The temporal aperture leading into a different dimension swirled and spiraled over head as the members of G-Force and the E.S.P. Institute bid farewell to the Mutants of the Gotengo and the Shobijin.
"We thank you endlessly for the assistance you provided us." Aso thanked as he glanced from the Mutants to the Shobijin.
"We were happy to help." Ozaki said as he nodded somberly.
Behind Aso, Chinatsu Gondo and Frances Okayama giggled as they glanced at Ozaki every five seconds, observing and admiring his handsome face and well shaped body. Ozaki caught their observance and smiled, while slightly blushing.
"Farewell ladies." he winked. Chinatsu and Frances saw Ozaki looking at them, and the melted into his gaze and the sound of his voice. Suddenly, there mesmerizing moment was interjected when Ozaki stepped up to them and kissed their hands ever so gently and slowly.
Chinatsu and Frances turned bright red as Ozaki's piercing gaze caught the depth of their eyes. As he quietly turned to walk away, Chinatsu took her quivering hand and slapped his behind, not being able to resist the urge.
"Chinatsu, damn it!" blared Aso as he stood in between Ozaki and the raucous ladies.
Everybody present giggled at the women's lust for the good looking man as he stepped back into the time portal, waving good bye as he did so.
Now, all that were remaining from the opposite dimension were the Shobijin, who gazed up at the humans and Elias with joyful smiles on their faces.
"The humans of your dimension are brave, and love their world very much." complimented on of the Shobijin. The other Shobijin nudged her sister:
"I wish our humans were brave like them." she whispered while rolling her eyes.
The complimenting fairy elbowed her sister in the side for saying such a single minded thing out loud around the humans.
The Elias began to laugh as they noticed the Shobijin displaying a bit of unique personality.
"You see, having separate personalities isn't so bad." muttered Belvera, as she tried not to laugh.
"I hope we can meet again someday." interjected Lora as she smiled at the twin priestesses.
"Indeed we shall, farewell, and may you keep this world in balance for many years ahead." the Shobijin bowed as they slowly walked back into the temporal orifice, causing it to shut swiftly behind them.
As the distortion closed, the forest was peaceful and quiet again, not one animal stirred, it was just dead quiet.
Mount Modra, Batan Island
Ta'Kra stood solemnly as he glanced up toward Modra Aquaila, who sat upon the shrine where her mother once stood. He could not believe that this day had come, where he would finally take up his father's staff and become the chief of the Batanian Indian Tribe. That is not the only thing Ta'Kra was here for, he was under the obligation of conducting the funeral service for Modra, Torbysnief, and for all those who died in the bloody war with the Xilians.
Since this service was a relatively private function, the only outsiders that were not from the tribe who were invited were: Miki Saegusa, Commander Aso, the Elias, Koji Shinjo, and Sahra Ward. Even some of the kaiju attended, including Mothra Virgo, Godzilla, Rodan, and Mayonaka. They waited patiently as Ta'Kra prepared to begin his service.
"On this day." he began to address, "we mourn for the passing of the thousands of people who perished in the great Xilian War which has plagued our planet for the past 3 years. Especially for us Batan Island folk, we mourn the passing of our previous chief--Torbysnief, and our guardian, Modra. Both died trying to save our people, and both shall be remembered for the rest of the duration of time that history exists on this planet. If there is a theme to all of this terrible sadness and destruction that has come to pass, it is that we must never give up. This is our planet, and we must do everything in our power, to make sure that it is safe in the futureā¦..For this valuable lesson, Modra, Torbysnief, and all the kaiju as well as humans shall be remembered, forever."
"Indeed, they shall be remembered." interjected Moll, "something else should be remembered as well, you are now chief of this tribe, what a great honor you now bear, Ta'Kra, my friend."
Ta'Kra glanced down at his side and noticed his father's staff lying on the ground in a patch of grass peacefully. Slowly, he reached down and picked it up, holding it in his hand firmly, feeling it's cherry-wood surface and it's gentle slender beauty.
"I shall lead this tribe to the best of my ability." Chief Ta'Kra said confidently as he gazed at the Elias with joy in his eyes, "I will always welcome the council of the Elias of Mothra, as well as anyone who wishes to render such."
Ta'Kra was now the chief of the Batan Indian tribe, and Modra Aquaila was its guardian. They were leading the tribe into a new era of history which would be lucrative and peaceful. The Batanian people had a lot of hope, that this new period of time during their history, would be peaceful and joyous.