Rose Colored Glasses
Summary: Dreams and wishes don't come true. Not anymore. Not for her.The world doesn't revolve around fairy tales because we live in a world where money makes it go round. Sex sells and she'd do what she had to even if it meant striking a deal with the devil. A new life. But her hands are soaked with blood and only now will she realize promises are made to be broken.
Chapter I
After so long it's hard to remember faces of people I long thought I'd forgotten. No matter how hard I try, the faces I picture are just odd shapes and colors. Like the pieces just won't fit together. I can't remember what they look like or remember the sound of their voices. Unrecognizable to me, and I wonder why I've never thought of them before. Why I never took the time to mesmerize every part of them. They're simply ghosts to me now. Ghosts of my past. A past that I no longer know myself. But I wonder, can no one remember my face? Remember my voice? My smile? Maybe. We are the forgotten.
These are the thoughts that swim around in my mind. Everyday. I think about the life I used to have. The nice house, loving family, wonderful friends. I threw it all away. I often wonder if this is my punishment; always wondering if they ever think of me. In my dreams, we are reunited. But I don't know who they are. Faces always hidden. We dance together in this masquerade party. I lean against the fence, my leg propped up. My skirt rides up exposing my pale thigh. It's a little chilly out tonight. It doesn't matter though because I can't worry about that now. It's a slow night, and Dime is going to kill me if I don't make anything. Some guys come around the corner, joking and laughing drinking their beers. Right now it's do or die.
"Hey!" I call out to them. "Do any of you happen to have a cigarette?"
"Yeah, sure." He takes the pack out of his pocket and hands me one."Anything for a gorgeous babe like yourself."
I put the cig to my lips and reach down into my boot to retrieve my lighter. "Anything?" I ask him in a low voice slow trailing the lighter up my thigh. I watch as his eyes darken, following my hand.
His friends laugh, gulping their beers and offering their goodbye's as they leave him with me. 'We'll be at the hotel!'.
He must have been from out of town.
The one thing I love about people from out of town was that I didn't have to see them around again in mine. They wouldn't recognize me and say 'Aren't you that girl...'. It was better this way.
I take a few huffs of my cigarette before tossing it to the ground and stepping on it. His husky tone breaks the silence.
"What did you have in mind?"
I smirk at him. "I should be asking you that question." I walk away, edging towards the back of a building. I know he's following right behind me.
He catches me by surprise, grabbing me around the waist and pushing me against the wall. My heads rests against the cold bricks as he runs his hands down my sides. I shudder in disgust. I shouldn't care what he does. I should be used to this by now. He takes it the wrong way. "I'm sure I can think of something."
I manage to turn around and back him up against the nearest wall. I hate this part. I hate to touch any of these bastards. I lean in close, brushing my lips against his ear. I trail my hand down the front of his jeans and trail it back up. Continuing this motion, I whisper in his ear. "Nothing in life is free." And that's the only thing that I sincerely mean tonight.
Something goes wrong. I'm about to unbuckle his belt when he gets aggressive. He grabs my hands tightly and tries to kiss me as he wedges a knee between my legs. This is never how it goes. He's messing everything up. Kissing and touching are against my rules...specifically Dime's rules. I lure in the customer, give him a blow, grab the cash and get the hell out of there. That's how it's always been.
I put my hands on his chest to try and calm him down. "Slow down. What's your rush?"
He merely brings his lips to my neck, ignoring me. "Seiya."
"My name's Seiya." He groans as he licks my ear. "I want you to say it."
I'm still trying to free my hands from his grip. "Listen, I think-..." He cuts me off, tightening his grip on my wrists and biting down on my neck hard.
"Say it."
"I think we should forget about the whole thing." Screw the money.
He stops what he's doing but doesn't loosen his hold on me. He looks into my eyes angrily. "Forget it? You are the one that propositioned me you fucking whore."
"You're hurting me."
"Oh, am I? I'm sorry..." He let's go of my wrists only to grab my hair. "You were right about one thing though. Nothing is free so you're going to be paying me back for the time I've wasted."
"Let go of me you asshole!" I try to hit or kick him somehow but he pulls my hair harder. My skull feels like it's on fire. Screaming is the only thing I'm capable of doing.
"You think you can just fucking tease me like that?"
Tease; to irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractions, trifling raillery, or other annoyance, often in sport.
