Chapter 1:

Disclaimer: I don't own Ginban or any other of my favorite animes. But I obviously DO own the plot!

Chapter 1:

Snow fell lightly at Tazusa's feet as she walked through the sidewalks leading to her home. It had been six months since Pete left her and she just couldn't go back to the way life was without him. He had melted her icy demeanor and cooled her fiery personality. It was because of him that she had lost her mask of clay and changed her opinion about skating. It wasn't just a competitive sport; it was a way to express yourself and expressions were not meant to be hidden.

She had been trying to live normally; after all, she had gone through a life with out the cheery Canadian before. But until now, every time she looked at herself in a mirror she half-expected to see Pete grinning back at her. Every time she ate tomatoes she could just imagine him screaming in her head. And most of all every time she performed in the rink she pretended that Pete was still with her, enjoying every jump and swerve she made.

The dark haired skater didn't want to live like this, she knew that Pete would have wanted her to always be happy and remember all that he had taught her about feelings. But that was just it; she would always remember his smile, his laugh, his jokes and most of all his passion for that moment of flight that they had always felt on the ice.

Sighing she looked up at the sky and whispered to herself, "God, why did you send him to be with me just to tear us apart?" There was no reply. Of course, why would there be? She had asked this question hundreds of times and each attempt just made her feel worse. The only reason that she kept asking was because of the faint hope that somewhere up there, Pete was listening. She closed her eyes for a while and tried to hold back the sadness, then after a few moments she took a deep breath and made her way back home.



She's almost cried again, Pete thought to himself. He groaned and got up from his crouched position. In doing so he was faced with the unavoidable view of the Gates of Heaven. Six months, he thought again, six months I've been up here and all I can do is watch her suffer the pain that I've caused her.

The Canadian pilot felt the familiar surge of anger at the God that had thrown them together only to rip them apart. He didn't have any problem with heaven; it was the very embodiment of the word "peace". It was like a giant town, a town where everyone was an angel and had once been human. Yet no matter who he asked, or how much he did, he never came across a person who had gone through the same thing as he had. No one else had been thrown back to Earth for a hundred days to haunt and posses a living human. So no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't go back to Tazusa.

A loud call interrupted Pete's thoughts and he turned to see a Tenshi fluttering towards him. Despite his bad mood, Pete smiled. The Tenshi were God's personal messengers and they seemed to erase all bad feelings within a five meter radius.

Fluttering closer, the Tenshi landed on Pete's outstretched hand, barely fitting into his palm. It looked like a cross between a cotton ball and a rabbit. The entire body was just a ball of fluffy white fur and the only extremities were a pair of large hind paws, two floppy ears, a long tail that ended in a puff and a couple of pearly feathered wings.

"Pete!" it squeaked. Said person smiled again, no one new where Tenshi's mouths were. When they spoke the high-pitched voice seemed to come from around them instead of from a specific place on their body. And they apparently didn't eat, instead feeding on the happy feelings that came from people's hearts.

"Pete!!" it squeaked again, brining Pete back out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yes sorry…" he murmured. "What's wrong? You seem to be fluttering around a little to fast to just be on a stroll."

"It's big news, Pete!" it chirped excitedly. "God says he wants to see you, Pete, and he never asks to see people. He only does it if he's planning a reincarnation!"

Pete almost fainted. Most souls in heaven had to be there for decades before they were chosen to be reincarnated; then again he wasn't like most souls. Taking a deep breath he cleared his head and looked back at the Tenshi. "Are you absolutely sure that God is picking me, a spirit who's only been here for half a year, to reincarnate and send back to Earth?"

The Tenshi couldn't frown, since it didn't have a mouth, but it's puffy white fur bristled like there was no tomorrow at the insult. "I'll have you know that Tenshi have never gotten a single message or delivery wrong in all of eternity!" And with that it bounced off Pete's hand towards the direction of the palace where God lived.

Pete rushed to follow. He kept half of his mind on following the Tenshi and let the other half wander on thoughts of Earth. He would be able to live again, to feel, to touch. Then something occurred to him. Reincarnations were normally wiped clean of their memories, leaving only the personality of the past life in the new one. Never before has a soul retained its memories of its past life, but still never before had a soul shared a body with a living human girl for a hundred days. Pete clenched his fists, making a promise to himself that he would not forget Tazusa, if no one had done it before than he would.

He stopped walking. They had come to the palace door and the Tenshi had busied itself with opening it. Tenshi floated a foot away from the door and started to glow, pulses of light emanated from its body. Then after a few seconds of glowing Pete heard a loud click and the Tenshi let itself fall to the floor then rested itself on its long tail. "Alright Pete, go in."

Ok, Pete calm down, he thought to himself, you're just going to talk to the most powerful entity in the known universe. There's no need to be scared.

Past the first two doors Pete saw that there was a hallway that lead strait to a pedestal. Assuming that he was supposed to stand on that pedestal, the blonde haired teenager straightened up and walked over to it. Once he was on the pedestal a booming voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Pete Pumps I have summoned you here today for a reason. This reason has a relation to the girl you inhabited when you first died."

Pete tensed, was something wrong with Tazusa?

God seemed to read his mind as he answered, "I had sent you to her previously so as to thaw out her heart. There are great things in store for her and the only thing hindering her from achieving what she was meant for is her yearning to be with you once again. So I have come up with a solution."

Here it is, he said to himself excitedly.

"I'm sending you back to Earth as this," God said revealing a mirror that Pete had not noticed before.

Pete craned his neck to look at what was reflected on the mirror and he paled.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me…"