Yo. Me again and yes I've started another fic. Failure and Conflict of Interest will be taken down for the time being while I work on this and Hatake Uzumaki Naruto. In regards to that story, many people weren't exactly thrilled with the last chapter and I understand that which is why I'm making this fic, to get all my excess ideas out so I can do what I wanted with that fic. It isn't dead I'm just replanning to make sure it's going in the right direction.

This fic is a harem, deal with it. I won't say who is in it yet, but it should be pretty obvious soon enough. I have 5 decided and I will accept one more, anyone but Hinata. I hate her with a passion, so it's all up to you for the sixth, I'll see what people want that I haven't included and I'll make it work.

I also want a beta for this story so if you're interested, let me know.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


The legendary Kyuubi no Kitsune stood swinging its nine tails, swatting the Konoha ninja away like flies. They had been at battle with the fox for over 6 hours and their numbers were declining rapidly. The remaining jounin quickly turned to their superior to see what they should be doing.

"Yamada-taichou, nothing's working, what do you want us to do?!"

"Hold it off, Minato will be here soon. I want you to split up into four groups. One group I want you to go behind it, group 2 I want at the left, group 3 to the right and group 4 stay here. Once you're all in place let off jutsu like there's no tomorrow!" 'Chances are there might not be.'

The ninja quickly separated and head off to do their assigned duties.


"Come on Kushina! Wake up! Don't you dare leave me here, Naruto needs you, don't die on us!" Tsunade screamed as she desperately tried to heal her friend. With the stresses of the Kyuubi and Minato having to go out and fight it, it sent Kushina into labour. She got through the pregnancy without too many complications but she was bleeding heavily. Transfusions were being done but until they stopped the bleeding the blood wasn't going to stay.

Tsunade continued to yell at the doctors and nurses for them to get more blood as she continued to try and heal the wound.

She had come back to Konoha for the birth of her friends child. Although she was keen not to come back, she knew that she had to be there for at least the birth. She was glad that she had come back; otherwise another doctor would have probably given up on her by now.

Minato had been in 30 minutes prior while Kushina was unconscious and therefore wasn't aware of what he was going to do to their son. If she had been awake and aware of what Minato planned on doing it would have made her situation all the worse.

Tsunade stood there continuously pouring healing chakra into the woman's body, she had lost too many already, there was no way she was losing Kushina as well. That and she didn't want to have to see Naruto grow up without both his parents. It was bad enough he was going to lose his father, he needed at least his mother for love and support and she'd be damned before she deprived the child of that.

After the wound had fully closed and she had checked for any other injuries; either external or internal, she gave her more blood to replenish all that she had lost. The pregnancy was gruelling and with the imminent danger of the Kyuubi it made it a whole lot worse.

10 minutes after the blood was given her stats started to steady to an acceptable level. Now that her job was done all she could do was sit there and wait for the bad news. The news that the Yondaime Hokage was dead and that his son was the container for the king of the Bijuu, the Kyuubi no kitsune. She had to chuckle, to Minato the Shinigami would be a more pleasant site than his wife would be when she finds out.

Her apprentice Shizune sat on the couch next to her offering support where necessary. While too inexperienced to participate tonight in the actual childbirth and healing, the support she did give was immensely helpful. She would definitely turn into a fine medic.


The Yondaime stood upon the head of Gamabunta next to his friend and right hand man, Haruno Yamada and the Sandaime to assist in the actual sealing. In his arms lay his newborn son wrapped up in the hospital blankets. As he made the last minute preparations for the ceremony he took a quick glance up to the battle field and was saddened at the site. Body parts lay strewn across the grass; the bodies of husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins and so on lay lifeless on the ground.

He then looked up further and took in the full sight of the beast. It seemed to be disorientated, as though it wanted to be there but at the same time didn't. He was confused at the sight of it thrashing around but didn't have time to think anymore of it. With the last preparations in place he urged the boss toad to approach the beast.

"Yamada…Sarutobi..It's been good but I need you two to get off now! I left a box with everything I want Naruto to have, make sure Kushina knows to give it to him. Farewell my friends." And with that he turned and faced the demon, barely hearing the farewells and regrets that his friends sent him.

