Author's Note-This is kinda inspired by the show on Disney Channel Hannah Montana. (But I, for some reason, hate that show and the actor.) I'm still planning it, so if you want to read my two most popular stories, they are I Hate How Fate Plays With My Heart and Ways To Piss Off Emmett Cullen.

In this story, Bella and Edward are 17 and still in high school. They're careers are at night, and during the day, they go to school, like in Hannah Montana.

Disclaimer: Disclaimers are stupid, but I have to say that I do not own Twilight...yada yada yada...

Chapter 1


Bella's POV

I finished my newest song hit, Love Hurts. The crowd was cheering wildly, shouting and chanting my name over and over again. "Vivian! Vivian! Vivian Jonas!"

I smiled and waved at the crowd, then exited backstage. Life as a celebrity was great.

"Vivian Jonas! Vivian Jonas! Can you sign my cap please?" One of my fans ran up to be, brandishing a pink cap. I signed it and the girl squealed.

Ah, life as a celebrity really was sweet. And I wasn't too bad looking. I had straight black hair that went halfway down my back and pretty violet eyes. Not your typical girl, but I liked how I looked.

When the seats were all empty, I walked outside, my purple eyes flickering uneasily over the chairs. I saw a tiny movement near the entrance of the arena. "Who's there?" I called out nervously.

A dirty-blond head appeared in the third last row farthest from the stage. Bright topaz eyes bore into my light violet ones, freezing me in place.

Speak of the devil.

"What are you doing here, Anthony Masen?" I snarled in between tightly clenched teeth. Anthony was another celebrity who was most definitely not my favorite person in the world.

A brooding, bored expression appeared on Anthony's angular face. "Why? Can't I attend a concert of yours without you biting off my nose? Some celebrity you are," he drawled lazily.

My hands balled into fists at my side and I fought the strong urge to punch him. He smiled arrogantly, as if he knew what I was fighting.

"You're just a stuck up pig who doesn't care about anything but popularity," I shot back.

He smiled. It was like a python's sweet smile right before it kills you, and reminded me of Alice's evil smile. I learned how not to flinch from my best friend. "At least I have a girlfriend whom I've dated for a year already," he bragged.

"I have a boyfriend too, and we've been together for a year too," I argued.

"So, Vivian Jonas, celebrity, has a life. How awesome," Anthony sneered sarcastically.

I sneered right back, "And the great, perfect Anthony Masen actually has a girlfriend that lasted past the third date."

Anthony just grinned. "I have another concert to go to. See you later, Vivy." I would have kicked him in his sensitive part for calling me by my most hated nickname if he didn't run away then.

"Idiot," I grumbled. I left and slid into my black Ferrari, my secret 'celeb' car. It was in the secret room in my garage when I didn't need it.

I drove home as quickly as I could and called my best friend Alice. She knew about me being Vivian Jonas. "Hello?" she chirped.

"Alice? I am gonna kill Anthony Masen! He is such a stuck up person!" I ranted.

Alice pretend sighed, "Oh Bella, give the poor boy a break. I'm sure he's a really nice kid inside, and he's just hiding from the world of celebs, if you know what I mean. You know, the world of rumors and gossip and popularity."

"Fine, Alice. But how's Edward doing? I miss him." My mind immediately turned to my boyfriend.

Edward. His messy bronze hair that I loved running my hands through. His stunning emerald eyes that held me captive. His smooth velvet voice that made me weak at the knees. But I never told him about me being a celebrity, or he might've back-stabbed me.

Alice giggled, as if she knew something I didn't. "He misses you too. Here, I'll give him the phone. EDWARD!"

I heard quick footsteps and my favorite voice in the world said, "Bella?"

"Edward! I missed you so much!" I cried.

"I missed you too. Look, I have to go to bed now, Esme's yelling at me. I'm sorry. I love you," he said.

I sighed sadly. "Alright. I love you too." I hung up and got out of my celebrity clothes. I reached up and tugged at my black hair, and the wig fell off, revealing long brown locks that came to my waist. I removed my violet contacts, showing my brown eyes.

I got into bed, and fell asleep, dreaming about a pair of emerald eyes.

