okay, talk about taking forever. sorry i havent updated it a long time. i hope you enjoy!

"Okay Alice, you first."

"Heh, okay…" and when she pulled it out I almost barfed. It was a nasty baby food carrot orange blazer with a black shirt underneath that had sparkly silver polka dots. The pants were a turquoise blue and had red stripes of different thicknesses. At the hemline of the pants was red feather boa type stuff. It was just plain ugly.

"Oh my god." Rosalie whispered.

"I know. It is so ugly!" Even though it was hideous, we couldn't look away.

"Girls, focus! I want to see yours!" Alice said snapping her fingers in front of both of our faces. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Okay me next!" I said. I was excited because I knew that they were going to love just how raunchy it was. It was small, only one article of clothing. I pulled it out from behind my back and I heard them each suck in a breath before they erupted in laughter. It was a hot pink, cheetah printed loin cloth.


"GROSS!" they screamed. That just made me laugh harder.

"Hey Bella," Rosalie whispered. "Maybe if you're lucky he'll model that one for you!"

"Ew Rose!" Alice screeched. She just laughed.

"Okay okay. Rosalie, let's see yours." I said, trying to get the attention off of me.

She slowly pulled it from behind her back and held it high above her head. It was a skin tight bat man suit. The long pleather fabric was so small it looked like I would be able to fit in it. The long sleeves were connected at the wrists to the bat wings so when he lifted his arms, the wings would show. It even had a helmet attached to the neck which had little pointy bat ears.

"UGH! That is the most pleather I think I've seen in my lifetime!" Alice exclaimed. "And do you know what the worst part is? I think I remember when he wore this! It was at the Halloween party we had a couple years back."

"Alice, if I remember correctly, you picked this out for him," Rosalie smirked.

"AH! I did, didn't I? Oh my god! I think I have pictures of it too!" she said jumping up and down and clapping her hands together.

"NO WAY! I have to see these." I said. The opportunity was too much to pass up.

We all returned the outfits to their proper places and continued our search. I was passing another rack of sweatshirts (how many does one man need) and noticed they were all from different colleges. Hm. I'll have to come back to these.

"Girls, I'm afraid I see them coming home soon. In about a half an hour maybe," Alice's face fell a tiny bit. "Of course right when it gets fun."

"Well we still have some time left. Come on! Lets keep looking!" I ordered.

"No way!" Rosalie called. "Girls! He has moon shoes!"

Moon shoes? I turned around and saw Rose bouncing up and down like a little kid with these purple and green boxes on her feet. She stopped jumping and I got a better look. They had what looked like the bottom of a shoe that you stood on and strapped to your foot and were connected with rubber bands to a frame so you could easily bounce. (. here's a link if you don't know what I'm talking about ) To put it lightly, they were awesome.

"Ooo, let me try!" Alice squealed.

"Okay," she said, taking them off and handing them to Alice.

"Me next!" I piped up.

We spent at least twenty minutes bouncing and laughing and in my case, falling. We didn't stop until Alice gasped.

"Oh man, they are early. They'll be here in five minutes and look at this place!"

I looked around. It was trashed.

"Hurry! Let's put everything back!" I yelled. We scurried around like mad women till everything looked normal. We fled downstairs and popped in a movie, fast forwarding it to the middle. As soon as we were all situated, I heard them come into the house.

"Bella?" Edward called.

i think this story is going to end in a chapter or two. it was never meant to be too long. please review. i love to hear from everyone.