UPDATE: Since my rewrite, titled "Matters of Interest", is such a departure from this original story, I've decided to just post the old one in its entirety so you folks can read it to know how this version ended. I do sincerely believe that "Matters of Interest" is a more nuanced story and fits with the timeline for the canonical series and the character development and conflict is more believable, but this is a fun, silly little piece, too. Enjoy! And thanks for sticking around!

NOTE: This is the smutty chapter that justified the story rating. Enjoy, if that's your thing :P

Chapter 6

What was Mal doing? He was going nuts, he figured. He was scared right now. Out of his mind, but he was adjusting quite well. He wanted her. He didn't think he could have this much going on inside of him and still be able to function. First moment he met Inara he knew she was going to cause him trouble. It wasn't easy having a Companion on the ship and such, but she pulled her own weight. She turned out quite nicely and somehow she came in here and ended up coming out a bit different. Maybe not to the oblivious on looker, but too someone who had seen her before Serenity and then afterwards you could tell there was something different.

After the whole incident at the brothel with Nandi he wanted to tell her. He wanted to try and get those words out, but before he could she was gone. Leaving him all alone again. It broke him down. He couldn't tell her then because she'd just leave and there would be nothing left.

Now though he was able to accomplish more than he ever though he could. His arms secured themselves around her waist. The way she said his name was good enough for him. Their lips fell onto each other once more and he moved roughly with her. Being close to her was on his mind and it was more important than anything right about now. Mal's arm kept her close urging her against him as he began the difficult task of walking backwards towards his bed.

He had been on this bed one other time with Inara and it hadn't been like this. Nothing felt like this. Ever. Lips ravaging her own he finally fell back onto his bed taking her with him.

Her breath hitched as Mal's hand pressed insistently against her lower back, their bodies meeting, fitting together perfectly. Without much thought to speak of, Inara let him pull her back toward his small bed, her hands clamping down around his neck as they stumbled along. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Couldn't comprehend that this was Mal kissing her, driving her mad with desire. Clinging desperately to the man's shirt, she gasped as they fell to the bed.

Desperate for air, Inara broke the kiss abruptly, gazing down at Mal in silence. Her head was swimming, lost in the wave of sensation overtaking her as she lay on top of him on the bed. This was surreal; the months of tension between them had simply melted away with one kiss. Everything they had been bickering about had been true, and yet here they were. With what little sense she had left, Inara realized that something fundamental had just changed. There was no going back after this.

She knew that even if they tried, though, she and Mal would never work. They'd end up killing each other before either of them gave up their livlihoods. But despite her fears, she didn't care. She needed this, needed the man sprawled out beneath her on the mattress. Inara shoved away any more thought or reason from her mind. She studied the captain's face, mouth just barely hovering above his. They didn't need to figure things out right now. Hell, when had anything ever been easy in their lives?

Mal had never expected half of the things that took place the last couple of days. For one Mal didn't think there would be this kind of passion happening in his bedroom. Hell Mal thought the most touching he'd be getting is a hug from Kaylee and a shove from Zoe. Really not at all like he pictured. Strange how Mal had been so upset with her earlier. He had been jealous. He had known he was jealous he wasn't about to go admitting it to everyone though. Zoe had seen it and he didn't even have to act it. She knew. She knew everything about her best friend.

Mal had wanted the woman in his arms for a while now, but it was just never a good time. He tried to talk to her about it after everything with Nandi and it just went terrible. She had left him. Just like that. Took off and didn't look back. Mal would admit the first couple days she was gone he was crabby with everyone. Barking orders and such. He just had missed her and he wasn't willing to accept that just yet.

Inara had broken the kiss, and was eyeing him. He didn't make any moves to lean up towards her lips. This beautiful woman above him probably a bit better in this department, but Mal had no problems with showing her his way.

Pulling her hands from behind Mal's head, she framed his face, dipping in to capture his mouth with her own with just as much passion as he had shown her. A soft moan escaped her from between their lips as her hips bucked instinctively against his. There was nothing in the 'verse that could make her want to turn back from this moment. Damn the consequences.