Once he made sure that only he and his son were on the toad he started going through hand seals, fast but not too fast as to throw caution to the wind. As the toad covered the final metres between them and the fox, Minato screamed out the name of his final assault.

"Shiki Fuujin!"


A man sat up in his bed smiling warmly at the sight of his wife and child asleep safely in the bed. He had been one of the lucky ones. He watched on as his friends and acquaintances were slaughtered by the demon, and he only truly survived thanks to the years of his experience under his belt. Not that it seemed to help the others.

He looked to the left to see the moonlight shining in through the window accentuating his wife's beautiful features. Her pink hair had a slight glow and her lips looked even sweeter than they did during the day. It was certainly a sight to behold. He next looked over to his daughter, while only a few months old he knew she would be just as beautiful as his mother. He recalled the battle that had taken place just yesterday. It still shocked him how the battle turned out. Not that he was disappointed..far from it, he just knew what should have happened and why they didn't. Ah well, you just have to accept these blessings when they come.


Bright light.

That was the first thing he noticed as he opened his eyes. Bright white room and annoyingly bright light. Seemed appropriate for where he was supposed to be. Doesn't mean that he liked the situation. He was wondering when the hell something was going to happen. He could accept being dead, he did it for the good of his people. But there was no way in hell he was going to sit there bored for the rest of eternity. He went to sit up and move but felt sore and weak, so due to not being able to do anything about it he just lay there as he was.

He figured that he'd been laying there for about half an hour before the door to his room opened up and in walked…Tsunade? He lightly chuckled "Followed me to the afterlife old hag?"

Tsunade stood there trying to calm herself down before she put her chakra enhanced fist through his face. "Baka! Don't think you can insult me because you're injured!"

"Dead? You mean dead." Although he was already aware, the realisation sort of stung. Never again would he wake at his wife's side, he wouldn't get to see his son grow up…stupid fox.

"Apparently you should be dead…something happened though. The fox appears to have been sealed but you're still alive. Everyone wants to know what happened." Tsunade stated as she moved over to the bed and started examining his charts.

Minato sat there in shock for a moment. There was no way he could call on the Shinigami, have it seal away the demon of all demons and come out alive. Something was up…he just didn't know what.

"Is there something wrong with the seal?! How is Naruto?!" he frantically asked, once again trying to move, only to have his efforts cause more pain.

"Stop moving! You suffered extreme chakra exhaustion and your body was in pretty bad shape. You can't just move after barely 24 hours!"

Minato nodded in recognition before asking "How are Kushina and Naruto?"

"Kushina was in pretty bad shape for a while…I managed to fix her up but she won't be able to have any more children after that…I'm sorry Minato.." He took in the information and slowly nodded. 

"Otherwise the two are fine. The only physical change I noticed with Naruto after the sealing was 3 whisker-like marks on each cheek. They make him look cute." She finished smiling gently.

"Thank you Tsunade…"

"No problem brat, but don't expect me to always be here for you."

Although she loved the site of the new blonde brat, she had no connection to it aside from it being Kushina's kid. They weren't related and she hadn't taught her, they had just become good friends through Jiraiya and Minato. She really wanted to leave the damn village, as soon as the three of them were healed of course.

"Tsunade…what's Naruto going to do without his godmother around eh?"

"Godmother? Didn't know he had one."

"After everything you've done for us..I don't think there's anyone better. Naruto is going to need you. If he's anything like me or Kushina he's going to need the world's best medic to heal him."

Tsunade felt weird on the inside. "You..really mean that?" She'd felt close to Minato and Kushina for a while but she didn't think they were that close. She'd be honoured to be the kid's godmother, but she'd need to think about the staying thing.

"Of course I do. You've helped us out a lot over the years…without you or Jiraiya-sensei who knows where we would be."

Tsunade smiled as her eyes watered up. "Thanks kid…" she then ruffled his hair. "But I'm going to have to think it over first ok?"

He nodded. "I understand."

She pulled the covers off of him to examine his body.

