Gold Lust
By Riley S
After a somewhat restless nap and a hot shower Sakura was just finished getting ready when she heard people talking outside her door. Well more like yelling…
"Touya you have to come!"
"I'm going no where with THAT BRAT!"
Sakura sighed as she slipped on her heels and walked out of the room. She was greeted with Syaoran sitting on the counter with a smug look on his face, he was dressed in dark blue jeans and a button up dark green shirt. His hair was as messy as ever as he ran a hand threw it. Across the room was Meiling, Eriol and her brother. Meiling was in a dark blue dress with matching heels. Eriol and Touya were both in slacks and button up shirt. But Touya was pointing a finger at Syaoran who was still slightly laughing at him and yelling. He stopped when he noticed his sister in the room, suddenly everything got quite.
"You are not wearing….THAT!" Touya said breaking the silence and making a gesture to her outfit. "Go change, NOW!" He said as he started to walk over to her.
"She looks beautiful Touya." Meiling said. Eriol and Syaoran just merely stared at her. Sakura was in a simple strapless black dress, it reached about mid thigh and hugged the top half of her body, while the bottom half flowed around her lean legs. She had on black heels with it, her hair was curled slightly at the bottom, and she wore just a touch of makeup.
"No, that isn't even clothes, it's like she's wearing a towel!" Touya protested trying to shove his sister back into her room.
"Touya! I'm wearing this." Sakura stated glaring at her older brother.
"Like hell you are."
"Touya, I'm not five anymore. I'm wearing this." She said as she stormed past him over to the front door. As she walked by Syaoran he could catch a sniff of her perfume, it smelled like flowers, it caused Syaoran to follow her with his eyes.
"Stop staring at my sister like your going to pounce her!" Touya said in a low voice as he walked up to Syaoran. Syaoran looked at him surprised before he got off the counter and followed Meiling who was now walking out the door. "She is too good for you." He said behind him.
"That may be…." Syaoran said looking behind him to see Sakura, Meiling and Eriol all talking by the elevator.
"I'm going to be watching you, so don't think you can kiss her or anything, I never agreed to that bet." He growled.
"Who said I haven't collected my prize already?" Syaoran said before turning around and getting in the elevator with the other three. It took Touya a whole two seconds to realize what his rival had said to him before he turned red and was about to yell at him before Sakura yelled at him and told him to get in the elevator.
"Sakura you're riding with me." Touya said once they reached the bottom floor, grabbing his sisters' arm.
"Touya, we got a limo." Sakura said rolling her eyes at her brother before walking to the front of the lobby where there was indeed a long black limo waiting for them. Sakura continued to ignore him as she slid into the long black car followed by Meiling, Syaoran, and Eriol who needed to separate him from Touya.
When they arrived cameras were flashing every which way, many people were yelling out to get the athletes autograph. Sakura shyly smiled as she walked into the club with Meiling and Eriol. Touya and Syaoran stayed back to sign a few posters and pieces of papers for their fans. Once inside the music was blaring, lights were flashing and moving around. A bouncer had escorted them to their table where Meiling, Sakura and Eriol were waiting. Meiling looked like she was going to bounce out of her skin; as soon as she saw Touya she grabbed his arm and declared they were going to dance, because she just HAD to dance. Not long after Eriol found a pretty girl and excused him from the table, leaving an uncomfortable Sakura and Syaoran alone.
"Let's dance." Syaoran exclaimed by grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the booth before she could protest. Sakura quietly followed Syaoran to the dance floor as the music blared in both of their ears. Sakura started to slowly move with the music as Syaoran turned around to look at her. Her long hair was falling in front of her face and down her bare shoulders; it took his will to not put his fingers in it. Instead he places his hands softly on her hips as she moved to the music. At this contact Sakura looked up at him, causing him to notice exactly how green her eyes were.
He had not been this close to her since he kissed her. In fact he had barley said two words to her since he had kissed her. But it was all he had been able to think about since it had happened. The way she caught her breath in her throat, how he could smell strawberries on her breath because she had strawberry lemonade with lunch, how soft her lips were. The way her eyes fluttered open after he pulled away.
"What are you thinking about?" Sakura asked, waking him from his thoughts. She had pulled herself up so she could say it into his ear, since it was so loud in the room.
"Nothing." He says turning his head away.
"You looked lost." She commented.
Syaoran looked back at her, she was still dancing with the music, and had one hand on his shoulder while the other would move with the beats, her hair was still scattered across her face, gently he moved a hand up to clear her hair from her face. She stopped dancing at the touch of his hand on her face, as it gently moved some hair behind her ear.
"It was nothing." He said as suddenly turned around to leave he dance floor. It took Sakura a whole two seconds to go follow him.
"Syaoran!" She called out, but he couldn't hear her, (or pretended not too).
Finally he had stopped on an almost empty balcony. When she caught up to him he had his back to her and was looking out at the city lights below them.
"Syaoran…" She said tentatively.
"You." He said turning around almost dangerously. "I was thinking about you." At this she blinked and turned a little pink on her cheeks. "And I was thinking about how I shouldn't be thinking about you."
Slowly Sakura dared to take a step forward. "What do you mean?"
"You…your just…not what I want." At this Sakura frowned almost before composing herself, telling herself not to think to much about this, I mean after all he was a jerk. Syaoran caught her split second reaction though and continued on to explain himself.
"Your nothing like any girl I have known before. You are smart mouthed, you talk back to me, you don't care who I am. You're feisty, and competitive and loud." Sakura looked at him before lowering her head a little.
"If you want me to find some other place to live until after my race I can." She said. Syaoran heard this and took a couple steps towards her.