He was caught in another kiss and he wasn't about to go pulling out of it. Mal was a prideful man, but whether this woman was on top or bottom was no issue to him. Some guys had that problem Mal just wanted to feel her. Hands ran up her back to her shoulders and then right back down. They traced across her sides till fingers danced on her stomach.

Inara shivered with a breathy laugh at his touch, but soon leaned into his hands as they traveled down her back. Her chest heaved heavily against Mal as she tensed on top of him, blood pumping furiously in her ears. Lips parted beneath his, unable to rouse the will to muster up any self-control. She didn't want to hold back.

Mal wasn't just another client, to be gently satisfied and sent on his way. Her actions were no longer her own. Her body, as well, was now entirely his. Their legs weaved together as she eagerly rolled onto her back, pulling Mal with her. Staring up at him, Inara reached for the buttons of his shirt, which was thankfully unrestrained by the suspenders now hanging at his sides.

Mal had the romance gene sure when he wanted to, but most of the time he was trying hard to make himself into something he wasn't. But right now the only thing running through his mind was Inara as corny as it may have been for the captain. He just wanted her. She had them rolling and with him on top now. If they were to roll the same way they'd end up on the floor. One of the bad reasons of having a bed his size. A smile appeared on Mal's face as he stared down at her.

She was already working away at his buttons. He chuckled before lowering his head and letting his lips fall on her exposed neck. Kissing gently until he just couldn't take it. The nipping and sucking began and he had a hard time keeping his hips from moving wildly against her body. He was wiggling. It was a hard thing to tame sometimes. Especially since he hadn't done this is close to a year. Oh how the mighty have fallen. His hands stayed on her sides his thumbs running in circles on her stomach. His other fingers holding her sides tightly.

Inara eyes drifted closed, hands losing focus on their task as Mal began exploring her neck. She exhaled a sigh, leaning away to give him access. All logic had flown out the window. Her mind and body solely focused on him. She suddenly returned to unbuttoning his shirt, her movements frantic with need. Luckily she had some experience in these matters. Without much trouble, she'd managed the last button, her hands now delving into his open shirt, still tucked into his pants. She sucked in air at the contact, the warmth of his skin more than inviting.

Gently urging Mal's arms away from her for room, as much as it pained her to lose the feeling of his fingers roaming over her stomach, Inara wrapped her arms around the captain's bare torso, swiftly pushing his shirt tail out of his waistband from the inside. The dress shirt was soon pressed back over his shoulders, eventually tossed to the floor. Inara's hands splayed out across his now exposed chest, her mouth leaning forwards to silence him once more.

He was waiting for the feeling of the cold air to hit his skin. Soon enough it hit, but it was silenced as he felt Inara press against his body. Warmth returned to his arms and chest. Seems like they were uneven in the clothes ration. Mal felt a bit under dressed so he decided to even it up. Well maybe later because right then his hand was working down to her thigh. His fingers pulled at the threads of her skirt pulling it up inch by inch. Till finally it was short enough for him to put his arm down and under the clothes. His hand touching bare skin now. Fingers going down the thigh, and then working inwards towards her inner thigh. His other hand had already slipped up her shirt. His fingers wrapped around the hem of her shirt urging it upwards. He was gonna need her cooperation for him to get the thing off. He didn't think Inara would take nicely to Mal ripping her fancy clothes. Least he was attentive to his lover.

She exhaled softly, already loving the comfort of Mal's weight against her as he lay on top of her. Careful not to crush her, yet insistent. She'd never imagined that Mal could be so considerate. However calming the feeling was, though, the sensation of Mal's hand traveling up her thigh drove her to near madness. Inara arched into him, breathing out his name huskily as his fingers inched upwards. Her nails scratched into his chest, silently urging him further. It was then she became aware that Mal was attempting to pull her shirt up.

He ain't never have enjoyed hearing Inara say his name so much as he did right now. It was the best thing he could ever imagine. She could read him and just like that a smile crossed over her features. Never was she more beautiful than right now.

His hands were freezing against her skin compared to the heat coursing between them. She realized the difficulty that the captain was having with it, her traditional, smug grin towards Mal grew on her lips. Inara sat up partly as she reached down to the hem of her shirt, making short work of the garment as it sailed over her head and on the floor beside Mal's. She wrapped an arm around Mal's neck, drawing him into a long kiss as she pulled him back down atop her to stifle the cool air against her bare chest.

