Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

Authors note: So, this is the sequel to 'Bella's big surprise'. A sequel! I can't believe it and I already have ideas for another sequel after this one. Anyway. I want to thank everyone who read my first story and I hope you enjoy this one.


Now that Charlie and Beth are born I am extremely surprised that I am not tired at all. This may be because of the fact that I live in a household of vampires that never sleep. I have been woken up a couple of times by the crying but I usually just go back to sleep. Edward, on the other hand, looks absolutely exhausted. I think this is probably because he hasn't hunted since Charlie and Beth were born a fortnight ago and I can't remember the last time he hunted during my pregnancy.

On those rare occasions I am woken up by my children crying I am more than willing to check on them but Edward refuses, using the excuse that I need sleep and he doesn't but I am growing more concerned about him with each passing day.

It was around midday and I was walking around the sitting room picking up disguarded items of clothing and small toys which have some how manage to scatter around the entire room. Edward was standing leaning over the couch where Charlie and Beth were lying, trying to feed them. Charlie drank happily from one of the plastic babies' bottles but Beth was crying softly, turning her head every time Edward places a bottle near her mouth.

"Come on, Beth. You need to have something to drink." Edward said gently and once more placed a bottle at her mouth. She turned her head sharply away from it and gargled. "I know it's not mountain lion but it's all we have right now. Emmett and Jasper are hunting and they should be back soon but you have to have something for lunch." Edward explained to her. I'm not exactly sure why, I don't think she can understand what we're saying right now. Alice did say that it would only be a matter of weeks before they are able to walk and talk because they're vampire brains learn much quicker than humans. Of course they will have aged a bit by then but it will still be strange having two small babies talking and running around the house.

Edward followed her mouth with the bottle as she shook her head from side to side, picking up speed. Both their movements began to blur and I tore my gaze from them, smiling slightly, and picked up a small stuffed animal. It was very amusing to watch the two of them and I had to smother a laugh with my hand.

"That's a good girl." I heard Edward say happily and looked up just in time to see that Beth had taken the bottle from him. She stared at it for a few seconds and quickly threw it across the room. Edward caught it and walked back over to her, a small frown on his face. He continued to try and persuade her to drink as I crossed my arms across my chest. He looked worse today than he had done. There were large dark circles under his eyes and his irises were onyx black.

I sighed. "Edward, you need to hunt."

"Uh-huh." He said distractedly, not lifting his gaze to me.

"When are you going to go hunting?"

"Mmhmm." I was beginning to get rather annoyed at him ignoring me.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Mmhmm." I frowned at him. I seriously doubted that he was indeed listening to a word I was saying.

"Edward, James is back from the dead."

"That's nice, dear." Yes, he definitely wasn't listening.

"Edward." I said louder than conversation volume, shouting slightly. His head snapped up and he looked at me as if he didn't even know I had been in the room. "Where you listening to me?" I already knew the answer but wanted him to admit it himself.

"Erm…yes?" He said it more like a question than an answer.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I said; you need to go hunting."

He frowned and looked back down at Beth. "I'm fine."

"Edward, if you don't go hunting, I'll force you to drink from one of the bottles." I threatened exasperatedly.

He looked up slowly and met my gaze, a smile playing on his lips. "Bella, I highly doubt that you-" He cut himself off and looked down quickly at Beth, excitement dancing in his dark eyes.

Edward's POV


I heard a small voice demand and jerked my eyes towards Beth. She stared up at me wide-eyed and I heard the thought repeat itself in her mind. I smiled at her excitedly. I could hear her thoughts, actual thoughts and not pictures like before. I moved the bottle of deer blood to her mouth.


The small voice sounded inside my head again as she moved her head away from the bottle. "Beth, you need to drink it." I said and moved the bottle again.


I frowned. She was being so stubborn. Although, when you think about it, she probably inherited that from me.


Another small, tinkling voice sounded in my head. I turned my gaze to Charlie who had finished his bottle and was pouting at me, his bottom lip trembling as he was about to cry. I quickly handed him the bottle in my hand and he drank it hungrily. Being vampires, Beth and Charlie could cry loudly, really loudly. A lot louder than any average human baby and believe me, when that happened it was not a pleasant experience.

Bella's POV

I watched Edward, confusion clouding my expression. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his upper arm. "What is it?"

He looked up at me and smiled warmly. "I can hear their thoughts." He frowned slightly and looked back down at our children. "They're thinking with words. Although their mainly just basic thinks like 'hungry' and 'no'…" He glanced at Charlie drinking his bottle quickly and smiled crookedly. "…and 'yummy'" He said with amusement.