The door to Merry's room swung open. Both Eomer and Pippin immediately stood as Gandalf and Aragorn walked out. The man and wizard gave Eomer a questioning look but said nothing. Gandalf bent down to Pippin and whispered something to him and immediately the hobbit ran into Merry's room.

"Good day, Eomer," said Aragorn. "Do you need something?"

"I was actually wanting to talk to Merry. How is he doing?"

"He is recovering quickly," Aragorn replied. "He will soon be well."

"I am glad," Eomer answered. "Pippin is concerned about him," he added.

Aragorn nodded. "I know. Merry will never fully recover from this I think, but it will not trouble him much. You may go in and talk to him if you want. Pippin will leave when you go in."

"Thank you, Aragorn."

With that Eomer walked into the room. Merry was sitting up in his bed talking to Pippin. They both looked over at him and smiled. Pippin said something to Merry then went out.

Eomer paused, unsure of what to say, but Merry spoke first.

"Forgive me, I would bow, but Gandalf and Strider told me to stay in bed."

"I would rather you did not bow," Eomer said with a slight smile. "I suppose I'll have to get used to it now if I'm to be king. I certainly don't feel like a king."

Merry laughed. "I certainly don't feel like a warrior! However, everyone seems to think I am, even Pip now!"

"The truth is, I've come here for two reasons. First, I have come here to thank you. Without you, my sister would not be still alive. You cannot possibly understand how very thankful I am that she is."

"People give me too much credit," Merry said softly.

Eomer shook his head. "They give you as much credit as you should get, and maybe not even enough. Secondly, Master Meriadoc, I've come to apologize."

Merry's head shot up. "What?"

"Before the battle, I doubted any ability you would have and wished you would be gone so you would no longer be a burden."

Merry nodded slowly.

"I underestimated you and now I see how horribly wrong I was," Eomer continued. "I saw you fighting at Pelenor Fields, Master Meriadoc. I thought at first that a child had come to the battle, then I realized that it was you. You fought as valiantly as any of my men. And you saved my sister. Forgive me, for being a blind fool and doubting you."

"I've often doubted myself. I'm no warrior, I'm just a hobbit. I'm glad I was able to help in any way. There is nothing to forgive, my king," Merry answered softly.

"Meriadoc Brandybuck," Eomer said, "I swear this to you now: the story of your deeds shall forever be told in Rohan. If all Middle Earth forgets your courage, Rohan never will. You shall be known as Holdwine of the Mark, a knight of Rohan, and a friend to its kings. That is, if you will have Rohan's newest king as your friend. I hear he's a very stubborn man and foolish, but he would greatly like to have you as his friend."

Merry smiled. "I would very much like to be his friend."

Eomer smiled back at the brave, young hobbit.

Then Merry's look became more serious. "Eomer King, I give you my service, as I did to your uncle before you. Will you take it?"

"I would be honored to have it," Eomer replied.

A knock on the door interrupted them, and a young Gondorian soldier stuck his head in.

"Forgive me, my lords, for interrupting," he said, "but King Eomer is needed."

Eomer nodded and the soldier left. Before Eomer went he turned to Merry.

"Thank you Meriadoc-"

"Please, call me Merry. All my friends do."

Eomer smiled. "Then thank you Merry, for teaching me that courage knows no size."