recap: The new year came in with a bang thanks to the twins and their fireworks. Kingsley was sworn in as the Minister of Magic the following day. The new year was going to be a good one.

Law of the Heart

Chapter Ten

Hermione was know three months pregnant. She couldn't believe how fast the school year was coming to ad close. And how big she had gotten!

The witch made her way to the hospital wing for her check up with Poppy. It was time to find out the sex of the baby. They were going to wait until the birth, but Remus wanted to know. So she finally gave in and agreed.

The werewolf smiled at his mate and opened the wing doors and the couple walked into the room. Poppy turned around from the potions cabinet and smiled.

"How are we doing today dear?"

"I'm fine." Hermione answered as Remus helped her onto the bed. He sat down into the chair.

"Alright let's what this little one is." The nurse said and ran her wand over the witch's stomach. "Well, I'll be Merlin's daughter. Well kids, it looks like you're having twin. A boy and a girl."

Hermione propped her self up on her elbows, "What?"

"You're having twins Mrs. Lupin."

Remus was glad he was sitting down or Poppy would have found him on the floor.

"Are you alright Remus?" Poppy asked.

He could only nod.

"Men," she mumbled. "Well everything looks great. Except for your husband. I believe some refresh air would do him some good."

Hermione laughed, "I think you're right." She said and got off the bed. "Come on love. Let's get you some air." She took his hand and they left the wing.

Remus and Hermione sat down under the shade tree near the Black Lake. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Twins. I was only expecting one, but two. That's just…" He couldn't think of anything to say so he just kissed his wife gently on the lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

"How did the check up go?"

They quickly jumped apart and turned their heads.

"Why must you always do that?" Remus asked Albus.

"Oh come now and spoil his fun. That wouldn't be nice." Minerva said with a smile.

"Things went fine." He told them.

"And what are you having, a boy or a girl?" Minerva asked the couple.

"Both." They answered.


"They're called twin Minerva."

"I know that Remus."

Albus eyes twinkled at the couple. "Well congratulations. Come along Tabby. I think she's shocked."

"I'm not shocked! Congratulations."

"Thank you." Hermione said with a warm smile and Albus and Minerva left the couple.

Harry, Ron, Draco and Ginny ran over the couple.

"What are you having?" Ginny asked.

"Twins. A boy and a girl." She told them.

Ron, Harry and Draco looked at the couple and passed out and landed on the ground with a thump.

"That's why I was sitting down." Remus said as he looked at the boys.

Ginny laughed and sat down next to Hermione.

The students were gathered at the quid ditch pitch. Graduation had came all too soon for the trio as they watched their classmates receive their scrolls.

"Now your last three students. They are known as the 'Golden Trio'. They have had many adventures like the Marauders and the Weasley twins that came before them.

They've faced giant chess sets, flying keys, traveled through time, faced dementors, stared and organization and broken the rules. Mr. Harry Potter." called the headmaster.

Harry walked up to the wizard and Professor Dumbledore handed him his scroll.

"Well do Harry."

"Thank you sir."

" Mrs. Hermione Lupin."

She walked up to the headmaster and received her scroll.

"Mr. Ronald Weasley."

The red head took his scroll and joined his classmates.

"I am proud saw well done the class of 1997!"

Five years later

"Slow down Damon."

"But Mummy Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry are waiting."

Remus put down his little girl, "Go on Kara."

She smiled and ran after her twin brother.

Remus and Hermione walked handed follow their children to Harry and Ginny's.

The world was good and it showed that a law has no say over the human heart.

The End!

Look for my next story Love at Grimmauld Place. Coming soon!

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