Okay, I was not going to post one of my new stories till later... but I really couldn't help myself!

Now, Please don't expect an update till I am finished with Wolf's Girl.

I am working on Chapter 2 for this right now, but... Still. If I get it finished, I'll post it, but don't get too hopeful.

Thank you.

Complete summary: Bella Swan, recently fired from her teaching job, moves in with her best friend, Edward Cullen, while she searches for a job. When he is forced into going to an appointment for a modeling agency, Bella comes along with and is mistaken as a model, too. What happens when the two do an ad together? Will their feelings for each other be shown? Could it be possible that this job could bring out their feelings toward each other?


I hesitated outside his door. I had not seen him in awhile, and I did not know how he was going react to me being there. Sure, we talked over the phone, texted, and wrote letters, but we had not actually seen each other for a year—the year after we graduated from college together. We had both gone in different directions. He wanted to try his luck in acting in California, while I wanted to be a small town English teacher. I had not seen the rest of his family since we were seniors in high school.

I hoped that he would not mind me wanting to stay with him. I had not had enough money to pay my taxes on my small apartment, so the landlord had to kick me out. So, I did the first thing that popped into my head, I headed toward Cali. He would help his best friend, right? When she was in desperate need? Well, I sure hoped so.

I dropped both of my suitcases on the ground and unzipped my backpack to throw my small purse in; I reached my clenched fist up to the knocker to knock, and paused. What if he was with a girl in there? He had not mentioned one, but what if he had turned into some kind of player in the past year, and he did not feel the need to mention all of the girls he had slept with.

I closed my eyes tightly and brought my fist up again to knock. But, when I tried to rap my knuckles on the door frame, I did not hit wood. It was still slightly hard, but had a layer of something cottony.

I opened one eye carefully, and found myself face to face with a grey shirt. I blinked at it, frowning as I did so. Then, I looked up and met the eyes of my bronze haired best friend.

"Edward!" I squealed, enthusiastically wrapping my arms around his waist. He seemed flustered and I felt him move back a step, my arms still around him.

"Bella?" he asked hopefully. I looked up at him, my chin pressing into his chest. "Bella!" he said when he recognized me. He threw his arms around me and my backpack, burying his cheek into my hair.

We stood there like that for awhile, until Edward finally pulled back and looked me up and down. "Bells! You look great!" then, he paused and a confused look came over his face as he looked down at my suitcases. "What are you doing in California?" he asked conversationally.

That's when I blushed wildly and smiled sheepishly. "I need a big favor," I told him quietly. "You would be the ultimate best friend if you did it."

"I though I all ready was your ultimate best friend," he teased, pouting playfully.

I pursed my lips and said, "Yeah, you are. But, here is the deal: I need to stay here for a little while. Until I can get a job and enough money to go off on my own again." I assessed Edward's reaction carefully. His smile dropped a little as he thought about it. Oh, no! He was going to say no. I started nodding slowly, bending down to pick up my suitcases again. Yes, it was a disappointment, but I could understand why he would not want me staying with him.

"What are you doing?" Edward asked, stopping me from picking up my suitcases. He had one quizzical brow raised.

"I get it, Edward," I told him. "I should not have just barged in on you like this. I am sorry. You do not want me staying here, and that is fine. You do not need to explain. You have your own life and you do not want me barging in on it. I get it."

Edward's expression had become even more confused. "What are you talking about, Bells?" he asked.

"Edward, just stop. I know you don't…" he cut me off.

"Bella! Stop it! Of course I want you to stay here. I have not seen you in a year. I have missed you so much!" he wrapped his arms around me once again. "I want to know what has been going on in your life for the past year. The stuff that I don't know, I mean. Let's go get some breakfast." As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly. Edward smiled and picked up my two suitcases easily and walked back into his apartment. I followed him.

