Argh, sorry peeps. This is the better version; completely different to before but not exactly what I had in mind. The other one wasn't exactly worthy of this story. I wrote the full chapter but it completely went off track and just...meh. It wasn't right. Well, here's chapter 10! Took a while but it got there. I don't plan on giving up on this story - reviews or no reviews.

I own nothing :(


Chapter 10

I sat with my girls at our favourite café, near James K Private, and we gossiped blatantly about whatever came to mind. It was venting time for Rose. It was venting time for Alice. Unsurprisingly, it was venting time for me.

All three of us had needed to escape from everything for a few hours and just be together. Alice, Rose and I had become rather close since that group dinner and they were becoming somewhat of the best friends outside of school that I never really had. There was always Angela... and then the group of friends that I sometimes met up with after class, in college. It was a large group of friends that that we - Alice and I - kind of left behind after the 'real world' started taking a toll on the rest of the aspects in our life. This included hardcore partying.

All three of us had some form of a problem. Sad but true.

Rose had a fight with Emmett. I don't think they even remember what they were fighting for. Alice and I just teased her about it. They'd go home, scream at each other a little more and then have hot angry make up sex.

Alice just had stress from her wedding plans. She didn't talk much about it and we decided not to press. She'd tell us in due time.

And then there was me...

"Bella, when are you and Edward going to stop this...whatever it is?" cried Alice, bringing the attention of the whole cafe to our little table. Rose shushed her as I blushed and tried to sink myself deeper into the seat.

Rose chuckled, "It's been what? Three days. Alice, I don't think it's really that big of a deal. Bella and Edward will talk soon enough."

"Oh, sorry. I think I just - well, it seems much longer than it actually has been, I guess. Everything seems to be like that these days," replied a sheepish Alice, playing with the buttons on her brand new trench coat.

The transformation that Alice has taken in three days hasn't been great but at least she's better. It seems as though the stress of wedding plans have affected her physically. Every time I see her, she appears much out of life as she was on that Friday with Ashley and Rose. By the time we hit the mall she's happier, but I'm still worried about how she's taking everything. It's abnormal to see her so...drained.


I was snapped out of my reverie and brought back to Earth when the counter girl called my name. Alice and Rose were in some deep discussion about something that I probably wouldn't be able to contribute to, so I left them to it and walked to the counter to collect my soul-warming Hot Chocolate. Rose and Alice were the only ones that knew about my Hot Chocolate fetish. I went through a crazy coffee phase and I doubt anyone would want me to go through that again...or be with me, either way. Hot Chocolate had become my beautiful warming substitute.

"Bella?" Velvet.

Without thinking, I turned around to face the Adonis himself. He looked as delighted as I felt but the feeling only stayed for a few mere seconds.

It was that scene in the movie. The one where the two romantics stare at each other for a short time span, only to realise... 'hey, we're not talking so lets just pretend that I didn't get that feeling either.'

Right. No talking. Why again?

"Edward," I acknowledged, holding my cup firmly and walking back towards the table. I left him there, not looking back despite the voice in my head ordering me to. It was a mistake to look into those blazing emeralds to begin with.

"Bella! Bella! There's Edward!" called Alice, pointing rudely to the spot where Edward stood, removing his gaze from our table.

"Oh, captain obvious." I groaned, burying my red-stained face into my hands.

"Can I call him over please? Pretty, pretty please? It'll only be for a few seconds. I haven't spoken to him in a while and well..." begged Alice. She had a mischievous sparkle in her eyes and I could see no point in denying her. I didn't know whether I wanted to or not. Part of me grounded myself to the chair and the other was searching for the nearest window. The latter seemed to overcome the rest of my body though.

Rosalie rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like 'quiet down, you pixie.' I laughed and rose from my seat, forming my getaway plan.

"Edward! Edward, over here!" called Rose, clinging onto my hand, putting all thoughts of an idealistic escape to a temporary hold.

He smiled at her and 'strutted' to our little meeting area in all his beauty. I had hoped that in the span of three days he'd become harsher on the eyes - it would've made ignoring him so much easier.

"Hey Rose, Alice. How are you?" He inquired. I chose to ignore the scream that wanted to release itself.

"Oh, we're good..."

Alice and Rose looked pointedly at me. If I wasn't red before, I definitely was now. I rose my eyebrow at them and sipped on my hot chocolate to hide my apparent embarrassment.

Bad Move.

