Chapter 5

Harry squinted against the morning sunlight shining on his face. He rolled over in sheets that felt…different. Not the worn cotton ones of his four poster.

Startled, he sat up straight. Harry looked around confused; this was definitely not Gryffindor Tower. Then a body shifted next to him. Harry had to bite his tongue to keep from yelling. He swiftly scrambled out of the bed. Noticing all the green and silver Harry thought he had to be in the Slytherin dorm, meaning the bed he was in belonged to Malfoy.

Harry looked closer at the body in the bed he just exited. Blonde – almost white – hair, slender face.


And then a thought struck him: Did we do it?

The thought wasn't completely unfortunate but the fact that Harry didn't remember anything about last night meant he could have been doing pretty much anything. He just hoped he hadn't been bottom.

Harry shuffled his feet not knowing what to do. He could wake Malfoy up and face his fiery wrath or he could just leave. The thing was though he didn't exactly want to leave. Half of him wanted to know what happened last night and the other just wanted to cuddle under the covers with the gorgeous god in front of him.

"Er, Malfoy?"

The blonde didn't even budge.

"Malfoy!" Harry said louder. When he poked him in the back a little, Sleeping Beauty smacked his hand away, turning his back on Harry.

"Wake up!" This time Harry turned him over so he was lying on his back.

"Alright! Al-right!" the irritated Slytherin yelled.

Harry guessed Malfoy wasn't a morning person.

The awakened dragon, clad in only silver boxers, rubbed the sleepies out of his eyes then focused his sight on Harry.

"Oh." The look in his grey eyes became somewhat softer. "I thought you were Blaise or someone." He was quiet a second then, "You should probably take some hangover solution. Hold on, I'll get some."

With that Malfoy went into the bathroom and came out with a small vial of yellowish looking liquid and a tankard. He tossed the vial to Harry, who snatched it out of the air with brilliant Seeker skills. Harry noticed Malfoy admiring them. He smirked then took a swig from the vial. It burned going down but seemed to awaken Harry's insides. He blinked hard from the rippling effect then threw the vial back to Malfoy, who too caught it with equal Seeker skill.

Malfoy gave him a trademark look that said, See I can do that too. He then came over to Harry's side of the bed and handed him the tankard. Harry looked into its contents with skeptical eyes.

"It's not poison you prat," Malfoy said impatiently.

Harry reluctantly took a sip, only to find it was just water. He didn't realize how thirsty he was until half the tankard was empty.


"No problem."

An awkward silence ensued in which Harry fondled the water tankard and Malfoy continuously scratched his arm.

Finally Harry got the balls to ask the question he'd been dying to ask all morning.

"Wh-what happened…er, last night?"

"Well, you stole a bottle of Firewhiskey, got drunk and collapsed singing the school song," Malfoy explained as if it were easy as pie.

Harry just stood there.

"So…so you took care of me?"

Malfoy scratched his neck looking uncomfortable. "Er, yeah, I guess I did. Couldn't leave you on the grounds."

Harry grinned. Draco Malfoy was just too cute.


Before breakfast on Monday Ginny sat in the library reviewing her Transfiguration essay making sure she didn't do such a horrid job this time. Her last essay came back with a D and slashy red marks all over the place.

So, the youngest Weasley was a bit distracted. But now she was fully focused and ready to work.


Excited giggles pricked at her ears causing her to look up from her essay. The sound rang again. This time curiosity got the best of her. She swung her legs over the table's bench and got up in pursuit of the people who owned those annoying childish giggles.

It took ages before she found a group of boys she recognized as H.P.L.U. members, huddled in a corner at the back of the library. Their giggling had become hysterical now, the loudest of them being Colin Creevey.

"Ahem," she interrupted.

The laughing came to an abrupt halt. Everyone stared blankly at her.

This had to be the first time since last week that Ginny saw Colin outside of class. She figured he was embarrassed about her knowing of his membership in H.P.L.U.

"Hullo, Ginny," Colin said meekly, a red tint inching up his neck.

"Hey. I came back here to ask you to lower your voices, as we are in a library. If you don't mind." She smiled forcefully at the group to not seem menacing.

Before they could accept her request she turned away and stalked back towards her study spot. Then, suddenly she felt a hand grab her arm. Ginny turned.