She had tossed the garment away and was laying her body right back down bringing Mal with her. Oh whatever thing was up there watching over him he was thanking them. His lips make quick work of Inara's, his tongue delving past them to find its mate.

There was just something about the woman underneath him that he couldn't get enough of. The captain had kicked those damn boots off long ago leaving him barefoot now it would make for quick removal of his pants. Which he was now reaching down to unbutton. It bothered him to take his hands from her body, but these pants had to go. Or be lowered a bit. Malcolm Reynolds was never a man for under briefs constricting. The man did like his air flow. Once the button and zipper was done his hands went back to her body to explore her chest. Rough hands barely scraping over her exposed breast. Lips continuing to explore her own.

Her eyes clamped shut at the intensity of the kiss they were sharing, tongue darting out to battle with his for control. She writhed beneath his touch, watching instinctively as Mal reached down to unfasten his pants. There was no elegance to their movements, no formality; only raw need and an intense urgency, as if the moment would not last at all.

Inara reached down, as the captain abandoned his task in order to attend to her instead, and her fingers slid effortlessly against the smooth skin along the sides of his hips, dipping just below the waistband. She was content to merely tantalize him for now, but her need was beginning to grow too great for such games. Inara's nails scrapped along his sides in shock as he suddenly brushed against her breasts, her mouth opening with a harsh intake of air.

He would always keep the sound of that gasp forever locked in his brain. The day Malcolm Renyolds was able to please Inara Serra. Oh how he would keep this locked away. A smile formed along the captains lips. His hand continued to brush over her breast. His other hand found its way to his own side. His fingers brushed along the back of her hand until they came to his waistband. Pushing it lower and lower inch by inch he was readying himself for the feeling of well being strictly nude.

He stopped though. His hands didn't care where they were going. Instead they dipped inside her skirt at the top near her back and worked down till his hand had reached the hem of the panties. One finger slipped in and then another. Finally his hand was pressing against her bare backside. His other hand went to grip her side.

Her hand tensed as Mal placed his own on top, helping her to lower the waist of his pants even further. She could almost trace out what would happen afterwards in her mind, what she'd be open to do to him to drive him up the wall with desire for her. Her Companion instincts returning to her full force. She knew how to bring a man to his knees, and Malcolm Reynolds was going to get more than he'd bargained for. Her thoughts froze for a moment as he stopped his steady tug at his own waistband. What was he up to…

With the help her hand he brought her lower half up to meet his downward thrust. His pants and her skirt were so gonna have to go soon. He could already feel his own hand going to his waistband and pushing the pants down more.

Every muscle in her body tensed as Mal's hands wandered up her skirt and underneath her panties in a few swift moves. Their hips bucked against each other under his insistent direction, and Inara's mind went utterly blank. All her years of training and experience, and no man had ever rendered her completely helpless till this moment. Perhaps the man above her was actually more skilled than she had ever fathomed possible for him, or possibly the anticipation of this day was too great for either of them to bear for very long. There was no way to be certain; however, Inara was absolutely sure that even if she'd wanted to, there would be no resisting this attraction any longer.

Mal wasn't going to let this turn into a companion adventure. Mal didn't want a companion. He just wanted Inara. He wanted Inara for who she was not what she did. It didn't mean a thing that she had training for this stuff. He didn't want that junk. It wouldn't mean anything. He wanted Inara to act on her own instincts not her companion training.

He was going to try to surprise her each time just to get her to think with her heart not her mind. Mal just wanted her to understand that not everything had to be about companion training. It was better to let yourself go and have the best time you could possibly imagine. Part of sex was the way you didn't know what was gonna happen next. Everything would be a surprise. Not pre planned like it was some sort of meeting you had to attend and get out of at a certain time.

The captain's pants were at his knees now. He was exposed and standing at full attention. With a quick movement, Mal pulled Inara up with him till he was sitting upwards. She was now in his lap and despite his better judgment, his length rested against her inner thigh from where she was seated. His lips locked with hers till they finally had to dip down to her chest. His hands clutched her bare sides. Holding the skin tightly. He just wanted her, but he didn't want it to end either. His lips ran from her collarbone downwards towards her breast and then up to her neck. Under her chin. And right back down again.