The chocolate burnt my tongue and I screamed, spilling the contents all over the table and my white shirt, making it see through. An innocent customer almost slipped due to my klutziness and, as I backed out of my seat fanning my shirt, I knocked back three seats and rammed into the glass booth.

Alice and Rose screamed in horror and I attempted to steady myself. I heard the scraping of chairs and footsteps running towards me. I closed my eyes and held my hands signaling for them to remain at least 50 meters away.

It would've been the most comical scene...If I wasn't the one playing the physical comedian.

The Hot Chocolate had burnt my skin and I wanted nothing more than to take the shirt off. I don't think Mrs Baker would appreciate me scaring her customers away though. And then there was Edward.

I opened my eyes after 6 deep breaths and saw Edward standing in front of me. I waited for him to say something snappy but he appeared to be more focused on something else. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was staring at - Thank God I'm decent. Thank God I wear bras. I covered myself and held my head down, continuing to fan out my hot chocolate stained shirt.

"Ugh! I have to go back to James K. in a few minutes. Rose, there's going to be no time for me to go back to the house and change."

I looked up and saw that Rose and Alice bolted to grab some napkins, leaving me with Edward. He coughed and reached under the table to grab something from his bag. He pulled out a black, button down shirt and held it out for me. I didn't get where the nice gesture was coming from but I'm going to think that he felt bad and wanted to help.

Edward looked at me and I found it hard to read his expression. His brows were furrowed, his lips were tight but his eyes looked light and merrier. I was hesitant to take his shirt. We exchanged no words as I took from his hands and headed towards the girls' bathroom.

I believe now, I'm the only one that can cause such havoc in a small coffee house. Oh Bella.

The shirt was more like a dress shirt on me. It looked kind of good on me and I felt confident, walking out that bathroom to face him and the girls.

Once I stepped out, I'd noticed that Rose and Edward were having a heated argument. She was stomping her feet and Edward refused to back out. He's been getting on a lot of bad sides this week.

"It's Tanya, isn't it? It's always Tanya." Asked Alice from my side. I raised an eyebrow and gave her a confused look. What was she talking about? Who's Tanya? I've heard that name mentioned before but never have I been told who she is or who she was to Edward.

"Who's Tanya?" I asked, nonchalantly.

Alice looked alarmed for a moment but turned her head to look back at Edward who was storming out the room.

"He'll tell you eventually," she whispered as Rosalie came bounding to us. Alice and I pretended to be busy with something else but Rose picked up on it straight away.

"Bella, are you wearing his shirt?" She asked in surprised. I almost forgot about that. Her argument with Edward and wondering who Tanya was more towards the front of my mind.

Alice's eyes glazed over, then she went into a fit of giggles. Rose and I shared an incredulous look.

"You look good in his shirt," said Alice, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.

Rose scoffed but agreed in the end. As we walked out the coffee house, all three of us had come to the same conclusion.

I did look good in Edward's shirt.

Rose, Alice and I said our goodbyes before I had to head off, back to school. Rosalie had work on the other campus, leaving me to fend the sharks – Edward- on my own. To top it all off, I was wearing his shirt. Great.

"Bell - woah... nice shirt."

I gave Jasper a dismissive look and let out an exasperated sigh, dumping all my books graciously on my desk. Jasper and a few others in the staff room laughed at my display. I closed my eyes, breathed in to calm myself and held my hand up to silence them. This only caused more laughter.

Jasper went behind me and whispered in my ear, once everyone returned to their tedious work, "I think I recognise where it came from now..."

I turned around, ignoring the hairs that stood on the back of my neck, and frowned at him. He grinned like a little boy on Christmas morning.

"Wouldn't be from who I think it's from...hmm?"

I glared and ushered him to his desk.

"How would you know anyway?" I questioned, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Because it was a gift from Alice and I," he told me, jest clouding his blue eyes.

Then he walked in. I tried my best not to look in that direction and focus on the year ten essay-drafts that I had to edit. I really did try. From my peripheral vision, I saw that he was looking for something, searching frantically.

Jasper laughed and pulled something from his pocket. "Edward, you need to stop and breathe for a moment."

Edward appeared relieved and snatched the piece of parchment from Jasper's grasp, rather harshly might I add. He snarled at Jasper which surprised me. What surprised me even more was that Jasper just let it pass.

I was no longer just watching from my peripheral vision as I'm sure many others were. I turned my head, and ears, in their direction and stared unabashedly.

Jasper just shook his head and sighed a disappointed sigh. "You're letting Tanya get to you, again."

