Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AN: Here's the next chapter. I'll try to update again soon, but I'm going to be really busy the next few weeks. Check out my other Twilight stories, Brother Bear, Lyrics From My Soul and As Fast As You Can. Please review! Enjoy!
Bella POV
The next morning, I squeezed my eyes tight, hoping that when I opened them, it would all turn out to be a dream. If it wasn't a dream, then I was hoping I would wake up in my room, in my own body.
Bright light filtered into the room and I squeezed my eyes extra tight this time, attempting and failing to block the offending light. Two sunny mornings in a row in Forks, whoda thunk? In resignation, I sighed and reached out for the clock on the nightstand. Finally opening my eyes, I was dismayed to see a sparkling hand where my pale one should have been. I wanted to sparkle like Edward, but I wanted to sparkle on my own, not through Rosalie's body.
"You okay, babe?"
"I'm fine, Emmett." I sat up and looked out the window. "How are Alice and Edward going to go to school today?"
"It's sunny now, but the clouds will move in about 11 minutes from now! Twenty minutes after that, the rain will start and it won't go away until tomorrow morning," Alice's cheerful voice called from downstairs. "Edward will be back for the Volvo in about…13 minutes."
I stood, frozen. How had Alice heard me? I had spoken quietly, yet she heard me from downstairs. Did this mean all of the Cullens could hear me talking to Edward? I would have to be more careful about what I said…
Walking to the closet, I took my time flipping through the hangers. During this time, I heard Edward arrive and leave almost immediately with Alice. What I wouldn't give to talk to him again…A few minutes later, Jasper left to follow Alice to school.
Finally settling on an outfit, I walked into the en suite bathroom to change. While in there, I stopped to look in the mirror. I was stunned by the reflection that stared back at me. Rosalie was always beautiful, but with my new vision…wow. And for now, this was my reflection, so I might as well take care of the beauty that stared back at me.
As I picked up the curling iron and pressed the "on" button, I smiled wryly, thinking how proud Alice would be if she knew it was me. After curling the long blonde locks that fell on my shoulders, I applied some makeup, trying to remember what Alice had attempted to teach me so many times.
When I finally emerged from the bathroom, Carlisle and Esme had both left, leaving me alone with Emmett. Looking around, I saw he wasn't there. Walking downstairs, I found him playing a videogame.
Glancing away from the TV screen, Emmett smiled at me. "Hey, Rosie." He turned off the game and was by my side in an instant. "What do you want to do today?"
Suddenly the burning at the back of my throat became almost too much to bear. "Hunt," I chocked out.
"Well, then, you might wanna change clothes," he laughed.
I did as Emmett suggested and less than a minute later, we were out the door. Since Edward would never take me with, I had no idea where the Cullens usually hunted. My concern lasted for a second as Emmett began running and I followed.
Once we arrived at what I assume are the hunting grounds, I let instinct take over. As I drank from a deer, my mind was slightly disturbed by what I was doing. However, if this was what it meant to be with Edward forever, I would be fine drinking animal blood for eternity.
Rosalie POV
It turned out that Bella was only scheduled to have two wisdom teeth removed today. Since I woke up as Bella again, that meant I had to go through the procedure instead.
Once Charlie had driven me to the dentist's office, I learned that I would be awake for the surgery. It was more painful that I could have ever imagined. They numbed the arean, but I could still feel the pressure throughout the jaw and neck. After it was over, the dentist mentioned that I was lucky both teeth being removed were on the same side because I would be able to chew on the other.
Right then, I didn't feel so lucky. The left side of my face was swollen and I could barely open my mouth wide enough to put the gauze in.
Charlie drove me back to the Swan's house, continually asking me how I felt. I wasn't in the mood to talk, nor could I really manage it, so I just shrugged in response.
As soon as we got back to the house, I walked up to Bella's room and promptly fell asleep. When I woke up, I noticed that the side of my face didn't hurt as badly as I thought it would. Then I realized there was something cool on my cheek and I immediately knew what it was.
Opening my eyes, I saw Edward's caring face, "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there, love."
Too tired to talk, I simply nodded, reaching over to the nightstand to change the gauze in my mouth. Once that was accomplished, Edward took the bloody gauze from me. I marveled at his control as he got up to throw it away.
As I was falling back asleep, I felt Edward's hand caress my face once more, helping the throbbing go away.
I'm not sure how long I slept for when I heard a velvety voice say, "Bella, love."
I groaned and pulled a pillow over my face. This elicited a chuckle from the person trying to wake me. The pillow was gently removed and I opened my eyes, sighing.
Edward sat before me, never having moved his hand from my face. "Bella, I'm sorry. I have to go. Alice is outside and won't stop yelling at me," he tapped his head with his free hand. "Charlie is coming home soon to check on you. I'll be back later, alright, love?"
I nodded as Edward gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before climbing out the window into the pouring rain. Standing, I walked over to close the window. Alice stood on the ground, waving up at me.
I attempted to smile, but it hurt, so it turned into a grimace.
Shuffling to the bathroom, I pulled out the gauze and was happy to see that the bleeding had stopped. Looking in the mirror, I gasped. Bella's normally thin face was extraordinarily swollen on one side, making the reflection look like it was half chipmunk.
I groaned, opening the medicine cabinet. The dentist had not given me a prescription, saying that I should just take enough Ibuprofen to make it prescription strength. Charlie had assured the dentist there was some in the house, which was why I now frantically searched for it. Finally, I found the bottle I was looking for, did the math, took the appropriate amount of pills and climbed back in bed as Charlie pulled into the driveway.