I didn't want this.
I didn't even want to look at him, let alone to touch him.
Get in, get out. No strings, no complications and I've got my payment.
I don't enjoy this.
Those pig like fuckers do.
Nobody pays me nearly enough to be a tease. It's not in the job description.
He let's go of my hair, but instead opts for knocking me to the ground. I hiss in pain as I scrape my knee against the concrete and at the broken glass digging into my arm. Tears well up in the corners of my eyes, but I force them back. He forces himself on top of me, busying himself with his belt buckle and undoing his pants. I scream so loudly that this voice doesn't even sound like my own. And then all I feel is utter pain as his fist connects with my cheek. "Shut the hell up! You aren't making this any easier."
My mind is dizzy. My vision blurs as I reach around for something, anything. I grasp a shard of glass. As he reaches for my skirt I dig the shard of glass into his shoulder viciously. His blood drips onto my shirt as he stands up hollering. Attempting to retrieve the glass. But he can't. The blood makes it too slippery to grasp. And he can do nothing, but cry out in agony. I scramble to my feet, quickly observing my surroundings.
"You fucking bitch!"
Would it really matter if he killed me now? I'm not sure if I was living the proper way in the first place.
Why do I scream? Why do I run away from my only escape?
Oh, how I praise thy savior.
I close my eyes and await the noise my bones will make when they will be broken. I await the impact of his clenched fists connecting with my face. I await the blood that will possibly pour. I look forward to this end. My way out. I will be forgotten by most, but in his heart I will be forever remembered.
I hear a gunshot. A body falling to the ground with a thud.
I'm frozen as I slowly open my eyes, already knowing what I'll see. Disappointment seems to fill me. That was the only way. My one way ticket out of all of this, snatched away so quickly. I walk over to the now dead body of Seiya. This Seiya something, who's friends will probably come looking for him tomorrow morning. And when they find him when the sun is almost at the end of it's journey towards the clouds up high in the sky, they will find him with a bullet through his head. They will find the ground beneath him soaked with his blood as his wounds give his life away. And with this discovery they will go back to wherever they came from, to their town and tell his family, his girlfriend if he has one, and more of his friends of what they saw. And after a few months, maybe years they will say that this Seiya something is with God now. In a better place that I had wished to be.
I feel bile rising up my throat as I look away from the tangled limbs. This bloodied mess.
"Fucking bastard..." The man with the gun spat. I could feel his eyes boring into me even in the darkness of the alley, but I didn't meet his eyes. I felt disgusted. "You okay?" Those simple words tumbled from his lips in a husky tone.
"Yeah...thank God you got here when you did." The lies tumbled from mine automatically. I knew I looked worse than I sounded.
"What are you doing with a guy like that?" I finally looked up at him. I asked myself the same question everyday. Why couldn't my life be any easier than this?
But I could never come up with a plausible answer to that. I probably never will.
"Isn't it a little passed your bed time to be out this late?"
I have nothing to say.
Instead I busy myself with rummaging through Seiya's pockets for his wallet or any loose cash. I wonder what he must've thought of me doing this, but then I cleared those thoughts from my mind. Who was he to judge when he had just shot a man clear in the head out of nowhere? People do what they have to do.
I hear footsteps coming our way and then an unfamiliar voice tinted with a british accent speaks out in the darkness. His voice echoing off the walls towards our very ears. "Dar, what in the bloody hell was-..." He takes a couple of steps, deeper into the alley. He takes one look at the body, his eyes linger on me for a few seconds before he's turning to the guy with the gun and rolling his eyes. "I leave you for 5 sodding minutes to take a piss..." His voice trailed off into the night's breeze.
"If he hadn't..I..he would've killed me." I admitted quietly as I proceeded to shove Seiya's money inside my boot. I don't know why I felt the sudden need to say a single word to either of them. But I did.
Sirens off in the distance break the awkward silence and I'm suddenly glad for the distraction.
"Right." The guy with the gun says. "I say we get the fuck out of here unless you lovely ladies would like to spend what's left of the night in a cell, taking it up the ass by some jackass who calls himself Arlene." He looked pointedly at the other guy.
Closer. Closer. They'd be here soon enough.
We leave Seiya like a broken up China doll abandoned in the alley and walk out of the night's shadows.