"What are you doing?!" he asked alarmed.

"I'm a medic-nin, you're hurt. I'm doing a full examination to see where you're hurt." She said smirking. 'At the same time I get to see what you're packing down there.'


Meanwhile Sarutobi sat in the Hokage's chair once again. One day back on the job and he had to deal with his 'prodigal' student's defection. They had been suspicious of him for a while, but it wasn't until today when he had kidnapped Mitarashi Anko and fled the city that their worries confirmed.

Sarutobi didn't have a chance to deal with him. He seemed to have disappeared in all the commotion with the Kyuubi and taken an innocent 7 year old girl with him. They had completely searched the laboratory that they knew about but apart from various bodies and body parts, nothing linking to his actual activities was found. A sick freak he is, but he's a smart one. He knew that any trace of evidence could have been dangerous for him, and as such he had cleaned up after himself well.

Add that to the fact that he had to deal with the aftermath of the attack…things were never better. He had to make sure that the village didn't appear weak so he had to keep accepting missions. He also had to assure that the Kyuubi was in fact defeated and that the Yondaime was still alive, just injured, which still puzzled the old man. He decided to leave the decision of whether to tell the civilians the truth about the Kyuubi up to Minato and Kushina. That was one decision that he wasn't going to make, perhaps if things had been different he may have needed to. He was just glad they weren't.

Hundreds of ninja died that night, and all were to be acknowledged at the memorial service within the next few days. The Namikaze's were down to their final three members and a couple of the other major clans weren't looking to good either. He was glad that Minato and Kushina had survived. He would hate to have seen what Naruto would have to put up with without them. He was just going over the plans for the memorial service when Jiraiya came bursting through his window.

"Sarutobi-sensei? What are you doing here, where's Minato?" Jiraiya asked concerned. He was quite aware it was no easy feat trying to defeat a Bijuu and feared the worst.

"Minato is in hospital, Tsunade is taking care of him as we speak.." he said as he pulled out his pipe and lit it. "He used the Shiki Fuujin and sealed the beast into Naruto…somehow he survived, no one knows how he did it…"

"He survived the Shiki Fuujin?!" he asked shocked to the core. There was no way you could survive that!

Sarutobi nodded. "I want you to go to the hospital and visit Naruto and Kushina. She needs some support right now and I would like you to check on Naruto's seal to make sure that it there is nothing wrong. My fear is that if there was an issue with the technique that perhaps the seal won't work as it was intended."

"Right, I'll head there now." He quickly made his way to the hospital, not giving his sensei the chance to finish what he wanted to say. He still didn't know about Orochimaru.


After checking to see what room she was in, Jiraiya quickly but calmly made his way through the hospital corridors looking for the room. When he got there he opened the door and was greeted by the site of Kushina holding Naruto in her arms, gently rocking him back and forth.

As he walked into the room Kushina looked up at him and smiled. "Hey Jiraiya." She said weakly. Clearly she wasn't at full health yet.

"Hey Kushina…how are you both doing?"

"I'm fine…well getting there. Naruto seems to be fine too; I'm just worried about what could happen to him." She said as she continued to slowly rock her child. She understood why Minato had to do what he did, that doesn't mean that she was happy about it, especially not if something happened to Naruto because of it.

Minato might have survived a meeting with the Shinigami…but that ain't got nothing on an enraged Namikaze Kushina.

"Mind if I have a look at the seal? Minato would be better to check but until he's healthy I can tell if anything's wrong with it."

Kushina nodded. "Please."

Jiraiya picked Naruto up and placed him in the crib at the side of his mother's bed.

He unwrapped the blankets and gathered a little chakra into his hands. He then put his hands on Naruto's stomach and pumped a little bit into his system to make the seal visible. After a few minutes of examining the seal he spoke. "There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the seal…I can't see a problem with the Kyuubi's soul being sealed away and I don't think that its influence should bother him…Of course Minato will have to examine it properly as it's his seal, but at the moment I don't think there is anything to worry about."

Kushina leant over and gave the old man a hug. "Thank you Jiraiya.." Jiraiya hugged her back and got a perverted grin on his face. "Any perverted thoughts and I'm gonna kick your ass old man."

