Title: Just How Much
Word Count: 436
Genre: General/slight angst
Pairings/characters: InuKag, Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo
AU/Canon: Canon…I hope
Warnings: None that I can think of
Summary: Inuyasha is gone…again, and all Kagome wants is for him to tell them where he runs off too!
Note: This was different in my head…I am not sure if I am satisfied with it. :
"Stupid- running off- …that jerk." Was the mumblings heard from the miko's mouth as she paced in front of the fire. Inuyasha had run off an hour before and the young woman was growing perturbed. "I know he went off to see Kikyo. But damn! He could as least tell us where he was going." She kicked some pebbles at the fire bringing dust up causing the kitsune to cough as the dirt went up his nose.
"That's it!" Kagome shouted stomping off in the direction the hanyou had went, her grumblings starting up as she trekked through the forest. She stepped into a clearing, her glare firmly se on the floor as she thought about wrapping her dainty little fingers around his neck and squeezing. Hard. "That'll teach him." She murmured her eyes blazing.
She looked up when she heard a throat clearing in front of her, rage quickly turning into shock. "Oh. Uh- sorry." She murmured stumbling over her words as a hot flush settled along her cheeks. Inuyasha sat lounging against the tree trunk, his haori pushed open revealing his gorgeously sculpted chest, his pants were undone causing Kagome's mind to run wild as she imagined peeling the fabric back so she could finally see what he had hidden beneath his clothing.
Kagome's gaze lingered a while longer but quickly snapped up to his face when she heard a soft chuckle coming from Inuyasha, she quickly grew embarrassed at the lust that was apparent on his features realizing what she must have stumbled across. She kept her gaze firmly on him, not wanting to look around and find Kikyo, also in a compromising position.
She began to stumble backwards, jerking her thumb over her shoulder, her eyes still trained on his form. "I am just going to…um, leave." She squeaked out, tears pricking her eyes as she realized she had forever lost the hanyou. Before Kagome could pull her thoughts together to properly run away, Inuyasha moved, surprising her. His hand stretching out towards her, almost as if he was beckoning her to come to him.
Kagome eyed the hand skeptically, her gaze snapping around to scan for Kikyo, finding she was nowhere in sight, she couldn't even sense her presence lingering in the darkness.
"C'mere, Kagome." Inuyasha purred and Kagome jumped slightly before replying, her feet moving of their own accord. As she neared him he tugged her wrist, gently causing her to fall, hands resting on his chest. He inhaled her scent, breathing out thickly, "I love you, Kagome, and it's about time I showed you just how much I Love you."