Thank you, after getting a bunch of messages from people who want to read this, I decided that it would be unfair of me to take it down, so I decided I'll repost it. Thank you all for showing your support!

Note: For some of you Jerks out there complaining that it's wicked green in Alaska and calling me retarded for not knowing that, I'll have you know there is a TUNDRA in Alaska. Most of it is snow except in the summer months and what she was complaining about in the story was how much green there was in Forks. Compare an area like Alaska to that of Forks and there is going to be A LOT MORE GREEN. And maybe you should take into consideration I wrote this close to four years ago. Which meant I was 14 years old. Two years before my father died. Do the math. 14 year olds don't know much about Alaska, so get off my damn back ok? And if you're going to complain about something, leave a name so I can explain it to you. Thank you and have a good day.

(Edward and Bella are married. They spend 50 years with carefree sex then they end up having a human daughter -which I realize is physically impossible, but hang in there, it's a Fanfic-. Jacob is still the same general age and is starting up school again -once he is assured it's safe-. Bella doesn't want Mayella going to Forks High School -unlike Edward- so she signs her up to go to Quileute high school. What will happen next?)

Sunday morning, the last day of Summer Vacation, my first day here in Forks since we moved away from our little haven in Alaska. It's cold here, too, and always raining, but there's an upside to Forks, It's warmer than Alaska -alot warmer- and also it's alot prettier and green.

I wake up to the sunless day outside. My night had been hectically exhausting. All three of us, (my mother, father and I) ran from airport to another. My parents were clearly excited to be coming back, never once looking as if they were tired, but with me, most of my trip was spent yawning, and my mother and father chucking skittles or mnm's into my mouth when it remained open in sleep.

Rolling over, I glared at the alarm clock, struggling with a stretch that made my body numb and tingle with relief. It was the after noon, about 1:30. Exhaling, I toyed with the idea of rolling back over and falling asleep again. No such luck though. Sitting up, I gazed around my new room, rubbing the sleepies from my eyes and sighed. Tears sped down my cheeks. I wiped the water away. My eyes always watered this badly in the morning. Everything was still in the boxes, stacked unsteadily in tall pillars all around my room -well, only like two pillars consisting of four large boxes each, and my new room was huge compared to the little space they took up-. I didn't own a lot, partially because our last house was very tiny -one of the biggest in Alaska, but still very tiny.- It was about the size of a normal house, simple two bedroom, one bathroom, small living room connected to the kitchen-. My father always complained on how terrible he felt for not being able to get us nice stuff on account of how much space we lacked, but now that our house was huge -it was a three story house, 3 master bedrooms, 6 guest bedrooms, one bathroom on each floor, two had showers, the third was a mixture between a bath tub and shower- he was going to spend all sorts of money on un-necessary junk for me and my mother. We hated receiving gifts from people, I a little more than her, but that was because of my genes I've received.

lazily, I slide my legs over the edge of my bed and shuffled my feet around for my slippers. I held the comforter around myself as I again started to rub my eyes and yawn, wondering how my life here was going to shove off. I grunted, finally finding them and standing, dropping the comforter to the ground. I looked around my room for my bathrobe. Nothing. Stepping forward, the chilly air nipping at my skin, I walked to my closet that already some of my cloths in -thanks to my parents-. Nothing again. Standing in the middle of my room, pondering where it could have gone, a quick knock on my door, followed by the handle jerking and my father flying with a smile on his face

In a musical tone he sang "good morn-". He stopped, his eyes snapping open in shock, I screamed throwing my arms over my chest. Just as quickly as he came in, he flew back out through my door.

"I really wish you'd sleep with cloths on" he grumbled on the other side of the door. I snorted in reply, "I really wish you'd knock and ask to come in!"

"Well, I knocked."

I spotted a light blue piece of cloth sticking out of one of the boxes on the other side of my room. Dropping my arms to my sides, I walked forward and grabbed it. Without thinking of what could happen, I yanked on it, sending the entire pillar of boxes tumbling down toward me. I screamed as they knocked me to the floor, half burying me. I hit the ground hard, but just decided to lay there. I crossed my finger and twiddled my thumbs on my stomach, staring at my ceiling. Downstairs, I could hear my mother curse, then yell up "You ok honey?"

I sighed a few times and cursed my cursed clumsiness. Sighing one last time, I held my hand up as if she were to see it, and gave a thumbs up, "Yeah, I'm fine!" I hollered back after a few minutes.

Struggling, I pushed the heavy, still safely sealed boxes off of my legs and sat up. I sighed one last time and looked down at the piece of cloth I held. It was my bathrobe all right. We must have been in a hurry and accidentally shoved it in here instead of with my other cloths. Or I shoved it in here cause I didn't care. Looking down at the ground, I sighed and thought of all of the friends I left back in Alaska and pouted.

Standing, I grabbed my bathrobe and pulled it around me. What a wonderful way to start a new life!


We sat at the table, my parents not eating -again-. They hardly ever ate around me, it was like they were the perfect specimen, never needing to eat, or sleep, or even go to the bathroom. But I knew that wasn't ever possible, cause when they did eat, dad would always tease her about how terrible it tasted. Mom was a great cook and hardly gave herself the credit she deserved.

