Hey guys, thanks for your reviews, more for last chapter than any previous ones so thanks :D Make sure to keep it up! Don't be too disappointed with the fight, read the end notes.

There was some confusion, I was referring to filter settings, not the actual pairing. Just a reminder: It's a harem - Kurenai, Anko, Yugito, Temari and Sakura. However Sakura is debatable. If there are enough people wanting her out I could do it, otherwise I can make her work.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


"Namikaze Naruto vs. Nii Yugito. Hajime." Minato jumped backwards and watched on from a distance.

Naruto and Yugito just looked at each other. They didn't want to hurt the other but they both knew they would be insulted if the other went soft on them. As soon as Minato had left they both charged forward, Yugito a little faster than Naruto.

She sent a kick at his head which he caught, but he missed the follow up punch to the stomach which sent him into the air. They were on par with their taijutsu if he didn't add chakra to his punches but what it was coming down to here was speed. Without her weights she was a lot faster than Naruto and they both knew it.

Before he touched the ground she sent another kick at his side which sent him flying across the field. She ran straight at him for a follow up but before she could reach him he punched the ground causing a large crack which made Yugito stumble. Before she could compose herself Naruto sent a kick to her gut, she was hit back into a tree and coughed up a little blood.

"You're holding back, there was only a little chakra in that." She said as she stood back up.

"I would have killed you if I had charged that fully." He replied.

She shrugged and ran at him again. She attacked him full on while he tried to block, parry and counter attack where possible. A punch in the face by Naruto gave him enough time to go on the offense while she tried to defend against his weakened attacks. He charged enough chakra in his fist to do a little damage and punched her. She couldn't dodge but managed to raise her arms just in time, but it was exactly what Naruto was going for. She screamed out in pain from the attack but gave Naruto a kick in the side to get him away.

He had broken her arm with the last attack. He knew that her speed was going to be a problem and the only thing that could stop her was pure power. Something that after Tsunade's training, he had plenty of.

He went through a few hand seals and formed a chakra scalpel in each hand. "Sorry Yugito-chan, but this will be the fastest way to end things."

He charged forward with a chakra scalpel in both of his hands, intending to mess with her tendons and nerves to put her out of the battle.

Yugito knew that she wouldn't have much of a chance if Naruto managed to get her with them. She painfully went through hand seals of her own. Before Naruto could reach her she called out. "Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!" A large ball of fire was shot from her mouth and engulfed Naruto. When the attack dissipated, there was what seemed to be a charred corpse with a few bits of burning cloth by its side.

Her heart dropped. She had just killed Naruto. She had just incinerated him to death; she had been the one to kill the one that she liked more than any other. "NARUTO!" She called out desperately as she ran to his burning corpse. She heard a few other people scream out his name but paid them no attention. There was only one thing that was on her mind and that was getting to Naruto.

She ran straight to his body and felt it.


Gaara, Temari, Kankurou and Baki all arrived at the academy training grounds where they felt their friend's chakra. They arrived in time to see Naruto charge at Yugito with chakra scalpels, and then 

they saw her forming her own hand seals. They watched the fireball engulf the surprised looking Naruto and leave in its wake a burning corpse.

"NARUTO!" Temari called out, along with Sakura and Anko. They had just witnessed the one their heart ached for die in front of them and there was nothing they could do about it.

Kurenai just smirked at the scene knowing exactly what had just happened. She would, she was the one who taught it to him.

"Don't worry, he's not dead." Kurenai said to the rest.

"Did you not see that!?" Anko screeched. She was a jounin and she didn't know what had happened, her distress had clouded her other senses. It was at that moment that Kurenai realised why her friend was so close to Naruto. It was also at that moment that Kushina realised that Anko really did have something for her son.

"Just watch." Kurenai replied calmly.


"Lesson one; Genjutsu." A voice called out from behind Yugito. The owner of the voice slammed a kick into her back but was surprised when the body turned into a log. Naruto didn't have the chance to look for her before he was kicked into the side of a tree.

