttered.

"Hn." Sasuke didn't say much anymore.

"You know, like emptier or something…" Naruto added. They stood in front of the door and Sasuke knocked on it. Nobody came. So he tried again, and again, until finally Itachi opened the door. An awkward silence filtered between them.

"Sasuke, Naruto? Is that you?" Itachi stared.

"You'd better believe it!" Naruto said, but Sasuke asked hurriedly,

"Itachi, where is mother and father?"

"Oh, you don't know…" Itachi stood aside and Naruto and Sasuke walked in.

"Know what?" Naruto glanced at Sasuke and then back at Itachi. Itachi led them to the kitchen and waited until everyone was seated. Then he continued with,

"About a year after you left mother became very ill. She lasted about 4 months. Soon after father fell ill as well and he…" Itachi couldn't bring himself to say it.

"Sasuke…" Naruto glanced at his friend. Sasuke's face was sad, surprised, angry, and guilty.

"It's my fault…" He whispered. Standing up Sasuke flew out the door and ran blindly through the streets of Konoha.

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted, attempting to chase after him. Itachi sat his hand on Naruto's shoulder and said,

"Let him be." Naruto sat back down and Itachi made a cup of tea for them.

Sasuke ran until he was out of breath. Panting, he sat down on a nearby stone bench. The cool stone felt good on his skin. As he caught his breath he watched the villagers passing by. Sasuke closed his eyes and leaned back. He didn't notice a girl with short pink hair walk up and sit beside him.

'Is he alive or what…' The pink haired girl thought, giving Sasuke an annoyed expression. Finally she tapped his shoulder. He opened his eyes and found himself staring at jade green eyes.

"Hello. You don't seem to pay attention. I've been here for 10 minutes now. Anyway, I'm Sakura Haruno." Sakura smiled at Sasuke's blank face.

'Haruno, Haruno, where have I hear that before? Wait, Haruno is one of those rich families that rule Konoha.' Sasuke nodded at her.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha." He really didn't feel like talking to some rich princess, even if she was pretty. When he and Naruto had been traveling, a lot of the girls liked to follow Sasuke around. He found it annoying.

"An Uchiha huh? I thought Itachi was the last one." Sakura immediately knew she said something wrong. Sasuke glared at her and stood up.

"I've got to go." He said shortly. Sakura stood up as well.

"I'm sorry Sasuke. I guess that was pretty rude huh? Well, I'll see you around." Sakura waved and walked off. Sasuke watched her disappear into the crowd of villagers.

'She is so annoying…' Sasuke thought, although his cheeks at a light pinkish tinge to it. Wiping away some tears that had started falling, Sasuke slowly made is way back to Itachi and Naruto.

A/N: There, chapter 1. This was kinda like a prologue to the story. I don't know why I made Sasuke's dad so mean in this story…. Anyway, I hope you guys liked it and remember to drop off a review or two!