Sorry this took me a while to write: I was waiting for some more reviews. BWT, A big thank you to LOCISVU for her review and advice.

Casey Novak's Apartment


March 16th

Casey Novak arrived in her apartment, drenched from the rain. Despite it being a weekend, Casey had spent the afternoon reviewing for an upcoming trial. Things had been increase busy at work and Jack McCoy wasn't making things any easier.

Yet as she entered her hallway, she saw her beau, Detective Chester Lake, waiting for her in the hallway, holding a dozen roses.

He was wearing a dark tight buttoned top underneath his leather jacket. Casey noticed the shiny mental belt holding up his black slacks.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a surprised voice.

Chester looked puzzled.

"We had diner plans, remember?"

Casey groaned, putting her hand on her forehead. How could she have forgotten ? During the last few months had been a busy time for them both. They didn't even get to spend Valentine Day together. So Casey had invited Chester over for a romantic diner.

"Chester, I'm so sorry! Things have been so busy at work that I completely forgot!"

"I've noticed," Chester said with a smile. He handed her the flowers.

"Thanks." She then glanced at Chester's dripping clothes.

"You….er…. still want to come in?" There was nothing Chester wanted to do more than come in. However, Casey looked like she had a bad day at work. The last thing Chester wanted to do was impose.

"I really don't want to impose…"

"You wouldn't be," Casey said quickly. She immediately bit her tongue, surprised how forward she sounded.

"Besides, I could use the company," Casey added softly, unlocking the door. Chester hesitated, than followed close behind.

Casey turned on the lights, revealing a large apartment. Chester whistled.

"Wow! If I had known that being an ADA paid so well, I would have gone to law school," Chester joked with a smile. Casey clucked at his remark as she took off her over jacket. She then opened up the fridge. All she had was eggs, vegetables, a few cans of beer and half a bottle of wine. So much for a romantic diner, Casey thought to herself. She turned to Chester and asked:

"How about an egg omelet for diner?"

Chester smiled.

"Sound perfect."

Three hours and two alcoholic beverages later (wine for Casey, beer for Chester), the cop and the ADA were still sitting at Casey's table, talking.

Casey sipped her wine reflecting on the last few months. After that cold December day at Chester's apartment, the two of them started seeing each other on a regular basis. For various reasons, they decided to take their relationship show and not tell their co-workers.

The more time Casey spent with Chester, the more she cared for him. Maybe because Chester was so different than his colleges. They were grim, as most detectives dealing with sex crimes ended up to be. Ironically Chester, who probably had the worse childhood of them all, still managed to see the good in life. She hadn't felt this way about anyone since Charlie. Did Lake feel the same way about her?

Chester drank the last slip of beer, never letting his eyes leave Casey's. After three months, he couldn't believe he was still with this incredible woman. They had spent much time together: whether it was going to a game, diner, or a walk. Chester loved every minute of it. He only hoped Casey did as well. Should I tell her now? Chester thought. Should I tell her about my crime that my cousin is suffering for? Should I tell her the truth to where I go every third Monday of the month and why? Most importantly, should I tell her how important she is to me?

The chime of clock shook Chester from his thoughts. He wanted to tell her everything…but couldn't find the courage.

"Well," Chester said getting up, "I should probably be going."

"So soon?" Casey blurted out. Chester raised his eye browns.

"Well…I could stay…if um….you wanted me to."

"I want you too." Casey said quickly. Again, Casey bit her tongue. She was amazed by how presumptuous she was being tonight.

"I…mean to talk…and watch a movie…or something.

Chester just smiled. "I know that, Casey. What kind of guy do you think I am to take advantage of a hot, skilled ADA this time of night?"

Casey chuckled. "I don't know. Let's find out."

Perhaps it was the wine, or how lonely she had been over the past ten years. Or perhaps it was Chester's sexy appearance. What ever the reason, Casey kissed Chester hard on the lips.

Startled but definitely not complaining, Chester picked the young lawyer up and pressed her against the wall.

"Casey," Chester muttered as he nuzzled her neck. "I…I didn't expect this…really."

"I know." Casey murmured as she tried to lay her head back on the wall, closing her eyes. As Chester traveled down her neck with his lips, she tried not to think about what this could mean for both of them. Instead, she focused on Chester unbuttoning her jacket with his trembling fingers.

In return, Casey grasped for the bottom of his shirt tail, pulling it out of his pants. Desperately, Casey pulled Chester's shirt apart, causing the buttons fall and roll on to the ground.