Edward's ears perked up once he heard Tanya's name and his whole form stiffened. Jasper seemed indifferent but I saw, in his eyes, the slightest form of panic. Edward's face contorted into one of undeniable anger as he ran a quick sweep of the room. His furious emerald eyes landed on my face, which I'm sure held a shocked expression, and he snarled once more at Jasper before storming out.

I couldn't believe how long it took me to realise that. Edward Masen was a flyer. He didn't want to fight, so he'd just storm off. He didn't want to talk things through and, thankfully, he didn't want to throw any hits. He just walks. He flies.

Jasper relaxed from his tense position and looked pissed off. I didn't think comforting him was the best thing to do at that moment so I just sat there, my head down and my mind reeling with thoughts of what just happened.

"You over-analyse things."

I removed my head from the drafts when I heard Angela's voice pull me out of my jungle of thoughts. She held out a bottle of water and two advils for me to take. If I hadn't noticed my headache before, I sure did now. It's like when you tell a tense person to tense, only do they realise that they can't tense anymore.

I nodded and smiled in thanks.

"Anyway, you weren't the only one that saw that," she said, looking pointedly over at a pissed off Jasper. I know this may not be the best thing to think, now that he was engaged to one of my closest friends, but angry guys are hot.

I nodded in response and widened my eyes in question.

Angela shrugged and replied, "I just heard the name Tanya, then I saw Edward go all tense and distant and then he flaunted - I mean stormed - out of the room. Is that all you saw?" she asked.

I nodded again.

"Are you getting the same thought I am? That this Tanya chick is the reason Edward's all...Edward like?" she questioned.

Once again, I nodded, unable to think of some verbal response.

"Gee, I get the point. There's no need for you to keep elaborating on your thoughts," she laughed with sarcasm lacing each of her words.

"I don't know. I'm just completely out of it today. I don't know what's going on with me, at the moment. Might just be the raging hormones," I apologised.

Angela waved it off and pulled on her handbag. "It's alright. I think we should've both chucked sickies. It's not like Kevin would've minded anyway. I haven't seen you take a day off since... I can't even think that far."

I looked pointedly at her handbag and then back at her face in question. "Well, it looks like you'll be taking off soon anyway. You're not staying for the meeting?"

Angela frowned and put on a sad face. "Sorry, Bells. I have to go out tonight. My parents' 43rd anniversary, remember?"

I mimicked her sad face and told her that I'd miss her. I was slightly pissed because that meant I'd have to stay behind with Mr. furious and Mr. furious two - Jasper and Edward.

Jessica had a legit reason; her grandma was in hospital, so I wouldn't be expecting her to show up this evening either. Rose was on the other campus and had to supposedly go out that evening. I thought over what Angela said and realised that I hadn't taken much time off since I'd started working here.

I was the teacher that usually came an hour before the bell, to get ready for the day, and leave thirty minutes after to get everything set for the next. Sure, I'd go out of the school on lunch breaks, sometimes - well, whenever Edward and I had our little tanties - but that was probably as far as my freedom went. I also went to the school camps, despite my incapability of remain balanced. I helped in the English department and took up duties whenever no one could cover.

It's surprising that I had a life outside of school.

"Bella..." I looked up to see Jasper waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah? Sorry about that. I just told Ange that I was out of it today. What's up?" I asked, trying desperately to keep my eyes open.

He looked concerned for a moment and held my face in his hands. Stupid Boy.

"Hey, are you alright? Do you feel sick? Maybe you should just skip this meeting and go home..." He suggested, leaving his hand there and making my cheeks burn.

I shrugged and replied, "I'm fine. The meeting isn't that long anyway. Even though I want to ditch, I don't think I will. You know me."

He chuckled but the worry was still written all over his l face. Hey, I can still think he's attractive, can't I? I mean, I'm not in love with the guy...any more.

"Okay, but if you feel the least bit faint...well, I'll make sure Edward takes you home straight away-"

I felt my mouth open to protest but Jasper shushed me.

"- Before you say anything I'll take a wild guess as to which questions are on your mind and answer them. One, I don't care if you don't want to go. I'm looking out for your safety here, Bella. Two, yeah I'll talk to Edward. He and I make up like brothers. He'll get over it. And finally, three...'

Jasper took a long pause and thought over what he was going to say.

"Even though you guys aren't the best of friends at the moment, I know he'll do it. He cares about you, really. He's been really curious about you. He wonders where you are and how you're doing. Edward thinks he's smooth and nonchalant about it but he really isn't. Trust me, Bella. He cares about you...'

