Through the darkness
Disclaimer: Storm Hawks: I do not own Storm Hawks they belong to nerd Corps
Disclaimer: Transformers: I do not own Transformers they belong to Has/Tak.
Disclaimer: OC's: Rondana belongs to missDedodakes, Scarlette belongs to Loveflame, Shadow Belongs To ShadowQueen25
Disclaimer: General: Luthor, Lee, Zaion, Liam and Random Talons and plot belong to me.
Chapter 2. Here and now.
Somewhere deep in little Iacon three robots known as Transformers stood side by side looking directly at a huge crater as a ship hissed steam across their face plates, they each share an anxious glance before approaching the felled ship. curiously they climbed towards the windshield near the bridge, due to the ship is at the present sitting in a vertical position, this sealed the main entrance from being used by both crew and boarders, the ship it's self was torn and battered with most of the hull ripped off revealing crystal converters. The rear rudder was stripped right down and is nothing more than a smouldering husk. The part buried in the crater is crumpled and twisted and most of the hull littered the floor outside the crash site.
"Something seems off about this spacecraft, the nemesis left centuries ago no way could it return not with dantes cascade forming?" one of the robots pointed out from his spot on the ship.
"Yeah that's true, but what I don't understand is how this ship got here Barrage?" Another robot asked reaching the top of the fallen spacecraft running an isolated scan on the interior, optic band brightening slightly, "Well that's interesting." he added as he hit the glass causing it to shatter creating a way in.
"My primus Ransack has started to use common sense, now that is a surprise. Barrage whispered to his friend who snorted with laughter, this caused Ransack to spin round, optic band darkening dangerously.
"Oh hardy Har." He replied, not at all amused at the comment. "C'mon their could be Micromasters ripe for the taking."
Soon enough the others reached the top of the ship, they looked down into it noting the crew, but what caught their optics was a griffin, they never saw one before that's what caught their attention and next to it was a human. The transformers never met one but are often told about the planet earth.
"Condor?" Barrage read off the steering wheel as he activated his heel boosters in his feet, the others did the same.
Cyclonia was bristling with talons as the repair began on the ruined palace, Cyclonis sat in her throne brooding not only on the constructed photon cannon but the giant robot occupying the dungeon, she personally thought this is the moment she had dreamed about, with this robot she could dominate the whole atmos. Cyclonis could not help but wonder what happened to the two people who vanish, she did not care, just wondered the big question; how?
Dark Ace walked in getting onto one knee waiting to be addressed, Cyclonis waved a hand signalling for him to speak, "Master my scouts tell me that not only the Pathologican and the air child vanish it seems that the storm brats shared their fate," He reported a faint smirk appeared on his face, this was perfect with them out of the way Cyclonia will dominate the entire atmosian world.
"I see you are pleased Dark Ace, don't forget there are still the Rock Hearts," She said impassionedly as though the very sentence tasted bitter. She hated sky knights; this was set in stone by her grandparents' who told her about the greatest triumph of the invasions on innocent terras. They wiped out the Avatars and terra Jupiteria in a space of a fortnight the entire population.
"Master forgive me but the rock hearts are not a threat they may be a thorn in our side but if they are like the avatars... Dark Ace began but trailed off seeing a dark look in Cyclonis's eyes.
"The Avatars are dead and so are their people we made sure of that we even spared a female for our own gain," She replied grinning, "She was the key to Hitesh's downfall the Jupiterians are better off dead they were vermin anyway." She cacked evilly.
The three transformers scouted around the mangled remains of the condor they singled out the griffin and now Barrage held it while the others gathered around the human that was laying close to the griffin. No one spoke but they were all thinking the same thing.
"Lets eat them Chop Shop," Ransack barked out of the silence, "I am starving!" He added that was half true but he also wanted the others to make their minds up quickly, they have not been able to catch any Micromasters for a while and these humans looked edible.
"Patience Ransack we will eat them only after we 'use' them and we exploit their technology and glowing rocks," Chop shop replied picking up a green organic off the wall and handing it to Barrage but still watching Ransack who had picked up the black haired girl and taking her out side. Chop shop held two humans in each hand; he also pocketed two energy blades after taking them off the red headed human boy. "These will be useful."
"Primus you sound just like Kickback. Or Zaion," Ransack replied over his shoulder, he couldn't figure out who was who it was not like he cared either way. The twins were bothersome nether the less. Zaion was insane and Kickback was distant very much the anti twins both were close but they are too different.
"Zaion is too childish even you cannot deny it." Barrage shot back following Ransack out, "Even if he is an insecticon do you honestly believe Venom wouldn't take advantage of Zaion's childlike personality?"
Ransack glared at ChopShop, "Of course I don't Zaion is simply an idiot if Kickback wanted him to jump into a smelting pool he'll do it," Ransack replied his optic band indicating a grin, "I heard he had a spark mate now, that most of his attention is on her well as much attention he already has on anything besides explosions and eating."
ChopShop grinned back, "Lets pay him a visit," He shifted the rhinoceros like organic to the other hand before looking back up, "As a surprise if you know what I mean?" he cackled, Ransack merely shrugged. Very soon they settled the organics on the ground not caring if the humanoids were damaged or not.
"No not today we have some 'helpers' to waken up first." Ransack replied in a bored tone, and aiming his concussion cannon very close to the black haired girl, "Starting with this one."