"I know. I felt it as I approached your body. No more games."

He shook his head and spat a bit of blood out. "Sounds good."

He shot forward and aimed a kick for her gut. She caught it with both hands but winced from the pain of her broken arm. He had got her good with that attack and it was still haunting her. She didn't even notice the other leg come up and kick her in the face sending her sprawling to the ground.

"Yugito-chan, with that broken arm you won't be able to fight at full strength. You need to give up so I can heal it."

She slowly stood up and shook her head. "I can't do that Naruto-kun. Not yet." She ran forward and tried to kick his face. He simply swatted it away and Knocked her already off balance body to the ground.

"The pain is putting you off. It's time to finish this."

She stood up and fell back over in pain. Naruto approached her to help her up. Before he got to her he heard her say. "Lesson two; ninjutsu."

The Yugito in front of him disappeared in a puff of smoke and he felt something around his ankles. He looked down and saw Yugito dragging him into the earth. "Doton: Shinjuu Zanshuu no jutsu." She called out. He managed to place his hands into one sign before he was yanked underground.

Yugito jumped back and began going through more hand seals before shouting. "Raiton: Raihebidan no jutsu!" A large snake shaped manifestation of lightning shot forth at Naruto's head. It was undercharged, she only put in enough chakra to temporarily stun him.

Before the jutsu hit, Naruto called out from the ground. "Bakuretsu Kage Bunshin!"


The crowd watched Yugito go flying back into the arms of the real Naruto. He scooped her up in his arms and walked her over to the spectators. "You did really good Yugito-chan." Naruto said to her.

"Arigatou, Naruto-kun." She said.

When they reached the others they all started clapping. They thought it was quite a fight and they knew if they were both going all out that it would have been an amazing fight. It would also be a fight that they wouldn't want to be too close to.

Naruto didn't pay much attention to them instead he turned his attention to Yugito. His father announced him as the winner of the match and called up Sasuke and Sakura.

"Good luck Sakura-chan." Naruto said as he went to healing Yugito's injuries. She nodded but felt a little disappointed when she noticed he wasn't looking at her, or showed any intention of watching her battle. 'Of course not, while she's there he won't pay attention to me.' She thought bitterly. She marched off to the field for her battle. She had anger that she needed to work off.

Sasuke joined her on the field and prepared for battle.

Minato looked between the two and said. "Haruno Sakura vs. Uchiha Sasuke. Hajime!"

Sasuke was on the immediate defence as Sakura charged at him, clearly attempting to vent her frustrations. Sasuke was a little worried, the force behind each punch Sakura threw was immense, it'd be enough to knock him back a fair way.

"Stay still!" She yelled at him. She was pissed and he was going to let her beat into him until she was satisfied. Whether he wanted to or not.

Sasuke smirked confidently. 'She's angry, that's making her sloppy, she would have got me by now but because of her anger she isn't getting anywhere.'

"Your poor 'Naruto-kun' not giving you any attention?" He mocked. He knew that if he just made her even angrier the battle would go in his favour sooner.

She seemed to almost roar and she increased her speed and power. She got a punch to his face which sent him flying back. She ran at him with new speeds and began to lay into his body.

All Sasuke could do was lay there and take the beating. 'Didn't go the way I wanted it to.' It seems his plan backfired and he paid dearly for it.

It took Minato prying her off Sasuke's body before Sasuke was finally left in peace. As soon as she stopped beating him she fell unconscious. 'Her stamina isn't the best it could be..but she did have a 

few battles.' Thought Minato. He was quite proud of all four of them. His friends children had come a fair way and knew that they would easily become great. Perhaps greater than their fathers. All four of them would.

Sasuke and Sakura's unconscious bodies were both taken over to Naruto, Tsunade and Shizune for treatment. Seeing as how he was done, Naruto went forward and took Sakura from his father and Shizune took Sasuke. Naruto hadn't actually seen or heard anything from their battle; he was too focussed on healing Yugito. The only thing that he did get was that Sakura beat Sasuke, something that surprised him.