"Just set your backpack on the table right over there," he instructed, pointing toward a small wooden table. I put my backpack down and looked around. The apartment was a pretty decent size. I could see the bedroom which was fairly large, and the kitchen was right behind me. I guessed that the table that I had just put my backpack on was where Edward ate.

"Hurry up, Bella," Edward said impatiently. I giggled and grabbed my purse back out of my backpack.

When we got down to the parking lot, Edward got into the driver's seat of his Volvo that he had had since junior year in high school. I scrambled into the passenger seat quickly, and put on my seatbelt. If I could tell you one thing about Edward off the top of my head, it would be his speeding. He had a…need for speed.

"How did you get down to California?" Edward asked me suddenly. "I don't see your truck anywhere." I pressed myself closer into the seat with my eyes fixed nervously on the speedometer. "I see your fear of me driving fast has not changed," he pointed out.

I pursed my lips and answered his question. "I had to sell the truck. I took buses and trains to get here. And, the occasional taxi. I did not like their prices, though, so I did not take taxis a lot."

"Why did you sell the truck? As much as it sucked, it was still second in command to my Volvo. Now, my Volvo is going to be sad. I cannot believe you are putting my car through all this pain." He started rubbing the space in between our seats with his hand and said, "It's all right, don't cry. Yes, I'll giver her a good scolding later. So, why did you sell the truck?" he repeated.

After I was finished laughing at his foolishness, I said, "I'll tell you inside." He pulled the car into the parking lot of someplace called Bertha's Best. "Creepy name," I muttered as Edward and I walked up to the front door. Edward laughed loudly, and I smiled. I had missed his laugh… a lot. Hell, I had missed everything about him.

I followed Edward into the diner and he led me over to a booth. The place was not too crowded, thinking that it was only seven in the morning. Edward shrugged out of his jacket and I followed suit, setting my jacket and purse next to me.

A gorgeous blond walked up to the table and handed each of us a menu.

"Hey, Edward," she said, and her voice fit her perfectly. I was surprised to find that I was a little jealous. "Haven't seen you around here lately. We all missed our favorite customer."

"I have been busy: going to auditions and sleeping," Edward replied. She laughed and her laughter was very harmonious.

"Oh, I have a card one of my friends gave to me. She runs a modeling agency. Now, I know you don't want to model, but when I told her about you she gave me her card to give to you. I think you should call her up and make an appointment. For me." Edward shrugged and rolled his eyes at me. The girl noticed and turned toward me. "Oh, hello. Edward, you did not tell me you were seeing anyone."

"Oh, sorry. I did not introduce you. Rosalie this is my best friend in the whole world, Bella. Bella, this is my brother's fiancée, Rosalie."

"Wow! 'Best friend in the whole word' is a pretty big title. You must be pretty special to have it," she commented.

"Oh, she is," Edward said proudly.

I blushed and said a quick thank you and then: "Edward never told me Jasper proposed."

Rosalie giggled while Edward informed. "The other brother, Bella. Remember Emmett?"

"How could I not?"

"That is why I love him," Rosalie said proudly.

"I'm very happy for you two," I told her honestly. "When's the big day?"

"A month!" she squealed excitedly.

"So soon?"

"We've been dating for almost two years," Rosalie informed me.

My mouth went round, forming and 'o.' "Why didn't I hear about this?" I asked, turning back toward Edward.

"You never asked. And, I did not think that you would really want to know who my brothers were dating."

"Of course I do, Edward. You know how much your family means to me." Edward chuckled while nodding his head slowly.

"I should probably take your order," Rosalie said quickly. "Before I get in trouble. Emmett came here awhile ago, and my boss got so mad at me for ignoring all my other customers. So, what can I get you guys?"

"Bella?" Edward asked politely.

"Coffee. Black. And, the scrambled eggs and hash browns, please, I said. Rosalie scribbled it down on her pad of paper quickly. And, then looked at Edward.

"The usual," he said smiling. She took both of our menus and then walked to the kitchen.

"She seems really sweet," I said. "Although, I do not see how a girl like her ended up with a guy like Emmett. They must really be in love."

