Chapter 2


A/N: So…this fic is kind of dark as you can tell from the following chapter. Let me know if you guys are still interested. Please Review.

Rating: M (this chapter for language, sexual themes and mild implied torture)

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon

Her voice caught in her throat and for a moment, she thought she would retch violently onto the bathroom floor. Every instinct, every memory that consumed her mind of her days as a warrior had vanished. She was alone in her bathroom, in the midnight hours staring at someone in the mirror that looked exactly like her, but wasn't. Even in her mind that made no sense, but the specter, her observant twin remained still in the glassy reflection, a look of satisfaction and surprise on her face.

Serena wanted to scream, to cry for help, to do anything but stand there with her mouth agape staring at her ghostly double. Her body was screaming at her to run, to leave the room, to open the door and let the rays of early dawn crush the darkness from her mind, but here she sat, standing her ground, staring into the bleakness of terror and overwhelming insanity. Instead of fleeing, she looked pensively at the visitor and felt a strange connection to the girl staring back her from behind the transparent illusion. Deep inside the depths of her inner mind, she felt as though the girl truly meant her no harm; that if she were going to attack, then her violent outburst of towering force should have already come. She would have been kneeling against the bathroom floor in overwhelming submission, fighting for her life to survive.

Serena tensed when the girl moved, blinked, smiled on her own accord, but the fear that had overtaken her minutes ago was gone, only to be replaced with strong resolution. She felt a calmness overtake her, and for the first time in years, felt an otherworldly strength flow through her body. She hadn't felt this good since she had transformed into Super Sailor Moon, she hadn't felt this much power since…never. She had never encountered a fire so great, it was a bursting inferno of unrelenting force, heavy and unyielding, and it was permeating every muscle, every vein. It seemed as though her blood was pumping bouts of strange energy and that some unknown force was budding deep inside of her. And when her vision blurred and her knees weakened she grimaced as the silent figure raised a finger to her lips and made a motion that filled Serena with a tranquility that she had never felt before. Her eyes were suddenly tired and her muscles limp, she slouched against the wall, her lidded eyes drooping as she fell into a restful slumber. And as the final throes of consciousness fled from her being, she vaguely remembered something that she would never forget, even after an eternity; the shadow of the uninvited breaking the bonds of the of her other worldly chains, freeing herself from the manacles of the translucent glass and coming straight for her.

Serena vaguely recalled how she got here. She knew exactly where she was; it was a room she had seen many times before. How could she, after all, forget the house in which she grew up? It was the domicile that held so many memories, both great and small. Yet here she was, with no recollection of her travel, no confirming voice on the other end beckoning her presence, no exchange of words. Somehow, she had managed to find herself sitting at the dining room table of her mother's home, watching as her family and friends chatted animatedly about the events of their trivial lives.

"I can't believe you won Rini," cried Mina, twirling long strands of pasta around her fork. "I mean we all knew you would do well, but it's not that often that someone we know wins the biggest spelling bee in the district."

Rini blushed a deep red, the rosiness of her cheeks contrasting with the light, youthful pink strands of her strawberry blonde hair. "I was surprised too, but Mama and I studied really hard and Sammy helped too," said Rini, fingering the white gold necklace around her neck and smiling brightly across to her mother.

"Well we're all very proud of you," said Ken, grinning at his niece. "Aren't we Serena?"

The blonde blinked at the mention of her name. What were they talking about? "I…yeah…" said Serena vaguely, forking the lone potato on her plate. She didn't even remember eating anything.

"You're not still mad at me for ruining your coat are you?" asked Rini, who seemed sincerely sorry about the accident that occurred several days ago.

Coat…Now she remembered why she pissed off at everyone. Rini had spilled pomegranate juice on a very expensive coat and somehow Serena was the one who ended up in trouble because she was the one who was yelling. Raye and her friends had all taken Rini's side and argued that Serena was being selfish and materialistic.

They always seemed to be villanizing her. Even when she was the victim.

Her expression soured. "What does it matter?" asked Serena, sighing and pushing her plate away. Whatever appetite she might have had, she suddenly lost it.

"It matters now because your cousin asked you a question, Serena. I don't see what the big issue is. Darien bought you another coat. You should be able to forgive your cousin and forget."

Serena chuckled to herself. It wasn't about the fucking coat. It was about a lot of things, different things that they didn't understand, that they could never understand. When exactly she had lost touch with her parents, her friends, she couldn't say. There was a lot of shit that she knew about herself that they either didn't remember, or didn't care to bring up. She was supposed to be the fucking messiah, how the hell was she supposed to feel about?

She was the messiah and she was seeing ghosts in her bathroom and losing moments in time. She was losing her god damn fucking mind and they were asking her about some god damn coat and if she forgave Rini and it all seemed so trivial. They were so insignificant in the scheme things, bags of flesh with no foresight of the future and no knowledge of her past.

She didn't have time for this; she was tired and pissy and confused as hell and the way everyone was staring at her was sending her over the edge. She got up briefly before walking to the living room to collect her things.

"Serena, sit back down," said Irene, tiredness in her voice. She was getting fed up with her daughter's mood swings.

