Hello friends, and it's last chapter time! LAST CHAPTER OH YEAH! It was a long hard journey, but we're at the end at last, and I'm very pleased with the way it came out, so yay to that too. It's a short epilogue, but I wanted to put it in nonetheless. Thanks to all who have been with me since the beginning, who just came in, who joined in the middle, and most of all, to all who reviewed, and my beta What2callmyself! (Gives reviewers trophies.) Now let's finish this up! Take it away Scribble!

Scribble: We don't own Saiyuki, and we will (VERY) impatiently wait for the next chapters to come out.

Lost Lives


"I don't believe you."

Sanzo said this completely monotonously and deadpan to the green-eyed man in front of him. Hakkai only continued to smile while across the room Goku and Gojyo were fighting over something he could care less about. "It's true. It was Gojyo who remembered. That was what she called you- Konzen."

"My name is not and never has been Konzen. That's just absurd."

"All the same, it's what she called you. Which means that the one Goku was looking for was you."

Sanzo sat in a confused silence. Hakkai sighed to himself. Why was it no one ever listened to the ones who knew? It would really make everything so much easier on everyone. "At any rate, Goku chose to stay here with you, just as I said. And it looks like he's happy here, don't you think so?"

Just then Goku complained," I'm hungry!"

Sanzo sighed and Hakkai laughed, while Gojyo came up with a solution. "Actually lunch sounds pretty good right now, why don't we all get something? Looks like our monkey came up with a good idea for once," he teased Goku.

"I'm not a monkey, cockroach!"

"Who the hell are you calling a cockroach?" Gojyo yelled, grabbing Goku in a headlock.

"Um, Sanzo and I are going without you if you don't come now," Hakkai called, both him and Sanzo at the door to leave.

"Don't tell them Hakkai, let's just leave without them," Sanzo muttered.

"I heard that! And you call yourself a priest!" Gojyo snapped.

Goku ran to the door like lightning at the mention of food. "C'mon, let's go!" he cried, grabbing Sanzo's hand and tugging. Sanzo looked down at him, and Goku smiled back. It wasn't just the food that made him happy. It was also because he could eat with his two best friends in the whole world, and the man who was like a father to him. And as Sanzo let himself be pulled out, he thought about how Hakkai said he looked happy here. It was true. Goku had been happy just as things were, all along. He couldn't look any happier.

Sanzo felt the same way.

Scribble: Yay, a happy ending!

Me: Yeah, I'm a big fan of happy endings. There were only a few stories I wrote that didn't have happy endings, and they were hard to write. Well, people, there you have it! Remember, if you want to see the pictures that inspired this mess, send a review and ask for them. Now I have mangas to get to and a Gintama story to finish. Long Live the Sanzo-ikkou!


(What2callmyself: Yay! :D heart)