I turned away from Jasper, trying to avoid the inevitable awkwardness after that little insight that made my heart flutter.

"...Probably more than he should," he whispered, eyes on the floor.

I lifted my gaze again, in surprise and stared at Jasper. "What did you say?"

He frowned and scrunched his face in confusion. "Nothing."

"Probably...Uh, never mind. I guess I'm just distant today. No, Jasper don't worry. I'll be fine," I said, smiling and trying to convey the truth.

It was hard because I didn't really know if I was going to be fine. The pissing headache just came back, crashing on my skull and pounding in my temples. What the Hell happened to the Advil effect?

A small smile lit up his face and I knew that he believed me. Jasper picked up his small backpack and walked out of the staff room door.

"See you Bella," he called back.

Then it registered in my mind. I was so shocked about what he said about Edward that I didn't even think about why he couldn't just drop me off. At least he knew where I lived.

"Jasper? What? You're not staying?" I asked, sounding rather desperate.

My stomach fell when Jasper shook his head and replied, with a smile in his voice, "I'm spending time with Alice. She needs to unwind a little."

"Then who is staying?" I demanded, my tone becoming more and more whiny.

He shrugged and laughed, "Have fun with Edward, Bella."

Then he was off and I was slumping, defeated, with my head buried in my hands. I looked up at the teasing clock and tried to use some hidden magic powers to make the hands go faster - possibly thirty minutes faster.

The clocked ticked away, as I sat there marking the English papers on Macbeth- rather tedious and depressing stuff really. Thirty minutes later I found myself in a room with all the teachers that really had no choice but to attend the meeting. It seems as though they didn't want to be here and couldn't come up with a good enough excuse.

"Bella, take a seat," called Kevin, that usual jovial vibe spreading across his face. I liked having Kevin as our Principal. He wasn't really intimidating towards the teachers but was capable of keeping 800 high school students in order. I mean, it could be worse.

I took a seat beside Mr Smith, the middle aged biology teacher that spent way too much time at work instead of with his family. He gave me a small smile which I returned and offered a cup of coffee which I declined.

It was usually like that with teachers I didn't really talk to; the usual greeting, the coffee offer and then the awkward silence as we waited for the rest of them to arrive.

"Bella, as you know, Mrs Moore is on long service leave and cannot direct the year 9 and 10 English-Drama production. I was wondering if you could possibly cover for her?" Kevin asked, knowing well enough that I would agree.

I beamed up at him and practically screamed, "Yes! I'd love to!"

The rest of the teachers in the room chuckled at my eager response and then entered Mr Edward Masen. He looked... blank. Tired.

"Aah, Edward. Now, I just spoke to Miss Swan here and she agreed to the job... rather, er eagerly. You two will be working together in this production and I'm hoping there will be no problems..."

I assume that he placed his gaze on me because of the fact that my eyes widened in surprise and my jaw all but hit the floor. Edward didn't look so much as troubled as I felt. He was indifferent. Like he expected and knew something like this was going to happen.

I shook my head, ridding myself of the feeling. "What happened to Mr Reid? He's not directing drama this year?"

Edward rolled his eyes and noticed what I was trying to do. He looked at me from across the room and put on a smile that said 'Not a chance, honey.'

Kevin shook his head and smiled, "Mr Reid, I assure you, has too much on his plate as is. He has to direct the year 12s and help them prepare for their high school certificate. I'm sure Edward here wont fail in taking up his bit, Bella."

"But are you sure the prince can handle giving up some of his precious time to conduct a few year nine kids? I mean, it must be so hard for him. So hard."

The words were out before I could even process what I was saying. I didn't even think about the fact that I was bagging out another staff member to the principal! Edward nodded, flashed a sarcastic grin and rolled his eyes once again. I threw back my own sarcastic grin which Kevin didn't seem to miss.

"Don't you trust me, Bella?" he asked, innocently.

I scoffed. "What do you think?"

He shrugged and gave Kevin a defeated, unknowing pout. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I thought you didn't like working with the school play?" I demanded sharply.

"I thought you didn't like working at all," he snapped back.

I glared at him with all the anger that was boiling under the surface.

"I thought you couldn't be any more of a sarcastic pussy!"

"I thought you couldn't be any more of a bitch!" He retorted, a smirk running across his angry features.

"I thought we weren't talking!"

"I thought we aren't talking!"