Taking the fork in my left hand, I juggled three things at once, staying in a pattern, fork of omelet, read next paragraph of Wuthering Heights, take a sip of milk, then start back the other way.

Whenever I read Wuthering Heights, my father would snort and roll his eyes, "You are too much like your mother, you know that?" He puts the cup of coffee to his lips.

"Ugh" I grunt sounding like a caveman. Take another bite of omelet.

"Why are you reading such a depressing book anyway?" he questions after swallowing his coffee. He jostles his hair around a little, his pale skin smooth as marble

"Dad," I start, slightly baffled with the same beauty I've seen for 16 years. "It's a classic, I like it." My mom stands up and takes my plate away from me when I finish, washing them.

"So, Mayella, what's on the schedule for today?" My mother asks, cutting my father off from continuing his comment that would sooner of later escalade into a criticism then an argument.

"I don't know" I admitted. I was a brand new body here in Forks and I didn't know where anything was.

My parents knew though. They had grown up together here. My mother lived with her father who was murdered when I was a baby, and my grandma died of a heart attack. They weren't married.

My father lived with his parents and siblings, both biological and adopted. I had met my aunts and uncles, but never my grandparents. I love my aunts and uncles, but my favorite were my aunt Alice and Uncle Emmett.

They both knew how to make someone laugh. All of them were strangely beautiful though -especially my aunt Rosalie-. Like my parents, they were all in their late 20's early 30's and didn't look a day over the age of 18.

Looking back at me, over her shoulder, she smiled, "Well, how about you take the truck to LA Push?" She cooed. A look of placid disgust stretched across my face. "Mom, that truck wouldn't even move if we put it in neutral and left it on a hill backwards with cement blacks in the back with 40 or 50 horses pulling."

My mother rolled her eyes, a slight smile pulling at the corner of her delicate lips. Next to me, my father put his coffee cup to his lips again and muttered into the dark liquid "That's what I said."

Snorting my mother whirled around and chucked the wet wash cloth at him. He dodged it easily, but the unexpecting visitor -who came in without knocking- got it full force in the face, water droplets spraying on the wall.

My mother flinched, her eyebrows dropping in a dip, her white teeth sparkling with concern. My father started laughing, almost spitting his coffee all over the table.

I shared the same expression with my mom, watching the wet cloth fall from the strangers face.

Slowly it peeled away from top to bottom, revealing the shocked expression of a relative. Aunt Alice. "Bella?" She questioned opening her eyes, soap bubbles in her hair. "yes?" My mom asked, slowly, trying not to laugh. My father was busting a seam in the chair next to me, laughing so hard, I was expecting him to piss his pants. Brushing the soap from her eyes, she grabbed the cloth that had stayed on her chest, held it above his head and rung out all the water, drenching his shirt, hair and skin.

He stopped, the water drizzling down his face. My mother started laughing, Alice breaking out in light octave giggles. Spitting out the soapy water, not looking at all lighthearted, he grabbed the handle of his cup and splashed the coffee at her, the dark liquid staining her white blouse.

She squealed as steam rose from her skin. He laughed victoriously at her, watching her squirm her blouse off, a black spaghetti string tank top underneath. My father looked as if he wasn't going to stop. Seeing this, my mother whirled around, cranked the hot water on, pulled out the spray nozzle and soaked him from across the room, and didn't stop till he, the table, floor chair, and wall was gushing water.

Stopping she put the nozzle down and waited. He sputtered angrily, cursing and choking. He was about 2 minutes from screaming. He stopped, glaring at her, his blue eyes hidden in the show of his eye brows. Pointing a finger at him, my mother barked gently, "Stop, Edward."

He didn't say anything else, instead he just glowered at her.

Grabbing a towel, I started to towel dry my aunts arms. Although she was just attacked with scalding hot coffee, her skin wasn't red, it was still the pale grayish color it always was. Breathing through her teeth, she rubbed her arms and the flesh on her chest that was exposed, areas that had come in direct contact with the liquid.

My mother was moping up the water on the floor with another towel. She rubbed my dads shoulder in a silent apology. Smiling, aunt Alive cooed in a musical tone "Welcome home everyone!" I returned her cherubic smile. The last time I'd seen her was about two years ago for my birthday. Her, Uncle Jasper -her husband who was also dads adopted brother-, Aunt Rosalie -dad adopted sister, and her husband Uncle Emmett - who was dads real brother- all flew down to celebrate, that was the day I found out that my grandfather -Carlisle Cullen- and my grandma -Esme Cullen- existed. They lived in Forks, somewhere.

Aunt Rosalie and Emmett lived in Kentucky for the moment, Aunt Rose was going to college and Uncle Emmett wrestled.

Aunt Alice and Jasper lived with my grandparents and helped to bread and tame wild wolves. According to the stories Uncle Jasper tells, the wolves can get as big as horses!