It seemed that Mal was doing everything in his power to drive her insane with need. But she didn't mind it; Hell, she would have thanked him for it had she been able to think straight with his hands roaming across every exposed inch of her body. She moaned softly as he lifted her onto his lap, their position changing considerably. Her body trembled at the intimate contact they now shared, her mouth claiming his own hungrily.

Inara couldn't believe the intense pleasure he was hurtling her threw as they clung desperately to each other's bodies. Oh, the things he could do to her with his hips, and his hands…and Liu tyen, his mouth. Arms wrapping tightly around his neck, her hands delved into the coolness of his hair, fingers scraping gently against his scalp as she struggled to remain focused. His lips traced along every inch her chest, causing her to heave against him. She still could not feel him completely as she longed to. Luckily, her skirt merely wrapped around herself, so that now in her hour of need, she was able to simply unweave the draping cloth from her waist, letting it pool at her feet.

If this was going to happen then Mal was not gonna turn himself into some bumbling client of hers. He wasn't going to let her just take the lead. Sure she could take the lead the second go around if there was enough energy, but he wanted to show that you didn't have to just let it happen. You could make it happen. Holding her closely his lips continued to assault her chest. Loving every inch of her body. His legs were squirming underneath her.

He was working his pants off the rest of his body till finally they lay on the bed away from him. The only thing that stood between Mal and Inara was her panties. Oh this little demon things. They were made by the devil he was sure. He was almost sure that the devil himself was trying his damnest to keep Mal from doing this. With gentle precision Mal laid Inara back on the bed and slowly went with her.

Instead of laying directly on top of her, the crafty captain took up a spot next to her. He knew if he even leaned back he'd fall right off the damn bed. So he made a note to lean into her body. His lips found hers as his hand took on a mind of its own. It moved from her chest downward. Fingers trailing over her breasts, stomach and then they reached the top of her panties. His hand slipped underneath the fabric going down, but they took a swift turn going across her hips. Hooking his thumb over the material he pushed the little suckers downwards. Inching them down while his mouth continued to explore or own.

Now too lost in the moment to care, Inara obediently let Mal lay her back onto the bed beneath them, and watched with silent earnestness as his hand journeyed downward to rid them of one last barrier between their bodies. Her eyes closed into near slits, breathing coming in a forced, uneven pattern as she fought for self-control.

She exhaled sharply as his fingers snuck beneath the band of her thin undergarment, torturously slow as he pulled them down toward her knees. Needing to do something to distract her from the unbearable heat pulsating through her, Inara wriggled her legs in order to finish the job that he'd started. She finally was able to kick her panties off of her ankles, with much enthusiasm. Sighing in relief, she reached out once more to pull Mal's face to hers, lips parting to accommodate his forceful response.

The garment went onto the ground and he was all smiles. Finally there was nothing stopping them. As she pulled him on top of her his hand grabbed his loose bed sheet and pulled it with them covering his back. It would stiffle him more, but it wasn't a big deal. He was already sweating. His hips were moving against her. He wasn't inside of her yet, but he was just teasing. If she could make him shake out of control he wanted to be able to return the favor. His hands held onto her hips now.

She caught the boyish written on Mal's face, and shifted closer to the wall to give Mal room as he climbed back on top of her. Inara's knees eased open to hold his hips steady as he lay between them. If there was a tense anxiousness to this initial moment, she didn't notice it at all, swept away with just how natural this all felt to her. Laying with Mal here felt so right, she couldn't imagine ever not being this way with the captain. They'd been so stubborn for so long, unwilling to compromise, unwilling to admit. This was what they had wanted all along. To find a place, to find a home. And as far as she was concerned, being in Mal's arms like this was the only home that Inara ever wanted to know.

One hand left her hips moving between them as his lips ravished her own. These lips, they killed him. Beautiful and red everything he wanted in her. She made him ache sometimes by the simple things she'd do. By a touch. A glance. A smile. A laugh. Everything was graceful with her. Grabbing hold of himself Mal eased inside her. There was no reason to be pushy and thumpy about it. Easing into things wasn't entirely boring and stupid. Finally once he felt he was all the way in his mind went whisking off into another land. A sharp groan escaped Mal only to be silenced by her lips which was holding onto his own.

