Chapter 1: Secret Admirer

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon, if I did, kids probably won't watch it anymore…

"Renamon, can you get the mail please?" came a female voice.

Renamon sighed as she got up from her seated position on the house's roof and leapt down with agile grace. Her Tamer, Rika Nonaka had been asking her to do that more often nowadays.

It was most probable that it was due to the fact that she had a secret admirer. A letter containing praise or words of love came through the mail every day. It would have been quite sweet and romantic if not for two things, one was that the letters always came without a stamp, which meant that her secret admirer delivered them by hand.

She had tried waking up early to find out who it was but no matter what, she never could find out who sent her these letters of encouragements and love.

The second thing was that she was a Digimon, who would send her these letters to begin with?

"Renamon, the mail please, sometime today would be nice." Renamon snapped out of her thoughts and went to fetch the mail. She took the stack of letters and walked towards the kitchen where Rika and her grandmother sat.

"Ah, Renamon, thank you for getting the mail again." Said Rika's grandmother.

She took the stack of letters from her and started flipping through the letters and muttering things under her breath. Eventually, she took two letters and handed them to her and Rika.

"Here you are, one each. Rika, I think yours is from Ryo, he's such a nice boy. Renamon, yours is from your secret admirer, as usual." She ended smiling knowingly at her.

Rika hurriedly ripped open her letter and read through what her boyfriend had sent her. Renamon clutched hers tightly and excused herself from the table and walked out. She wanted to be alone when she opened these letters. She sat down on the porch and opened her letter. Taking out the two pieces of paper that were inside, she took a deep breath, and looked at them.

She barely contained a gasp as she saw the first piece, it was a picture of her. The drawing was nothing short of expert. Her secret admirer was apparently a person of many talents, being able to compose love poems, do crafts and now draw spectacularly. The picture of her looked as if she was in one of her fights, with one hand ready to strike her opponent, but instead of her normal gloved hand, the pictured Renamon had a hand-cannon on her arm instead. It looked vaguely familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

Putting the first piece aside, she willed herself to calm her rapidly beating heart and looked at the other piece. It was a love letter. It read:

To my dearest,

I have loved you since the very moment we met. Your fierce eyes locked on mine. Even as you pounded me into the ground, I couldn't help but fall for you. Who couldn't? Your agile grace would put even the best gymnasts to shame. Your beauty would outshine the prettiest of Digimon. Even if you fall behind, I will be there to catch you and run along with you on this race of life.

Loving you always,

Your secret admirer.

It was a short letter, yet it was full of love for her. Renamon's heart had gone into overdrive, it was pounding like crazy. She stared into blank space with an expression that made her appear as if she had just been kissed. She only snapped out of her trance when Rika had rapped her knuckles on her head.

"Hello…Earth to Renamon."

She shook her head and stood up. "Wha…What is it Rika?" Great, she couldn't even speak properly now.

Her partner seemed to notice this as she said, "Stuttering Renamon and staring into space with a blush like that, what did this guy send you this time?"

Blush? Renamon unconsciously touched her face with her free hand, it was burning hot. She must have been blushing hard for Rika to notice it so easily under all her fur.

"So? What did he send you?" asked Rika again with her hand stretched out in front, waiting for her to give her the letter.

Renamon wordlessly handed the letter to Rika who scrutinized it for a while before handing it back to Renamon who in turn took it back.

"I'm really starting to wonder who this wonder boy is. He is a really talented artist." Remarked Rika.

Renamon remained silent.

"I wonder, that gun on your hand, it looks familiar…hmm…And this letter, he seems to know you quite well, as well as love you a whole lot…" added Rika with a grin.

Renamon could have sworn that the fur on her face became redder than Guilmons.

"Well, we gotta go for Ryo's concert, so let's go already."

Renamon nodded silently and followed, no longer conscious of what she was doing. She finally realized where she had seen that gun before. It was the one she had almost blown Guimon's head off with. Then that meant that her secret admirer was…