I was always amazed by his stories. Ever since I was a little girl, I had always begged him to bring me a wolf who bayed a tune at night. I wanted a cream colored wolf, or russet or grey colored one the size of a horse, able to leap large swimming pools and fall from the top of a large oak tree without getting hurt.

I'd asked him so many times and all he'd do is smile and reply "maybe once they're fully trained."

My father didn't like the wolves though. He'd roll his eyes and snort "Filthy, vile, crude, cruel, senseless, mindless, heartless, smelly murderous bags of fur and bone. They always get into trouble and he never stop eating! We'd starve before those good-for-nothing mutts were full!"

My mother liked them though, and she'd always scold him for insulting them so much. "Well, they maybe mindless, but at least they listen better than you." She'd giggle.

Finishing up moping, my mother turn to aunt Alice and went to give her a hug. "Thanks for coming, we really missed you alot" my mom cooed. "Well, I saw you arrive but didn't get to greet you." She practically sang, guilt stringing across her face.

"Don't worry, you can't always greet us the moment we step off airplane." She confided. Backing away, my mom clasped her hands, "Anyway Alice, what were you going to ask before the liquid war broke out?"

I took my seat again, my father resigned from his chair and retreated upstairs to change his wet cloths. Alive looked after him, "You might want to hear this also"

"I can hear you" He grunted lifting his wet shirt up and over his head, disappearing out of sight.

She sighed and took a seat. "well, I was at Carlisle's and I was...listening to them speak." My mom leaned against the counter, her eyebrow cocked.

"Well," She continued, twirling her thumbs. "One of the wolves got riled up, and started to act difficult..."

My mothers eyes grew wide as her body went rigid. Alice hesitated. "Go on Alice." My mother said, a dark whisper rimming her voice.

"No one was hurt..." She assured, my mother relaxed. "Actually, they didn't attack...but one escaped." My mother grumbled, "Which one was it?"

Aunt Alice looked up at her, a blank expression on her face, "JB." I didn't understand why it was so bad, all of them were trained, weren't they? Looking at her, I drew in a deep breath. "Alice?" Her beautiful eyes shot up to my face. "Yes dear?" She smiled faintly.

"Why is that so bad? I thought they were all trained?" She smiled at me, as if there was some secret I didn't know of.

"Well, JB was one of the ones who weren't trained, well, enough. He was rambunctious and getting into trouble." I followed her every word. After a few minutes of silence, I looked up at her and questioned, "Where's Uncle Jasper?" Her eyes widened as a flush of guilt swept over her. "Oh my god! I forgot to signal him in!"

Standing, she rushed out the door onto the porch and started waving. In few minutes Jasper was on the porch, his eyes glued to my aunts face as she apologized.

"I'm terribly sorry Jasper baby." She giggled, leaning up and kissing him on the lips. "You should, I thought that maybe a killer was in here waiting, when you didn't show up..." He trailed off. Alice snorted, "Yeah, way to jump to conclusions Jasp." He smiled, leaning down and kissing her for one long moment. Standing he looked at me and smiled, "Heya kiddo." He chuckled. Throwing myself from my chair, I ran at him and threw my arms around him.

"Aunt Alice told me about the wolf JB!" I smiled looking up at him. His face turned to a shocked, then faded to another smile. "Did she now?" He looked at her and winked. "Do you think that if he doesn't hurt anyone and he comes back, can I keep him?"

He was just about to say something when my father simply barked, "No." I whirled around to see him wearing a white button up shirt, the front undone, exposing his chest and stomach. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, leaning against the doorway.

I gave him a sour face, sticking my tongue out at him. "You know how I feel about those wolves." He grunted, stepping away from the opening. "Yeah, and you know how me and mom I feel about them." I retorted, puffing my bottom lip out slightly pouting.

Stopping about 5 feet away, he looked at me and sighed.

We all sat quietly. My father must have sighed about 80 times. He was thinking, deeply he was thinking. I puffed my bottom lip out farther, milking it. I forced out a couple, makeshift tears. I know this would get him.

A sharp gasp escaped his lips the moment one of the tears hit my jawbone. "Are...ARGH! Don't cry!" He growled gently. More tears fell. Everyone was looking at him with a look of disappointment.

Grunting, he let out a large enthusiastic sigh. "We are not getting a wolf!" He hollered, My mother stepped forward "Edward!" He threw his hand up to stop her from going on, " finish."

She sopped and cocked an eyebrow. "I will let you claim one, but it is not, I repeat, is NOT Staying here!" My heart leapt, turning to uncle Jasper I squealed and hugged him, then threw my arms around my father. "Daddy! Thank you so much!"

He laughed as I kissed his hard cheek. "Daddy, you're the best!" I squealed once more as he grabbed my arms and pushes me away.

Alice was laughing too, a giddy, celebrating mood hung in the air.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Alice sang after everyone quieted down.

"Mayella was planning on taking the truck to LA Push." My mom jumped in before I could say that I didn't know. I frowned. Alice's expression turned into a frown as well, "Oh." She mumbled, obviously disappointed.