She nearly died when she felt him entering her, her eyes tightly shut, hiding the fact that they'd nearly glazed over at the intensity of their joining. Everything about Mal was blunt, unkempt; hell, even completely rude at times. But this was a side of Mal she had never dreamt of experiencing. Intense, yet gentle; insistent, but selfless. She focused on every caress from the man inside her; his rough, calloused hands causing an unbearable friction against her soft, smooth flesh. As one hand squeezed the captain's upper arm with desire, Inara flung the other back to grip the pillow beneath her head in a death grip.

"Oh, God, Mal…" She moaned as her back arched into him, his pleasure surging through her as he slowly thrust into her core almost agonizing.

When the initial shock faded, Inara lowered her gaze from the ceiling and back to Mal's face. At this moment, he was perfect. Dark-eyed, clumsy, and even callous, but perfect nonetheless. Every stroke, every kiss, was all for him. She'd lost any sense of her upbringing in the few moments in which their passion had been released. No amount of Companion training could have ever prepared her to handle Malcolm Reynolds.

Her hips suddenly bucked against his, setting off a low heat resonating from deep within her. She bit back a scream as she left her free hand roam from Mal's arm and up to his shoulder, kneading the tense muscle there as she pulled him down to her, intent on feeling skin against skin contact.

It didn't bother Mal that a lot of men had had the woman underneath him. Because right now Mal had her and he had no intention of giving her to anyone anytime soon. For now she was his. And however long she liked. He would have her. He needed her, but Mal wasn't going to go begging her to stick around. It wouldn't be fair. There'd be no giving up of the either jobs.

Although Mal could find himself unable to live with that he wasn't sure. Maybe he could handle it. She had said she hadn't had a client since leaving. Maybe things would be easier. Mal had to keep doing what he did for a living. They needed money. They couldn't be normal folks. Mal was willing to just be with her though. Willing take hold of her and keep her for as long as she wanted him. He just hoped it was for a good long while because if they ended up like this each time he was going to be hooked.

His eyes stared down into her own. Hips controlling themselves as they rocked against her body. Wanting to go deeper. Wanting to find solitude. She pulled Mal downwards and he went with no objections. His lips latched onto the left side of her neck. Sucking and nipping. Tongue racking over the spots his teeth did. He was enjoying this so much he was ready to bust like a balloon. His hips wouldn't settle down. Gentle, but still very needy. He needed her in every possible way. Mal had never needed someone like this. He had been content to be alone and not engage in this sort of activity. Hell 'sides Zoe and River he was only one who hadn't been engaging. Hell he knew Jayne engaged on leave and Simon and Kaylee whenever. Mal was content to sit in his bunk and clear his mind.

Inara's head fell back to the pillow as he began to move above her. Her hips bucked insistently against his, desperately wanting his movements to be harsher. By now she'd abandoned any thoughts of having control in this. She longed to feel him deep inside her. She needed to feel whole, but more importantly, she wanted it to be Mal who completed her.

Only now did Inara truly realized how long it had been since she'd been this intimate with a man, but even then, it had never been like this with any of the others. Beads of sweat had begun to form along her exposed body, creating a delicious friction that caused her to moan out loud. It was almost too much for her to bear. Hands wrapped around Mal's neck, Inara's fingers wove into the thickness of his hair, pressing his mouth even harder against her skin.

He was getting there. He was riding that invisible wave and he was threatening to fall right into that beautiful water. He wanted to drown so badly right now. She was making his whole world spin and in one of those good ways. He practically grabbed at her hips forcing her upwards closer to him. He wanted to feel her much closer. His hips were moving on their own. Thrashing and pounding downward into her. His hair was dabbed with some sweat and his normal shaggy hair was splayed out on his forehead in the little strands or resting nicely in Inara's hands.

He really could use to this if this was how they did things. Little bit more and Mal was going to crash down and just take as much pleasure in this as he could. The only thing that worried him was talking after this. What did you say 'good job'. No that would be terrible. He was going to have to speak with Inara and he would make sure she understood where he stood. Then again he kind of figured this would put things into plain sight for them.

