Hello FanFiction readers!
I am going to write out every single chapter of InuYasha, from the time the anime ended! So, continuing on from episode 167! There are 558 chapters of InuYasha, and yes, it is completed. But be patient. I will try to update as much as possible, but I just figured that you readers would like to know what happened! I am starting from chapter 357, for that is where the anime ended. It is a two-part filler chapter, but for Sango and Miroku fans, it'll be funny. So, bear with me! And enjoy! If you have any questions or comments, please tell me in messages or reviews! I will try my very best to answer them all.
Please, stay with me! I know it's kind of boring at first, but pull through! And please, use your imagination! If you are a true InuYasha fan, I know that you have the actor's voices down in your mind. Imagine the scene as if it were an episode! I know you can, and want, to do it!
I take absolutely no credit for any of the events or characters in this story. Every single detail belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I'm just trying to help the InuYasha community.
InuYasha- Chapter 357- Medicine Seller.
Mountains decorated the land, darkness accenting their rouged exterior. A glow of demonic power erupted from a crevice, revealing the hide out of a certain demon…
Goryoumaru was resting behind metal bars, leaning upon demons. Naraku and Kagura peered in, inspecting him thoroughly. Kagura's brow lowered as sweat beaded on her forehead.
"What is the meaning of this, Naraku? That Goryoumaru…" She gazed upon him, trying to understand his purpose. "Who on earth is he?!"
Remembering the previous battle with InuYasha and his group, Kagura recalled his immense power. He had been so mysterious, and so illusive. Kagura couldn't quite understand if he was on her side or Naraku's…
"Kagura…" Naraku spoke, his malice great. "You just have to shut up and watch over him."
Goryoumaru opened his eyes, his gaze meeting with Naraku's. He shot up, his demonic power gathering in his arm. The energy spewed out, slamming through the bars into Naraku. Naraku's face still held that chilling smile, even though his body was being torn apart. Kagura watched on in amazement. Who was this guy?! Who did he think he was?! Naraku could destroy him at any moment!
Naraku's upper halve floated in the air. He laughed maniacally.
"I don't die."
Goryoumaru stopped his attack, glaring at Naraku with hateful eyes. Kagura looked at him.
Goryoumaru…is Naraku's enemy then…? Kagura thought, hopeful. A powerful man like this could help her become free of Naraku, once and for all.
"Kagura, you be careful too," he smiled. "Don't ever let him get away…"
And this, he thought, will be your final job.
The blue sky hung over the group, white clouds painted upon it. Kagome sat upon InuYasha's back, staring at the scenery before her. InuYasha, speechless as usual, jumped across the ground, desperate to find a clue. They had just finished an important battle, and he now, more than ever, wanted to defeat Naraku.
"Miroku-sama," Kagome said, looking over at him and Sango. "It would have been better for you to stay at Keade-baa-chan's village."
Miroku net her gaze as well, "The insects poison is mostly gone."
InuYasha joined in on the conversation, putting in his pessimistic comments as usual, "But still, this rumor stinks. Does it really exist- an all-purpose antitoxin?"
"I have heard a rumor of an all-purpose antitoxin that works almost as soon as you drink it," Keade had said. "However, it's not easy to get a hold of. At any rate….That antitoxin is being sold by a strange wandering medicine seller. It's not known when and where he'd appear, and soon after selling the medicine, he vanishes."
"That medicine seller appeared in the neighboring village two days ago, right?" Kagome asked, resting her hand on InuYasha's shoulder.
"He's probably not around any more," InuYasha replied, an annoyed look on his face. This was such a pain.
Sango looked back at them, "It's worth trying to find him. If we can get a hold of the medicine, Houshi-sama won't have to suffer from the saimyoushou's poison again…"
Miroku looked down at her, softness in his eyes. "Sango, for my sake…"
He hugged her around the waist, resting his head on her neck. He nuzzled her neck with his head. "Forgive me. I've been so worthless."
"Sure, sure," Sango replied, her eyes closed. He never changed.
"He seems to have gotten better," Kagome suggested.
A while later, the group arrived in the village.
"Yes, the medicine seller was definitely in the village two days ago," A young woman stated, holding a basket to her thighs.
"Do you have any idea where he went?" Sango asked, holding Hirakotsu at her side. She was anxious to know where he had gone. Getting the medicine for Miroku was so important to her. If he could be put out of his misery…
"Sorry, I have no idea."
"What kind of guy was he?" InuYasha asked, hoping for a description of some kind. He was getting sick of these vague answers.
"He was certainly," the woman said, bringing her hand to her cheek dreamily. "The most finest looking man I have ever seen..."
"Oh-ho," InuYasha said, his eyes widening. That wasn't going to help.
"A fine looking man, she said, Sango-chan," Kagome repeated, holding her hands together. Finally! A chance for Sango to get back at Miroku!
Sango looked at Kagome quizzically.
"…Is that really a clue though?"
"At any rate," Miroku stated, his eyes looking to the left. "The whole thing stinks." He walked up to the young woman, grasping her hands in his. "As an excuse for giving you the medicine, he didn't make you do anything indecent, did he?"
"Oh my!" the woman laughed.
Sango hit Miroku on the head, and then pulled him away by the back of his collar.
"He's not like you," she spat.
"He might be surprisingly similar, eh?" Shippo suggested, resting on Kagome's shoulder.
InuYasha was squatting away from the group, trying to sniff out the culprit. It appeared he was the only one focused to this. "Hey! This way!"
The group set out again, taking on a more serious conversation. Kagome looked over InuYasha's shoulder, trying to see his face.
"The scent remained?"
"Yeah, all sorts of herbs. And also…" he trailed off. His nose twitched. He could still smell stench. "The smell of a youkai."
"Youkai…" Miroku said.