He checked over Sakura and realised that it was just exhaustion and that she would be fine. He summoned a clone and with approval from his father took her home.

Sasuke took a little while to heal because of the extensive bruising from the onslaught of attacks he received. Naruto gave Shizune a hand after Sakura had been taken care of just so it was done faster.

Iruka and the rest of the class were absolutely gobsmacked. It worried Iruka a little bit. He knew that Naruto wasn't going all out and he knew that if he were to face the child in a fight, he definitely wouldn't come out the winner. Even Shikamaru and Chouji had their mouths gaping and if one were to pay any attention to the usually stoic Aburame, there was even emotion on his face. Eventually Iruka snapped back and tried to get the attention of the class.

"W-well..now that the tournament is concluded, I'd like to name Namikaze Naruto as the winner by forfeit of Haruno Sakura, and award him the rookie of the year for his performance." The class clapped half heartedly, not completely with it. They were a little surprised that people they had gone through the academy with were that much stronger than them. Sakura definitely scared the hell out of them.

Naruto moved out to the front of the group and bowed. "Thank you, thank you." Minato chuckled while his mother shook her head. 'Ever the show off..'

Minato walked out to the front at which Iruka stepped back, giving Minato free reign. "Congratulations all of you on a job well done. Most of you have shown that you are ready for the life of a ninja. Some of you may not be ready and I urge you not to give up; If things don't go your way this time, train harder and try again next time. Iruka, you have a fine bunch of students here." Everyone clapped after their Hokage's spiel as he walked back to be a part of the crowd.

"Thank you Hokage-sama." Iruka said. "You have all done well here today. Every one of you has passed the genin exams and are free to collect your hitai-ate's from me after this. Tomorrow will be your team allocations where you will all be put onto teams with a jounin instructor. After you collect your hitai-ate's from me you are free to go."


Naruto, Yugito, Minato and Kushina were all walking home after their genin exams. They all felt a familiar chakra signature and stopped to allow them to catch up. Not long after they'd stopped a group of four turned the corner and walked up to them.

The blonde haired girl of the group ran up and hugged Naruto, ignoring the rest of the group. Naruto hugged her back, knowing what would happen if he didn't. He shuddered at the thought.

The others had greeted themselves by the time Temari had let him go.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Naruto asked after he had greeted the others.

Baki spoke before the others had a chance to. "We can't divulge that information in the open. I have a letter to give to Hokage-sama about why we are here." With that he reached into his vest and pulled out a letter sealed by the Kazekage. He handed it to Minato who opened it and read it.


I fear the worst for both Suna and Konoha. Recently Orochimaru has approached myself and our council in hope for an alliance. It seems as though he has set up his own hidden village. I myself do not know of its whereabouts but he seems to have some sort of reserve. I believe he plans to invade Konoha and wants our help. Why he has asked us when we have such good relations I'm not sure.

However I do not underestimate his skill and I fear that he will pull something when we decline his offer. That is why I have sent my children with Baki to you. I hope that you will shelter them there for I believe it is no longer safe here. He may very well want to use Gaara for a reason we know of too well. If I get any leads as to his plans they shall be forwarded to Konoha as fast as is possible.

If somehow I am killed or manipulated and it becomes apparent, prepare for war because without me here there will not be anyone else strong enough to defeat him. Thanking you in advance for taking in my children,

Yondaime Kazekage.

Minato was a little worried as to what Orochimaru was planning for Suna. He would have Jiraiya check it out but aside from that there wasn't anything else he could do.

"We better get you settled in then." Minato said to the four sand ninja.

"Settled in?" Asked Kankurou. Why the hell would they need to settle in?

"That's right. You're here to stay." Minato replied, shocking everyone but Baki.

"NANI!?" Most of them screamed.

'Great…more kids.' Minato thought grimly.


That afternoon Baki, Temari, Gaara and Kankurou all settled in to one of the spare houses in the Namikaze compound. Baki insisted that they would find alternate living situations. However Minato wouldn't hear any of it and told them that they were staying here, it was their first orders from their Hokage.

