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Zack looks outside of the window of the old warehouse and sees the Eclipse members heading towards it. Zack knew that they were caught and it was hopeless. He rushes down the stairs and sees that the small remaining Vypers were pissing themselves with fear. Zack heads to the area where Eckhart was torturing Mikhail. He was shocking Mikhail with a bucket of water and electric cables. Mikhail shook wildly from the shocks and when Eckhart would pull away, Mikhail would twitch wildly before stopping. That was the one thing that terrified Zack. Mikhail never screamed. He didn't scream when the electroshock began and hadn't since then. Suddenly the front door of the warehouse slams open and the Eclipse members rush inside. Eckhart leaves the twitching Mikhail in the chair and looks out the window into the warehouse from the office they were in.

"Shit, how could they have found us?"

"We're screwed, Faust. We gotta give up," says Zack.

"If you give up you'll end up just like him," Eckhart points at the twitching Mikhail. Zack grabs his bat and opens the door to the office but suddenly the door is kicked into him and Zack falls to the ground. Cody walks into the office and looks at the twitching Mikhail. Cody rushes forward and lands a fierce dropkick to Eckhart and Eckhart slams to the ground. Another Eclipse member rushes into the room and grabs the near unconscious Mikhail. Cody kicks Eckhart but Eckhart screams in anger and slams right through Cody and chases the Eclipse member. Mikhail is dropped on the floor as Eckhart hurls the Eclipse member down the stairs. Mikhail slowly gets to his feet and Eckhart looks at his old partner.

"You always seem to have luck on your side. But not today," says Eckhart. Eckhart grabs Mikhail and goes to hurl him down the stairs with the Eclipse member. Mikhail slams down the stairs and hits the ground hard. Eckhart sees Mikhail slowly start to get back up and shakes his head in amazement, "Why are you so hard to kill?" Mikhail suddenly grabs Eckhart by the throat and hurls him down onto the floor from the stairs. Mikhail suddenly is kicked down by Zack. Cody was chasing his brother as Zack leaps down the stairs and slams into Mikhail. Mikhail loses balance and falls. A few Vypers raise their bats to finish the downed Mikhail but suddenly they are struck down by the young Justin. Cody punches out the last one and drags Mikhail to a deserted corner. He looks at Mikhail for wounds but Mikhail shoves him off. Mikhail gets to his feet and he his face suddenly seems much darker. Even his usual bright blue green eyes seem darker. He walks towards Eckhart and Eckhart sees him coming. Eckhart gets up and runs back up the stairs and into the office. Mikhail follows as Eckhart locks the door, which Mikhail kicks down. Eckhart looks at Mikhail as they face off for the last time.

Mikhail looks at Eckhart Brandt, his former partner, and he raises his fists to prepare for the fight ahead of him. Eckhart leaps forward and slams his fist right into Mikhail's cheek. Mikhail stumbles back as Eckhart slams two hard fists into his side and Mikhail leans over in pain and Eckhart knees Mikhail right in the face. This sends Mikhail spiraling back and crashing to the ground. Eckhart grabs Mikhail by the collar of his shirt and hurls Mikhail into a rotting wood table, which easily breaks on impact. Eckhart laughs and kicks Mikhail in the stomach. Mikhail grabs a piece of shattered wood from the table and breaks it over Eckhart's skull. This causes Eckhart to stumble back and lean against a wall for support. Mikhail slowly gets to his feet but Eckhart was back on the attack…and pissed off now. Eckhart grabs Mikhail's head and smashes it right through the weak wooden wall and Mikhail stumbles back and crashes to the ground. Mikhail looks at his old partner and stands up. Eckhart sneers and lands a fierce punch to Mikhail's jaw. However, Mikhail doesn't even flinch and looks back at Eckhart. Mikhail slams multiple punches into Eckhart's face and then lands a fierce right cross to Eckhart's jaw and Eckhart crashes to the ground.

"What's wrong, Faust? You can't keep ol' Sankt down." Eckhart groans in anger and pain from the impact and gets back to his feet. Mikhail throws more punches, which Eckhart blocks and counters, only for them to be blocked as well. Both boys throw kicks which are dodged and they look at each other. Eckhart looks at his old partner and grins.

