Okay I sorta think this didn't turn out well so I apologize in advance. But here it is! And somehow, Roxas and Axel bought a house. I don't know how, but they did so ha! I do not own Kingdom Hearts.

Roxas yawned as he stepped out of the bathroom, toweling his wet hair dry as he did so. He threw the towel back into the bathroom and then padded down the hallway to where the small living room/kitchen was located. Axel was sitting at the counter on a bar stool, eating toast with a completely zoned out look on his face.

"Still asleep?" Roxas wondered as he opened one of their cupboards and pulled out a poptart, tossing it in their small toaster.

"Eh…" Axel responded.

"Yep," Roxas sighed, walking around the counter and gently kissing Axel's forehead.

"Sorry but I'm not that much of a morning person," Axel said with a yawn.

"It's ten thirty."

"Still morning Roxy. So what are we doing today?"

"School. We have classes today, idiot," Roxas teased.

"You do. I don't have classes today. I decided to move them from Friday and cram it all on Monday instead," Axel told him with a grin. "I'll pick you up when your class is over, okay Roxy?"

"Fine," Roxas sighed. "See you later Pyro."

Roxas leaned forward and Axel captured his lips quickly, lightly moving his lips over Roxas's. "Sweet as ever Roxy. Now go on."

Roxas blushed as he picked his backpack and then walked out the front door and quickly found his bike in the small one car garage. He checked his watch as he rode. Ten forty. Class started in twenty minutes which meant he had just enough time to get to class. Hopefully.

He really thought he would've made it to class that day…if he hadn't been hit by a car.

"What the hell!" he sputtered as he scrambled to his feet. Thank God that car was only going five miles per hour, he thought. Good thing I travel through the neighborhoods instead of the busy roads too.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry," came a voice as the man quickly got out his car and rushing over to Roxas.

"Whatever. I'm fine. I shouldn't have rode out that fast…aw damn it!" Roxas shouted, staring down at his foot…his now destroyed and mangled piece of metal foot anyways.

"I…" the man said, once again capturing Roxas's attention.

Roxas glanced up at the blue haired man, a little surprised at the hair color. He was also surprised at the X shaped scar between his orange colored eyes.

"Two questions. Is your hair dyed and are your eyes that color due to contacts," Roxas said.

"Um…yes and yes. But are you okay…? I mean, can you walk?" he asked.

"Uh no. And now I'm late to my college class. I'll have to call my professor so hold on," Roxas ordered, leaning up against the man's car before he lost his balance.

He whipped at his cell phone and quickly dialed the number for his professor's classroom phone, quickly leaving a message saying he got hit by a car and he wouldn't make it to class.

"Okay anyways. Who are you?" Roxas demanded.

"I am Siax. I really apologize. Is there anything we could do for your…foot?" he asked sincerely.

"Drive me home please. I can get it fixed there," Roxas sighed, picking up his mangled foot and tugging at the clasps that held the metal to his foot.

Siax winced as he popped it off and then picked up Roxas's bike and stowing it in the back seat of his car. Roxas hopped into the passenger seat and soon they were off, Roxas giving him directions to his and Axel's apartment.

Axel was just slipping into his car when they pulled up. Puzzled, he got out again and stared as Roxas and Siax exited the car and Roxas's bike was put on the lawn.

"Hey Axel. Wanna carry me inside?" Roxas wondered.

"Um…why?" Axel asked.

"I got hit by a car and my metal foot doesn't work anymore," Roxas answered, glaring at Siax.

"Oh shit. Here," Axel said, rushing over to him and quickly picking him up bridal style. "Thanks, whoever you are. I can handle it from here."

"Um…sure…bye then," Siax muttered awkwardly.

"So…you got hit by a car?" Axel snickered. "And it knocked your foot off?"

Roxas pouted as Axel carried him inside and set him down on the counter top so his legs were hanging off. "Don't make fun of me."

"Who said I was?" Axel asked, smirking at him before dancing out of the room towards their bedroom.

"Axel!" Roxas whined.

"I'm coming, god. Now hold still," Axel ordered as he knelt down in front of Roxas, pulling up the pant leg and quickly finding where to attach the metal foot. Thank God Namine showed me how to do this, he thought.

"This so sucks," Roxas grumbled. "I'm missing class for this."

"What's bad about that? It means I can do this," Axel said, before fixing his lips firmly on Roxas's.

Roxas rolled his eyes and shoved Axel back a bit before jumping down from the counter. "I should go to class but…I'm already twenty minutes late so there isn't a point. That class is so fast paced."

"Screw class. I want my Roxy," Axel pouted, hugging Roxas tight to his chest.

"Axel," Roxas sighed. "I'm going to use this time to study, I hope you realize."


"Axel…this is the last month of school and once summer starts you can have your Roxy all day long. Promise," Roxas told him. "But until then, I need to study."

"Aw fine. If you insist. But I guess I'll be shopping without you Roxy. Sure you wanna study?" Axel teased.

"You should be studying too," Roxas said.

"Fine…if Roxy wants me to."

"And he does."

"You're no fun."

After more arguing and pouting Roxas was finally able to get Axel to sit down and study…away from him. Roxas didn't want to fail his exams and he knew that letting Axel distract him was a sure way to do that. Roxas glanced at the clock and saw that if he had gone to class it would've been over by now and decided that it would be a good time to take a break.

"Roxas…can you be done studying now?" whined Axel from the other side of the door.

"Come on in Axel. I'm done for now," Roxas sighed.


Axel opened the door and rushed through, tackling Roxas onto the floor. Roxas pushed him off, laughing.

"You poor deprived child," Roxas joked.

"So what do you think of that guy who drove you home?" Axel suddenly asked, very serious.

"His name is Siax. He's really nice and all, though I am mad that he hit me," Roxas told him.

"Well you're mine," Axel said. "And make sure he knows that."

"You don't even know if he was gay," Roxas told him. "And does this mean that you're jealous?"

"Of course! I can't risk anyone stealing my Roxy from me," Axel said, nibbling on his neck.

"No one is going to steal me from you, Axel. Stop being so paranoid," Roxas ordered. "Can we eat now?"


That took way too long to write seeing as how it's so short…Sorry! Review please!