"Hey…" Colin started, but Ginny talked over him. "This is so unhealthy Colin, obsessing over Harry like this."

Colin let go of her arm and dropped his gaze. In an almost audible voice he whispered, "I was hoping you'd join officially actually. I asked Lisa if she thought you would and she said you didn't much like the idea of worshipping Harry."

"You talked to Lisa about me? When?"

"Er, yesterday. Why?"

"Nothing," Ginny brushed away the subject, "Anyway. She's right. I just…Why add to his ego? It's just that I've been through too much with him to worship him."

Colin looked disheartened but said, "I understand. I'll see you at breakfast."


Colin gave her a weak smile then, went back to his fellow Harry Potter Lovers.

Ginny went back to her table and stuffed all of her homework in her bag and left the library for breakfast.

The Great Hall wasn't all that crowded yet. Sometimes Ginny liked it better when the Hall wasn't so crowded. She took a seat in the middle of the Gryffindor table and began piling waffles and bacon on her plate.

Just as she was about to dig in a voice above her said, "Hey."

Ginny looked up thinking, what was up with all these interruptions?

It was Lisa.

She smiled embarrassedly at Ginny then asked, "Is this seat taken?" indicating the one across from the red head.

Ginny shook her head, no.

Lisa sat awkwardly, avoiding Ginny's eyes.

"Um, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For all the things I said to you, it was awful and I actually didn't mean it. I was just upset. And really over what? I was acting like and idiot. Besides, it's not cool that I just left you. Gin, I'm real sorry."

Ginny was speechless. Lisa was never really one to apologize, hating to admit she was wrong. But the sad look in Lisa's grey eyes definitely said she was sorry.

"Well, I guess we've got a lot of catching up to do, eh?" Ginny said.

A smile broke on Lisa's beautiful face making the room seem a little brighter. When Lisa smiled everything was okay. Ginny truly believed that.


"Is there something on my face?" Hermione reached up to pat it.

Ron shook his head. He hadn't meant to make 'Mione conscious, he just couldn't help staring at her. She was so beautiful. She didn't have a juicy arse and enormous "fun bags". Hermione Granger had a natural, genuine beauty that radiated from within and gave her a natural glow. Especially when she smiled or laughed.

Ron loved it.

"Nothing could ever be wrong with your face. It's beautiful," Ron said in a low serious tone.

He scooted closer to Hermione on the puffy couch in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. It was free period and he had coaxed her out of taking the time to study or something useless like that. Ron put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and she immediately melted into his embrace. Ron loved being near Hermione. He loved it so much he almost couldn't stand to be away from her.

Ron kissed the comforted Hermione on the forehead and gazed into the fire, at ease.


Draco tried his absolute best to stay as far away from Potter as possible. Or as possible it was with them having classes together.

In Potions, Draco dragged Blaise and Pansy to a far corner of the room. Slughorn instructed them to brew a muscle relaxing potion.

How ironic, Draco thought. Though a quick potion would do nothing for his taut and stressed muscles. A good old fashioned massage would do the trick.

The Slytherin tried to wrestle thoughts of Potter giving him a thorough massage into an unused part of his brain. But the fantasy was putting up a damn good fight.

"Draco, dahling," Pansy purred, saving his insanity. "Why were you gone so long on Saturday? I didn't see you in the village and I didn't see you on Sunday."

Startled, the cutting knife in Draco's hand clattered to the floor. Everyone turned to look at him but he ducked down to get it quickly, so as to not have to look at a certain pair of brilliant green eyes.

Once he retrieved it and stood to full height, Pansy badgered him again, "You seem a bit skittish, what's going on?"

The poor Slytherin racked his brains thinking of a clever excuse for his alibi on Saturday and his current behavior.

Oh piddle, just tell her you were out to get a good shag.

He couldn't say that to Pans though. She'd be heart broken he didn't just come to her.

So, he came up with this: "I just haven't gotten much sleep."

He left out Saturday's events still not having come up with a clever excuse.

"And Saturday?" Blaise pressed.

Nosey son of a bitch! He shouldn't have dragged the gits with him; he almost pined for Crabbe and Goyle's company. And that was an all time low. He immediately took that back, regaining his dignity.