Looking down at her, Jasper smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I think it's a good Idea, she'll get to know Forks and La Push. And who knows, maybe she'll find JB?" Alice flashed a wary smile, "Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that."


It took a while to finally get the engine roaring to life. My family stood on the porch, their teeth gritting from the loud screaming of the motor. They all had forced smiles, but one, in particular looked as if it was mocking me. My mom. My truck slowly putted out of the driveway backwards, the engine screaming louder causing aunt Alice to throw her hands over her ears. Over everything, I could hear my father comment, "That truck is going to get her killed. Let her take the GT." My mother shook her head, "No, the GT's to fast."

"But that truck doesn't even go above 45 without threatening to stall out."

"I don't care, I'm not letting her drive a racecar!"

I slammed down on the gas peddle, the needle bouncing up past the 50 miles per hour mark causing the engine to pop loudly and sputter out black smoke. I "sped" down the road towards La Push, following the creatively drawn map my mother gave me.

I was about half way when it started pouring. I complained as the road disappeared. I didn't see what had jumped out in front of me, but it was huge. The truck hit it roughly. The impact stalled it out instantly. I screamed as it jerked to a stop. Did I hit a deer? Aw man, my mom was going to kill me if I damaged the truck. I shivered. It was a bad idea to wear a miniskirt, and I had forgotten my regular jacket. Wrapping my poncho around me, I squeaked the door open -well, the best I could without my can opener- and stepped out into the rain. It was farther off the ground than most trucks, and I was pretty short for my age. I dropped down into a pot hole that was already about ankle deep with water. The water splashed up my legs getting my butt and sandals wet. "Shit." I grumbled looking down, my eyes watering. Looking up, I saw a long, drenched limb laying across the pavement. "oh no!" I squealed running around to the front of the truck, hoping I didn't hit a person.

I stopped about a foot away and gawked at what I saw in disbelief. A giant wolf was laying there...the size of a horse. My breath caught in my throat. My heart thumped wildly. I was staring at the one thing that I'd wanted all my life...and it was dead, crushed by my metallic coffin on wheels. I started crying, anger welling up inside of me. Stepping forward slowly, I dropped to my knees on the wet cement and laid my hand on his side. He was so warm. I looked up to see a little blood behind his ear, his shaggy, russet hair twisting amongst the actual wound. My truck must have clipped his head. The poor thing. I hesitated, then leaned forward, laying my head on his side. I could imagine what Alice and Jasper would say.

I could hear my father's angry voice in the back of my mind. "Get off that wolf! He's dangerous!"

I shook my head burying my face in his wet fur. "Daddy...he's not dangerous, he's dead." I squeezed the handful I was petting. My breathing stuttered as I realized how badly I was crying. I gritted my teeth as I tried to pull my arm away, but my hand wouldn't let go of the fur. I didn't realize how hard I was pulling till I heard a growling noise. The belly below my face vibrated. I didn't stop, I didn't know what it was.

The wolf jerked below me, my fingers sliding out of his fur as he turned around and bit my arm, not hard, but enough so that it left a shallow cut in the skin. I yelped and pulled away.

My eyes shot back up to him and saw that he was now standing. I began to shiver. I never noticed how large, and frightening these wolves could be when you were a defenseless, helpless little girl like me. The rain thickened as he just stood there looking at me, his head down, his teeth bared, growling. I stood up slowly, my hair falling out of my pony tail. I began to back away, ready to run if I needed it.

His head rose as he licked his lips, a small whimper echoed his throat as he stepped a foot closer to me. I jumped back, my hair sticking to my face. He stopped and looked at the truck, again licking his lips, then almost as if he'd seen it before, he looked back at me, his eyes glistening. I straightened up. He wasn't going to attack me?

He looked at me happily -well, happily in a dog sort of way-. Slowly, I smiled as he looked at me, his grin deepening. Reaching forward slowly, I held my hand out for him to sniff my fingertips. He took the gesture and soon his sniffs turned to licks. I giggled as I ran my fingers through his hair. His tongue fell out the side of his mouth as he panted.

"JB?" I questioned. He stopped and tilted his head to the side. "You're...JB?" He backed away and spun in a circle, growling, and barking almost like a regular dog. He stopped again and sniffed the truck. I walked forward and placed my hand on his head again. "I'm sorry I hit you...I didn't see you." I apologized. He put his head down by my side and licked my other hand. I saw the wound on his head. "Ouch, that looks like it hurts little boy," I cooed in a babyish voice -like I do with all of my animals.- I reached forward and started to move his hair out of the way. He'd growl every time my finger grazed it. Itching around his ears, I leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. "Now, should I continue my journey to La Push? Or should I bring you home so you can meet mommy and daddy and hopefully I can beg them to let me keep you in the house." He looked up at me and made a small whiney noise that sounded almost like a decision. I cocked and eyebrow. I knew he didn't understand a word I said, but I wanted to put him through a test to see if he could understand.

