a/n: dunno know why, but these three crack me up and they're my favorites.

please r&r is you think I should continue



Kidd lay awake, staring up at the ceiling because tonight he couldn't sleep. He hadn't collected enough souls yet (the ceiling portrait of gruesome battle in his room is uneven and even though it's not on and dark, he can still see it), he was getting used to other people; Maka and Soul, Black Star and Tsubaki (it's uneven and bothering him because it isn't directly in the center of his room) and other usual teen angst.

A sudden snort, a shift, a rustle of expensive cloth and a long arm was thrown over his chest. Kidd blinked and stared at long hair – it was Liz. She muttered in her sleep; grumbling and whining incoherently and cuddled closer. On his other side was Patty who was spread all over the place. She was sleeping spread eagle diagonally. She gave cute little snores contrary to Liz who sleep talked.

Kidd was in the middle, perfectly still and symmetrical in his sleep. It wasn't very relaxed and was probably the reason he didn't sleep well but he knew he wouldn't get any sleep if he slept any other way.

The way Liz and Patty slept, they were just lucky he had an enormous bed or they'd probably fall off. Patty gave a startlingly loud snore before rolling over onto Kidd's other side. She slept on.

Kidd stayed perfectly still, staring at the uneven giant portrait screwed into his ceiling. He'd have to have that fixed tomorrow, fix it himself so he knew it would be perfectly aligned like the rest of his room and-

"Shuddap," A hand smacked over his eyes and from the feel, he could tell it was Liz's. "Gotasleep," she muttered. In his Sleepy-Liz to Kidd dictionary it was "Go to sleep", all separate words.

"That ceiling portrait. It's uneven and bothering me. I'll need to fix it. Probably now or I won't get any sleep and it's really bothering"-

"Sleeeeeepy sleep-sleep," the childish voice at his other side murmured, putting a hand over his mouth. Patty rolled over so her face was in his throat. "Sleep now, fix later okie dokie?"

He muttered about the portrait being unsymmetrical behind Patty's hand and his eyes moved, darting between the sisters he knew were there behind Liz's hand. There was moment where he won't stop muttering until Patty licked the side of his face and giggled when he sputtered, yelled at her behind her hand and reprimanded Liz for snorting in laughter by groping her.

All is quiet.

"I don't care if you two can ignore it. Your boobs aren't even the same size, but I won't get any sleep." He declared matter-of-factly and in a slightly pleading tone behind Patty's hand. There is a rift then, between he and the Thompson sisters until –

"Ugh," its Liz's voice and the hand over his eyes slipped off. Patty giggled ad let her hand fall away too. "I'll get a ladder." Liz muttered and got up, going across the room to flip the light on, flooding the room and making the sisters' eyes squint at the sudden change. She gave Kidd a mildly annoyed, dirty look before going out of the room.

"I'll get a screwdwiver," Patty volunteers and slides off the bed to look for one in the tool shed.

Kidd opened a drawer on the bedside table to pull out a measuring tape. He gave a small smile while looking slyly at the portrait on the ceiling.

They really were the best.