"You didn't let me finish." He said putting his hand under her chin and forcing her to look at him. "But you're beautiful, and sweet, and nice, friendly. Everything I'm not and I can't be. And I like that. But I shouldn't." he said slowly.
Sakura's eyes glazed over with confusion, "What do you-" But before she could finish his mouth was coving hers. It was soft and gentle, asking for permission. Sakura was so shocked that she did not respond until he pulled away, and she could feel the cool air on her now moist lips.
"Sakura…" He said, his eyes still closed and face inches from hers. He was still asking, she responded by leaning forward and pressing her lips against his, her arms gliding over his broad shoulders to rest on the nape of his neck, his hair playing against her fingers. Syaoran responded immediately by moving his lips against hers and biting on her bottom lips, before waiting for a response and moving his tongue inside her mouth.
They could both hear the sounds of the people inside, the music was still blaring.
"Meiling…" They both heard someone say as one of the balcony doors open. They jumped apart, and Syaoran pulled her into a dark corner covered by a potted plant just before Touya and Meiling came walking outside. She had her arm wrapped around one of his.
Sakura was sure her face was red and she was flustered. She could still feel his lips on hers. Syaoran squeezed her hand as they both turned to watch the new couple. Sakura tried to steady her breathing as she could feel Syaorans' breath on her neck.
They couldn't hear what Touya and Meiling were saying to each other but it looked like they were having an argument about something, but were trying to keep their voices hushed. After a couple minutes they went back inside the main building.
Sakura and Syaoran moved out from their hiding spot. Sakura looked over at Syaoran who seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. He looked up at her as if to say something but she cut him off.
"I don't think we should tell anyone."
Syaoran looked startled for a moment, before relief came over his feature. "I agree. Your brother wouldn't be to happy. I mean not that we are doing anything we just…"
"Kissed…lots of people kiss."
"Yeah…lots of people kiss, maybe we should try not too…."
"Kiss again, it could get confusing…" Sakura finished for him, since it seemed he was almost having an inner battle with herself.
"Yeah, I mean not that it wasn't good-"
"Because it was…good I mean."
"Yeah…" Syaoran now seemed to notice how they had become so close during this little exchange, and his hand was on her waist, and she rested one on his arm. "Maybe just…"
"One more?" Sakura finished again right before his lips came crashing down on hers.
Syaoran threw his pillow across his room.
This wasn't suppose to happen, he wasn't suppose to get attracted the auburn haired girl who was staying in his apartment. She was suppose to live there, annoy him, then leave. It was simple really. A perfect plan.
He looked at his door, knowing she was up. He could hear her cooking. She had left early to go for a jog and was back now, making something that smelled really good. Grumpingly he dragged himself out of his bed, not bothering to put a shirt on but just stay in his pajama pants.
She has the TV on and was watching a soccer match that was on while making eggs and sausages.
"Pass it you dumby!" She grumbled while staring at the TV.
"Who is playing?" Syaoran asked but not before taking in her appearance. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail that she had obviously worn running. She was in a tank top and shorts, and her cheeks still had a soft blush on them from her workout.
"Oh sorry didn't mean to wake you." She smiling at him as she put the eggs on her plate. "And West Ham versus Man U." She then grabbed her OJ that was on the counter and her plate and walked over to the couch.
Syaoran was surprised by the fact that she could act so coolly around him after what had happened the night before. Not that he wasn't glad…because he was. It was just that most girls would say it was just a kiss, then constantly try to get "just a kiss" whenever they could.
The rest of the day seemed to go by effortlessly. Sometime in the afternoon Touya had come over since he would be leaving early the next morning. The siblings had decided to go out to dinner as a goodbye. While they were gone Eriol had come over and made himself comfortable on the couch. After a half hour of awkward silence Syaoran final spoke up.
"What what?" Eriol responded confused.
"What is it you want to ask, I know you have something to say." Syaoran responded while still looking at their television.
"I heard about your little bet….so did you do it?"
"Eriol…." Syaoran growled, "You are such a chick."
"Sakura" Syaoran said trying to the petites girl attention a couple kiss free days later.
"Sakura" He said again trying to get his voice over the loud roar of the vacume cleaner she was currently using. Deciding she couldn't hear him he walked up behind her and poked her on her sides, only to see her jump five feet in the air.
"What the hell!" She yelled after she turned the vacuum off.
"What was that?" Syaoran said a little amused, "Are you….you are, your ticklish aren't you?"
"No" She said a little to fast and tried to move back a little only to back up against one of the couches.
"Oh my…you are…"
"No…no im not"
"Your very ticklish aren't you?" Syaoran said humor playing in his eyes.
"NO…now stay away" She said as she tried to climb over the couch in a desperate attempt to get away only to have one of her feet be grabbed onto and her whole body to fall onto the couch. "No don't!" She pleaded as Syaoran climbed on top and started to mercessly attack her sides. Some how Sakura had managed to stop laughing for a minute and use her body weight to flip Syaoran over so now she was on top of him, unfortunately she didn't think it to clearly.
"oof" She said as she realized the position they were in, with his arms around her sides, and her arms pinned next to his head and their faces only inches away from each other. She tried to make a move to get up only to feel his arms tighten their grip.
"Saku-"He started to say before he was cut off by her mouth.
I am alive! Im sorry for such the long delay, but I have been planning this comeback for a while, and what a delight when I saw that most of this chapter was already typed up for me, I just never finished it. Oopse….
Well I do hope you enjoyed and please remember to hit that little button down there and review!
Riley S
"Sakura and Syaoran are just two star cross lovers who's lives are intertwined by the Clow cards, to become the greatest romance of all time…"