Disclaimer: I don't own Code Lyoko and I never will. I only own Lacey, Mr Etalong and the kids.

This is the last chapter. It is short, but I am making a sequal for it. Enjoy!

Chapter 12

The End

They all looked at the castle and reluctantly went in except for Jeremie.

"Aren't you coming Einstein?" Lacey asked.

"No, I'm gonna monitor your process from outside," Jeremie answered.

"How can you do that?" Yumi asked.

Jeremie pointed to the far corner of the castle and they saw a big supercomputer that hadn't been there a second ago. They all nodded and went inside. They immediately changed virtually into their Lyoko form.

"Remember," Jeremie's voice came to them like on Lyoko. "Only Ulrich, Yumi or Chris can get the golden globe. The person who cares about her very much is still unknown, but it is one of you."

They all ran further into the castle. They suggested they split up. Ulrich and Yumi went together, Odd, Lacey and Aelita, Arielle and Chris, Angel and Luke and Tanya and Mark.

Ulrich and Yumi

Ulrich and Yumi were walking in a very dark corridor. There was just enough light to see where they were going.

"This brings us back to old times," Yumi commented.

"Yeah, I remember a lot of good old times in Carthage, but also some bad ones," Ulrich replied.

"Yes, like when Xana finally got the keys to Lyoko. We were all so sad," Yumi stated.

"But then Franz Hopper gave Aelita her memories back. Just like he did with our daughter." Ulrich's voice grew lower when he said the last sentence. They both put their arms around each other and continued walking through the dark corridor.

Tanya and Mark

"Why us?" Tanya asked.

"I don't know. It's probably our parents. But I can ensure you that my dad wasn't planning on fighting Xana either when he was our age," Mark answered.

"Yeah, but still…" Tanya trailed off.

"Let's put it this way, if my dad hadn't turned the supercomputer on, then my mum wouldn't be on Earth. We wouldn't even know each other," Mark reminded her.

"Good point." Tanya smiled as they walked through the blue corridors.

Odd, Lacey and Aelita

Odd and Lacey were walking behind Aelita in a data filled room giggling. Aelita rolled her eyes, turned around and said, "Shut up! You know we have a job to do?"

"Sorry Princess, we got a bit carried away." Odd smiled goofily. Aelita rolled her eyes again and they kept walking as a voice boomed across the castle.

"I've found the throne room!" Jeremie exclaimed. "It's in the very middle of the castle so you should be able to find it easily."

Everyone took off towards the middle of the castle. When they got there, they stared. It was surrounded in rainbow lighting. In the very middle were some stairs and up the top of those stairs was a grand, golden throne. Next to the throne was a table with a small golden orb, floating in mid air on top.

"There it is… Let's get it!" Yumi started running toward the golden orb when something shot lasers at her multiple times in the back. A second later she appeared next to Jeremie by the supercomputer exhausted.

"What was it?" she asked.

"Mantas," Jeremie answered bluntly. Yumi groaned.

Back in the castle, Ulrich had just been devirtualized, if that's what you want to call it. Chris, without thinking, went up to one of the mantas, drew out his saber and attempted to attack it. This attempt failed, as a creeper appeared and knocked the saber right out of his hands and devirtualizing him as well. Odd, Lacey and Aelita went up next.

"Guys, you need to work out who cares about Tanya the most. This person has to care about her a whole lot. This is not a game and if you choose wrong that person gets devirtualized and you will have to pick again, therefore decreasing your time to get the key," Jeremie explained.

"I'll try and hold the monsters off. You guys decide," Tanya told them and ran off to block the two mantas and the creeper. Odd and Lacey had been devirtualized and all of you could see of Aelita was a wire frame with white squares.

Mark turned to the others. "Ok, I think the girls since you are best, best friends." Angel nodded and went up first. She tried to grab hold of the orb but it devirtualized her. Arielle tried to do the same, but she also got the same result. Luke went up next without thinking, but he got devirtualized as well.

Then it was Mark's turn. He easily grabbed hold of the golden orb and took it. He rose into the air as a golden aura surrounded his entire body. The monsters retreated and Tanya turned to watch what was going on. She watched in fascination as Mark landed back on the ground, ran up to her and handed her the globe. As she took it, it disappeared and the top of her head sent out purple sparks. Jeremie brought them in after that. On Earth everyone gave them a questioning look.

"That was fun…" Mark chuckled awkwardly. Tanya nodded her head as everyone else shot each other knowing smiles.

Back at the cabin

It was the middle of the day and the adults had gone for a fishing trip down by the river. The kids had gone along with them to swim in the river. Arielle and Luke were splashing each other in the water. Tanya watched them, laughing at the sight. Mark and Chris were playing beach soccer since there was a beach on the other side of the river. Angel was swimming laps, making sure that she didn't collide with the adult's fishing rods.

"Luke! Stop it!" Arielle was starting to be tickled by her brother. "Chris! Help me!"

Chris heard her cries and dived into the water. He grabbed hold of her and grabbed her to shore, laughing.

"What's so funny about that? I could have drowned!" Arielle put a hand to her forehead like she was an actress in a dramatic scene. "My own brother!"

Everyone started laughing as Arielle pretended to faint on the sand.

"You are such a drama queen," Tanya told her. Arielle just scowled playfully at her.

The next day, they headed back to Kadic and shut down the supercomputer. Everyone knew that they were safe and they would never forget their adventures.

But, what if they were… wrong?

The End

Told you it was short. Or at least shorter than usual. Watch out fot the sequal coming soon!