But I have no idea what to do next.
The two enigma's are already walking across the street to a parked car. They smash the driver's side window. The alarm goes off.
They're coming closer.
Soon we'll be able to feel the cool metal shackled to our wrists.
Justice is what they want.
They somehow get the car started and are looking over at me expectantly from across the street.
The guy with the gun, my supposed saviour leans his arms on the roof of the car, staring at me impatiently before rolling his eyes. His friend laughs. "Get in."
I shake my head. This night can only get worse.
"I'm okay on my own. " Smile and look capable. "It's fine really."
"Listen princess, we don't have fucking time for this. Now is not the time to play hero."
Was that what I was doing?
I wished I was. I could've been invisible.
I'd slowly fade away from everyone and everything.
Disappear completely.
Until no one could see my battle scars or the number of sins I held over my head.
An impossible paradise that I longed for.
Sirens blared.
Closer and closer they come.
"Oh, for fuck's sake..."
I stand here, under street lights and close to morning skies.
I focus my eyes on him as he rushes over to me, reaching out to me.
My mind is stuck on slow motion because I don't react fast enough.
He grabs my wrist, pulling me along towards the car all the while cursing to himself.
But I don't want this.
Things will only get worse.
He pulls me around the side of the car and I try to pull away.
My eyes water as he suddenly grabs me by my arms, putting more pressure on my cuts and bruises. He looks at me sharply.
"I can take care of myself."
The words fall from my mouth.
They'd be here any minute now.
"Apparently not." He simply says, locking his arms around my waist and shoving me in through the passenger side The other one already has the car in gear and makes a sharp U turn, knocking me on top of the gun man. My face is buried in his chest from the impact. I push myself off of him quickly.
His breath hitches.
His hand grazes my waist as the other one is on the back of my thigh.
I don't want this.
But then he's pushing me towards the backseat.
"Put your seatbelt on. You keep your mouth shut and your head down."
"Now we're starting to have some real fun!" The one driving cackles. Through the rearview mirror I could see amusement twinkling in his eyes. Complete and utter amusement.
I don't understand why.
I don't think I want to.
He winks.
Dread wells up inside me. He must see it in my eyes becauses he begins to laugh.
Always laughing.
"Not to worry love," He says in that heavy accent of his. "they won't catch up to us."
He nods his head over to the side as indication. I hesitantly look out the back window only to see 2 pairs of red and blue lights trailing behind us.
The car accelerates and he laughs some more and calls out. The gun man lights up a cigarette and closes his eyes as he rest his head on the seat. A lazy smirk graces his lips as the other performs another sharp turn and now we're facing the guardians of justice head
"What are you doing? We're supposed to be getting away from them not moving closer!" I find myself shouting panickingly.
"Didn't I told you to shut up and keep your head down?"
We are headed straight for them and no one was changing course.
We all fall down.
The end.
But this is just the beginning as the car glides in a semi circle while the cops come to a sudden halt. Tires screeching against the pavement so as not to smash into the side of our car. No matter how badly they wanted to continue this chase they must remember the safety of each and every civilian. It's a sworn promise. The stolen vehicle comes to an abrupt halt right before them. The gun man salutes them with the same lazy smirk imbeded on his lips.
The cops seem to be screaming and flaying their arms about in anger, but it's too late.
We're already zooming down another dark and empty alley way.
We're already too far gone for them to catch us now.
"What did I tell you?" He said this as if I never had a reason to doubt him.
But they're strangers to me.
"Make a left, we're going to Marshall's."
"Aye, aye."
My ears are met with silence as we drive. Smooth sailing is more like it.
I can feel my eyes getting heavy, but I force them to stay open. I look out the window to see the sun rising. Was it really this late? I had started my shift a little over 7 hours ago and all I had to show for it was-...I reach down into my boot and scope around for the money I claimed as my own from Seiya's pockets. 20...7 hours and all I had to show for it was 20 fucking dollars. I arch my back and lift up off the seat and grasp my phone from the waist ban of my skirt.
I always turned my ringer off while I was working.
I stare down at the screen where it says I have 5 messages. I don't bother listening to them because I already know who they're from. Who's deep voice will flow into my ears . His voice always seemed so sultry yet I could always detect an undertone of fiercocity if I did something wrong. I always seemed to be doing something wrong.