Walking over to the truck, I laid the seat back on the passenger side so that it was perfectly flat so he wouldn't have to sit in the back and get even more soaked than he already was. I patted the cushion. He hesitated, growling his indecision in faint barks. He swayed back and forth uncertain as I climbed in the drivers side. "Come on!" I clapped my hands with a babyish tone to my voice. That made up his mind. He had a hard time fitting in at first, but once he was situated, he was fine.

He laid his chin on his paws as I started up the truck. The engine squealed. He put his paws over his head and howled slightly. Once it was moving, it wasn't as bad, maybe hitting JB was a good thing? I placed a hand on his head and smiled. I felt warm with him by my side like this. He popped his head up and looked at me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "JB?" He continued to look at me. "I know you're a wolf and that I must sound like a retard for talking to you like you're a human, but, I want to know how smart you are so, I'll ask you a series of questions, and I want you to answer them, ok? Bark once if you understand, bark twice if not." he hesitated. I sighed. "I knew're just like what my dad says, a dumb dog."

His ears fell back as he barked once loudly. I cocked an eyebrow. "What? Was that because of what I said, or do you understand? Once understand, two what I said," First he barks once, then after a short pause, he barks twice. I smiled. "Ok, first...count to three" I sat there. A deep wheezing noise came from his chest as he rolled his eyes. With ease he counted to three. "Ok Mr. Smarty-wolf, how about 20?" Again, he counted to twenty in barks. "Ok then, how about 100?" He glared at me growling. "Fine, fine, how about another test? Where..." I looked around "Where's the steering wheel?" I beamed, knowing he couldn't get this. Leaning forward, he touched his nose to the hard wheel under my hands. I was surprised. I never knew a wolf could be so smart, it was almost like he wasn't a wolf at all. "How about the keys?" I questioned. Leaning forward, he hooked his tooth into one of the chain loops on my key chain and pulled the key out of the ignition after turning it off. "Hey!" I screamed reaching towards him to grab it back.

He rolled over onto his side and forced his large paw into my gut so that I couldn't get closer to him. He looked pleased with himself. I strained myself over him, forcing his paw as deep as it would go but I was still a few inches shy of actually reaching them. I pulled away from him as if I was going to give up, then when he curled his paws up and looked at me, I jumped on him. He started growling as I tried to pull them out of his mouth. It wasn't a mean growl, it was playful.

"Let go!" I hollered sitting on his huge chest, my fingers in a death lock around the keys. He looked at me and would start shaking his head every time I attempted to pull on them. A thought ran through my mind, a trick my father taught me if I was ever attacked by a dog and it wouldn't let go of my cloths or something. Reaching forward, I hooked my first two fingers into his nose and pulled back.

His mouth quickly opened up, dropping the keys into my hand. "Good puppy." I replied climbing off of him.

It was hard to get the truck going again, but I managed. I noticed a little farther down the road that he was licking his lips an awful lot. I hope he wasn't going to get sick. I stared at him out of the corner of my eye, ready to fling the door open if it came to that. Carefully his lips parted as his diaphragm began to kick. I winced, as I waited. All of a sudden, a loud gurgling sound echoed as he sneezed. He yelped slightly, then looked up at me relieved. I looked at him disgusted. "Did you get any on yourself?" I questioned sarcastically. He wheezed out what sounded like a giggle then returned his head to his paws.


It was about 20 minutes till we got back to my house. As we started to pull into the driveway, JB sat up and began to bark as if he were happy to be here. I rolled my eyes as I climbed out of my side of the truck, again splashing into water "Damn!" I squealed. I walked around to the other side of the truck and opened the door. He climbed out quickly, his paws sliding in the mud. "JB," I called as he rushed for the house. His fur was standing on edge. He stopped. "Don't go in the house, my dad will kill you if you get the house covered in mud." He started to run again, one of two things happening. One, he didn't understand. Two, he just didn't give a damn. I walked forward. My mother appeared in the doorway, her face turning from a smile to shock. JB stopped in the middle of the yard and started barking loudly, spinning in circles. "Shut up." I grumbled. I started towards the stairs, he was obviously happy to see my mom. He charged up the steps, right past me, almost knocking me off the top and started at my mom, licking at her face and neck. She pulled away, "Hey J." She smiled.

Then my father appeared. JB stopped completely when he saw dad. Growls formed in his throat. His hair stood on end. I didn't understand what was wrong with him. I stepped forward and laid a hand on him telling him to be quiet. He choked back his growls and glared at dad. My fathers nose crinkled. "You found it." He snorted. "Yeah, you said I could have him." I replied innocently petting JB's head. "I said you could claim him as long as he doesn't step one paw into this house." Just then, a sudden flash of thought came across JB's face. With a cheeky grin, he launched himself from his spot on the porch and into the kitchen. My father chased after him as well as my mother and I.

"Come here you little mutt!" My dad screamed.

"Edward Stop!" My mom squealed terrified.

"Dad please don't kill him!" I cried.

