Hey Everybody! Sorry about the whole YouTube thing! I had no choice, I had to delete my account whether I liked it or not. Anyway please read this sequel and enjoy! And don't forget to review please!!

Preview of HSM3 next Monday on Disney channel at 4pm(England).Can't wait! I'm on holiday then but I'm recording it!

It is now about two years in the future. Zac is about 28 years old, Vanessa is 27, Maddie is 4 years old and Lilly and Alex are 2 years old.

Sunday 1pm

It was a bright and sunny day in Los Angeles as the Efron family sat in their back yard. Zac and Vanessa were sitting under the tree wrapped in each other's arms, watching their three young children play. Maddie was splashing around in the shallow end of the pool while the twins were playing in the sand pit.

"How did we end up so lucky?" Zac asks while twiddling with a curl of his wife's almost black hair.

"What do you mean?" Vanessa asks back looking into Zac's crystal blue eyes.

"How did we end up so happy with three beautiful kids?"

"Because we stuck together and worked hard to make our relationship work. And if you want me to tell you how we ended up with three kids, I will, but I would've thought you'd already know!" Vanessa says with a playful smile playing on her face.

"Ha ha, very funny baby, I do know how."

"Good, 'cos I really didn't want to have to explain that!" Vanessa says and then attaches their lips in a soft, loving kiss.

After a few blissful seconds they both pull apart and rest their foreheads against each others.

"You have no idea how much I love you Zac." Vanessa says while getting lost in his amazing eyes for the millionth time in her life.

"I think I do, because I love you just as much as you love me." Zac says while gently rubbing her upper arm with his thumb.

"Mommy, Daddy! Look I can swim!" Maddie shouts.

Both Zac and Vanessa move their gaze to their little daughter over in the pool. Maddie had grown several inches taller and so had her brunette curls. Her eyes were the same deep brown as Vanessa's and her little smile was as perfect as Zac's. All together she was an extremely beautiful girl. She attended dance classes every Saturday and drama and singing lessons every Monday night. She enjoyed dancing, acting and singing so much. She was already very talented and when she was older she wanted to be in musicals like her Mommy and Daddy did.

"Wow Princess! Good Job!" Zac said loud enough for Maddie to hear. Zac still called Maddie his princess because she was exactly that. Zac spoiled her rotten and had a very special relationship with his daughter. Maddie admired her daddy so much and was always with him. But of course Zac spoiled Lilly and Alex just as much as he did with Maddie. He treated his kids equally and intends to do so for the rest of his life.

Zac stood up and pulled Vanessa up with him. They were already dressed in their bathing suits as they walked over to the twins and picked them up. They both carried one twin each and took them into the pool with them to join Maddie.

Maddie swam through the cool water doing her newly learnt doggy paddle technique while Zac held Alex out in the water and Alex kicked his legs while giggling excitedly.

Vanessa did the same with Lilly, only Lilly giggled even louder than her twin brother.

Lilly and Alex now had blonde hair which curled slightly like Zac did when he was a baby. The twins also inherited their dad's striking blue eyes. They loved to play and have fun. One minute they would be fighting over a toy or food and the next hugging each other like best friends. Alex's first word was "Dada". Zac was ecstatic when he heard his son say this and felt so touched that his first word has been about him. On the other hand Lilly's first word was completely random, it wasn't "Mama" or Dada" Like many other babies', Instead it was "Cheese". Cheese was her favourite food so maybe that could explain why that was her first word.

"So, are you excited for our vacation next week?" Zac asked while tickling Alex's little chubby tummy.

"I can't wait!"Vanessa replied with a grin on her face "Even better, we get to be all alone!"

"I know, I'm going to miss these guys, but I can't wait to finally get some peace and quiet!"Zac waded over to Vanessa and wrapped his arm around her waist, "It's going to be the best vacation you have ever been on, baby." He says while kissing her temple.

"Even better than Hawaii?"



"Way better than that...just you wait and see."

Monday Morning...

"Daddy! I'm going to be late for school!" Maddie shouted, standing by the front door holding her High School Musical book bag. When Maddie was three years old, she first watched high school musical. When Zac appeared right at the beginning playing basketball, Maddie jumped up and down pointing at the screen and squealing "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! ". It was the same for when Vanessa first appeared reading a book, but instead she screamed "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" .But Maddie got most excited when both Zac and Vanessa sung 'The Start of Something New'. Her face 

immediately glowed and a smile remained on her pretty face for the rest of the movie. Straight after watching High School Musical, Maddie watched High School Musical 2 and 3 and loved each one. She had been their biggest fan ever since.

"Okay, I'm coming now, Princess, Don't Panic!" Zac slid on his shoes and held out his hand for his daughter.

Vanessa came into the hallway and kissed her daughter's forehead."Bye Sweetie, have fun at school and behave!"

Maddie rolled her eyes and grinned playfully, "I will Mommy! I promise."

"Good, because if you don't..." Vanessa warned.

"...I won't get any cookies, I know Mommy." Maddie sighed.

"See you soon, babe" Zac reached over and kissed Vanessa's lips chastely and then waved to the twins who were sat at the table eating their cereal and then left to take Maddie to school.

The twins waved back and then started throwing their cheerio's as each other.

"Lilly, Alex! What have I told you about throwing food!? Vanessa said while marching over to the table.

"Sorry Mommy" Both twins said in unison.

7pm Dinner time

"So where are we going next week, Zac?" Said Vanessa while spooning some of her fries into her mouth.

Zac tapped the side of his nose with his finger. "It's a secret."


" I'm not going to tell you."

Vanessa put on her best puppy dog face and pleaded with her husband.

"Don't even try that one on me, babe. It's not going to work!" Zac responded with a smirk on his face.

"I hate you right now." Vanessa scowled.

Zac chuckled. "I love you too, baby."

"Daddy, can I have some ketchup on my fries, please?" Maddie asked while smiling sweetly at Zac.

"Of course you can, Princess." Zac took the bottle of tomato ketchup and squirted it onto Maddie's fries.

"Thanks, Daddy!" Maddie tucked into her fries while her little brother and sister ate their smaller portion too.

"Do you two want any ketchup?" Vanessa asked while holding up the red bottle.

Alex shook his head and continued slowing eating his meal.

"Can I have cheese instead, Mommy?" Lilly asked looking hopeful.

Vanessa and Zac both chuckled at their daughter's addiction to the food and Vanessa stood up."Of course you can, Lilly-pad."

Hey again! That's the first chapter for you! Not very exciting or long but it's just a beginner chapter to start the story off. Next chapter will be full of Zanessa Fluff as they jet off on their mystery vacation. Please Review! It would mean so much and assure me that you do not hate me for deleting my YouTube account .I would also like to know what you would like to happen in this story. I am missing you guys already! Thanks to everybody who has already added me to their author alerts and made accounts on her just for me. I love you all so much!