What seemed like years, Casey finally pulled the detective's shirt off and tossed it on to the ground.

Realizing he was shirtless, and feeling quiet vulnerable, Chester took a step back and looked at Casey's eyes. Although he had been had made love to other women before, he felt quiet exposed as she stared at his chest.

He wanted her, God he wanted her! Detective Lake had no idea how long he had loved the stubborn ADA, but he realized that in no way or form was he going to take advantage of her.

"Casey," He rasped, "If you want me to stop…now is the time."

Casey looked at Chester's naked chest, which was ripping with muscle. Who could have known that under that button down shirt was such beauty and muscularity? Timidly, Casey reached out and touched his shoulders, moving down onto his breasts. She was amazed how firm he was!

Chester took some deep breaths in order to restrain himself. God, this was killing him! What the hell was Casey doing to him? But he refused to make the next move. He was still a gentleman after all.

Casey continued to travel her delicate fingers down his torso until she arrived to his belt buckle. She only wondered what he looked like underneath. Her hands started to shook. What was she doing? Did she really want to open another intimate relationship after Charlie? The answer was yes.

With a trembling hands, Casey motioned to her bed room. Quickly, Chester picked up the ADA and walked towards the room. In a hurry, he kicked opened to door. "Sorry, he mumbled embarrassedly as she laid Casey gently on the bed.

The room was dark, but nether wanted to put on the lights. Without a word, Chester undressed Casey, quietly and slowly. Chester wanted to saver this moment as long as he could. He didn't know why, but Chester had a feeling that this could be their only night together for a while.

Casey patiently waited while her heart raced. She hadn't been with a man since Charlie. And that was when she was in her early 20's, fit and strong. How appealing did she look to a man now?

In order to distract herself, Casey reached her arm around Chester's neck and kissed him. Chester started to tense up when he felt Casey trying to undo his belt. Trying not to let on how nervousness he was, Chester started to kiss Casey's neck, ignoring Casey preying away at his belt. All the while he kept thinking that for some reason, this wasn't a good idea; that they should stop before it was too late.Yet another kiss on the lips from Casey made him put his worries aside.

Later on, Casey fell asleep with Chester's arms still holding her. Chester was looking at the moon. He had many lovers before, but none of them had ever made him feel the way Casey did. Like he was more than just some foster care kid growing up in the slums of the city. He looked down at his Irish beauty. Casey was breathing in nice and soft. Chester knew that he had always felt some strong attraction to the ADA. Ever since the first day they met and realized what a tough, righteous woman Casey Novak was.

A call from his cell interrupted his thoughts. Careful not to wake Casey, Chester reached to the floor, grabbed the cell, and answered it.

"Hello? Hey Finn….. Yeah, I'll be right there." With a sigh, Chester put the cell away. No rest for the weary, He thought with a groan. Carefully, he nudged Casey.



"Are you awake?'

"I am now," the lawyer grumbled as she turned to face her lover. "Whuz up?"

"Finn called. I have to meet him at a murder scene."

Casey sighed. "All right. " She paused and added: "Listen, there is this diner party I have to go tomorrow night. How about you come along?

Given that both had agreed to keep their relationship quiet, Chester was amazed that Casey was ready to take their relationship public. Chester smiled. There was nothing more he would want then to spend another evening with the love of his life. Yet tomorrow was his monthly meeting in Philly. He needed to see Penny; to see if she had made any headway on his case.

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm afraid I already have plans tomorrow night."

"Oh," Casey replied, clearly disappointed.

"I guess going to a diner party is rather a bore," Casey added softly.

Chester put her hand on her red hair, stroking it gently.

"Hey, that's not what I meant," He told her firmly.

"And just to let you know, I want to announce to world our relationship. But there is somewhere I have to be tomorrow night."


Chester sighed. Now was the right time to tell her; he was sure of it. Yet Chester knew that Finn was going to have a cow if he didn't show up soon.

"Tell you what, Miss Novak: I'll call you after I get back to the city tomorrow. If the party is still going on, I'll meet you then. Afterwards we can go get some coffee and talk."

Casey started to grin. "Talk about what, Detective?"

"About three things you don't know about me," Chester replied. One of them is I love you.

"Sounds creative." Casey said, kissing her lover on the lips. "I like it."

Little did either know that the next evening wasn't going to be as planed….

No more chapters until I get some feedback!