"They both have a thing for cars." I looked up at Edward disbelievingly. "No joke. They even met at a car convention."

I raised my eyebrows. "Wow! I would never expect her to be a car person. I guess not all people are what they look like, huh?"

"Like you," Edward said quietly.

I scoffed. "I look exactly what I really am."

"And what's that?" he asked curiously.

"Plain. Dull. Boring," I listed off.

"Bella," Edward groaned. "You are anything but those things." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"But," Edward started, "We're here to talk about why you're here." I laughed at how what he just said sounded. Edward ignored my laugher and said, "I thought you were a high school teacher. Why aren't you there?"

I shrugged and Edward glared at me. I sighed and said, "I got fired."

I waited patiently for what I said to catch up to Edward. He frowned when it did. "Why?" he asked, and I could tell he was angry. "What happened?"

"Someone better came to fill the job." His eyes narrowed. "There were not that many kids at the school, and only one English teacher—me—and I guess that they thought that the Mike guy was better suited for the job than I was."

"Are you kidding me?" he said incredulously. I shook my head sadly.

I was quiet for awhile, while I waited for Edward to calm down. Rosalie came over with our food and drinks. I smiled when I noticed Edward's 'usual' was the same thing that I had ordered

I dumped two sugar packets into my coffee and waited for Edward to gain control of his anger.

Edward had always had anger issues. And, I had experienced many of his attacks. Edward just could not control his anger and he needed to express it.

"Bella?" he asked, and I looked up from my plate. "What does any of this have to do with your truck getting sold?"

"We were talking about my truck?" I questioned.

"Well, that's what we were talking about before we left. So, why did you sell it?"

"Oh, well I ran out of money after I got fired, so I could not pay the landlord. Apparently, if you can't pay the rent, they kick you out," I joked. Edward did not seem amused, though. "I had to sell my car for money. I had to go somewhere. And, I immediately thought of you."

"I'm honored," he said lightly, but then he went back to being all moody. "Bella, I am so sorry."

"Don't be," I told him quickly. "It's not your fault that I'm in this situation right now."

"It's not yours either," he growled.

"I know," I muttered, and then took a long gulp of my coffee.

"You're mad," I pointed out after a moment.

"No!" he barked, and I raised an eyebrow as if that proved my point. "Sorry, it's just when people do things like this to my best friend; it really, really pisses me off!"

"Edward," I started, "It's not like someone caused all of this to happen."

"Yes, someone did."

"Who?" I asked incredulously.

"That Mike character who took your job away from you. I don't like him one bit, and I certainly do not trust him."

"Edward!" I moaned. "He did not take my job away from me; he simply deserved it more than I did."

"Bella," he said. "This is the part about you that ticks me off. You always think that you have to be so nice to everyone. You don't! He did take your teaching job away from you; he is a jerk."

"How would you know?" I asked. "You don't even know this guy! For all you know, he could be the nicest man in the world. I bet the children there will love him."

"Bella, I hate when we fight like this. Truce?" he asked, extending his hand out to me. I rolled my eyes and smiled, bring my hand to meet his. I sighed and Edward went back to eating his food. I could swear that he was bipolar! I followed his suit, and picked up my fork to dig into the hash browns.

A few minutes after we were finished eating, Rosalie came back and handed us our bill. I reached for my purse, which was buried under my jacket. I dug through it for my wallet and pulled out a twenty. I then placed it on the table.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Edward said. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Helping pay for the bill," I told him as if he had gone dumb in the brain. "What did you think I was doing? Placing the money on the table for the heck of it?"

"Bella, you need all the money you have right now. You don't owe me anything, and I refuse to let you pay for any part of this breakfast." I frowned and groaned a little, but allowed Edward to pay. Rosalie found our bickering quite funny and told us that we should come back more often so she would start off all her days on a good note.