Their legs were intertwined beneath the sheets, Inara's foot tracing up the back of the captain's thigh. His hands urged her onward, his eagerness only stirring the desire deep within her.

"Wuh de ma," she panted, her leg slowly lifting to wrap around his lower back, forcing him even deeper within her. Her breathing became heavy and erratic as he brought her higher and higher. She'd lost any and all control over her body as Mal worshipped it with perfect attention. She knew that it wouldn't be long ill he sent her reeling with ecstasy. She felt her muscles tightening around him as he continued to thrust in and out, taking her higher and higher. Her finger tightened their grip on his hair as she kissed a trail across the side of his neck to his cheek.

Wouldn't be long till he crashed down. Her legs were working wonders on him. Tightening a grip on him and taking him deeper within her. If someone told Malcolm Reynolds that he'd be having sex with this woman beneath him he would have shot them point blank and left them for dead. It just didn't seem likely. Plus he didn't want it out in the air he wanted her. Closer and closer. He was there teetering in the edge of perpetual failure or eternal bliss.

And there it was. Driving home, Mal felt everything inside of him get suddenly very very loose. Mal's movements didn't stop though. He rode that wave till he couldn't ride it no more.

She'd been trained to have control over her body's responses to a man, in order to ensure that he had the most pleasurable experience possible. But as she lay here, teetering on the edge, the loss of control also came with a loss of recollection of what she was supposed to do to ensure that, exactly. With Mal, everything came naturally; no pretense, no game. Just feeling. It was as if she were experiencing this all for the first time.

In a way, she was. She had never been made love to with such tenacity, such need. She could sense that she was about to peak. With one last, powerful drag of his length within her, Inara completely tensed, her mind going blank as the assault on her senses reached a fever pitch. She shuddered passionately, and as she felt Mal filling her with his essence, she decided that she could die happily right there and now.

This was a wondrous event for him he wasn't about to let everything just go to waste. He wanted to experience it all with this woman. He did slow though. Instead of the kisses on her neck his head sort of just laid there. Comfortable in her neck.

Inara collapsed on the mattress, her arms still draped around him as they came back to earth. Still shaken from the tremors of her own climax, she was barely aware that he was still moving gently against her. Her pulse slowed, her breath easing back to a normal depth.

"Wo ai ni…" she whispered with an airy sigh against his shoulder, barely audible. She was hardly aware of what she'd said, both her mind and body relaxed so completely.

He could barely hear anything at this point let alone her, but her words were like a sharp spear. Mal neither tensed nor did he flinch. He stayed the same and just ran the words over in his head. He lifted himself up slowly. He made sure he could look down at her. His eyes glowed a bit. His head tilted to the side.

"That you're way of getting another go around?" He asked a smile appearing on his face. It was typical Mal fashion not to make it into something big unless it was supposed to be that way. He was very aware of what people said in passionate embraces. Sometimes they meant nothing and sometimes they meant everything. "Cause if so I think we're gonna have to wait about five minutes so I can feel my body again. Pretty that's important in all this." He said nodding a bit like it was a full fledged fact. Sometimes he was just troublesome.

Her eyes remained closed as she tried to recover from the shock of what had just passed between them. Inara's hand fell from his neck, falling to rest on either side of her head on the mattress. She heard his voice, smiling above her, and she turned her head to the side against the soft pillow, letting out a bright, carefree laugh at his teasing remarks. It took her several moments to gather the strength to finally look up at the man who had just brought her to utter ecstasy. She gazed up at him with a dreamy smile, her lids heavy from blissful exhaustion. She knew that Mal was never one to be up front with his feelings, so she let him have his fun. Inara exhaled with a long, satisfied sigh.

"Don't flatter yourself," she breathed out dully, turning her head to the side once more as she pretended to sleep, although the manner in which she shifted her body beneath his spoke of nothing but the opposite of boredom.

Mal just shook his head and managed to work his way off her. He took up a spot with her laying on his back. It was a tight fit, but it worked out. He kept his arm next to her at his side and the other he bent putting his hand under his head. His eyes locked on the ceiling. There was two ways Mal could play this he could with the ruggid silence routine he'd used back in the day when he was a younger more in your face guy. Now he was getting older. Older than Inara that was for sure. Wasn't fun being the old guy. He moved his other arm to rest his hand on his chest.