"I thought -"

Kevin spoke up and pulled us both out of our angry states. "Bella, Edward, can you come outside with me for a moment, please? Now."

I felt the colour drain out of my face. The rest of the staff peered at us with amused, worried expressions. I hadn't even thought about the consequences of picking a fight with Edward in front of the principal and at least half of my co-workers.

Edward and I both shared a glance and walked out, feeling the same feeling and having the same thought.

Kevin shut the door of the conference room behind him and turned to face us with disappointed than anything.

"You two are unbelievable! Edward, Bella, I don't know what's going on between the two of you but I assume that it's going to stop soon?" he questioned.

Edward and I shared another look and nodded. I saw the apple in his throat move and I was so surprised that it showed on my face. Edward Masen was scared.

"You two share this...undeniable affection for each other. I'd be blind and numb not to realise it but I thought I'd let you both know now..."

I blushed at his words and shifted my eyes from Edward to Kevin and then back to floor where it belonged, embarrassed, and away from the discomfort that Kevin just created.

"There's a strict policy on dating co-workers... It's to avoid disputes like these," explained Kevin, articulating the first of his words and eyeing the both of us with a superior air that I kind of respected and feared at the same time.

"It creates an unwanted atmosphere between the staff members and I don't want anything like this to happen again. Save it for outside of school, alright?" he continued, waiting for our response.

"Yes, sir."

That was all Edward and I could say. If I wasn't so angry with the man I'd probably jump in excitement at the sound that our voices made together.

"Good. Now, wait out here. Blow off some steam and, if possible, try and work it out before coming inside. Come up with a truce or something...again," Kevin stated with a final tone. I nodded and turned to Edward as soon as he disappeared behind the door of the conference room.

"Edward -"

"Bella -"

I stared at him and had to stop myself from getting lost in his eyes, as I usually would have. I could see my reflection in the incredible green and pulled my gaze from his own. There was something in the way that he looked at me. Sure, we were mad at each other. Sure we could call each other out and say really mean things.

But there was something in the way that we...the way that we were. Now I know, there's no way we could ever really hate each other.

"Bella -"

"Edward -"

You'd think that after a second time, we'd laugh or crack a smile at least. But something undeniable was going on and taking place beyond our own knowledge. There's no point in denying it. I guess we'll just have to push it back for a while.

No words were necessary. We'd come to an unspoken agreement. He walked in and I followed after him, into Kevin's speech about James K Private's progress.

Throughout the meeting, I couldn't focus on Kevin's words. I couldn't even focus on my own thoughts. Each time I'd think about something, Edward would take over at one point or another. And when I wasn't wondering about him and whether we were still arguing/bickering/fighting, I was gazing up at him or fighting the glare that was aimed at the other women who watched him as well. What surprised me most was that I would catch him staring too.

"What I may have forgotten to mention is that the year 8 camp is coming up in three months and we're looking for volunteers to watch over the kids. Don't be frightened. I know, they might not be the most... behaved grade, but they are genuinely nice children."

I laughed inwardly as I gazed across the room at some of the teachers' expressions. For some unknown reason, the majority of them seem to have the idea that those kids were another form of Swine Flu. I never ever really saw eye to eye with most of them, mind you. I loved the year 8s - they were gems.

"And, with that I guess I bid you all a good evening and see you tomorrow. Now, scoot," laughed Kevin, dismissing us with one of his typical 'I'm the good guy' ways.

As I stepped out the door, behind Lauren - surprised that she even bothered to come to this meeting at all, seeing as she only paid attention to two things, her nails and Edward - I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand. He was behind me and his warm hand pressed on my right shoulder, stopping me from moving.

I turned my face to see him and cocked my eyebrow in question.

"Oh, Edward, would you like to go out tonight? I know this really cool club and I can get us i-"

Edward shook his head and said as politely as possible, "- not tonight, Lauren."

"Maybe tomorrow then?" she suggested, determination clouding her eyes.

I shivered and fought to hide an amused grin, while Edward shook his head once more. "I'm going to be busy the whole week."

I was half expecting Edward, the gentleman that I knew he could be, to say sorry in the end but he didn't and that's when Lauren seemed to have caught on. It was the only reply she was going to give her. She flipped back her long, blonde hair and shrugged, her resolve seemed unwavering. Edward frowned and appeared disgusted as we both stared after she strut away.

"Edward?" I asked, turning my focus back on him.

He snapped out of his reverie and placed his gaze on me. I melted.

"There's something in the way you look at me," I said in a dreamy voice, not thinking about what I had just said until I was past the point of no return.