JB Didn't hesitate jumping off the furniture and up the stairs. He even took a special privilege in pissing in one of dad's shoes, which made him furious. When my father finally caught up to him, he grabbed onto one of JB's ears and pulled, a sickening ripping sound interrupted by JB's helpless yelp. "DAD!" I screamed watching him pin JB in a corner. "Edward stop!" My mother screamed pulling him away. I ran to JB and threw my arms around his neck. "You...mutt!" My father squealed, his anger rising over the top. "50 years and you decide to pull this!" I looked back at him as he started to spout un-intelligible bull crap. I stared after them as my mother pulled my father away and held him. "You come here to steal my family, all because of your obsession with Bella! You DOG! You Mutt! You bag of fur and bone! What gives you the right to step onto our territory! You've come to steal my family and turn them against me, you're all the same!" I squeezed my arms around JB's neck, hugging him tightly.

I was confused by what my dad was screaming. "50 years without you and you decide to show up now! 50 years of happiness! 50 years of never having to worry about your pack, now you've barged yourself into our lives again." JB snarled. "No! You're wrong! You don't know what is going on! It's You!" JB snarls again. "You stay away from her!" Father snaps trying to throw himself at JB Again. "Daddy stop it! You're going insane for no reason!" I cry standing up in front of JB. "He's just an animal, he doesn't know what he did so stop it!" My father stops. "Please," My voice breaks.

My mother leaves him and goes to me, wrapping her arms around me. "It's alright honey" She comforts me. My father stands there, his expression hurt. JB slowly crawls to me and licks my finger tips. I smile and drop to my knees once my mother lets go. My eyes are still full of tears.

Throwing my arms around JB's neck again, I hug him tight. He licks my face. His ear was bent back. Dad must have broken it or something along those lines. "JB, are you hurt?" I ask. Stupid, of course he isn't, my dad broke his ear.

Again, he licks my face. Stepping forward, my mother smiles, "Why don't you head off to bed hon, it's late." I turn around and look at her. "But, I don't want JB to go back with Aunt Alice, not tonight!" She giggles and crosses her arms, "How about JB stay here tonight?" She looks back at dad. He looks away, his arms crossed. "Humph." He grunts, his forehead crumpled. "He smells terrible."

I stand, "Then I'll give him a bath." I plead. I didn't want them to take him away, what if I was to never see him again? JB's head shoots up, a shocked expression in his eyes. Did he hate baths? My father shakes his head. "No bath. Just...take him up to bed with you, find a place for him on the floor and set your alarm clock for six, school starts tomorrow, and I guarantee you'll make alot of friends going to Forks High School."

My mother bites her lip behind him, looking worried. He turns around with a smile on his face, "Isn't that right honey?" She had quickly masked her alarm with a sweet and tender smile. She was good at that, seeing how she always made decisions against him without him knowing about it. Like her deciding to get professional school pictures done because they looked better when my father insisted that dishing out 40 bucks to have the school do it would be fine because I was pretty enough to out-shine the entire school.

I was happy too, everyone else's pictures came out looking like crap when mine were perfect. My father was happy and never knew about it and after that, he'd call me mini-Bella cause he said I looked just like her when she was my age. Yeah right.

I Stand up and start off towards the stairs. Mom moves forward and grabs JB. "Hold on hon, I'll get him dried off and his fur and legs clean before I send him up so he doesn't make a total and utter mess out of your bedroom, ok?" I nod. I make my way upstairs and to my bedroom. I shower and brush my hair out, putting it into a long French braid. I towel dry myself off and lay on my bed with my towel in between me and my pillow. I was so excited that JB was staying here tonight.

I laid there staring at my ceiling, about ready to fall asleep, when there was a knock at my door. I sit up quickly, happy as I possibly could get. I wrap my robe around me and dash to the door. My dad was standing there with a large cushion. He walked in and laid it on the floor, a blanket and pillows stacked up on it. JB walked in and sat in the middle of the floor watching him.

I was still so siked! After my father got it set up, he walked back to the door, "Wear cloths tonight, ok? You know what mutts will do, they see a crack and think it's an invitation." JB Snorts, my father glares at him and looks at me with a slight forced smile. I walk over to him and hug him, "Thanks dad, I love you." He hugged me back and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, then retreated out of my bedroom.

I looked at JB who had already found a spot on the tiny little cushion. I smiled at him, and he returned it with a light bark. "Daddy's funny, isn't he?" I ask bending over and petting him. He lays his head on his paws and closes his eyes. "He thinks my JB is a bad puppy." I pretended to pout. Turning away from him, I untied my bathrobe and let it fall to the floor. I could feel eyes on my back. Turning around, I saw JB staring at me with wide, shocked eyes.

Sitting on the bed, I pat the mattress next to me. He lifts himself to his feet but doesn't move. He whimpers slightly. "Well come on." I coax him. He was just a dog. Fairly nervous dog too. I push myself back against the wall and pat the mattress again. He walked forward and stopped at the edge of the bed. It was a king, big enough for me and him. I laid down as he climbed on. I smiled as he climbed up so that he was eye level with me and laid so that his back was facing me. Smiling, I turned my light off. JB went rigid in the dark, his breathing deep and heavy. I smiled and wrapped my arm over him. His deep breathing stopped as he laid his head down on the pillow and shifted.