"It seems that you aren't completely lost, Sankt." Mikhail slowly nods and goes for another kick, which Eckhart dodges and lands a kick of his own to Mikhail's stomach, which sends him to the ground.

(Down Below)

Cody looks at his brother and he could tell that Zack was just a shell of his former self. Zack's hair was dyed black and covered with a red bandanna. Zack wore black t-shirt and grey khakis. Zack looked half dead, his eyes bloodshot and he was very skinny, "Last chance, Zack. The Emerald Vypers are through and your so called 'family' left you to die. Can you really face Mikhail after he tried to save you?" Zack roars in anger and charges his brother. Cody dodges Zack's clumsy attack and uses Zack's own momentum to hurl him into a brittle wood wall. Zack crashes through it and lands on the ground of the other room. Cody sees Zack pick up a piece of wood from the wall and hurls it at him. Cody dodges and runs into the room. Cody kicks Zack right in the face and Zack falls onto his back. Zack grabs another kick and lifts the leg till Cody loses balance and falls onto his butt. Zack grabs Cody around the throat and starts to choke but Cody headbutts Zack and Zack stumbles back. Cody grabs a piece of wood and smashes it into Zack's shoulder. Zack screams in pain but doesn't back up. Zack grabs a stool and swings it at Cody, who blocks it with the wood in his hand and both twins struggle to overpower the other.

"You can't win, Cody" Zack says beneath gritted teeth. Cody lets out a strained laugh.

"It's YOU who's gonna lose." Cody screams in effort and hurls Zack right off his feet. Cody hurls the wood piece and stool to the ground and charges his brother. Both boys fall to the ground and they roll over the dusty floor, each throwing punches into the other's form.

(Back up above)

Mikhail and Eckhart look at each other in anger and Eckhart grins. Eckhart leaps forward and delivers a fierce dropkick to Mikhail's chest, sending Mikhail crashes backwards and his torso breaks a window, nearly sending him crashing out of it. Eckhart rushes over to toss Mikhail out but Mikhail kicks Eckhart away and leaps out of the way of the open window. Eckhart puts up his arms in a boxer's stance and slowly walks forward, keeping his guard up. Mikhail does the same and soon they are throwing fierce punches at each other but the other just blocks it and counters. Eckhart finally lands a fierce right hook and Mikhail stumbles back. Eckhart kicks Mikhail in the stomach, which causes him to bend over. Eckhart lifts Mikhail up and slams him to the ground. The impact causes Mikhail to crash right through the weak floor. Eckhart laughs but is soon silenced as Mikhail had grabbed Eckhart's pant leg at the last moment and Eckhart is pulled down along with him.

Zack and Cody see the ceiling implode and two forms crash down and slam to the floor. Mikhail lands on his stomach and Eckhart lands on his back. Cody punches Zack right across the face and Zack stumbles back. Eckhart looks up at Cody and mumbles something in German before getting up and slamming a punch of his own into Cody's jaw. Cody stumbles back but doesn't fall. Soon all four of them are back on their feet and looking at each other. Zack leaps forward and crashes into Mikhail, sending the two of them to the ground. Cody lands a punch of his own to Eckhart's jaw and Eckhart collapses to the ground. Cody mounts Eckhart and slams violent punches and elbows to Eckhart's face and torso. Eckhart hurls Cody off of him and gets up but feels Mikhail kick him in the back and he falls on top of Cody, who had extended his knee and Eckhart's stomach made contact with it. Eckhart completely loses his wind and coughs to regain it.

Zack shoves Mikhail right through another weak wall and the two of them burst to the outside of the building, falling on top of each other. Mikhail gets up and Zack blocks a kick and goes for a fierce punch to the throat, which Mikhail barely blocks and kicks Zack in the stomach. Zack grabs a piece of shattered wood and breaks it over the top of Mikhail's skull. Mikhail slams to the ground, clutching his newly repaired head and groans in pain. Zack laughs but suddenly feels a swift kick to his balls from Mikhail. Zack falls like a rock and groans in pain as well. Mikhail slowly gets to his feet, bleeding from the gash in his head, and looks at Zack get up as well. Mikhail slams a fierce spinning back kick right into Zack's gut and Zack is actually sent right off his feet and crashes to the ground. Mikhail sees Tyler appear out of nowhere and tackle him. Mikhail is lifted right into the air and hurled right onto the concrete ground. Mikhail groans in pain as Tyler picks him up and delivers a devastating left cross, sending Mikhail stumbling back and crashing to the ground. He looks over at Zack, who had recovered, and picks Mikhail up. Tyler then throws a switchblade to Zack.

