Aki and Madara walk in and sit down.
Aki: Welcome, this is the official fan fiction written by me….
Madara: You dragged me away for this? You wretched….
Aki: About Marada Uchiha!
Madara: Wait… about me?
Aki nods
Madara: Oh, so this does have a point!
Aki: This is Madara's unofficial biography! All about his life like when he took off his diaper at the clan meeting and…
Aki appears to have duct tape over her mouth. She rips off.
Aki: All babies do that! Do not have such a hissy fit!
Madara: I'm not having a hissy fit! You know what, I'm suing you, this doesn't have my permission!
Aki: Yep good luck at that! Anyway, have fun reading it!
It was a storm to be reckoned with, the proud few with the mighty Sharingan stood a top the rocky cliff looking down the festering bodies below, covered in blood, kunai and sweat. The bodies stretched far and wide over the chasm, leaving the sent of death upon the entire area. Lighting struck above and illuminated the pale faces of the five standing above in their maroon and black armor stained with blood and dirt from the battle, their hair matted and long; black streaks falling around their faces. The eyes of the Sharingan shows through, the red irises around the pupil with three tomoe each and a black ring connecting them in a deadly circle. They are the pride of their clan, the strongest of the strong in blood, the mighty Uchiha.
A blackness engulfs them after every bolt, the thunder crackles behind them. The wind comes on and blows the rain as spikes onto their impermeable faces, they ignore it. In front stands the tallest, the broadest and the mightiest of their party, a man named Idaina. He looks quickly for movement. He opens somber lips. "Back to the camp."
The other four nod at his command and they push themselves far and high into the air, jumping towards their current camp. In times where war is every other day, most clans have chosen to stay mobile, as have the Uchiha, not to be taken lightly. They chose not to be migratory for defense, no, that is a sign of weakness. No, the Uchiha's decision was that of a might predator stalking prey. They closely followed opponents, waiting for them to attack, only to have the fight force me the rest of the clan back at their base. They, the five, would than attack the village and destroy everything, men, woman, and children alike. An enemy is an enemy, after all.
The five landed on opposite tree limbs, bending them slightly at the amazing force of their chakra, they bounce in the air as if they would have landed on rubber. They're off again, leaving no mark of ever harboring there amongst the foliage.
Swiftly and delicately with immeasurable amounts of power they vaulted into the sky oft, making a gentle tailwind behind the path they stride. They leap down onto the harden dirt of clay and sand, looking over at the flags of blue with the symbol of the Uchiha. A fan, two simple filled in shapes; at the top, the red paper fan, and at the bottom the white handle. It was large and proud as they walked into camp, spirits high yet humble, as children and wives pulled back into the streets, the young men walk foreword, Sharingan in their eyes. Upon their shoulders, they carry multiple dead bodies on each shoulder, a gruesome balance act that have earned them respect with the elders.
They lay the bodies at the five's feet, baring them as presents of victory. Within the crowd a woman moves foreword, shoved by the elder woman towards the mighty men, a blanket wrapped bundle she carries in her thinly arms. The way is cleared, out of the small tent of leathers and cloth. She brings the package to the one called Idaina, holding it out with the widest of smiles on her beautiful face. She speaks slowly, only to him, and stares him in the eyes, Sharingan to Sharingan. "He came out wanting to fight, just like his father."
"When was he born?" Idaina asks taking the child and unwrapping the soft blue blanket to uncover his soft, fleshy form. "He's perfect."
"He was born not a second before the attack. I was able to get up from my bed and kill for protection of my son." She smiled more, her hands moved swiftly around his neck, there foreheads together even though his height is greater then hers, they stand there in perfection. "He's your son, Madara."
She moved her form back a step, letting the man take in his new life and joy. Dekibae, in all her splendor had already regained the shape of a curve hour glass, hair covered in sweat that sticks to her face. She observed, like a hawk, as Idaina leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. He pulled back and smiled at the blood soaked creature, he made not a sound, sleeping innocently, chest smoothly flowing up and down off his ribcage.
"Congratulations, Idaina!" Was erupted from the rest of the five, who stepped foreword and placed a calmly hand on his shoulder or a happy slap on the back. The clan slowly filed away till the family of three and the elder women stood alone. The eldest and wisest, Hima moved closer to Idaina and finally stood in front of the man.
"The child is more than perfect. Upon arrival, he unleashed a burst of chakra. We all sense it. He will be great, possibly better." Hima breezed the forehead of the babe with a finger. "Tomorrow, the entire camp leaves for the Fire Temple. The child must be cleansed."
Hima, the eldest of the eldest, and owl among pigeons, stood only half the height a normal man would, age crippling her already stout figure. He silver hair was tied back into a knot and she wore only a simple powered blue kimono. She was the true power of the Uchiha Clan, an undying sense of tradition and law.
Idaina moved carefully, beaming brightly at the child that was now his. "A boy… Gods be praised, a girl like my wife would ruin us." Dekibae slapped him upside the head and moved over into the tent, pushing aside her wrapping covered in blood. She stopped and came back for the child, taking him quietly and caressing his face with affectionate eyes.
"Your sleeping outside tonight, you know that right?" She once again went inside the tent and closed the flap. Idaina raised his heads to the clouds looking over the white pristine shapes, asking whomever was up there, whomever could hear him, and thanking him for the son, the blessing on his life.
Sunshine had set upon the Fire temple, the monks, dressed in traditional white with shaved heads, moved slowly and perfectly in the yard. Each step accurate, each hand movement to balance Yin or Yang. At the sound of the bells they stopped and turned to the temple, observing who would come and talk to them, and why their training was interrupted. Slowly, and old man, beard long and pure as the driven snow stepped in front of them, they bowed at his presence. "The Uchihas are coming. All men are to be careful, they have given us no ill will, and I'd like not to give them ill will." The monks bowed again.
The man left, swiftly walking through the temple on his long stork like legs until he arrived at the front. There, slowly ascending the stairs, Idaina, Dekibae, Madara in his mothers arms, and the elder Hima. When Hima's foot landed on the top platform, she bowed. "Master Monk."
"Elder Uchiha." The monk said returning the greeting.
"I bring you Madara Uchiha, son of Idaina and Dekibae. I ask that you bless this child, if you would find it in your graces." She said rising to look him in the eye.
The monk nodded and opened his arms wide to point the way inside the Fire temple. The large rocks walls that surrounded them were smooth, tall and thick. The floor was of the same material except every few feet there would lie a simple word such as 'truth' or 'justice'. The couple nervously followed blindly, they understood that they must wear simple clothes without any weapons and that of all things, there must be no use or sign of Sharingan, this was widely considered a threat.
The monk moved around a small pillar rising only to the waste with a half cylinder shape cut out. The monk touched the pillar gently and nodded to the babe. Dekibae set the child down. Oh did the boy wail as soon as he left his mothers arms for the cold sedimentary carving.
The cries carried all the way to the next room. It had gotten the attention of a small boy, barely the age of four, with ravage black hair. His eyes were stern as he looked on the black haired couple with the fans on their back. It was a hand of a strong and guiding father that led him away. "Hashirma, come along. Here, the Uchiha may do nothing."
"Yes father." He said following the man out of the building and out to where a younger boy by far was sitting in his mother's arms, impressed by a butterfly floating by. The babe giggled and cheered as the small creature floated by. "Nawaki sure is happy, father."
"He is, it's because today, he's three months old." The father said happily brushing the hair on top of the babies head.
"Let's go, the rest of the Senju clan is waiting." The woman said delicately. They descended the large white stairs down to the young growing forest around them. The heat of the sun setting away.