I am back! After a very long time (like two years) here is another Yu-Gi-Oh! story. I have no more finished after this, so I better get writing.

Also, I wrote this story on September 16th, 2006, and skimmed through it a week ago. I didn't change much because it seemed good the way I had written it.

I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Glad I don't because I have more time for writing fanfics!

Summary: Pegasus has two things that Seto needs. One of the things Seto has convinced himself that he has never and will ever deserve, but Pegasus knows that he both needs it and wants it. Yaoi, SetoPegasus


This is my first fic with Seto and Pegasus as the pairing!

I have used the English names for the characters.

Italics are thinking.

"" is talking.

I have finished this story, and will be posting a chapter every few days.

Please read and review!

Chapter 1

We Don't Have That Part

A blueprint for a new duel disk spread out before him on his table in his office, Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp., was making a list of the parts he would need to build it. Scanning the blueprint and his list again, Seto was sure that something was missing from the list, but couldn't think what it was. Pulling his duel disk out of his briefcase, Seto looked it over. Another look reminded him of the item that was missing. Picking up the telephone receiver that was sitting on the corner of his desk, he pushed a couple of buttons and waited. The phone rang three times before it was picked up.

'It should have been answered faster', Seto thought, before the person on the other end spoke.

"Parts Department, Robert speaking."

"Hello Robert, this is Seto Kaiba."

"Mr Kaiba! What can I do for you?"

Seto hated how these people sucked up to him. He wondered again whether he should fire or keep the man, and then thought that he would think it over later when he was bored. He proceeded to ask Robert if the part was available that he wanted.

"Sorry Mr Kaiba, we have run out of that part."

"What?" Seto said. "Why have we run out of it?"

Looking up records, Robert was able to tell him when the parts had been used and why. When Seto heard what he had used the last of that part for, he grimaced. He had meant to order another lot, but it had flown his mind.

"Well I want you to order another five."

"We cannot order them Mr Kaiba. As it is the second six months of the year, you will first have to have a meeting with Mr Pegasus."

Seto closed his eyes in annoyance. He had forgotten about that part. When he and Pegasus had signed a contract so Kaiba Corp. could buy parts from Industrial Illusions, it had been a detail of the contract that the two CEOs would have a meeting in the first and second six months of the year to discuss orders and price changes, if there were going to be any. As it was now September, it was time for a meeting, and Kaiba thought that he would like to get it over and done with sooner rather than later.

"Fine. Thank you Robert."

Seto hung up. Waiting a couple of seconds, he picked up the phone again and pushed the button for his secretary. He asked her to ring Pegasus and organise a meeting, and she said she would and ring him back in five minutes. True to her word, the phone rang five minutes later. She had booked the meeting for tomorrow at three in the afternoon, and was that all right? Seto said that it was all right and hung up. As it was now five in the afternoon, Seto rolled up the blueprint and put it in a safe that required his hand print, retina scan and voice to open. Seto never did anything by halves. Packing up, he then left his office and the building, stepping into his limousine and telling his driver to drive him home.

He wasn't looking forward to the meeting tomorrow. It was always boring, and after what Pegasus had done to Mokuba, Seto liked him even less than before. He denied to himself that he didn't like Pegasus in that way, and besides, he didn't deserve it. He had promised to always protect Mokuba, yet had failed so many times. Sighing, he settled back into the seats and thought about the new duel disk he wanted to build, which always led to thoughts of him, but which Seto pushed away. He didn't deserve to be loved, even by Mokuba.

Author's Notes:

I don't know what parts go into making a duel disk, so the part name will be vague throughout the story.

Poor Seto, denying love when we know he feels it!

Please review!