"Kill him, Tank!" Zack looks at the knife and then at Mikhail. Mikhail looks at Zack and knew that his real decision had to be made in just a few seconds. He flips open the switchblade and walks towards his victim. Tyler holds Mikhail up and prepares for Zack to make his TRUE initiation. Tyler's smile is quickly replaced with a blank stare. Tyler releases Mikhail and slowly backs up as he looks down at the hilt protruding from his chest. Blood slowly oozes from his mouth and he falls onto his knees. He looks up at Zack, whose eyes seemed alive for the first time since he met the kid.

"I'm out, Tyler," Suddenly Zack kicks the hilt of the knife all the way through Tyler's chest and Tyler falls back, dead. Zack looks over to the bloody Mikhail, who was lying on the ground, groaning in pain, and he gives Mikhail a slight grin.

Cody and Eckhart are exchanging punches and kicks but neither can overpower the other Eckhart goes for a kick but Cody catches it between his arm and armpit and delivers a fierce punch to the stomach, sending Eckhart stumbling back. Eckhart looks at Cody, impressed. He then looks at the fallen Mikhail.

"So he taught you, didn't he?" Cody just nods, "Unusual, he never taught anyone before. But it's just like his style, only you are somehow superior to him. You are better at his style then he is. Probably less beat up than him." Eckhart gets into a strange stance and is light on his feet, " So lets see how well you do when I use the style I used to destroy him in Germany." Cody goes for multiple punches but Eckhart blocks each and uses strange circular motions with his hands to block every attack. Cody can't land a single punch and Eckhart's hands get closer and closer and then Eckhart strikes Cody in the chest with a very compressed palm strike. Cody is sent sprawling back and crashes to the ground. Eckhart grins and gets in the stance again. Cody goes for a kick but it is grabbed with one hand and lifted into the air and Cody is sent into the air and crashes onto his back. Cody rolls out of the way of a punch and lands a hard kick to Eckhart's nose. Eckhart screams as blood emerges from his fingers, which were covering his face. Cody thinks of the line which Mikhail told him 'One hit…that's all it takes'. Cody quickly follows up with a few hard punches and then a powerful back kick which sends Eckhart flying back and crashing to the ground. Eckhart looks up at Cody and his eyes show rage. He cracks his nose back into place and blood pours freely out from his nose. Eckhart gets to his feet and he extends a hand, the thumb, index and middle fingers in a claw like manner. Cody slowly waits for an attack but there is none so he throws the first strike. Cody is quickly blocked and the claw hand is wrapped around his face and he is shoved right off his feet. Cody goes for another punch when he gets up but Eckhart grabs his arms and they are firmly locked in the vice like grips of Eckhart's fingers.

Zack sees that his brother is starting to lose and he rushes forward and leaps onto Eckhart's back. Eckhart quickly hurls Zack over onto his back and strikes him in the chest. Zack gasps for breath and Eckhart raises his hand and places the fierce claw like grip on Zack's temples and squeezes. Zack yells in pain as he feels deep pain in his skull. Suddenly the pain is gone and Eckhart is on his back. The twins see a wobbly Mikhail on his shaky legs. Eckhart screams in anger and charges Mikhail. Mikhail sees the overhead chop strike which Eckhart was famous for. He raises both hand and traps the strike with both hands. Mikhail kicks Eckhart in the chest and then delivers his infamous ridge hand strike. The Ridge Hand slams into Eckhart's throat and Eckhart spits up blood and collapses to the floor. Mikhail falls onto his back as Eckhart manages to get back to his feet.

"Your best student and strike were not enough to defeat me." Then everything goes black for Eckhart. Zack smashed a 2x4 into the back of Eckhart's head and knocked him right out.

"One hit…is all it takes," Cody mutters to himself and laughs. He gets up and embraces his brother for the first time in a very long while.

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