Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N: This is for the challenge issued by AcidCrimson on LJ Community SunnyClouds. Where, coincidentally, I have posted the original version of this fic.

Just Breathe


He was so small. Hinata caressed his cheek, pulling back abruptly when he tried to suck on her finger. Hands clenched into little fists, curled into his ting body until he resembled a ball. His red face, puffy at the cheeks, his mouth puckered into a pout as he slept, whimpering as he dreamed. Barely even a few hours old, and he had no idea how hard his life already was.

"Hinata, if I don't…" Kurenai gasped, her breath rasping hard against her lips as she fought to speak. "If I don't make it…would you take care of him." She reached out, clasping Hinata's hand with weak effort. "Take care of him like he was your own. Please! I need-I need to know he'll be alright."

"Yes." Hinata whispered, forcing a shaky smile. "Yes, I'll take care of him."

That was all she managed before they took her to the Operating Room. Postpartum Hemorrhaging they'd said, most likely brought on by sever preeclampsia, which caused the premature labor to begin with. It was only when they came out with that look on their face-the look that spoke far clear than any words ever could-that she knew another person she cared about had slipped away.

Then they came out with him. His tiny fists jerking in the air as he cried and squawked. She thought her promise was just to pacify her scared Sensei. It turned out differently however, Kurenai named her as her next of kin. Which legally meant she was responsible for the tiny child now.

The moment they placed his little body, bundled tight in a warm blue fleece blanket, in her arms he quieted down and fell back into a restful sleep. She couldn't wrap her mind around this. She wasn't a mother. She was too young to be a mother. She had goals she still had to reach. A life to live! How could she be expected to take care of this tiny little life if she was still struggling with her own?

She didn't know how long she sat there. Her gaze fixated on him as he slept. Such a tiny thing. So defenseless against a world already so cruel. He'd never know his parents. He'd never know how great they were and how much they loved each other and how excited they were to be blessed with him.

He started squawking again, drawing her from the multitude of thoughts rushing to be answered, his head lolling from side to side. The reality of the situation was so surreal. His squawking turned into a high pitched cry. She pursed her lips, fighting another wave of tears, but that was quickly becoming a losing battle.

She glanced around, looking for anyone to help her, but no one was around. "I don't know why he's crying. I can't help him." She whispered, sniffing and rubbing the back of her hand against crying with him. "I don't know what to do!"


Shikamaru stood there, watching as she held the bundle aloft in her hands. One hand supporting his bottom, the other supporting his head. He knew the child was a him, because he'd already had a recounting of the days events.

"So sad, that poor girl." A nurse, mouth puckered sourly, said. She shook her head with sympathy. "What business do they have forcing the care of child on girl her age?"

The woman beside her sighed, looking at her over the top of her half mooned spectacles. "She's a Shinobi, the minute she became a Genin she was considered an adult."

He'd only listened to them long enough to find out what happened. Long enough to know Kurenai was dead and Hinata was the sole guardian of his deceased Sensei's only offspring. Now he watched her study the small child left to her. How cruel fate could be. He smirked in spite of himself. Fate, and all its trappings, seemed only a thing the Hyuuga would believe in. But he couldn't see Hinata believing in fate.

She was too much like Naruto in that respect. For the both of them fate seemed more like a force to opposed. He thought it was incredibly stupid of both of them, but still couldn't help but cheer them on.

A high pitched cry jarred him from his thoughts, drawing his attention back to a very distressed girl sobbing along with the child now cradled close to her body as she pleaded for help. Against his better judgment, he jogged over, touching a hand to a shaky shoulder.

Her head snapped up, tearful eyes pleading as much as her words were. "Please! I don't-I don't know what to do."

"Its okay," he said, moving his hand from her shoulder to rub in slow circles on her back. "Just calm down and breathe. Then, when you're ready, we can take care of him together." He gave her a reassuring smile and felt, maybe, he wasn't really ready for this.