Hope you like this! It's the last chapter!

That night, instead of chaos, X-2 dreamt about him, Lilly & Reesa together.

In the dream, they were all out in the sun, running up a hill, racing each other to get to the top. They all hugged each other when they made it to the top. "RACE YA!" X-2 yelled. Lilly & Reesa jumped on his, causing all three of them to roll him & they all laughed.

So, that night, X-2 slept happier than ever…

The next day, X-2's alarm clock started ringing. --RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!-- He softly pushed the button to turn it off & flipped the covers off of him. He jumped out of bed & ran into the bathroom. He put on his normal clothes & ran into Lilly's room, which was still blue. "I'm gonna do the wake up call, this time!" he thought. Lilly heard loud music playing.






"Huh?" Lilly said. She woke up to find X-2 jumping up & down on her bed. "TIME TO WAKE UP, SLEEPY HEAD! DID YOU SLEEP WELL! I SLEPT GREAT!" he yelled over the loud music. "Marvin, you!" Lilly said. And then, she jumped out of bed & hugged him in the air, which caused them both to fall off the bed. They both just laughed. "What are you doing up?" asked Lilly over the music. "WHAT?" asked X-2. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP?" she shouted again. "I CAN'T HERE YOU! THE MUSIC'S TOO LOUD!" shouted X-2. Lilly turned it off. "What?' she asked. "Um… repeat what you said before…" said X-2. "What are you doing up? You're normally the one who don't want to even get up!" said Lilly. "Well, I decided to give YOU a wake up call, this time!" said X-2.

Lilly gave him a playful punch in the arm. "Come on! Let's wake up Reesa!" said Lilly. "Reesa stayed over?" asked X-2. "No, but, we can still wake her up!" said Lilly. "Well, maybe after a cup of coffee…" said X-2. "Aw, she'll have already been awake by then!" said Lilly. "You call her. She won't want to be disturbed." said X-2, getting serious again. "Okay…" Lilly said smiling. X-2 got a wide-eyed look on his face & he knew what was coming.

He ran & Lilly glomped him. They both laughed. "Hey, when Reesa gets up, can we go surfing one more time this week? Please?" asked Lilly. "Oh, whatever! How can I resist!" said X-2 in a, for once, happy voice about going there.

Later, with Reesa on the bottom & X-2 & Lilly on the top, all three of them were on a surf board, waiting to fall into the water. And they laughed the whole time. Reesa was wearing a bright green bathing suit. Lilly had on a blue on with white stripes. X-2 had on a obvious red bathing suit, with two white stripes on each side.

The wave carried them & there board to shore. And they landed & laughed more. "These past two days have been the best of my life, Lilly & Reesa!" said X-2. "Well, except being bit by a shark." commented Lilly. Lilly & Reesa giggled. X-2 grabbed a bucket of water & poured it on them both. Reesa & Lilly gave each other a scheming look. Then they looked at X-2. "Better run!" Lilly said. "Oh dear!" he said in a playful voice & ran.

But, the whole time, all three of them had smiles on there faces. Lilly & Reesa grabbed two buckets & filled them with water, chasing X-2 out to sea & he didn't even notice the deep water. He swam out farther than either of them had ever gone. They exchanged glances of victory. "OH, MARVIN! YOU SWAM FARTHER THAN ANY OF US HAVE EVER BEEN!" Lilly yelled out to him. "ALRIGHT, YOU GOT ME!" he yelled back & swam back to them.

"All's well, it ends well!" Lilly said. "You said it!" Reesa said. X-2 got them with another bucket of water & threw it at them. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, GIRLS!" he yelled playfully. They filled it with water & they ran all around the beach & in & out of the water all day. And in the end, there Happy Ending Continued on…

The End.

"Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-That's all folks--" said Cadet, interrupted by Reesa & Lilly.

"Um, Porky, sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to speak with the author of this story, please…" said Lilly.

"Yeah, we have a slight problem…" said Reesa.

"Yeah, I'm here. Lilly, Reesa. Nice to see you! Reesa, your creator is a good friend of mine! So, do you have any problems?" I said as I walked in.

"OF COURSE WE DO!" said Lilly.

"What?" I asked.

"HELOOOOOOOOOOO… we just saved the world from the biggest chaos ever & I'm just getting to know Lilly & to my opinion, that orb isn't going to stay perfect for ever &…" said Reesa.

"Um… Reesa, your point?" I asked.

"My point is, that is OUR point is, we think you should make a second movie." said Reesa.

"Yeah, don't you think so?" asked Lilly.

"You really think that my movie is that good?" I asked.

"Sure we do!" said Lilly.

"And you think I should make a second movie where you defeat Zorro Nyo again?" I asked.

"YES!" Reesa & Lilly practically shouted.

"Hmm… I'll ask the audience… Should I make a second movie?" I said.



Zorro Nyo, The Plot & Venom Belong to Me.
Lilly & X-25 Belong to NightmareBeforeChristmasFreak.
Reesa Belongs to my friend, KiraMizuka from DeviantART.
Meg, Miranda & Marshall Belong to justformusic.

And Duck Dodgers, Cadet, I.Q., Star Johnson & Commander X-2 Belong to WB.

Hope you liked it! Bye!