Edward's POV

I listened to Vivian sing. She finished her song and walked offstage, while the crowd was cheering wildly. I didn't see what was so great about her.

Yeah. I'm Anthony Masen, famous celebrity and rival of Vivian Jonas. And I was good-looking, too. I had dirty-blond hair that hung in my eyes and bright topaz irises. I had girls throwing themselves at me, but I already had Bella.


My girlfriend, Bella Swan. She had long, silky brown hair that flowed to her slender waist. Her eyes were brown and so deep I could swim in them. Her voice was soft and enchanting, like an angel's. And those full, pouting red lips that made me want to kiss her and never let go. But I never told her about me being a celebrity, because I want her to love me, not a famous person.

"Wow!" a girl screamed. "Are you Anthony Masen?" I nodded, and she squealed, "Can you sign my pink cap for me?" I signed it and slipped away.

When the arena was empty, I crawled into the third farthest row from the stage and ducked down just as Vivian was coming out. Sugar honey iced tea! (A/N-I never curse, so I use sugar honey iced tea for the 's' word. If you don't know what it means, look at the first letter of each word.)

She saw me and called out rather nervously, "Who's there?"

I stood up and stared right into her pretty violet eyes. But not as pretty as Bella's, I thought. Vivian froze.

"What are you doing here, Anthony Masen?" she snarled. It came out in between her clenched teeth. You see, we hate each others' guts.

I didn't even need to think to kept my face bored and vacant, expressionless. "Why? Can't I attend a concert of yours without you biting off my nose? Some celebrity you are," I said in a lazy voice.

Vivian's hands clenched into fists, and she fought to keep them from trembling with rage. I grinned cockily.

"You're just a stuck up pig who doesn't care about anything but popularity," she spat at me.

I gave a false sweet smiled, using the one my sister Alice taught me to scare enemies. Most people would have flinched, but Vivian was motionless. "At least I have a girlfriend whom I've dated for a year already," I bragged. Most celebs are 'on and off' dating.

"I have a boyfriend too, and we've been together for a year too," Vivian snapped.

"So, Vivian Jonas, celebrity, has a life. How awesome," I sneered, using heavy sarcasm.

"And the great, perfect Anthony Masen actually has a girlfriend that lasted past the third date," she shot back.

I laughed and said, "I have another concert to go to. See you later, Vivy." Vivian hated her nickname. I knew she was about to knee me, and ran away. I knew that look so well. It was the look Bella gave Mike after he touched her butt on our second date. Let's just say Mike wasn't going to be having babies until he's in his forties, because Bella had a hard knee.

"Idiot," I heard Vivian grumble as she slid into her black Ferrari and drove away. I ran to my silver Aston Martin V12, my secret 'celebrity' car. Alice cleverly installed a secret room in our garage after Bella almost found my Aston Martin.

I drove home and found Alice on the phone. My whole family knew about me being Anthony Masen, and I knew I needed to tell Bella soon.

I removed my dirty-blond wig and ran my hands through my touseled bronze hair. I took off my expensive butterscotch contacts and stared into the mirror at my stunning, bright green eyes.

"EDWARD!" I heard Alice call me. I quickly power-walked to her and snatched the phone from her hands. "Bella?" I asked.

"Edward! I missed you so much!" Bella cried. Her voice sounded angelic, even over the phone.

"I missed you too. Look, I have to go to bed now, Esme's yelling at me. I'm sorry. I love you," I told her. I was sad about not being able to talk with Bella longer, but I was getting on Esme's nerves.

I heard my sweetheart sigh sadly. "Alright. I love you too," she said, then hung up.

I sighed and thought about her for a while. Finally, I showered, dried my hair, and crawled into bed. I closed my eyes and dreamed about a certain brown-eyed goddess named Bella.

Author's Note-So, how was it? Please tell me! I'm still thinking about what to write next, so I probably won't update for a couple of days, not to mention my mom's not friendly with the computer...

For those of you who read this before, I know I wrote "Izzy" not "Vivian" but Izzy sounds too much like Isabella, and Isabella turns into Bella.

PLEASE REVIEW! Whoever does gets to steal Edward Cullen or any other Twilight character for one night! (Keep reviewing and I might make it longer!)