The three siblings were torn. In Suna they had no friends, not much family and there were definitely no warm memories. In Konoha they had friends, no one looked down on them or was scared of 

them and for Temari, she had her 'Naruto-kun'. But it wasn't home. They hadn't even been told the reason for why they were there. All they knew that was they were pretty much in Konoha for good.

It didn't bother them too much though; they would just have to make it their home.

There was a knock at the door of their new house.

Baki went and opened it and saw Naruto at the doorstep. "Yo. We're having a celebration dinner tonight at 7. All of you should come." With that he disappeared not giving him a chance to reply.

'Still a little brat.' Baki thought as he closed the door.

Baki had started accompanying the Kazekage on his visits to Konoha after Yashamaru was killed on an A-rank mission. Well that was what everyone was told.

Baki walked back into the house to tell the rest to get ready.


"So what's this for anyway?" Naruto asked his mother as he had his clones set the table. He was leaning over the bench trying to see what his mother had cooked. He wasn't having much luck though. Kushina knew that if he could see it he could reach it and she didn't want him eating it all before everyone else arrived.

"I told you, for a number of reasons." She replied simply.

"Yeeeeeeah I know that, but what reasons?" He asked impatiently.

"Well you'll find out later." She said, she smirked at his pouting face and then laughed at him. "It's not going to kill you to wait ten minutes for everyone to arrive."

"What if it does? What if I die between now and then? I'll die not knowing what this whole thing is about and I might not be able to move on, I might stay on earth as a ghost because I didn't find out. Could you live with that on your conscience?" Naruto asked. He knew he had her there. He figured it was a pretty smart thing to say.

"Umm..yes. Yes I think I could." She laughed as she walked to the other side of the kitchen to finish up the other dishes. "Go wait by the door for the guests."

Naruto started to sulk but walked off and did as he was asked. He was wearing a nice black hakama, something that his mother thought he looked very handsome in. As he made his way to the door someone knocked. "Coming, coming." He called out as he jumped the rest of the distance. He grinned at making it and opened the door. Standing in the door way was Kakashi and Rin, hand in hand. It had been three years ago when they finally told everyone. They were quite disappointed at everyone's reaction; they didn't know it was that obvious.

"Heya, Kakashi-nii-san, Rin-nee-chan."

"Hey Naruto-kun." Rin said. Kakashi nodded in his direction.

"So popped the question yet Nii-san?" Naruto asked. He figured it wouldn't be long, they'd been together for a while and were more than old enough to do so.

"How did you know?" Kakashi asked shocked. First the kid sussed out their relationship now this?

"HAH! Did you really?" He asked excitedly.

Rin elbowed Kakashi in the side. "Look what you've done."

Kakashi held up his hands defensively not wanting to get hit. "It wasn't my fault!"

"This is great, soon I'll have-" Rin clamped a hand over Naruto's mouth effectively shutting him up.

"Don't say a word." She hissed in his ear. "Keep quiet about this and I'm sure that Kakashi will teach you a nice new jutsu. Isn't that right Kakashi?" She asked. She glared at him as she finished, effectively getting the message across.

Kakashi nodded his head rapidly. "Of course."

Naruto grinned and Rin let him go. "Sweet!" he said.

"Remember, not a word." Rin said as they walked through the doorway and closed the door behind them.

Not long after Kakashi and Rin had entered there was another knock on the door. He opened the door to a doorstep full of people. "Hey Kaa-san!" He called out. "Konoha's come for dinner!"


Around the dinner table sat the Haruno Yamada, Amiko and Sakura. Along with Uchiha Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi and Sasuke, next to them sat Kakashi and Rin. On the other side was Gaara, Kankurou and Temari who were sitting next to Baki. Tsunade and Shizune were up the north end of the table with Minato and Kushina. At the southern end of the table was Naruto with Anko and Yugito on either side of him as were there normal seats. Next to Anko was Kurenai who was watching her friend intently, to see if her suspicions were correct. Kurenai's mother, Yuuhi Ayumi was on her other side.