The griffin woke up and started squawking but ChopShop payed the squawking animal no attention as he caught Ransack with his rifle aimed near the girls head.
"Put that away!" ChopShop demanded flatly glaring at the Locust. "Put that blaster away we need them alive you idiot!" He shouted grabbing Ransack's arm as the girl opened her eyes. ChopShop bent right over her optics locked onto hers, she wanted to scream but instead glared back at him.
"What's the point of that ChopShop it's not like I give a scrap about them, " Ransack replied glaring at his comrade then at the human, "I just hope you know what you are doing and I also hope this won't comeback and kick us in the fenders later." He added his optic band indicating a sullen frown.
'Me too,' the girl thought bitterly as she looked up at the two robots then at Griffey.
The dungons of Cyclonia was full of bustling talons as they stunned the huge robot in front of them, several talons lay frozen against the walls and two talons stood back a bit looking on at the chaos, one of them brushed his blue hair back out off his eyes as the robot continued to get up after being stunned by stunner Crystals which apparently had no affect on it at all.
"Luthor we need to get out of here," The blue haired talon shouted over the din of shearing metal, he physically winced as a particularly rotten sound passed through him as he stared at the green haired talon beside him, who simply shrugged.
"Are you out of your mind, Liam how can we escape without being noticed, noticed?" Luthor asked testily as a miss aimed shot ricochets past their heads and hits the wall behind them they both tumbled out of the way, "We cannot aim properly if our lives depended on it, it."
Liam looked at the rubble behind him and then at a foot appeared before him, looking up he saw red face with a twisted snarl baring down at him, Liam winced mentally making his will.
LIZTEN HUMAN TELL ME VHERE I AM OR ELZE I'LL HAVE TOO...BELT YOU VHITH MEIN LINGERIE!" It snarled only to switch face mid sentence it reached down and wrapped his hand around Luthor who yelled in fear. "Vhat unuzual fur colorationz.." it commented again switching face again causing Luthor to raise his eyebrows curiously and not breaking eye contact.
"Who or what are you, you?" Luthor asked fearfully noting his arms were pinned to his sides painfully.
"Zhe nom ist Blitzving human," It said bringing Luthor closer to its face, he srewed his eyes up waiting for his demise to come or at least some one to save him, "Vhat are joo doing?" he said noting the pained look in Luthor's expression.
"Going to the toilet," He spat sarcastically. "But I am also hoping to place both feet on the ground, ground!" He added indicating with his eyes towards the ground, but he is also praying that there was dirty laundry cart under him he was frankly scared shitless.
Sari woke up as the deep throb of her twisted arm became apparent, she struggled to sit up as she looked bleary eyed around at the now lighter but still dark forest, she felt wet and miserable, the humidity on Amazonia is unbelievably oppressive and frequent rain squalls are common. Sari looked as though she wanted nothing more to go home. The stark reality of her situation became clear as her key was covered in moss and barely even uttered a single ounce of light at all.
"Oh man," Sari moaned as she went to get her key, her vision blind due to a steady stream of congealed blood pricking at her eyes, "I can't be in the middle of nowhere with no way to contact Bumblebee or the others." She mumbled to her self as her arm throbbed. She picked up the key and replaced it around her neck and started a trek across the vast forest trying to look for a way out.
It was not even daybreak yet and the Autobots scoured the whole city for Sari checking up at Sumdac tower just incase and a small slither of hope rained apon them as they stopped at the front of the tower only to find it reduced to rubble Humans and robots littered the floor around it, all that remained of humans were their clothes.
"I am beginning to doubt Megatron's involvement in all this," Optimus prime said after a while not looking at the others, "What ever happened to Sari happened to Blitzwing." He turned to look at his comrades.
Cyclonia rocked with sounds of explosions and Cyclonis struggled to maintain balance as the throne rocked to and thro, "It's those blasted Atmosian resistance army and Rock hearts again!" She screeched as she was thrown back into her throne.
"No master it's that Robot it woke up and started blasting our dungeon, "A talon whimpered as Cyclonis glared at him, "It calls itself Blitzwing." He added quickly not wanting himself to be today's catch in her energy field again.
"There is promise here, go and get Liam and Luthor!" She Demanded the talon saluted and ran towards the dungeon but what he found was complete pandemonium it was like the aftermath of what happened when Lee was on caffeine and ended up bouncing off the walls.
"Sean for the sake of your sanity, sanity," Luthor began from where he was in Blitzwing's hand, "Run away as fast as you can, can."
Sean shook his head, "I am on orders so stop fooling around and come to the throne room, quickly. Bring the robot with you," he said turning to leave, Luthor wanted to belt Sean with a bone sword because he got frustrated with Sean's his Dark Aceyness.
"Suck up, up." Luthor muttered under his breath as he squirmed out of Blitzwing's grip, who looked confused and as Luthor looked down he freaked he was afraid of heights, "Maybe I should just let my self be held by a giant Robot, bot."
"Vhat ist wiv da repeating vhe endz ov joor sentences?" Blitzwing asked Luthor who muttered a prayer that he is in his happy place and on the ground.
Just as Luthor was about to answer a huge earthquake rocked the terra, terra Upendi's volcano had started to erupt. "Oh no this is it the end is here, here!" Luthor remarked.
To be continued
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