That quickly put an end to said perverted thoughts. There were two females in particular that he was afraid of when it came to his perverse nature; Tsunade his teammate and Kushina, his apprentice's wife. Tsunade had almost killed him once after spying on her in the onsen, and if Kushina knew about what he was doing nine months ago…the guy wouldn't stand a chance.

"So little faith.." he mumbled as Jiraiya walked to the door. "Are you going to be alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah..just see how that baka husband of mine is going."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Yeah ok, I'll see you both later." He waved as he made his way out of the room.

It took a week before Tsunade released the two from hospital on the grounds that they didn't exert themselves and no sexual activity for a month so Kushina could properly heal. Minato was pretty bummed, but after being glared at by both females quickly changed his attitude.

Minato would have got quite a beating from his wife had they both not been so injured. She told him what she thought of his actions, how she understood but wasn't happy about it. He told her that it was the only way for him to stop it and if he didn't Konoha would've been destroyed. After they vented, they walked home with Minato's arm around Kushina as she leaned into him while carrying their son. It was a beautiful sight, only enhanced by the cheers they received as they made their way through the streets on their way home.


Minato had checked the seal and was happy to say that he also couldn't see anything wrong with it. One thing that did bother Kushina though, was that he wasn't sure what would happen when he could mold chakra. The seals intentions were for the Kyuubi's chakra to combine with Naruto's as he got older, so that Naruto's chakra coils weren't overloaded at too young an age. Minato just couldn't be sure how much the Kyuubi's chakra affected him until he got older; he figured he could probably start training at about 6 or 7. He couldn't wait.

When they were all told about Orochimaru's defection and that their suspicions on his experiments were accurate, well more than accurate, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Minato and Kushina were all ready to go kill the bastard, especially when they found out that he'd kidnapped a little girl. However when logic returned to them they realised that Minato and Kushina weren't back to full health and they didn't even know where the snake was. So it was decided to deal with him at a later time.

Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Sarutobi all stood on the balcony of the Hokage's tower looking over at the village's people who he had called for. Despite protests from Kushina, Minato had decided to tell the people exactly what happened to the Kyuubi. Something he would live to regret.

"People of Konoha!" he yelled out. "One week ago, we were ravaged by the Kyuubi no Kitsune. The village sustained heavy losses but more importantly everyone lost someone close to them. This is a test to the strength of Konohagakure and we will prevail! I am here today to explain exactly how the Kyuubi was defeated, I have faith in all of you and I hope that it isn't misplaced."

Murmurs went through the crowd wondering what the hell their Hokage was on about. "It is impossible for a mortal to kill a Bijuu." Even louder murmurs went through the crowd. Minato held up his hands for quiet. "I knew that going into battle, the reason that our village is still standing is because of my son's birth." Cheers of applause erupted from the otherwise miserable audience.

"Thank you…but to defeat the demon I used a forbidden sealing technique and with much regret sealed the demon's soul within my son." Gasps were heard from all over the crowd as they began to call for the child's death.

"Kill the demon!"

"Get rid of it while it's weak!"

"Finish it off Yondaime-sama!"

Kushina and Tsunade were in tears, Kushina more so, while Minato, Jiraiya and Sarutobi were absolutely furious.

"SILENCE!" Minato roared. "My son is not the demon! In fact where he is the demon can't affect anyone, not even him! He is the true saviour of this village! Without him we would all be dead, if he weren't born that night we would have all been crushed!"

This didn't seem to satisfy the crowd as they continued to call for the child's death.

"He killed my husband!"

"I lost my husband and son to that beast!"

"Kill the Kyuubi brat!"

Now the five standing on the balcony, along with only a few in the crowd were absolutely disgusted with the way that the village was reacting. Sure they had only recently been attacked by the beast, but isn't it easy enough to see that it's a plain innocent child?

"It seems my faith and trust is misplaced! From now on I deem any mention of the nature of the Kyuubi's defeat an S-class secret and any and I mean any mention of it or attacks on my son will be punished by death! You're all dismissed."