"A youkai's medicine, huh?" Sango asked. Her gaze became more serious. "It may work better than a human's medicine. Let's find him."
Kagome smiled. Sango-chan's giving it her all…how sweet…
Meanwhile, deep in the forest, a snake slithers across the ground. The grass parted under its belly, revealing a foot in its path. Biting down hard, it released it's venom into the enemy before it. Then, it slid away.
The girl fell to the floor, holding her ankle in her hand. "Ouch…"
"Don't move," a man's voice said from behind. "It might be a poisonous snake. I'll give you my all-purpose antitoxin," He stepped into the clearing. The woman gasped at his face. "But in exchange…"
A while later, the group was running down a road. InuYasha's noise caught the scent of the demon again. He sped up, determined to catch the perpetrator. This was seriously getting annoying.
"It's not far now! The smell of herbs!" InuYasha shouted. He saw the woman in the distance, resting against the side of the road. The group stopped to aid her. Kagome kneeled down next to her, shaking her gently. She opened her eyes slowly, a slight blush on her face.
"What happened?" Kagome asked.
"In the forest I was bitten by a snake…and when I was in trouble…"
Miroku and Sango stared down upon her.
"A medicine seller, the finest looking man I had ever seen." The blush returned to her face, her eyes taking on that dreamy look. Miroku's eyes widened as he inspected her neck more thoroughly. He kneeled down next to her as well; "As an excuse for giving you the medicine, he didn't make you do anything indecent, did he?"
"Huh?" the woman said.
Sango hit him on the head with Hirakotsu, veins popping on her head. "Stop repeating yourself."
"You're wrong," Miroku said, "Look at the back of her neck!"
He was right. On the back of her neck were the indents of teeth. The wound was swollen and red.
"Fang wounds?!" Kagome exclaimed.
"You got bitten?" InuYasha asked.
The woman looked upon the strange travelers. She couldn't remember! Why were they bombarding her with all these questions? She touched the wound on the back of her neck.
"I don't remember. My head feels rather fuzzy…" She placed her fingertips together, looking down at her feet in embarrassment.
"Leaving aside the antitoxin," Miroku said, "It seems better to reveal the medicine seller's true identity."
"Yeah," InuYasha agreed, crossing his arms. "He could be up to no good."
"Kagome-sama and Sango, you help this person home." Miroku stared at them. Sango looked at him curiously.
"Me as well?"
"InuYasha and I will go after the medicine seller. Because it seems this guy is doing something to girls."
"If that's the case…" Sango asked, anger building up inside her. No way was she skipping out on this! She needed to get the antitoxin for Houshi-sama! "I should go, to make it easier to draw out the youkai."
"You mustn't take a youkai's spell lightly! What if your mind is controlled?!"
"Same for you, Houshi-sama! You haven't recovered enough to youkai exterminating, have you?"
The two were in each other's faces, glaring each other down.
Kagome squealed and slapped her hands to her face. She leaned to InuYasha.
"Isn't it a pretty good mood?" she asked.
Curious, InuYasha looked down at her, "What is?"
"Well Miroku-sama," Kagome explained, "Doesn't want Sango-chan to meet the good-looking medicine seller, right?! Miroku-sama is most likely jealous!"
InuYasha stared at her in disbelief. What a weirdo. "Not likely, since it's about a youkai."
"Won't you listen to what I have to say?" Miroku asked. God! He was just trying to protect her! Why couldn't she understand that?!
"It's useless to stop me!" Sango retorted. What was his problem?! She was trying to do this for him!
"No helping it. In that case…" Miroku pulled a beaded rosary bracelet from his kimono. He placed it on Sango's wrist. She stared at it. Touching it lightly, she enjoyed the fact that he had given her something.
"For protection?" she asked.
"It's a rosary that breaks illusionary spells," he informed. "This way, you won't be affected. Probably."
"See you later!" Kagome waved, smiling. Shippo was upon her shoulder yet again. Miroku stood behind them, a worried expression on his face.
"Sure," InuYasha said. At least Kagome was safe.
"Kagome-chan," Sango ordered, "watch over Houshi-sama to make sure he doesn't do anything to that girl."
Kagome smiled giddily. "Leave it to me!"
"Really…I am actually worried about her you know."
InuYasha and Sango walked through the forest, InuYasha on his hands and knees. He had his nose plastered to the ground.
"How is it InuYasha? Where's the medicine seller's smell?"
"This way," InuYasha responded.
Sango trailed after him, un-aware of the eyes gazing at her through the bushes.
"So beautiful…At last we meet. My perfect girl."
Sango looked around, curious at their surroundings. InuYasha had led them to the edge of a cliff. Why…? Sure it was a youkai, but did that mean it could fly?
"InuYasha? Is this really the right way?" she asked.
InuYasha lifted his face to the air, a blush drenching his cheeks and nose.
Eh?! Sango thought. He's drunk?!
InuYasha sat like a dog, watching two butterflies dance above him. He leaned over the edge of the cliff, ready to pounce. Then, he jumped off, arms outstretched to the bugs.
"Hey?! InuYasha?!" Sango shouted. She leaned over the edge, watching InuYasha fall. She called out his name, sliding down the wall to him. Balancing, she used her arm to keep from tumbling down. The rosary around her wrist got caught on a branch, snapping off. The beads tumbled down the hill, unbeknownst to Sango.
She landed in a bed of vines, rubbing a scratch on her cheek.
"Don't move…That's a poisonous vine." An extremely handsome man stepped into the clearing. His hair was pulled into a ponytail, and his bangs were thick and long around his face. His eyes were like pools of calming water, pulling you in. "I'll give you an all-purpose antitoxin."
Eh?! Sango thought, turning to see him. She blushed slightly. So this was the medicine seller. He was so handsome…