Searching Searching
(I do not own Naruto)
My name is Naruto; I'm ten, and a red nine tailed fox. My eyes are blue, my fur is red, and my paws are light yellow. I am (one of) the god(s) of this forest. I'm easily (one of) the best fighter. Like all the creatures in this forest I can change into a human. Unlike most of the animals I can't change as fully into a human (most keep at least one or two characteristics horns, teeth, whiskers, ect). When I change I keep one of my tails, my ears, and my human face has whisker like scars. Still I am a force to be reckoned with, believe it!
I'm Itachi, 15, and the last of the black wolves. My fur is black and my eyes are an onyx color, but change to red when I get angry. I am one of the strongest of the animal gods (he really is). No one has ever beaten me in battle. At the young age of nine I learned to change into a human flawlessly (not many adult animals can even do that). Later on in my life I killed all the other black wolves including my younger brother so I could test my strength, and get rid of any competition. I have been looking for a mate for two years now and have yet to find one worthy of me. After traveling to many forest with no luck I decided to come back to my birthing woods in hopes of finding someone I had missed two years ago.
Lately the other animals have been talking about a black wolf in the area, which is weird because no one had seen one in two years. Everyone is worried, even Baa-Chan. she said that I should stay with her for a wile because it isn't right for a young kit like me to be alone especially if there really is a black wolf about, but I told her no thanks. There is no way I was going to stay with that old slug, believe it! Besides I'm strong enough to defend myself against some stupid wolf…or at least I think I can.
My first day back in the forest and some stupid frog spots me. I was hoping to say out of view and just scout out all the possible mates in secret, but that plan was ruined. If I ever see that darn frog again I will tear his legs off.
It has been a couple days since I was spotted and I have had no luck finding a mate. This isn't because there aren't any decent mates just none that match my standards. In order to be sure that some one is my dream mate I must see, smell, touch, and if possible fight them. So far I have only been looking because I would prefer not to be spotted again. The reason that all the tests are important is because my dream mate must be: cute, have soft well groomed fur, virgin (somehow he can tell by sent), and must be strong enough to at least partially defend themselves but that wasn't as important as the other requirements.
I was starting to get stressed about the whole situation so I was just sitting in the shade of a tree that was far away from where most of the other animals. My big paws rested beneath my head. Everything was so surreal; I could hardly keep eyes open. My eyes were less than half opened when a little fox carrying some meat trotting along not too far away.
Baa-Chan didn't take it badly that I didn't want to stay with her. She even gave me a little bit of meat for my walk home. The meat tasted sweet and was very tender. I was having fun slowly chewing on my meat as I walked home. Everything was going well for a change and nothing could ruin this day for me.
How strange it was to see another animal, especially one so young walking around all alone. The little fox was cute though, or at least cuter then any other animal I've seen so far. The fox looks so happy right now. I just have to see if the little fox is to my likeing…
Slowly I got up and started to stalk my prey. The little fox was totally oblivious to what was going on. At this point I was only a foot or two away from the little thing and my mouth was already watering. The little kit had a sweet sent about it. It smelt just like flowers. I can't wait mush longer, soon I will make my move.
For some reason I felt weird. It was like I was being watched, but that is strange for two reasons: one there was no one in sight, and two no one live this far in the woods except me. Some part of me was screaming to go back to baa-Chan, but by now it is too late to make it before sundown. Besides soon I will be home and I'll be safe, or at least I hope so…
This is going better than I could have hoped. The kit is continuing to move farther and farther away from the safe part of the forest. If this continues then I will have no problem testing the little fox. There will be no one to disturb me.