"Me? Never." He said with fake shock in his voice. "EE-chee shung-hoo-shee." He said laughter echoing in his voice. "And we'll give it another go in a couple minutes. I just wanna feel my toes for a couple seconds and I promise I'll get right on to the second act."

She remained on her back, groaning softly in discomfort as Mal rolled off of her. She suddenly felt very empty and cold, despite the fact that he was mere inches form her body. In an effort to regain that warmth, Inara shifted onto her side, draping her naked body against him, spooning him with a quiet yet satisfied sigh. The fingers of one hand lifted up to rest above his head on the pillow and play with his hair, while the other traced shapes across his bare chest. She smirked, kissing his shoulder as pressed tighter against him.

"Oh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you?" she egged him on, chuckling as she closed her eyes. Admit that he'd left her wanting more? That last thing Mal needed was some leverage like that to brag about. She was only half serious though. In all honesty, she didn't really care about that, too distracted and happy to bother. She squirmed beneath the sheets to cover herself from the chilled air now settling over them in the bedroom, getting accustomed to the feel of their skin sliding against one another as their bodies rapidly cooled.

Break time was nice. It gave Mal a chance to relax and be able to just enjoy not moving. He would have never imagined he loved this act so much. Before it was mediocre. The same most times. He'd pass out at the end tired each time yeah, but somehow it just didn't feel right. Not fun. Like something every male was supposed to accomplish. He wasn't sure how Jayne could do this with his frequent "women". He used that loosely since Jayne almost always paid his women for service.

Mal didn't object to her body being pressed against his side and holding onto him. It was kind of nice really. Mal wasn't sure he had ever had this before. There was sex and then just sleep. That seemed to be the big thing. When he was younger and had his one special girl there had been more, but she was long gone now. Floating around with whatever the hell was up beyond space.

"What? A second act?" He asked turning his head some to look at her. "Why wouldn't I? You're talking to Captain Malcolm Reynolds here 'Nara. I don't shirk on the sexual fun." A smirk appeared and he looked back at the ceiling grinning wildly. "Sexual dynamo, bao bay."

Inara scoffed at his bold claim, ruffling his hair playfully. "Really…and all this time I never knew? Oh, the years I've wasted." She melodramatically frowned, pouting as she fought off a very obvious smirk. She propped herself up on her elbow, her other hand still running along Mal's chest.

She grinned wide, staring down at him from above for a long moment in silence. Her smile faded slowly, and her lips fell to meet his in a soft kiss, her fingers gently running up along his chest to cup the side of his cheek.

Mal was actually liking the pillow talk he was sharing with Inara. She didn't seem like she was just faking it to make him feel good. She was actually wanting to talk to him. He was just scared about her going straight into the complicated stuff. As she stopped and picked herself up he half expected to feel her leave. But she was hovering over him now. A serious look and then she was kissing him again. Hand running down his chest nicely. Once the kiss broke Mal raised an eyebrow.

"Should I even ask what that was for or just leave it completely a question mark." He said with a slight smile. It was a mystery to Mal sometimes why she put up with his crap, but then again it was a mystery why he put up with hers as well. He figured it was just something he'd always end up doing for her.

She offered him a bright grin, snuggling up against his chest to get comfortable. "Question marks are just so much more interesting," she mused, nuzzling her head beneath Mal's chin. Now half-draped over his body, enjoying the multiple sensations that her exhausted body was resting in; she shivered a bit in the cool air around them, the smooth glide of their skin against one another, the rough cotton sheet covering their naked forms.

There was a calm silence enveloping the room, leaving Inara with nothing but her own thoughts, despite the startlingly satisfying position she'd found herself in. Exhaling softly, she remained still on top of Mal.

"What now?" she asked quietly, with the smallest voice she'd ever expressed to him. .

Mal was enjoying the silence covering them. His eyes had shut and he was sort of drifting in and out of being awake. She did bring him back into reality with her question. Mal's eyes opened and he continued gazing at the ceiling.