I ran my fingers through his hair, smiling. Leaning forward, I kissed him below his ear. "You know JB, I always wanted a dog. I've had other animals, but there was always something wrong with them, dad would have to get rid of them for some reason, but I won't let him get rid of you. You actually pretend like you understand, and I've always wanted a wolf when I was a little girl." My eyes started to close. "I'd always...wanted you."

It felt as though I was floating, I couldn't feel his fur anymore, and if felt like skin now. Hot skin. I dragged my fingers across it. I was falling asleep, and I didn't want to. Hotness wrapped itself around me and I was engulfed in it, the coldness of my room disappearing. "Don't forget to set your alarm clock." A deep husky voice reminds me. I open my eyes shocked, and JB's still laying there, his tail slightly wagging. Smiling, I reach forward and set my alarm clock to get me up at 6:10. I didn't want to get up at 6.

Slowly, I laid back down and squeezed my arm around JB again, my eyes falling shut for the final time, this time, the warm voice didn't get me.


I had gotten up early enough to straighten my hair. My mother marked down on the map from yesterday where the school was. My father was already gone to work and JB was there to say his goodbye's by the door. I wore a miniskirt -pretty much my school uniform from my old school- and had a dark green messenger bag book bag. I bent down and kissed JB on the nose before I thanked my mom and ran out the door to the old truck. I knew that I had to leave about an hour before school started, the truck wouldn't be able to get me there in time if I hadn't.

I got inside just as the first bell rang. I stared at the building in amazement. It was big, and pretty much connected unlike Forks. There were only two buildings. One held the Extra Curricular stuff like gym, the others held the mandatory stuff like science. I stepped forward and into the office. I handed my slip to a man with short black hair. He was native american, and no doubt about it a Quileute boy. He gave me my schedule and wished me luck. I nodded as I left.

I traveled down the hallway to the math room which was upstairs on the top floor. When I reached it, the door was locked and the teacher had already started her seminar.

She stopped and came to the door to let me in, I handed her the note that the secretary gave me. "Class, it looks like we have a new classmate, Mayella Coolen." I didn't want to correct her on such an obvious name. Handing me a piece of chalk, she had me write my name on the board. In large slightly messy writing, I wrote my name, nervous.

Mayella Cullen

I turned around again to face the class and tell them about myself. That's when I just stopped. I looked around, millions of eyes on me, burning a hole through my flesh. I couldn't speak, I didn't know what to say. But one thing was for sure...I was the only white girl in this school.

I looked at a sea of Indians. They all chatted amongst themselves disgusted. All except one. There was one boy in the back. His hair was long and pulled back into a ponytail that stopped at the middle of his back. His muscles were small, but tight. His dark eyes stared at me like marbles. I started sweating.

I did the one thing that I knew would work. I cupped my hands in front of me, crossing my fingers and stared at the floor. " name is Mayella Cullen. I...I moved from Alaska where I've lived my entire life with my father Edward Cullen," Everyone gasped, Sweat started to pour down my hair line. Tears brimmed my eyes. "And my mother, Isabella Cullen."

Everyone started to talk amongst themselves again. The teacher grabbed an air horn off of her desk and pushed the button, the loud noise making me jump and everyone go quiet. "Now class, we've heard before that the Cullen's aren't allowed on the reservations due to some stories, but that was old superstition that isn't true now." Everyone stopped and just stared. I kept my face hidden behind my bangs.

"You may take a seat, Mayella." The teacher said as an invitation. I nodded. Keeping my head down, I walked forward, the tears slowly starting to fall. I didn't see the difference in the floor when I reached the row of desks. Scuffling forward, I caught the tip of my shoe on the ledge and tripped, my books and papers falling out of my bag and landing on the floor just I did. Everyone bust out laughing.

I debated on staying there, my legs curled to my chest until it was over, but I knew I had to get up. I didn't want everyone looking at me. Picking myself up, I looked through blurry eyes. Everyone was laughing. Even the boy in the back. I blubbered silently as I picked up my stuff and practically ran to the desk in the back. Unfortunately, I was next to the boy with long hair.

I threw my head down on the table and pretended to write the notes, but really, I just sat there, and cried.


Lunch rolls around. My stomach is killing me from not eating alot of breakfast today. I head down to the cafeteria and grab a tray of a full size lunch. Out side of the line, I search around for an empty table. None. My heart begins to hurt as I think of the possibilities of me eating upstairs, or outside. No, I can't let me tripping once ruin my whole day, I've made friends in my school, I can make friends here!...I hope.

Walking forward, carefully I make my way to the emptiest table, all the way at the back of the cafeteria. I walk by this one table, with a kid from my math class and I hear "Hey, what's up Murphy." I stop when I realize he's talking to me. "Murphy?" I question, I don't know how he got Murphy out of Mayella. "Yeah, Murphy's Law, What can go wrong will!" The entire table and the table next to them uproar in laughter.

Tears start to fall again. Turning around I made my way through the table's of criticizing eyes to the targeted one. Only one person is sitting at this table.

