Disclaimer: Hey, guess what? I don't own Inuyasha. I'm not a mangaka and I am certainly not Rumiko Takahashi. I write about Inuyasha cuz I love the show not because I have legal authority to be creating a plotline or story about Inuyasha or any of the other characters. If I did, Inuyasha might just still be going on instead of ending with such an open-ended conclusion. I do have my own stories with my own characters just so you know.


kagome747's way: Again, sorry for the long wait. Hopefully I can write this as well as you imagined it. Or, dare I say, better?

Kouga smirked as he headed towards his love. Naraku was six feet under, where he belonged, and now it was finally safe enough for their long awaited wedding day. Kouga couldn't push the thought of little wolf pups running around his beloved Kagome.

It was such a nice image. Such a perfect dream.

One that was, of course, bound to come true.

So how could he not be happy and confident and pleased and excited? He blissfully ignored the desperate cries from Ginta and Hakkaku for him to slow the hell down. Who cares about them? He and Kagome were soon gonna to tie the knot and then have a sweet and sexy first night. Bow chika bow wow. Oh yeah. Niiiiiiice.

He smiled even wider when the sight of his dearest hit his nose.

Then frowned when he realized it was intermingled with that muttface's. Inuyasha. That losing bastard who couldn't keep his hands off of Kouga's woman. That's right. Kouga's woman. But that would change. Kouga could even see it now...

"Oh Kouga! Thank goodness, you've returned!" Kagome squeals as she runs over all dramatic like into his arms.

"Bwah?" Muttface, I mean Inuyasha, manages, clearly confused because his tiny brain could hardly process what was going on.

"Oh Inuyasha, you fool!" Kagome giggles, snuggling against Kouga's chest, "I could have never loved you! I have always loved Kouga!"

"Bwah wah bah wah!" Dog breath whines.

"Ahahaha!" Kagome laughs before looking up lovingly into Kouga's eyes, "I can't believe you thought you could compete with the magnificent specimen that is Kouga! My one and only love!"

"Wah bah wah bwah wah!" The dumbass sobs.

"You blubbering, pathetic little man!" Kagome replies, "And I do mean little." She laughs so more before turning to Kouga, "Oh darling, take me away from here!"

Kouga smirks, "As you wish, my dearest love!"

"BWAHBEY!" the muttface cries pathetically as Kouga and Kagome ride off in the sunet, "BWAHBEY!"

Kouga smiled smugly. Yes, that's exactly how it's going to happen.

Only, it wasn't.

When Kouga finally reached Kagome, he was shocked and confused to find her pregnant. That was impossible! As far as he could remember, she and him hadn't done the dirty deed yet! So how is it that she's already pregnant?

Kagome couldn't see him yet. She fanned herself as she sat against a tree. "It's so damn hot." She was quite far along (in the pregnancy, obviously). She rubbed her protruding belly with a wide grin. She seemed so happy.

So..therefore...it must be Kouga's child. Somehow...

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Kouga blinked. Had they had another? When was that? Kouga's brow furrowed in confusion. Wait a minute, how long had it been since the last time he'd seen Kagome?

Several months?

His eye twitched as he realized... Recovering what remained of the various wolf tribes after Naraku's death had taken longer than he thought. It had been...more than a year!

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" a tiny voice screamed.

"Miori, honey, I'm looking," Kagome replied, laughing.

Kouga's eye twitched even more when he took in the sight of this little Miori. She was adorable, yes. She was quite adorable. From her wide gold eyes to the little black dog ears on the top of her head.

It didn't make sense! Kouga's eyes were blue. Kagome's eyes were brown. And neither of them had dog ears! Those were the features of...of...

Kagome giggled, patting Miori on the head. "Did you show Daddy too?"

Miori nodded, "Daddy proud of me!" Miori turned around looking to the person one would assume was her father, "Right Daddy?"

That was when Inuyasha stepped onto the scene. And Kouga became physically angry.

Inuyasha picked up Miori, holding her up and nuzzling against her nose. "A' course I am, baby!"

Miori giggled mirthfully, "Miori almost two! Not a baby!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Sure you're not." His eyes landed on Kagome. "You think this one'll be a boy this time?"

Kagome shrugged, "But if he is, I'm thinking of naming him Inuyasha. Especially if he looks just like his Daddy."

Inuyasha blushed and looked away. "Really?"

Kagome blinked, surprised by his reaction. "Of course! After all, I l-"


Kagome and Inuyasha were startled at the sound of Kouga's voice. Inuyasha immediately scowled, "You're still alive?"

"Who this?" Miori squeaked before pulling on her father's forelock and repeating more impatiently, "Who this?"

Inuyasha sighed, "No one important."

"No one important! How about Kagome's fiancé?" Kouga cried out.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. He looked at Kagome. "You gonna handle this?"

Kagome sighed, "Naturally."

Kouga puffed out his chest, having somehow not heard them. "I'm obviously hurt by this betrayal Kagome, but I understand that in my absence, you may have grown lonely. And I forgive you. In fact, I won't even mind, that much, raising that muttface's children. So let's-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the phone," Kagome cut in, confusing both Kouga and Inuyasha.

"What's a phone?" Inuyasha asked Kagome.

She sighed and with a dismissive gesture replied, "I'll explain later. Anyways, Kouga, there's clearly some sort of misconception here."

"Misconception?" Kouga repeated, looking at Kagome's stomach. Maybe that explained everything! Somehow...

"Not there," Kagome snapped, scowling. She made a vague gesture to the general area. "Here. See, I haven't betrayed you in any way."

Kouga blinked, laughing a little, "Oh Kagome. There's no denying that you've two-timed me, but that's not important because I-"

"Two-timed you?" Kagome repeated, "Kouga, I can't cheat on you if we were never together."

Kouga stared. "What do you mean never together? You're my woman. Of course we were together. And of course we will be together. Mistakes aside."

Kagome's eye twitched. "Mistakes? Did you just call my children mistakes?"

"Well there's no way you would have mated with that muttface on purpose. Especially with the intent of having his children," Kouga replied.

"I swear to God, if I wasn't pregnant," Kagome seethed, clenching her fist

Inuyasha put a mollifying hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I can take care of it." He sounded quite excited and his hands twitched with eagerness, "I'm not pregnant."

Kagome sighed, "No, no. I said I'll handle it. Plus, I'd rather Miori not see that."

Inuyasha looked disappointed. "Fine."

Kagome turned her eyes back to Kouga. "Fact of the matter is, Kouga, that I love Inuyasha. I have loved Inuyasha since even before we met, Kouga. I love these children and in fact, I did mate with Inuyasha on purpose." Kagome blushed, "Though not with the intent of having any kids."

Inuyasha and Kagome let out a perverse chuckle.

Kouga's eye twitched.

"But I digress, I am, for the umpteenth time, not your woman," Kagome continued, "Nor did I ever intend to be. And for the record, I don't give a shit-" She cast a nervous look at her two year old before adding, "-ake about whether you forgive me or not. So you can either accept that me and Inuyasha are a happy couple or hit the road jack and don't come back."

Inuyasha sneered, "Yeah. Hit the road Jack and don't come back. No more. No more. No more. No more."

Kagome gave Inuyasha a look as Kouga finally took everything in.

"Oh darling, take me away from here!"

I guess not all dreams come true.

Kouga turned, struggling to hide his tears as he ran off. Running past Hakkaku and Ginta who were frustrated with the fact that now they had to turn around.

What can I say? You win some, you lose some.

I don't know why I added that final line. I really don't. So, kagome747, what do you think?

Also, anyone else that provided a suggestion, don't worry, I'm working it...eventually...