"Nothing. Nothing now. Ain't gotta analyze or figure out anything right now or anytime soon. I don't know about you, but I ain't been too happy in a very long time. It's nice not worrying. Not knowing. You go and ask me those types of questions it's just gonna turn out terrible. Let's just leave it. If we leave it with a question mark then we can do just about anything. You said it yourself question marks are much more interesting. Stick with interesting and we'll be safe. There's nothing wrong with just being happy. It's time we had that without worrying who's gonna die next or who's gonna get captured. Just a question mark."

Inara shook her head lightly, tensing in his arms as she stared out at the wall beside the bed. "I don't know if I can do that, Mal," she admitted, "Just go through like it doesn't matter what's really behind all this? It does… it does to me, anyway." Shifting from her all too comfortable position atop him, Inara stared down at him earnestly, hands supporting her as they rested on both sides of Mal's face.

"Mal, I…" Her voice faltered, struggling to find the right words. Inara had never been one to doubt herself; but now, standing face to face with what could very well alter her life forever, she felt like a scared child. "I need to know," she managed out weakly, "I need to know if this was just a one time…mistake." She'd never been so unsure of anything in her entire life. The fight preceding all this hadn't helped. Had this just been an accidental moment of passion? The things that they had been saying to each other earlier hadn't exactly with loving, or caring in any sense of the word.

Inara's eyes held his pleadingly, shining with unshed, unfamiliar tears. "We've never been very good at being honest with each other, I know that…but I don't want to lose this. I don't want to wake and find that us being together was just one giant disaster. Hell, for my own sanity, I need to know how…invested, you are."

Was she looking for a pledge of love and devotion? Of course not. But Inara knew deep down that she could never be with someone – genuinely be with someone – if they only wanted her for kicks. She realized that thinking of Mal in that way was unfair of her, but this was dangerously unfamiliar territory for her. She didn't want to lose herself in it.

A sigh escaped Mal as she sat up. They were gonna have to deal with this now? Mal just couldn't do this right now. Not after everything. Or could he? He was mixed up and as much as he wanted to help he didn't have a clue how to handle things. He stared up at her trying his best to think of some kind of answer for her. What did Mal want?

He thought back to what he was feeling during the sex. It was a feeling he didn't want to lose. He didn't want it fluttering off into the wind. Mal thought it over looking off to one side. Slowly he pushed himself up on his elbows. He let a soft smile cross over his face and he lifted one hand up now only resting on one elbow. He put his hand to her cheek and lifted his face up more till he kissed her forehead.

Inara hadn't expected him to lift up against her, and she had to push her arms up further to accommodate the new position. She leaned into his palm as her eyes closed softly. She pressed back against Mal's gentle kiss, shaking her head to agree that she didn't want this to be a mistake. There was nothing that would make her want to take this back.

"Wasn't no mistake." He stated looking back into her eyes. "Don't plan on considering it one ever. 'Nless ya want it to be. You want an invested man you're gonna have me. I said it before I'm not that nice when I don't wanna be. You know what I do to get my payments and you really don't like it too much. I ain't gonna give it up anytime soon it's how I eat. It;s how this crew eats. I'm invested if you'll have me and my thieving ways." That made him grin a bit.

Her lips pursed into a thin smirk at his request. With unusual speed, Inara silently released her arms which held her up, wrapping them quickly around Mal's neck as she kissed him with a soft laugh. Her added weight pushed him back onto the mattress, where she adjusted to lay completely on top of his body.

River sat crouched on the floor of the hallway, leaning against the wall beside the ladder entrance to Mal's quarters. The door had been left open in the moment, but only the young girl had bothered to pass through to hear anything. Her ear bent towards the conversation going on downstairs.

River had listened in on the entire proceeding; one of many of the girl's quirks that most found rather disturbing. Smirking quietly, she stood from her spot on the cool metal floor, walking off lazily back towards the kitchen as the sounds of hushed laughter filled the echoing hall.


Thank you so much for reading! Please check out the newest version of this story "Matters of Interest" on my author page! It's heaps better and I'm very excited to share it with you all!

Chinese Translations:

Liu tyen = My God

Wo ai ni = I love you.

EE-chee shung-hoo-shee = Let's just take a breath for a moment

bao bay = sweetheart
