Chapter Thirty Five:

The delivery was uneventful.

He came quickly.

He cried once; only because the room was cold.

He stared into unfamiliar eyes but he knew the voices.

He stared at each of them.

They both held their breath as his eyes fluttered a few times before he slept.

"He's beautiful," she whispered.

"He's ours," said Grissom. "All ten fingers and toes."

"Isn't he just perfect?" she whispered.

"Yes, he is," said Grissom as he kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm glad you didn't listen," she said.

"Me too," he said.

"That makes three of us," said Brass.

Both of them looked at him.

"What? No smiles for the godfather?" he asked.

"Have you had your coffee?" asked Sara.

"Better than that, I found Hank," he said with a smile.

Sara's smile spread across her face.

"What is this about Hank?" asked Grissom.

"Nothing," said Sara. "Would you like to hold your God son?"

"That's why I'm here," he said as he held out his arms only to be pushed aside.

"Not before the God mom gets to hold him," said Catherine as she took the baby.

Brass frowned.

"He's a handsome fellow," said Catherine. "Going to break a lot of hearts."

"Not if he takes after Sara," said Grissom softly.

Her hand slipped into his.

"I won't mind if he takes after his father. His father has a kind heart…very selective…but loyal…very nurturing."

Grissom smiled.

"I think I've been forgiven for a lot of things," he said.

"Can I hold him now?" asked Brass.

"In a minute. Hey we passed Hank…nice job," said Catherine chuckling.

"Is anybody going to tell me about Hank?" asked Grissom.

Brass and Sara exchanged glances.

The guys walked in.

"Mind if we see the little tyke before we have to go?" asked Nick.

"Judy just called," said Warrick.

They groaned.

"Hey, he looks just like Grissom," said Greg.

"No, he doesn't. He looks like Sara," said Nick.

"How can you tell?" asked Greg.

"See the way his lips curl up…and the nose," said Nick.

"No way, look at his eyes… and the way he's staring at me as if I just got caught doing something," said Greg. "That's Grissom. I get those looks all the time."

Warrick looked at the baby. "I think he looks like both of them. He has Grissom's eyes and Sara's nose…he does have that curl to his smile…going to have that Sidle smile."

"Sorry to break it up guys but we have to go," said Catherine as she handed the baby to Brass.

"Good, I didn't think they were ever going to leave," said Brass as he sat down in a chair with the baby.

"Between you and me kid, you look like your father but I hope you take after your mother."

Grissom frowned as Sara laughed.

"Now, let's talk about the name," said Brass grinning.

Grissom looked at Sara. "I told you he was going to get a big head."

"Let's talk about honeymoons," said Sara.

"Honeymoon?" asked Grissom.

"We didn't have one," she said. "So in eight weeks…"

He smiled.

Brass blushed.

He handed the baby to Sara.

"I think I'll go help the gang out," he said.

"I didn't think he would ever leave," grinned Grissom.

"A conversation about sex usually does the trick," she said.

"We were talking about honeymoons," he said.

"We were?' she asked.

"You said…" he stopped.

She smiled.

"I thought we agreed no more cryptic messages," he chided.

"Honeymoons normally consist of the man and the woman…"

"Where do you want to go…not far I hope…I mean don't you think we waited long enough?" he asked quickly.

"Eight weeks," she said.

"What about the baby?" he asked.

"We'll leave him with his god parents," she said.

He looked at her odd.

"You would just leave him…"

"At the townhouse…we would be somewhere here in town," she said.

He grinned.

"It's a date…a honeymoon," he said.



"Pick a hotel that's close to the townhouse," she said. "I don't want to be far from him."

He grinned. "I will."

"The rose bush is in full bloom," she said.

"I knew it would," he said.

"It just needed someone to nurture it," she said.

"It needed both of us to nurture it," he said.

They both smiled.

The End.


It had been a long time as he nervously fumbled with the card key to the room. Once it was unlocked, he quickly pulled her inside throwing the overnight bag into the chair. He grabbed the "do not disturb" sign and threw it around the door handle before locking the door.


She didn't finish as his lips devoured hers.

She gasped for air and smiled when she felt him guiding her to the bed.


His hands were already removing her clothes.

She didn't mind.

She was just as anxious as he was.

They had almost made love in their bathroom the other night but Matthew had interrupted them. Both had been frustrated but as soon as they held him, thoughts of lovemaking were put aside to tend to his needs. They had become a slave to him. One whimper and they were there by his side.


He had managed to strip her of her clothing as she tugged on his.

He assisted her.

No one could say that Gil Grissom was not efficient when it came to making love.

Within seconds, the bed gave way to their weight as he gently pushed her back. He quickly began an assault with his lips. They began with hers and then trailed down her neck and then her breasts.

She moaned.

He grinned.

His hands had not been idle.

He purposely dipped his fingers gently inside her and her body jerked from the sheer sensation.

He grinned.


His other hand was busy stroking her cheek as his lips found hers.

His tongue darted in and out and she moaned once more.

His lips released hers and he whispered softly.

"You wanted to say something?"

"I did?"

"You've been saying my name."

He poised himself just above her.

"I just wanted to say…I love you."

He smiled.

"I love you too."

With each kiss, he eased himself slowly inside her. He attempted to go slow but she wanted no part of it.

"Patience," he whispered.

"I have been patient!"

He chuckled.



"I'm not going to break," she said.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said softly.

"You're not. I trust you," she said.



"Did I thank you for giving me Matthew?"

"Yes…you did. You uhm cried when you first held him…I'll never forget that."

He started to move inside her and she urged him to pick up the pace.

He plunged deeply and she met his thrust with equal force. They both knew that neither would last long. Soon they lay there panting.

"That was…"

"Nurturing," he said.

"Nurturing?' she asked.

"Yes…I felt your soul…with mine…"

She gulped back a wave of emotion.

"You have a way with words when you use them."

"I like to show than tell."

She grinned.

"I think we have time…a few more hours," she said.

"Miss him?"

"Yes but we needed this," she said.

He nodded.

"Good thing we have lots of baby sitters."

"Nick and Mandy want to keep him next," she said with a grin.

"Their wedding is in a few weeks," he said.

"They're planning to start a family immediately," she said.

"Good. Family life would be good for Nick."

"Just need to work on the others…you know Catherine and Brass…"

"Stop with the matchmaking. Besides, I know something that you don't," he said with a grin.

She propped up her head.

"Out with it!"

"Catherine and Warrick are seeing one another."

"I knew that…I was going to say Catherine and Brass were already seeing someone…I didn't think you knew about Catherine and Warrick…but that's good…we just need to work on Greg."

"Wait. Jim is seeing someone?"

"Yes," she said with a smile.


"Heather Kessler."

Grissom stared in disbelief.

"How do you know?"

"She delivered a baby gift…we started talking. She's very nice," she said stroking his chest.

He kissed the palm of her hand.

"Greg has always been in love with you," said Grissom.

"No, he hasn't. He just likes to tease. He's interested in this girl that works on day shift."

"No doubt you'll become good friends with her."

"Just want to make sure she's right for him."

He grinned.

She straddled his waist as she leaned down and kissed him.

"Recovered?" she asked.

He pulled her back down on the bed and straddled her.

"Let's find out."

Note from author:

Thanks for reading along. I am so glad that so many of you take the time to read and review each chapter. I am going to be spending the rest of the week and part of next week on my out of town trip. It's another ghost hunt. When I return, I will be posting another story! In the meantime, have wonderful thoughts and dreams about GSR….

Take care,