Edward gave me his beautiful crooked smile that I had grown to love. In the past few days, even though sometimes it wasn't directed to me, I would see that smile from miles away. It's as though the smile lured me in somehow.

We stayed in a comfortable silence, letting the clock tick and the floor fall beneath us. Woah, I was letting myself get into it again.

That's when he decided to speak, when the feeling had suddenly just fallen into the background. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled once more.

"Bella, I just want to say that I'm sorry."

I pursed my lips together, holding back the grin that threatened to break through.

"I overreacted, story of my life. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't mean to say those things and I definitely didn't mean it. It's just that...well, I don't know. Things are not going the way that I'd hoped, especially between us... Bella, I, well, I think..."

I wanted so bad to just look away, but something within me just couldn't. Something within myself told me to stare into his eyes and see what was going on behind them. My heart almost dropped at what I found.

"Edward, stop. It's alright. I think I know what you're trying to say but can we just... just stop? We can't keep doing this. I mean, I know we only just met and everything but I feel like I've been on this rollercoaster ride with you for ages and I'm exhausted. One day, I think I might just like you but the next, we're bickering and fighting and saying things that we don't really mean. I want us to be...friends. I want this...kid pool relationship to stop," I whispered sadly, staring up at him as I tried so hard to let him see my reasons.

I suddenly felt like the leading lady in one cheesy romance soap opera. There was no other way of explaining how ridiculously torn I felt. There was also the fact that, my...whatever it was with Edward, moved as fast as those TV soaps. One day we're all pissed and the next we're liking each other... and then comes the big confrontation. Soon there will be tears. Lord help me when it gets to that stage of the game.

Edward's face fell but he seemed to have the same perception as I did. "So, you want me to just stop?"


He gave a small, sad smile and nodded. "If it makes you happy then I'll stop."

I returned his smile and tried to let him know that I was probably as pissed off with myself as he was. My heart just couldn't win this battle with my brain. I think I've just found a new enemy: my logic.

"And in return I will promise to be a better person to you," I replied, in some lame attempt to make the mood lighter.

Edward smiled another smile that didn't light up his eyes and nodded. "I promise I'll be a better person too."

I chuckled and nudge his shoulder with my own. "You can't do that because then I'll have to come up with something else in repay you for that too," I whined.

"Well, how about... you let me drive you home?" he asked.

I stood there, my face scrunched up, as I thought about the new stop policy that we - I - just created. Would this be breeching that policy? Did we really have any terms for the policy?

"Uh, sure. On the way I'll shout you some golden arches, how about that?"

Edward grinned, this time it reached his eyes, and he took my hand.

See what I mean? I create that border and he steps over it just because he can. All part of this fast moving drama I call life, I guess.

Oh well, Screw Stop...

And I thought so much about it too.


I don't know how I got here or what went wrong. Someone please explain to me why Bella was driving my baby?

"Edward, you look terrified," she mocked me, removing her gaze from the road to meet my own. Although I usually loved her beautiful brown eyes, I'd rather them be on the task at hand.

"Bella! Keep your eyes on the freaking road!" I exclaimed. My hands clenched and I could almost feel them going white from holding so tight. It's not that Bella's driving was all together terrifying - it's the thought that someone other than me was driving my beauty.

Bella's beautiful laughed filled the car and she placed her attention back on the road. I couldn't believe myself. How had Bella gotten into that seat in the first place? How had she gotten the keys? How did she make me let her drive?


"Edward, I didn't know you drove a volvo!" she squealed, running up and all but patting the hood of the car.

I laughed and stood beside her, taking her hand and opening the passenger door for her to take a seat. She didn't hop in. There was a cute, pensive expression across her face. I couldn't help but wonder.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

Bella stared at the car and then back at me, her eyes still alight with excitement and admiration...for the car. Then she stared at me, I fell into her depth-less eyes again. Bella pouted and her eyes were begging. Begging.

"Oh Boy. No. N-n-n-o. No, no, no, no, no. No! This is where I ..."

Beautiful, puppy dog eyes.


One step closer.


Her face inches away from mine and her voice oh so enchanting, "Please, Edward..."


She smiled innocently and before I knew it, she pushed me into the passenger seat and hopped into the drivers. That was when I felt the beginning of the end.

"Edward, why look so scared for? I'm not a reckless driver…promise," she giggled. I frowned and almost swore when the car in front of us came to a halt without warning. Thank God, we were at least five meters away from the dude.