"I'm really not in the mood to fight with any of you today," Serena said honestly. She just wanted to leave, to curl up in the comfort of her bed and sleep her worries away. Grabbing her purse and keys, she felt a tug on her elbow and her eyes locked on the worried orbs of her lover.

"Talk to me," he said, pleadingly. Something was wrong with her and he knew it. There had been…something… hovering over her for the past month.

She looked at him quietly. What did he exactly expect her to say? That she was scared, that something was consuming every aspect of her purity, her strength…that she was dying on the inside, that everything that he loved about her was slowly fading away.

"I…you wouldn't understand." What was the point of troubling him with something even she didn't understand herself?

"Then help me to." He was being honest and sincere and all she wanted him to do was gather her in his arms and hold her until the fear subsided, until whatever was haunting her was driven away by his unyielding love.

"Just…take me home with you."

Her hands were tangling in his hair and she was straddling his hips. Taking her home to talk with him suddenly meant their sweaty, needy bodies together writhing on his couch as he undressed. He had only wanted to talk, but Serena seemed to have other things on her mind. He wasn't sure if she was seducing him to get out of a conversation or because of her want for him, but it had been so long since they had last made love and he was yearning to feel her close around him as he pressed himself inside of her.

"It's been so long," she whispered huskily, as he suckled the taut skin of her neck, eliciting gentle moans from her lips. "It's been so long since you've touched me." Too long.

He didn't respond. She was right though. It had been too long. Choices and responsibilities had gotten in the way; he had been too obsessed with reaching the ultimate goal: a doctor, the prestige, the success, the glory. He had lost sight of what truly mattered most to him.

He lifted her, her legs wrapping around his waist as she grounded her bare pelvis against his tented jeans and he groaned. It felt so good to be so close to her, to share with her something so precious and personal.

He guided her down a knowing path; they had taken this walk together to his bedroom many times before and every time it felt new and exciting and filled her with an overwhelming longing to be one with him. He pressed open the door and laid her on the bed gently, removing his pants and covering her with his warmth. His hands were searching, squeezing and rubbing, exploring her body with fervent appreciation and desire. She hadn't been his first, but she might as well been. She had truly been the only woman he had ever loved.

He entered her swiftly, moaning in appreciation as she tightened and relaxed around him. His movements were hard and rough and what they were doing could hardly be called lovemaking. He was fucking her hard and fast and that was okay, that had been what she wanted in the first place.

He was pushing into her so violently, with such unadulterated force that she was caught off guard by her first orgasm and even more so when he flipped her over so that she was on top. There connection was never broken and she never took her eyes off of him as she rode him hard. All the while he dug his fingers painfully into her hips, sporadic traces of lust and pleasure washing over his otherwise stoic face. He was getting close and he could feel it and she was bouncing on him like a fucking mad woman and she was tight and wet and staring down at him with a look in her eyes that he had never seen before and he liked it. He felt that familiar feeling of tightening in his gut and knew he was close and he grabbed her by the neck and started meeting her movements with thrust s of his own. There was so much strength behind his hips that he was reaching inside of her to place he rarely touched and for a moment he feared that he might have been hurting her until she cried his name and tightened around him and he expelled himself with a jolting stream of vigor, all the while grunting as she cried his name.

She collapsed beside him, and the silence of the room was filled with appreciative pants of lovers satisfied. He reached out and touched her, the warm dampness of her back coating his fingertips.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," she said, opening her eyes to see a concerned look on his face. She smiled reassuringly as he leaned over and kissed her temple. He grabbed her gently, rearranging their bodies so that her head was resting on his slick chest. She lay their quietly, listening as the fierce thumping of his heart reverted back to a steady beat. He was drawing circles with his fingertips on her back and her muscles were aching. She vaguely heard him whisper something in her ear as she drifted off into a light sleep, darkness flooding her eyelids.

There was blood on her face; it was dark and thick and sweet tasting. She could feel the warm liquid seep into her mouth and it felt like sugary ambrosia against her tongue. The brunette beneath her was lying silently on the grassy knoll, the green fauna stained with splashes of red, fresh and wet against the surface. She hadn't expected there to be so much blood and there wouldn't have been the need to bleed her dry if she had only kept still. It could have been quick and painless and relatively easy if she wasn't bent on fighting back. Survival was overrated; if she would have just succumbed, she wouldn't have been bleeding and shuddering violently on the ground before her.

You know what you must do.

Of course she knew, it was second nature, a blood sacrifice and all…and her blood, well it was just as pretty as she was. Such as shame to let something so beautiful go to waste. But it had to be done, for the greater good. Little did the sobbing brunette know that her sacrifice would usher in a new world unlike any other these humans had ever seen.

They had been hiding, forced to live in a land of shadows, a hell like world filled with cries of agony and nightmarish creatures. It was a time for change and with her blood, the blood of an innocent would the veil that guarded the Otherworld from entering this world to be shattered and their souls set free. A blood sacrifice by the hands of a righteous woman; by the messiah herself.

She let the knife rub against the face of the brunette who lay there, muttering and crying and begging for mercy. The sky would grow dark for her soon enough and she would have her peace. Until then, it was time for suffering, and the blood stained metal would show the girl a new form of pain until death was on the horizon and the morning rays of sunlight would usher in a new era, the new beginnings of a world unseen.