Minato turned back around to see Sarutobi looking quite disappointed, Jiraiya looking furious, Tsunade crying and Kushina..she looked absolutely devastated.

Minato moved over to his wife and embraced her. He was gently rubbing the back of her head as she choked out. "W-why…he's just..he's an innocent child!"

"I know Kushina-chan..I know.."

Minato actually expected the people to cherish his son as their saviour, never had he been more disappointed. But that was his mistake to bare..perhaps if he had just kept it quiet, made something up. But that wasn't who he was, he was honourable and truthful and had trust in faith in people..evidently too much.


"Why weren't we told of this first?!" yelled Koharu, the Hokage's advisor.

"My priority was to tell the village first, something that I deeply regret." Replied Minato.

As much as Danzou wanted the boy for his ROOT ANBU group, there was no way he was going to bring it up with Minato, Danzou knew when was a good time to shutup. An arrogant fool he may have been, but even he knew he has no chance against Konoha's Yellow Flash.

"I want to know here and now who supports me and my family, especially my son. Now that the village knows the truth I fear for the worst. While I will bear no grudge against those that do not, I will not be happy if I hear of one of you intending to harm my child."

Murmurs went around the room as the Hokage sat back in his chair, still quite fatigued from his fight with the Kyuubi. Minato was certain that at least Fugaku, Yamada, Hiashi, Ayumi, Tsunade and Sasuke would support him, he was unsure about the rest though.

The noise died when Yamada stood up. "I, Haruno Yamada, on behalf of the Haruno clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan should it be required."

Next Hiashi stood up. "I Hyuuga Hiashi, on behalf of the Hyuuga clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan should it be needed."

"I Uchiha Fugaku, on behalf of the Uchiha clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan whenever it is needed."

"I Senjuu Tsunade, on behalf of the Senjuu clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan should it be needed."

"I Sarutobi Sasuke (seen it used before), on behalf of the Sarutobi clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to the Namikaze clan and Namikaze Naruto."

"I Yuuhi Ayumi, on behalf of the Yuuhi clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan should it be needed."

"I Mitarashi Mika, on behalf of the Mitarashi clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan should it be needed."

Next Inoichi, Shikaku and Chouza stood up. "We, Yamanaka Inoichi" "Nara Shikaku" "Akimichi Chouza" "pledge allegiance and offer our protection and support to the Namikaze clan and their heir, Namikaze Naruto."

"I, Hatake Kakashi, on behalf of the Hatake clan pledge allegiance and offer support and protection to Namikaze Naruto and the Namikaze clan."

"I Inuzuka Tsume on behalf of the Inuzuka pack, offer our protection and support to the Namikaze clan and your son."

"I Aburame Shino on behalf of the Aburame clan pledge our allegiance, support and protection to the Namikaze clan and their heir, Namikaze Naruto."

Minato was ecstatic with how much support his son had, but he had expected something similar. He was good friends with everyone on the council, which was bound to help. That and who really wanted to go against the legendary Yellow Flash?

"Thank you..all of you. Your support to my son means a lot and I hope that it may sway the opinions of the village. That is all that we are needed here for today, I offer my condolences to those that have lost family members and friends during the attack."

They each bid their farewells until it was only Minato, Tsunade, Sarutobi, Jiraiya and Kushina who had been hiding since the start of the proceedings.

"Who has Naruto?" Minato asked.

"Shizune and Rin are taking care of him." Kushina replied as she took a seat at the table.

"Ah, good. Well we can be happy with the support we received don't you think."

They all nodded and then Minato asked. "Say Tsunade? You made a decision yet?"

"Decision? What decision?" Kushina questioned.

"I told her that she should be Naruto's godmother and stay with him here in the village…I hope you don't have a problem with that?"

"Of course not." Kushina replied. "I can't think of anyone better. So what do you say Tsunade?"

She tried in vain to hide her happiness from everyone else. "I think I can live with that."


Yes the timeline is a little distorted but everything pre-kyuubi has happened/will happen so never fear.

Is it going to fast? It sort of seems rushed to me. Let me know what you all think.