Okay, I know it's been a while since I last updated and I'm sorry. I've been focusing on another story and I've been trying to figure out what to do with this one.

It has been a week since Shane interrogated Chris. They had hired a private investigator, but she hadn't been able to find any word of Blake's whereabouts. Mitchie had to hand it to Blake-when he didn't want to be found he wasn't going to be found. All they knew was that Blake was supposedly fine and Chris knew Blake was fine. She turned, hearing someone walk into the room.

"Hey, Shane."

The pop star flashed Mitchie a small smile and hugged her.-:"We'll find him, baby. My sister's in the hospital and we're all going to go down and visit her. You want to come with?"

She smiled, "Of course. Is she okay?"

He nodded, "She's got a bad case of the flu and she broke her arm. But she'll be fine. Hospitals give her the creeps so we're going to show support."

She nodded, "Poor thing."

Mitchie hadn't met any of Shane's family, and the hospital was the last place she'd think of to meet them, but in a way she was thankful for the situation, so that it took less stress off of the first impression problem.

Mitchie smiled at the young 13 year old brunette who was lying on the hospital bed. Even thought she was sick as a dog, she still looked beautiful.

"Mitchie, this is my sister, Gabrielle-Gabby for short. Gabby, this is my girlfriend, Mitchie."

Gabrielle smiled at her brother's girlfriend, "Nice to finally meet you, Mitchie. Shane's told me so much about you."

Shane smiled, "She's trying to embarrass me, Mitch. I'll admit it-I do brag."

Mitchie smiled, "Aww, that's so cute."

Gabrielle's eyes grew, her jaw dropping as she smiled from ear to ear as two very familiar brunettes walked in, "Nate! Jason!"

Jason forced a small smile, "Hey, Gabby."

Nate smiled and hugged Gabrielle, "Hey, Gab. How ya feelin', kiddo?"

She shrugged, "Been better. Jason, what's wrong?"

Jason shook his head, "Nothing. Just feeling a bit under the weather is all."

She nodded, "I hope you feel better."

Jason gave her a small genuine smile, "No, no. You spend all those hopes on yourself feeling better. Look at you, getting the flu and breaking your own limbs."

She gave an innocent shrug, "What're you gonna do, right?"

Jason smiled, "I'm gonna go get some coffee, k guys?"

Everyone smiled and nodded before Jason walked out. He let out a soft sigh as he walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria. He passed by a few rooms, noticing the people through his peripheral vision before something caught his eye.

Jason stopped dead in his tracks. Suddenly it was as if everything was in slow motion-the slight breeze coming in through the vent above his head, his heart beating, his breaths, the people passing by. He even seemed to be walking slowly as he approached the door to a hospital room. He examined the face of the person who was at the moment sleeping in the bed.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you a relative?"

Jason snapped out of it and turned to the nurse who was addressing him, "Huh? Oh, uh, no, I'm not. I'm, uh…actually with him."

"I'm sorry but I have only seen one visitor and it wasn't you."

Jason shook his head, "No, I mean I'm with him." Jason took another look at the teen laying in the hospital bed.

"I'm with Blake."

The nurse nodded, "Right. Well…I don't suppose I see any harm in allowing you to see him. He comes in and out, but you're free to wait."

Jason smiled, "Thank you."

He walked in and waited for the nurse to leave. He cocked an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"You can open your eyes now. I know you're not really asleep."

Blake opened his eyes and smiled at Jason, "I never thought I'd see you again. I'm so sorry for everything."

Jason silenced Blake, "Not now. We can wait until later for apologies. What happened and why were you pretending to be asleep?"

Blake sighed, "That nurse asks random, awkward questions. That's why I pretend to be asleep. When I ran away, I ran into the gang and…well, as you can see I couldn't exactly hold my own. I'm better off than most of them but…damn, they have mean right hooks. Anyways, Chris found me and brought me here."

Jason nodded before reaching into his pocket, "I have something that belongs to you."

Blake furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

Jason held out the necklace that Chris had left behind, "Chris had it."

Blake smiled, "I guess he forgot to tell you. I told him to give it to you. Jase, I'm so sorry about everything. I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for making you think I was leading you on. Everything."

Jason nodded, "I'm not entirely innocent, either. I'm sorry for being an over reactive drama queen. I should have listened."

Blake took his hand, "I know this isn't entirely fixing things, but I really am physically better now. You think I can check myself out and we fix everything?"

Jason nodded, "I'm willing to fix things, but I think you should stay another day-just to be safe."

Blake nodded, taking Jason's hand into his, "Where do we go from here?"

I know it's very short but I needed to update this story. Hopefully everyone hasn't forgotten it. Please review. Let me know what you think. There are still a few chapters, and I have changed the plot, beginning with this chapter. I might write a sequel that is 100% all about Smitchie, but I want to know if anyone would be interested in a Blason sequel as well.