"Edward! He was what? Ten meters away! Don't fret.'

"I don't fret. I stress," I said defiantly.

Bella rolled her eyes at me and didn't respond.

"Why are you so excited to drive a volvo anyway?" I asked.

She blushed and mumbled something that I didn't quite catch.

"What was that? I didn't get it?"

"Because it's the car that the guy drives in one of my favourite book series," she admitted. I stared at her in amazement for a moment and she had an annoyed expression on her face.

Then I burst out laughing.

The vision of her smile warmed me for a moment and I let my gaze drift out the window so as to not let her see me go all…weak.

Before, I almost let myself slip. I almost let myself speak. I almost let myself go.

For a moment, I thought that wasn't what I wanted.

Then, as I stared at her beauty, at her smile and the laughter in her eyes, I realised that I changed my mind. This is what I want.

Bella turned her head to face me once again and all thoughts about my baby vanished....almost.

"Eyes on the road, Bella," I warned. In return, Bella rolled her eyes and kept it there for the remainder of the ride.

As we were neared her house, which I'd only known because she told me so, I'd noticed the family friendly area in which she resided. I couldn't help but ask her about it. It was kind of like the area I'd always imagined but I would never live in that place alone. It would only be a constant reminder of the family that I want but don't have.

"You live here alone?" I asked, relieved to be off the road filled with cars; crazy, crazy cars and even crazier drivers.

She pulled up the driveway and nodded, sighing a sigh that sounded almost sad.


Bella faced me and frowned in confusion. "Why? Why what?"

"Why live here alone? I mean, you didn't look so happy about it. Aren't people usually meant to be... I dunno, rejoicing in the freedom or something?"

Her face hardened and I suddenly remember my manners. Maybe I was asking the wrong thing. Maybe she didn't want to tell me that story. Maybe there's some history that she didn't want to share. Too many maybes.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry or any -"

"Don't worry. I was just thinking about it. I guess, I mean, I, uh... Well, it's a long story..." Bella told me. She paused momentarily and appeared to be deep in thought.

"...would you like to come inside?"

I stared at her blankly, surprised, confused and delighted at the same time. But before I knew it, she had started going off at herself.

"Oh, I mean you don't have to. I didn't even think. Maybe you're going somewhere or maybe you've got to I don't know," she rambled, excusing herself and pulling off her safety belt. The click pulled me out of my sudden freeze.

I stopped her from moving by taking her hand in my own.

"Bella, I'd love to come in and see your house."

She smiled but looked slightly uneasy.

I got out of my beautiful Volvo and as soon as my feet made contact with ground, I ran to the hood and all but fell to my knees. I had to make sure there were no scratches and that she was alright.

As soon as I heard Bella's tinkling laughter behind me, I spun around and got off the floor, not the least bit ashamed by my actions.

"Aah, beautiful, beautiful land," I declared, teasing her driving skills.

Bella laughed and gestured towards the hood of my car. "Anything wrong?"

"Naah, she's alright," I told her.

"She?" laughed Bella, disbelief across her face.

In response, all I could do was shrug and take Bella to her front door. Bella pulled out her keys, which was chained to a large round Minnie Mouse key ring that read Disney Land. Another thing that I wanted to know about her.

Once she unlocked the front doors, I followed her in and was amazed by what I saw. I was expecting clean, yes. I was expecting pictures across the wall, yes. I was expecting it to be Bella-like, yes. And it was. But it was also so much more.

The house floored marble tiles and the hallway held a large mirror with a glass table beneath it that held up a vase of purple tulips. To my left, there was a door that, I assume, led to Bella's room. The cute, pink bunny slippers were kind of a giveaway.

To my right, there was a large room that I assumed was her entertainment area for guests and what not. Inside, there was a black grand piano and three blue and white couches that surrounded by another table, however this one was made of marble that had a glass surface sitting on top. It looked new, the whole room looked new.

Along the wall of the room, I spotted a row of about twelve photos of Bella at Cape York. There was a man with her, whom I suppose was her father. The resemblance was there. It was pictures of her growing up, from when she was a kid to her late teen years. The photos seemed to all be taken in the exact same spot, with around one years difference between one and the next. I thought it clever but when Bella noticed where my attention was placed, she groaned.

"What?" I inquired, but not surprised that she didn't exactly approve of those photos.

She shook her head and frowned. "My mother made me put them up. Charlie came by one year and saw them. At first, it was awkward and then, I don't know, I guess he was kind of touched, so I left them there."

