This is just a random idea I came up with a while back. I don't have any specific plan for it and I don't see it being a long story, but if it gets enough interest I'll focus on it more and add it to my 'main stories' list.

Otherwise I'll just update a bit more randomly.


Naraku sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples, attempting to ease the looming headache; this wasn't going to be a good day.

He just felt…odd today, he decided, like something was looming in the horizon, something big. He just didn't know if it was a good something or bad something.

He let out an undignified grunt as he strained to pull himself from his bed, the combined factors of gravity and his swollen belly working against him as usual.

The battle was eventually won (in his favor…this time) though as he waddled towards his wardrobe he was still fighting to regain his breath.

"Lord Naraku!" The sudden proclamation earned a girlish squeal from the hanyou lord in question as he spun towards the now open door. He found himself facing an irritated Kagura and quickly yanked the nearest robe from his wardrobe, attempting to hide behind it as if expecting the garment to protect him.

"Dear kami!" He muttered harshly, his eyes flicking skywards momentarily as he waited for his heartbeat to steady once more.

"What do you want??" He hissed at his minion, inwardly cursing the thing in his belly yet again for robbing him of his heightened senses.

Kagura merely snarled in response, turning swiftly on her heel just seconds after barking her intended announcement. "You have guests."

Naraku knew she had probably had to bite down on her tongue to stop any bitter or sarcastic comments from slipping out, but as Naraku quite literally held her heart in his hands the demoness didn't dare to risk his wrath.

An impressive twenty minutes later found Naraku fully dressed, groomed and ready for the day, though he was still mourning the absence of his usual hour long bath.

He had quickly wriggled into a comfortable position in his meeting room, hiding the inconvenient bump under a table of the perfect height before he finally deemed the 'guests' worthy of being allowed entrance.

Kami, not them again! He grumbled to himself as the mismatched group stormed in. At least the room was arranged to have Naraku himself seated firmly downwind of the sensitive youkai noses. He could not have his secret discovered.

He sighed in annoyance as the inu mutt placed himself in the center of the other side of the table; directly opposite himself. Errgh, that smell was annoying; though to his great annoyance it also sent waves of warm pleasure tingling down to, um…there…

The three humans and the orphaned kitsune brat quickly fell into place on either side of the scruffy hanyou, and Naraku rolled his eyes as that tiringly familiar scowl was shot his way.

What wasn't so familiar however was the ever so slight coloring adorning the other hanyou, a blush so faint that he doubted the weaker human eyesight was even capable of noticing it.

Ahh, so he remembers, Naraku crowed with satisfaction, his own memories of that hot night flooding his mind.

It had been Inuyasha that had come to him, yelling about wanting vengeance for all the ill deeds Naraku had orchestrating and waving his oversized sword around wildly.

Naraku wasn't sure what had happened next, or who had made the first move, but he did remember that it was Inuyasha who had thrust into him so determinedly, siring the child that now caused Naraku so much discomfort and inconvenience.

He reluctantly allowed his attention to float back to the present, managing to keep the confused frown from his face as he attempted to decode Inuyasha's incessant ranting.

What was it he wanted this time?

He was pulled from his pondering quite roughly as a sharp twinge suddenly shot through him, robbing him of the ability to keep the grimace from his face.

An unsure silence fell upon the gathered humans and (at least part) demons.

"Naraku…?" The hesitant voice of the one responsible for this whole situation queried slowly, his face wrinkled up in confused.

"I hate you, you annoying, whiny baka!!" Naraku hissed, his hands disappearing under the table and pressing firmly against the sides of his swollen belly as he fought to push the sudden pain down.

The expression on InuYasha's face changed from what had almost looked like concern to a hard look of indifference, though if Naraku had been looking up he would have seen a flash of disappointment glimmer briefly in those golden eyes.

The sudden cramps eased up miraculously, and Naraku breathed a sigh of relief as his body relaxed.

And now to salvage the situation; he'd rather die than appear weak in front of those disgusting mortals.

His head rose back up in a dignified manner, his hands flicking his wavy locks back impatiently before settling on the table in front of him.

"Now," he started in a cold tone "what was it you wanted to whine about today, humans." He spat the last word out as if it was a foul piece of food he had accidentally sampled. The humans leant back; ah yes, this was what they had been expecting, this was more like the Naraku they all knew and hated.

The loud human leapt up with an air of righteous indignation and a long forgotten nausea rose up in Naraku as the ridiculously short kimono (he didn't know what else to call the strange wrap of fabric) fluttered up from the action and presented Naraku with an unwanted glimpse of what he could only guess where a strange form of undergarments.

He shuddered in repulsion, tuning out the oblivious girl's yells (Kami that voice grated on his nerves!) as he struggled to regain control over his traitorous body.

He waved a hand to silence the girl before ordering her to be removed from the castle. He really wasn't in the mood for this today.

Kagura was all too happy to see to the strange girl's eviction and had soon returned to await further orders from her boss, the expression in her eyes making it very clear to the remaining group that she would just love to see the rest of them removed from the castle and sent far, far away.

Naraku forced his tired eyes open once more, turning to look at the remaining pests, uh, guests.

Three stunned faces stared back at him as well as confused blinking from the kitsune as the little dear looked from Naraku to InuYasha to where the girl had been seated, obviously trying to figure out what he had missed while he had been drawing on a scrap of paper stowed in his pocket. Wait…Naraku mentally backtracked. Did he just refer to the kitsune brat as…'little dear'??

He shook his head quickly, trying to snap himself out of it just as the evil cramps returned, slamming into him much harder than before.

This time it wasn't just a mere grimace that escaped him; a low groan was also wrestled from his lips as he leant forward, his head bowing and his hands clutched at his belly once more.

What was this pain? And why did it have to happen now?