Draco rolled his eyes, "What is it to you?"

Blaise arched a perfect eyebrow at him.

"Okay, you caught me. I was at a whore house."

Pansy looked horrified but Blaise flared his nostrils in annoyance.

"There are no whore houses in Hogsmeade," he growled.

If Draco kept avoiding giving them an answer they'd definitely figure out something was up. No need being under their sharp radar.

He sighed. "I just needed some air alright? That's all."

Pansy looked as if she wanted to say more, but she sucked her thin, pert lips into her mouth and said nothing to Draco the rest of the class.

Draco was a little irked about the freaking third degree he'd just encountered. His lack of concentration caused his muscle relaxant to come out a bit thicker than called for.

When Slughorn came around he was all smiles expecting only the best from the Malfoy heir (despite his bitterness towards him spilling Living Death Draught all over his floor). But when he ladled a bit of the potion his smile turned upside down.

"A little too thick, Draco m'boy," and he waddled away to check more potions.

Draco didn't much care. It was just a silly potion in a silly class. What of it?

As soon as the bell rang he slung his bag over his shoulder and trudged out of the classroom. Feeling gloomy and grey he figured he'd skip lunch and stay in the dungeons to get some peace. But his plans were interrupted when a tan, muscular hand with a firm grip, yanked Draco by the collar into a deserted hallway.

"What the –" Draco started but then he saw the golden face, lit by the torch bracket over his head, of his kidnapper.

Harry fucking Potter.

The git he'd been strategically avoiding all day. Draco rolled his eyes and groaned.

"You can't hide from my powerful gaze forever ferret boy," Potter said with irritatingly sexy arrogance.

A bubble of anger rose inside the blonde. He shoved Potter off him and made to leave but the Chosen Devirginizer grabbed his arm to stop him.

Draco ignored the tingles sprouting all over his arm at the Gryffindor's touch.

"Get the hell off!"


Draco stared him down with his best evil eye but Potter never bloody blinked. Giving up Draco let out a defeated sigh and leaned against the wall behind him. He made a mental note to get more willpower the next time he went to the store.

Even though he acted like he didn't want to hear what the Gryffindor had to say, part of him kind of wanted to give him a chance. Also he was just genuinely curious.

He looked at Potter expectantly but for some reason he wouldn't look back at him. He seemed to be oddly interested in his feet. Draco ignored how cute it was that he was nervous.

"I…" the dark haired boy started. "er…." Potter scratched at his face nervously.

Draco rolled his eyes, this was taking too long, but he had a hunch. He reached out a hand and grabbed Potter by his collar pulling him close so they were nose to nose. For a second they just looked each other in the eye. Draco marveled over his green eyes for a bit then thought, oh, hell, and leaned in to kiss him. Potter was hesitant at first but then he pressed Draco against the wall as if trying to shove him into it.

The kiss was rough and passionate, as Draco couldn't get enough of Potter's hot mouth, he ran his tongue along the length of the Gryffindor's, tasting and teasing. It took two to tango and Potter's mouth battled with his for dominance. They groped and bumped as if there was no tomorrow not even stopping to think about the serious consequences of being caught. But Draco certainly didn't care, it made the whole affair more erotic.

His lungs screaming for oxygen, Draco pulled apart panting hard. He knew his lips were numb and red and his clothes were probably a wrinkled mess but right now he didn't care much.

"So…so you felt it too?" Potter - Harry now, he guessed -asked.

"Hell yes," he replied and grinned.



Blaise laughed as he watched Ron do a little jig looking like Christmas had come early.

"We are amazing. I was skeptical at first because I didn't think that the Ego Reversal Potion would actually work to bring them together but it did!" Ron practically shouted.

"Shh…" Blaise chided. "You don't want them to hear you."

Ron bit his lip to hush himself up. He took one more peek around the corner to see Harry and Malfoy caught in another liplock. Blaise rolled his eyes and grabbed Ron by the arm, "Come on," he said, "give 'em some space."

Reluctantly Ron pulled away and walked with Blaise down the corridor, the two planning for their next act of matchmaking.

A/N: I love to hear what you think so pleasey pleasey review! And…I think….I smell a sequel…..