"Shit." I didn't even realize I had said it out loud until the gun man is looking back at me.
"We're here."
His gaze holds mine a minute longer before the both of them are stepping out of the car and walking over to a door. An almost hidden door. I take the time to observe my surroundings. We're in the back of a building on an abandonned shipping dock. I stare up at the rusted tiles on the roof until my eyes flick to the soaring morning seaguls and calm water.
Wherever the hell we are, I need to get out of here.
He pounds on the door. "Marshall! Open up!"
A pair of eyes are suddenly glaring at us through a slot in the door. "Do you have it?"
"Open the door you son of a bitch." He laughs so that the corners of his lips are quirking up. A rich laugh. An empty laugh.
A few minutes later the doors is being torn open by a burly man. His white wife beater is greasy, adorning random black sports and yellow stains on his chest and under his arms. His black hair is slicked back in a pony tail and the black hair of his beard is streaked with grey. He'd done it up in two braids with black beads dangling at the ends.
The driver flings his arms wide open. "Marshall!"
"The beer's upstairs." He responds dryly.
Before he walks inside, he lightly pats Marshall on his cheek, "Good man."
"Do you have it?" The gun man throw a wrapped up package at him. "You know how fucking long I-...Who's that?"
His eyes are suddenly on me.
"Someone who's young enough to be your daughter you sick fuck."
"Asshole..." He mutters before going back inside.
"Thanks for your help." I quietly say. I back away from him slowly so he won't get the chance to grab me again. "I should be going."
He quirks his eyebrow at me. His body is positioned half in the doorway and I can see the driver guy drinking his beer and talking to this Marshall guy about something. The inside of this place looks dark, but dim litted.
"I...uhm..." I stare down at the ground. I can't look at him while I speak. These simplest of words never seemed so difficult to say at a time like this. "Thanks for-..."
"See you around." He interupts me, waving his hand in a remiss goodbye. He walks back inside the dank building and slams the door behind him.
Never look back.
I stare up at the nearly grey clouds littering the sky before wrapping my arms around myself and walking out from around the building to find a main road or an address. I walk in the direction of what I'm figuring is south and it's not long before I come across what I've been looking for. I take out my phone and dial a few numbers and rattle off some street names.
And I wait.
I sit myself on the ground and go over everything in my mind. This was something that I could never forget. No matter how hard I could try this was just something you can't let go of so easily, no matter how badly I wanted to.
I may have been forgotten in someone's heart.
A half an hour later a car was pulling up beside me. I got up off the ground and walked over to the passenger side before getting in. "Thanks for picking me up Saph." I close my eyes and rest my head against the seat. The need for sleep creeps upon me once again. "I really appreciate it."
"Don't worry about it Serena." He puts some cd in, but I can't remember who sings the song. I don't even bother to try and remember. "It's not a problem."
He would forever be seered in mine.
Gee...that is my first attempt at a Sailor Moony fic so kind. So I'm gunna clarify some stuff so bare with me. So this is going to be a pretty dark fic..the theme basically is going to surround sex, drugs, and all the happy stuff, and if you don't happen to like it then don't read it kay? do not flame me telling me you don't like it because frankly i do not have the time to waste on you kay? it's simple no like, no read. :) Uhm...the story is going to be set in Serena's POV. Why you might ask? Because it's easier and so much more fun that's why! The 2 dudes who saved her will be explained and revealed in upcoming chapters so if you ask me who they are I'm not going to tell you my lovely amigooooos. It's a surprise! But I'll let you in on a little secret...the setting is in New York.
Let's see...what else? Ouuu..if you may have noticed that this so called Marshall character is not in the series. Good eye..but alas..he's my own especially special character! Tadaaah..although he'll be making appearences in and out of the story..possibly..if I remember him. He doesn't really play a big part. And if you haven't figured out who these 'Dime' and 'Saph' characters are'll just have to stay tuned and wait for the next chapter;)
So yes...I haven't written anything in a while...well I have, but I wasn't gettin' any lovin' which got be all weepy and what's it's so out of heartbreak I removed it from the good ol' shelf of happy dreams. But anywhooooooo if you show me some lovin' I'll be your best friend...i'm kidding but, leave me something special and it'll motivate me to work faster xD
And for those of you who have completely ignored this notice...that's all you pal.
Sasha a.k.a D-DF