I nodded and kept following her down the hallway, distracted by two other abstract paintings across her white walls. As I kept walking, I entered an area that I assume was the dining/living room. It was an open space with a round table in the center that would comfortably seat at least six people. There was also an expensive looking carpet that was placed underneath three other cream seats and another table, not unlike the one situated in the entertainment room, to the left of the dining area.

There was a beautiful kitchen beside the dining room and I noticed that it was probably the most used area I'd seen so far. Everything else seemed so pristine and untouched. I almost felt empty just standing there.

From where I stood, I saw the entrance of a hallway that, I assume, led to more rooms. There was also a TV room further north and a study area that I saw through the glass door in the left side of the TV room.

I knew one thing.

"You're rich." It wasn't even a question. It was a statement.

She shook her head, seeming to expect this reaction. "My parents have money. If it was up to me then I'd be living in the apartment far from here that I used to live in. As you can see, it's very empty here. Sure, there's pictures and whatever but other then that I guess you can say... I'm very bored."

I frowned. I couldn't help but notice how lonely Bella was. It was like she didn't like her home. She appreciated it, yeah, but I don't think she actually liked it.

"See, when you said that I was meant to rejoice in freedom or whatever, it doesn't really apply to me. I'm free in the sense that I don't live with my parents anymore but they don't let me live on my own, kind of. I mean, I don't talk to my mum anymore and I rarely ever see my dad, but they send me all this money and all these things to make up for it. They pay for rent, they send me money almost every week to pay for the bills. They practically still pay for my groceries and so much more," she told me, seemingly upset by the way things played. I didn't see what was so wrong with it but I guess I had my freedom.

"So why didn't you just tell them that you didn't need it?" I asked.

Bella sighed and exasperated sigh and continued. "I did...when I first moved out. It was the best feeling, I think. For the first time I worked for my money. For the first time I was on my own. For the first time I had a job that provided for me. But there was this once when I was in a little trouble, my parents found out and then yeah, they just never trusted me to be independent again. Trust me, I think my life savings is at least double the amount of the average 23 year old."

"And you don't like that because...?"

I felt so stupid asking that but I saw something that she wasn't telling me. Something more than just the whole independent, I want to do everything on my own story that I was being given.

She moved to the living area and sat down on one of the cream coloured chairs, taking her shoes off and gesturing for me to do the same. I sat in the couch to her right and urged for her to continue.

"Because...I was a spoilt, rich kid that depended on them too much. As a little girl, it was always family first, or so I thought. We did everything together. As I grew up, when I was about 12 years old or something, it just became me and my dad. That's why I think my mum and I aren't exactly on the best of terms. She and I never really saw eye to eye and I never took much time to know her as another woman. But when I turned sixteen, I started drifting from my dad too. My parents were fighting a lot more and I guess I refused to believe what was right before my eyes. They separated when I was sixteen and I took it a whole lot easier than I would've thought. Though they weren't together, Charlie and Renee were civil towards each other and I think that helped me a little..."

Bella stopped a little and tried to look bored of the story. Something told me that she was hurt by it.

"You don't have to. I'm sorry if I-"

"My mum only married my dad for his money. It took me 19 years to figure that one out. It took me three years after their separation to come to terms with the fact. It's taken me even up 'till now to forgive her. I still haven't. I hate being given the money because I don't want to live off another's fortune. I don't want to be like my mum. I don't want to depend on anyone else. It's not just my parents but anyone in general. I depended on them as a child and I hate depending on them now. It only brought disappointment from one of them and guilt from the other. Story of my life"

I stared at Bella and didn't know what to say exactly. So I didn't say anything. I wrapped my arms around her and let her head rest on my shoulder. It was silent...until I heard her whimper and cry.

"I just miss them so much."

There was the swinging sound of a door opening and then the one person that I'd rather not have seen us in this position.

"Bella babe! I need you to do me a huge favour. I need you to be my Maid of Hono- woah. Edward! What did you do?!"

So, what do you think? A thousand apologies for the late update - updates, really. I don't know how I can help myself but I'm going to have to. I know that this story's going kind of slow atm. Bella and Edward won be 'together-together' for a while but there's going to be loads of BxE moments and nearshots, if that helps. What can I say? I like drama. I also like Jealous Edward ;) clue clue.
Reviews! :D any ideas? Oh, I chose to follow the advice of thanks! Just want to add more pranks over Alice cause I can.. haha. I appreciate all your reviews! Love them !!! Love you guys !!!