The table was a long, rectangular table that looked like a bunch of shorter ones pushed together. Sitting down as far away from the other person I could get, I stared down at the food that magically didn't look appetizing anymore.

Out of the corner of my eye, the other person gets up and moves. My heart closes in on itself. Tears start to flow freely as I stare at my tray. I'm breathing normally, but the tears won't stop.

Before I knew it, the guy who called my Murphy was standing at my table with his Posse. His hands were on his hips and a large grin was stretched across his face. "Hey Murphy, you want me to take that banana so you don't slip on the peel later?" his friends all laugh.

My hands clench underneath the table. Anger begins to well up inside me, an indescribable anger that made me want to lung at him. His Jibes continued with stuff like "Oh, I don't know what's more dangerous, a hurricane or you!" And his friends would laugh along. Finally standing, I grabbed my tray and threw it at him, the metal edge hitting him in the bottom lip. The entire cafeteria went silent. "You know what I had to go through! You little prick! It's my first fucking day! So what if I trip, it's not like you haven't 'Mr. Perfect'! I bet you you're the type of person who hears someone took a shit and you're all like 'eewww, you have an anus?" Like we're fucking aliens to you! So leave me alone!"

His friends backed away. When I was angry, and away from my parent's I had a nasty I mean nasty vocabulary. The kind of words that would either make my dad beat me with a crowbar, or cry in the corner like a little girl with a skinned knee. "Yeah! That's it, not so fucking tough now are you! You're little cum squad is gone! You're the type of person who needs a group there with you! You're all bark and no bite!"

He looked at me, his nose and lip bleeding. He started crying. I felt a strange sense of pleasure from it, but I held my ground, the tears of anger gushing out more. Clenching my fists, I ran away. I realized what I did was wrong. I didn't have to be taught that when I was little, I'd already known. I hid in the band room under the bleachers. My face buried in my knees.

I had to stop crying so much. It was going to make me seem like a little girl. The door to the band room opened. Probably the teacher. I didn't care.

After a few minutes of listening, I looked up and saw a pair of blue jeans hanging delicately from a tall, thin frame. I stayed quiet.

It didn't help though. The person was standing right in front of me.

I started to think of ways to get away from the person, but right when I'd thought of something, they dropped down and looked straight into my eyes. I gasped as I realized it was the boy from my math class, the one I sat next to. "Hey," He smiled, a cheerful look on his face. "What's going on, Murphy?" His smile widened. I snapped my hand out at him to hit him in the face, but he caught my wrist, his expression never changing. "Let me go!" I screamed kicking at him. "You're awfully violent, aren't you?" He chuckled.

Grabbing onto my wrist tightly, he dragged me out from under the bleachers. I screamed as the carpet skid across my bare legs. "Sorry." He apologized quickly. "What do you want!" I screamed at him, backing myself against the bleachers. "I want to talk to you," He said simply, sitting on a chair across from me. "Why me!" I scoffed, wrapping my arms in front of my chest, my legs burning. I wanted to cry from that, but I didn't want to do it right in front of this boy. I didn't want to be called Hurricane Mayella, violent, destroys things and there's alot of rain.

He sighed and stood up again, pacing back and forth. "Possibly because you're the new girl that everyone is talking about, the one who made Fredrick Levinson cry on the very first day of school." He smiled at me. Again, I scoffed, "Yeah right, I bet you're just hoping to get me to run away so you can see me trip again!" His smile faded. He clenched his fists. "You tripped, everyone laughs at someone who trips, you'd laugh at me if I tripped," He paused, "Anyway, I wasn't laughing at you tripping, I was laughing at how flustered you were getting from doing it."

I went to walk by him. Reaching forward, he grabbed my arm, "what are you doing after school today?" He asked, a smile returning to his face, "Forgetting about today!" I huffed, pulling my hand away.

"You know, you really shouldn't act like that, I'll make people see you the wrong way." I whirled around, my hair whipping me in the face, "Oh yeah? And How do you see me!" I squealed. He stepped forward, his arms tensioning, "I see you as a girl whose trying to fit in, someone who wants to be loved and wants something to love in return." he began to walk by me. His words stung. I couldn't stay mad at him. Not when he was being so nice to me. I turned around and grabbed his shirt. He stopped and looked back at me. "Um...what's your name?" I questioned, trying to muster up the sassy tone again.

He realized I was no longer full of anger. Smiling back at me, he replied in a husky tone, "Jacob, Jacob Black." I smiled. "I'm, Mayella Cullen, I'm...happy to have met you properly." I smiled looking away. My hand dropped from his shirt. He returned the smile, "Same here, Mayella Coolen." I rolled my eyes. "How the hell does someone mix up my last name? It's like someone calling you Jacob Blake!"

He laughed. "It is isn't it? I guess...that means that she really is the math teacher, and not the English Teacher." I laughed slightly. The bell went off. Looking up at him, I saw that he was walking away, "I'll leave you hear to cry for now, but tomorrow, before you go down to lunch, meet me at the doors," I cocked an eyebrow, "Why?" I Called after him. "You're sitting with me at lunch time."