I shook her hand and told her it was very nice to meet her, but she ended up dragging me into her arms for a hug. I smiled and told her I couldn't wait to see her again. Partly because wherever she was bound to be, Emmett was bound to be. And, I really missed those Cullens.

Once Edward and I finally got out of the restaurant, he drove us back to his apartment. We enjoyed the companionable silence that had filled the car. When we got to his apartment Edward threw the door open and allowed me to pass.

I sat down at one of the four chairs at the wooden table. Edward groaned and threw the card that Rosalie had given to him on the table as he took the seat next to me.

"What?" I asked. "You don't want to go into modeling?" He looked up and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Does it look like I want to go into a modeling career?" I couldn't help myself, so I laughed. "It's not funny. We both don't have careers, so you shouldn't be laughing."

"I say," I started once my laughter had ceased, "That you call up this lady and set up an appointment. I would come with you, you wouldn't be alone. Edward, do you know who this woman is?"

He shook his head no.

"She takes photographs for all the hottest brands," I told him.

"And… how would you know this, Bells?" he asked. "You're the last person that I would expect to know that." I giggled.

"Everyone knows that, Edward. I really think that you should set an appointment. Please," I begged. "For me. You can think of it as my payment as of now."

"How does that work?" Edward asked, scratching the top of his head.

"Come on!" I pleaded.

"If you want me to do it so bad, then sure. But, you're calling."

I smiled and said, "I wouldn't expect any less. Can I have your phone, please?"

"You're going to do it now?" Edward asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean, if you want an appointment tomorrow I had better call now."

"Who said that I wanted to have an appointment tomorrow?" Edward asked. "I don't even want to have an appointment!"

"I said that you wanted to have the appointment tomorrow!"

"When did you say that?"

"I just did," I told him smugly. He gave me a look which said, not funny. I smirked and held out my hand. He groaned loudly, but stood up and rummaged through a pile of junk on his couch in a room that led off from the kitchen. He pulled his phone from underneath the pile and came back over to me and placed it into my hand.

I dialed the number that was given on the card and put the phone up to my ear. I waited patiently until a secretary answered.

"Hello," she started. "This is the office to Ms. Diane Ford. Can I be of assistance?"

"Uh, yes, you can. This is Edward Cullen's… assistant and I was told to contact Ms. Ford. She had an opening in a modeling… gig and wanted Mr. Cullen to be in the shoot. Can I be directed to her line?" I asked.

"Diane is not available at the moment. I can schedule an appointment for you though."

"That would be great!" I told her. "What do you have available?"

"Well," the secretary starts and I can here some pages shuffling in the background. "We have some openings next week around—"

"No, no, next week won't do at all. I was hoping that you would have something available for tomorrow. I know that it's such late notice and all, but I just found out and… please."

"We do have an appointment available tomorrow."

"Excellent. Time, please?" I demand.

"It's a little early. Will Mr. Cullen be able to make it here around six?" She thinks that that is early. Weird.

"Yes, six P.M. will work."

"Oh, no. Not P.M., A.M." A.M., A.M.?

"Yes, yes, that will do fine, too. Thank you for scheduling an appointment on such late notice. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Thank you and have a nice day." I heard the click, which told me she had hung up. I listened to the buzz for a couple of seconds and then put the phone done.

"Did you get an appointment?" Edward asked, half excited, half-warily. I nodded my head slowly. "And?"

"It's at six," I said.

"Oh, I thought that it might be earlier than that from what I heard."

I cleared my throat and said, "It's in the morning, Edward, not in the afternoon. He paused on his way to hang up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Edward, but that's the only time that they had available before next week. Please don't be mad."

"Bells!" Edward scolded. "Would I ever be mad at you?" I shrugged my shoulders and Edward came back over to me and wrapped me in his arms. "Never, never will I ever be mad at you."

I nodded into his chest.

"It feels like I've been here for the longest time already, Edward."

Thanks for all that have read this! And my other stories!

Really, don't expect an update soon!

Thanks for being understanding,
