Chapter 15: A miracle out of the bag

Renamon gazed silently at the figure lying in bed. A green screen showing his pulse rate beeping each time it detected one. Each was a painful reminder to her that he was in this state because of her…He had been in this state for a little over a week already, yet he showed no signs of awaking.

She reached over to him and stroked his unusually pale cheek lovingly. Her heart felt fit to burst with emotions, he was in this state and it was all her fault, yet she could do nothing to help him. The others had been visiting almost every day when they had time at irregular timings but she was by his side all the time…

She felt tears stream down her cheeks as she recalled how she looked Death in the face with fear, only to see him switch targets to her beloved…She rested her head on the bed next to Guilmon, her eyes shut, tears flowing down her cheeks like a stream of liquid sapphire.

She recalled how Rika had come by to comfort her. Her words still rang in her mind…

"Renemon…you've done all that you can. For now it will just have to be Que Sera Sera, that what will be will be. There's nothing more you can do…"

Renamon wished that it wasn't so. She wanted so much to help him through this, to share his pain…But it simply could not be so…

When she opened her tear filled eyes and lifted her head once more, she found the room to be very different…

The room had become that much darker. An aura of death lingered around in the air like a persistent fly. The air was unusually stale, like the air in a tomb. From a distance, she could hear the caw of a crow. Someone else was in the room now, next to Guilmon.

The figure was wearing a hooded cape, an imposing scythe in its hand. Renamon was filled with dread as she saw the hooded figure. She felt an unexplainable coldness as she looked at him…she felt as if…as if she would never be happy ever again…

She found the courage to stand up and splutter out, "Who…Who are you?"

The figure gave an emotionless gaze and replied, "I am Death, your friend's time is up. I am here to take him away."

Renamon shook her head in disbelief, he couldn't die! Not after all they had gone through! "No…I won't let you take him!"

Death laughed in her face, "You mortal? Stop me from taking his soul? Not a chance dear girl…" and with that he swung down his giant scythe and plunged it into Guilmon.

"No!"screamed Renamon as she jerked up from her sleeping position. A dream…only a dream…She checked Guilmon's pulse just to be sure. It was normal. She sighed a sigh of relief as she willed her heart to slow down. It had gone out of control for a moment or two…

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud and continuous beep of the machine. A sign of a lack of pulse. Klaxon alarms went off in her head. She rushed over to his bedside, the machine was not reading any pulse. She picked up the bedside phone and dialed Takato.

He picked up in the middle of the third ring "Hello."

"Takato!"she cried out, practically yelling into the phone, "Guilmon'shearthasstoppedandidontknowwhattodoandandand…"

"Whoa…whoa…slow down, I can't catch what you're saying."

Renamon took a deep breath and said," Guilmon's heart has stopped and I don't know what to do!"

She heard a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the phone, "I'll be right over with the doctors, hold on." With that he hung up.

Renamon let the phone fall to the floor with a clatter. She couldn't accept that he was going to go just like that, after all they had did…She grasped one of his clawed hands and held it tightly in her own.

Fresh hot tears fell from her face as she wept bitterly. In desperation, she whispered to him "Guilmon…please, don't do this to me…I love you too much. Don't die on me now Guilmon…Not after all this…"

She heard a voice emerge, his voice standing out from the constant beep of the machine, reminding her that she had failed. "I know" said the voice.

Renamon closed her eyes, Takato was here already, he would probably kill her for this.

"It's all my fault you're in this state, Guilmon, I don't deserve your love…"she said as she wept, "Just come back, please…Don't leave me here all alone…Come back to at least blame me! This is all my fault!"

The voice again spoke, "It wasn't your fault Renamon…"

"No! It was entirely my fault…If I hadn't been so weak and let Cyberdramon kiss me, Guilmon wouldn't have become so heartbroken. If I hadn't been so weak to be cornered by Beelzemon, he wouldn't be injured. It's all my fault!"

She felt a warm hand over her own that were clasped around Guilmon's. "It's not your fault Renamon…Don't blame yourself…" said the voice. She stared at the hand over her own. It was large, clawed and red. Guilmon!

She looked at the red dinosaur. His eyes were open and a weak smile was on his face…

Renamon let go of his hand and threw herself over him, hugging him tightly in a crushing hug. He was back! Alive!

"Renamon, let go of me please." Requested Guilmon.

Renamon shook her head as she buried it into his chest, "I'm not going to let go of you ever again, not now, not ever!"

"No, Renamon, you have to let go." He asked a little more forcefully. He was trying to get rid of her!

She grasped onto him even harder, "No! I'm sorry Guilmon! I know you still blame me! I know that you still hate me! But I love you with all my heart, and I won't let you go! Please don't abandon me Guilmon!"

"Renamon, I love you, and I won't abandon you. But you have to let go of me!"

"Why?" demanded Renamon, her face streaked with tears.

"Because, you're hurting me." He replied simply

Renamon let go of him immediately, blushing furiously. Of course, she was hurting him, she was being too paranoid…

She took a seat next to him, grateful that he was back. He stretched out his hand and placed it on her cheek. She held it there with her own, glad that once more, he could touch her like this again…

"Renamon, what happened wasn't your fault, ok? Don't blame yourself."

"But I…" protested Renamon until she was cut off.

"No buts. It wasn't your fault. Ok?"

She nodded reluctantly and noticed how close he was to her now. She closed her eyes and leaned forward. She felt his soft sweet breath once more against her fur, tickling her slightly. She felt him move closer and…

"Ahem…"came another voice as it cleared its throat. Renamon shot back and turned to face the voice. It was Takato! He had just arrived…and caught them in the act. Renamon felt her face flush red.

"I thought you said that his heart stopped." Asked Takato, an eyebrow raised quizzically.

Renamon nodded in response and pointed to machine and said, "I thought it did, see?"

Guilmon held up his hand in front of her face, where the needle used to monitor his pulse was no empty. The needle had gone! So this was why there was no pulse…

"Well…good to have you back Guilmon…This is truly a miracle."

And Renamon couldn't agree more…It was a miracle indeed…