It was a light atmosphere with only a few pouting faces. Sakura and Temari were upset because they weren't sitting next to Naruto, and Sasuke, who was sitting right next to the pouting Sakura, was pissed because she had beaten him that day. He still couldn't believe he was beaten by her so easily; he was definitely going to have to improve for next time.

Yamada smirked as he gained Fugaku's attention. "I heard your son was beaten rather badly today Fugaku."

Fugaku, although a usually stoic man chuckled a little. "Yes, I heard it was a rather comical defeat. But we know how the Haruno's get when they get angry.."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Yamada asked angrily.

"See?" Fugaku smirked while their wives just shook their heads.

Minato seeing where this was going said. "Look boys, we here to celebrate, don't start another one of your pointless disputes here." He always seemed to be the one who needed to get in between the two before they killed each other. Most of the time he was tempted just to let them go.

Minato figured everyone was here and ready so he thought he'd make a toast. He clinked his glass to gain their attention. 'Always wanted to do that..'Minato thought childishly. He stood up from his place and began to speak.

"Ahem. We are here tonight for numerous reasons with many of us having announcements to make. First of all I thank you for your attendance and would like to formally welcome Baki, Gaara, Temari and Kankurou to Konoha." They all raised their glasses. "Next, I would like to congratulate Naruto, Yugito, Sasuke and Sakura for all passing their genin exams and taking another step closer to becoming a ninja." They all raised their glasses again. "Last but not least from me, I'd like to congratulate Anko and Kurenai for making jounin at their last exams." They all clapped for the two, for most of them it was the first time that they'd heard. Naruto congratulated the two again for their achievement, both of which thanked him in particular.

"Tsunade, I believe you also have something to say?" Minato sat down as Tsunade stood.

"Yes I do. Naruto could you come up here please?" She said.

Naruto, although unsure as to why, stood up and walked up to his godmother and sensei. "As you all know, for the past four years Naruto here has been my apprentice. He has worked incredibly hard over the four years which is why I have him stand before you." She reached behind her neck and undid the necklace that was dangling. Shizune smiled at what she was going to do. She knew that if that necklace was meant for anyone else it was him.

She placed the necklace on him and took a step back. She smiled at him and continued talking. "That necklace once belonged to my grandfather, the Shodai Hokage and I now pass it on to you. Today, your tests were altered-" Naruto snorted. "for both my benefit and your fathers. I must say that you passed them as well as we could expect and with that, I release you from my tutelage. There is no longer anything I can teach you, congratulations."

Everyone else smiled and clapped for him and offered their congratulations. Naruto bowed low and said. "Arigatou gozaimasu (Thank you very much) Tsunade-sensei, I am most grateful for everything you have done for me. I promise to use what you have taught me for the same reasons I told I would."

Tsunade walked over to him and hugged him. "I know you will." Tsunade had a few tears running down her face. She was proud of him, no doubt about that. But what had her upset were the memories of Dan and Nawaki, her dead lover and brother that the necklace brought up. Tsunade seemed to think that the necklace carried a curse for after she had given it to Dan and Nawaki they had both died. If it weren't for Naruto she would have been halfway across the country side probably gambling her life away. She knew Naruto was the one to have the necklace; she knew he was the one who would break the curse.

Tsunade broke the hug and wiped her eyes. Naruto thanked her again and they both returned to their seats. Kakashi and Rin both stood from their seats. "We're getting married." Kakashi said casually. There were cheers of congratulations and not long after talks of dresses and flowers.

'What have I done?'


Sorry about the cheap fights there but it was my first time writing a fight scene, well a genuine fight so yeah. the Sasuke/Sakura fight..I believe that with the training she went under plus her getting pissed she's capable of it, that and Sasuke was cocky.

Naruto is not a god and he isn't even jounin level so he isn't overpowered, he just used the super strength to his advantage and took her out of commission. There will be better fights in the chuunin exams, that I promise you. Well although it might have been disappointing, please read and review. More reviews faster update :P